18642/Discussing Caleb's Case

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Discussing Caleb's Case
Date of Scene: 22 July 2024
Location: Seaside Victorian House
Synopsis: Over a steak dinner, Mo and Sam discuss Caleb, living together, and underwear.
Cast of Characters: Sam Wilson, Morrigan MacIntyre

Sam Wilson has posed:
They can't order takeout every night, right? With the warm, clear weather creating the perfect evening ambiance, Sam has prepared a feast: juicy steaks sizzling on the grill, perfectly baked potatoes, a crisp garden salad, and fluffy dinner rolls, all accompanied by a pitcher of homemade sweet tea. As he fixes his plate, he glances over at a file on the table, a subtle reminder of the day's unfinished business.

"Dinner's ready, Mo!" he calls out to his girlfriend well, maybe fiancee. He still isn't sure about the labels, but he knows one thing for certain: he wants to be with her.

Dressed casually in a faded Happy Harbor Homecoming shirt from 2022, comfortable blue jeans, and his trusty tennis shoes, Sam makes his way inside. He calls out to the AI assistant on his phone to turn off his music, bringing a peaceful quiet to the evening. Once the music fades, he carefully sets down the platter of rare steaks, letting them rest for a few minutes to reach perfection before serving.

"Potato and salad first, steaks are resting!" he announces, the delicious aroma of the meal filling the air.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan had been down in the lab, but she had taken to leaving the door open so that she could hear Sam. In case anything was needed. She'd made her way up from her 'lair' with a smile on her lips and her hair all piled up on her head in a messy, but stylish bun.

She herself is dressed in one of her black sundresses that she doesn't get to wear much. "I think I could get used to Sunday night steaks." she grins to that as she comes into the kitchen. "I'll get plates and things together." she adds.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam swears he didn't see her in that sundress when she left for the lab earlier. Maybe he simply forgot. Either way, when she emerges now, looking radiant in the light, he can't help but give a low whistle of appreciation. "You look stunning," he admits, drinking in the sight of her with his eyes. "Apparently, I should have come down to your lair," he teases, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

As she starts gathering the plates and silverware, Sam moves to grab the glasses, moving in sync with the ease of familiarity. "I just wasn't feeling the crowd last night," he explains. "Thought it might be quieter here. We'll have to try pool another time. Maybe even some karaoke," he suggests with a playful grin. Maybe imagining her singing.

Heading over to the table, he carefully sets down the platter of T-bones, the rich aroma wafting through the room. He waits patiently as she pulls out her chair, ensuring she's settled comfortably before taking his own seat. "I know this isn't the best dinner conversation," he begins, his tone becoming more serious as he gestures toward Caleb's file on the table. "But I figured we could talk about this. I have my report in there," he adds, his eyes meeting hers with a mix of concern and determination.

The evening air is warm, the setting sun casting a golden glow over their makeshift dining area, making the moment feel both intimate and significant.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan settles down her phone on the table in the hallway, if anything happened it could wait until after dinner with Sam! She wasn't expecting anything bad to happen, so that was a relief.

"Maybe you should have." she teases him as she settles plates in their spot. "You absolutely don't have to explain why we left last night. I get a bit overwhelmed with people a lot." she tells him.

Then she takes a seat, a quiet thank you given to the man as she does. She looks to the folder and there is a smile, "How did it go?" she asks.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam chuckles warmly, leaning down to place a tender kiss on the top of Morrigan's head. "Are you trying to make sure we test out every room in the house?" he teases with a playful sparkle in his eye. "Because I'm totally on board with that plan." He gives her an impish wink before moving to sit across from her, his demeanor both relaxed and affectionate.

"It's been a long week," he admits with a sigh, his voice carrying a hint of exhaustion. "I should've taken a rain check and just cuddled on the couch with you instead."

Reaching for a steak from the platter, he carefully places it on her plate before continuing. "Well, I typed up my report, since this was all official," he says, sliding a file across the table towards her. As he does, his eyes stay on her, watching for her reaction. He waits patiently for her to read it, clearly in no rush, content just to be in her company.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam Wilson, the school counselor, conducted a counseling session with Caleb Dykstra. The session aimed to understand Caleb's current situation, challenges, and future aspirations, particularly focusing on his transition from Gotham and the struggles he and his sister Sheila have faced.

The session took place in Sam Wilson's office, which was in the process of being set up..

Key Points Discussed:

Introduction and Immediate Concerns:
Caleb was called to the session by Sam. He introduced himself and expressed readiness to discuss the message he had received.
Sam initiated the conversation by making Caleb comfortable and addressing him by his preferred name.

Family and Background:
Caleb shared details about his sister Sheila, who is ahead in her schooling and has been spending time with a mentor figure named Crush.
He revealed his history with his father, who lives in New York, and their decision to live on school grounds for safety.

Experiences in Gotham:
Caleb recounted his traumatic experiences in Gotham, including being shot and surviving multiple violent encounters.
He detailed the challenges of living in a dangerous neighborhood and the circumstances that led his family to escape Gotham.

Involvement with Criminal Elements:
Caleb described his forced involvement with a mobster named Vittorelli and the subsequent abuse and exploitation he endured.
He mentioned the intervention of Phil Coulson, who played a pivotal role in helping Caleb consider the possibility of escape.

Current Status and Future Plans:
Caleb is starting college and has a long-distance internship with Wayne Enterprises. He expressed interest in a similar opportunity with Stark Industries.
He discussed his aspirations in engineering and the potential to start his own company, Dykstra Solutions.

Concerns about Safety:
The conversation also touched upon the significant bounty on Caleb and his sister, highlighting the ongoing threat they face.

Counseling and Support:
Sam offered his assistance and resources, suggesting that he could reach out to his contacts to support Caleb's career aspirations and safety.
The session ended with a mutual agreement to continue working together, with Sam promising to explore opportunities and provide support as needed.

Caleb exhibited signs of trauma and stress but also demonstrated resilience and determination.
His knowledge of engineering and technical skills is advanced, and he shows promise in his field of interest.
The discussion revealed deep-seated concerns about safety and trust, which will need ongoing attention.

Follow-Up Sessions:
Schedule regular counseling sessions to monitor Caleb's progress and address any emerging concerns.

Career Support:
Reach out to contacts at Stark Industries and other relevant organizations to explore internship opportunities for Caleb.

Safety Measures:
Collaborate with school security and relevant authorities to ensure the continued safety of Caleb and his sister on campus.

Emotional Support:
Provide resources for trauma counseling to help Caleb and Sheila cope with their past experiences