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Date of Scene: 17 July 2024
Location: New Orleans Hotel Room
Synopsis: Sam finds out about Morrigan's secret identity and they talk about some heavy stuff.
Cast of Characters: Sam Wilson, Morrigan MacIntyre

Sam Wilson has posed:
Leaving Camille with the paperwork, Sam left the scene without talking to the press. He's quiet as he returns to the hotel. There's no attempt to contact Morrigan - he assumes with things as they are - she will likely not answer either. But he did call Sarah.

"I'll be over tomorrow, Sarah."
"Sam Wilson, you better not have gotten in a fight with her!"
"No, of course not!"
"Good. She's the best thing to happen to you since Captain Rogers took you under his wing. Don't you dsare lose her."
"I'm not! I plan to..."

The hotels comes into view, and he adds, "I'll talk to you later. sis."

"Oh no, don't you dare leave me hanging, Sam!"

"Byyyyye." Click. Landing on the balcony of their hotel room, he closes his wings and backpacks them as he opens the door to enter the hotel.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's probably got her phone on her somewhere. But she's never tried to answer it while she's wearing the armor. It is a test that she is sure they will find out at some point.

Sam opens the balcony doors to the suit and is greeted by the same armored figure that has been a curious constant the last few times. The are standing in the middle of the sitting area with their hands clasped lightly behind there back.

"I was wondering when you were going to get back." the voice states.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"How nice of you to drop by. So what do I call you in this?" Sam asks and goes to sit over on the edge of the bed. He looks up at the figure and there's a wry twists to his lips. "We can't talk long." he confesses to her.

"My girlfriend will be home any moment."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
The Anubis armored figure shrugs at the question of what to call them, "That hasn't been worked out. It's still a probation period really." they state.

"Oh, girlfriend..." the voice sounds amused. "So you weren't inviting some strange armored person back to the hotel?" they ask.

"Good." they add as the armor simply starts to turn to shadow and disappear. Which leaves Morrigan standing there in its place dressed like she was before she'd left. "And for conversation starters, I didn't copy your injuries." she points out to him.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Probation? Like Anubis hasn't decided if you're worthy?" Sam asks, as they stand up to start changing. "Sorry, but I've been with this girl well enough to know her walk." he says with amusement. "So I think I invited the right girl back to the hotel." he comments as Morrigan makes her presence known. "You can't hide that ass, Mo." There's a grin at that.

"Are you injured?" he asks, stepping off the bed to stand and come over to her and his arms wrap around her waist. "So is this one of the things you caught me up on?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Apparently becoming the avatar of a god is a lengthy process. He's never had one." Morrigan explains to that. "And he might find someone younger...who won't complain about being bashed into walls." she chuckles.

"I mean, the cape does a good job of hiding my ass." she teases him. She reaches out to slide her arms around his shoulders when he comes over, "I just need a good shower and I might be a little achey tomorrow, but I'm alright." she admits to him. It was the hypothetical question." she nods to him. "There's someone trying to find pieces of an artifact that has been scattered throughout cemeteries...and no one really knows of them." she frowns.

"You aren't injured, are you?" she asks him.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"No more than I was the other say." Sam responds, about the injury. "Well. It'll probably take time. Hell, if you're still immortal, I may be dead and gone before you get it." That causes him to sigh. It's not something he wants to think too hard on. "I'm assuming this artifact is a you mission. Which is fine. We both have those."

Leaning down, he gives her a quick kiss and then chuckles. "I was just thinking of a shower too. And if I recall, the shower here is more than large enough to accompany both of us." he points out with a playful smirk. "Unless you'd perfer to be shy."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"You got shot the other day, Sam!" Morrigan points out to him with a laugh. "Oh...I'm not Immortal." she shakes her head. Then she reaches out to let her fingers touch his cheeks, "Sam, I don't want to be immortal. I want to be able to have some normalcy in my life." she admits. "And yeah, gathering the pieces is my mission for now. It's messy though." she states.

Then there is a grin to him, "I would love to get a shower. I promise I won't run only the hot water either." she teases him.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Sorry, I see you and I'm just stirred." Sam admits to Morrigan, making sure she's aware of what she does to him. As her fingers caress his cheeks as he squeezes her sides and he lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Oh god, Mo, I'd been thinking on that. It was one of the reasons why we..." he glances down at her hand, her belly. "I... I didn't want to put you in that situation." he admits to her.

"But you have your mission. And it's messy. We can wait. I'm not going anywhere this time." he promises her, "So. Go get your shower and I'll wait my turn." He may have misunderstood.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"You definitely do not need to apologize on that." Morrigan tells him with a bit of a smirk. The breath he was holding causes her to look to his eyes, "Sam..." she whispers. "Sweetie, it's wouldn't be just you. It's a partnership." she whispers.

"Can we talk while we get shower ready?" she asks him.

Then there is a confused look, "I more meant the joke of girls only use water at the temperature of hell for their shower?" she muses. "Get in here." she giggles.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam chuckles, and his arms leave her hips as he follows her to the bathroom and large shower stall with the waterfall style shower. "I want it to be a forever partnership, Mo." he admits to her quietly.

He moves to the side and starts to loosen his clothing while they continue to talk. "I have only been home a couple of weeks, I don't want to rush anything. And I'm still getting used to this version of you. They changes are amazing and I'm still getting used to it. But it's not changed my feelings."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a soft smile to him over her shoulder as she leads him into the bathroom, "I would like it to be forever. And apparently Sarah does as well." she teases him as she draws the door to the shower open. "I'm not going to rush you on anything. So please do not think that you need to do anything except for what you want to do on your own timeline. I am going to be here." she explains.

"I'm always afraid that coming back and me being...changed is going to throw you off completely." she admits with a worried look. "Do you want kids and things Sam?" she asks him.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Following her into the shower, Sam laughs. "Sarah made it clear I better not screw it up with you this time, becasue it would be the last time. I think she senses that you are tired of the constant will we, won't we as she is.

"I appreciate the offer at moving my own pace. But I know we're not a couple of teenagers anymore." he admits. "So, out timeline should be a mutual one, Mo." A soft breath and he considers her last question. "You know my story. Growing up in Harlem after moving from Louisiana. What happened with my dad. All of it. Yeah. I want a wife. And a family. But I don't want to rush you on that, Mo."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a chuckle, "I doubt she'd get all angry with you if it happened again. I'm more worried about not having James bleed out on her porch again." she muses to that. Yes, it happened. It was something they were all trying to forget.

She slips out of her shoes and socks as she speaks, "It's not that I feel rushed..." she admits. "So I've not told anyone the specifics of my past engagement. It was like 20 years ago...so why would I, right?" she sighs. "So half vampires normally are sterile and I found that out and explained everything to my fiance and he left me a month before the wedding." she explains.

"Since I was basically remade though...I never thought to look into it to see if it might have changed my previous form as well." she frowns.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Yeah, I'd rather not repeat that. Know how hard it is to wash blood outta old wood?" Sam asks, and he was about to say more when she spoke of her past engagement. As his shoes and socks join hers, he pulls off his shirt and he steps away for a moment to sit on the toilet. "Here's the thing with that. There's some guys... a lot of guys in this world that would probably love to see your belly swollen with their child. But way I see family? It's what we make it, Mo." he explains as he sets his shirt to the side to reach for his pants.

"We can adopt." he shrugs his shoulders. "We can make an awesome life for a child that was rejected. Or lost their parents. I'm not giving up on the best thing in my life simply because she may not be able to have a child."

"Hell, Mo. Just means we can have as much sex as we won't, worry free."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I can only imagine that it is horrible to wash out. And I don't want either of you to have to do that." she points out. There is a blush as he speaks on children and things. "My mom definitely wants grandkids, she's been pestering me for years for them." she chuckles. "And I want them as well." she adds.

There's a moment that she feels herself tear up and she reaches up to wipe her eyes quickly, "Oh we are not crying tonight." she whispers.

"I don't deserve you. I really don't." she tells him. Then she blushes, because he can still make her do that, "I mean, that is true." she laughs.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Well, we can vigorously try, Morrigan." Sam says as he steps out of his pants and boxer shorts, leaving him bare. "And you can decide when we should adopt." he steps by her, reaching up to brush away her tears. "Hey, none of those. This is a good thing. I want you Mo. Good and bad." He kisses her forehead lightly.

"And we'll hope your mom's happy with one we adopt if it comes to that. Mutant town has a whole orphanage of them. For now, I'm getting as much not water as I can while you finish undressing." he teases her with a kiss before stepping in the stall.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan waggles her brows at that, "We can." she agrees. She wasn't shy about things. "I think that is a talk we can both have and see when the time is right." she tells him. The light kiss to her forehead makes her smile softly.

"My mom will not care as long as they are healthy and safe." she chuckles. Then she shoos him into the shower playfully, "I'll be right behind you." she tells him as she undresses and then follows after him a few moments later.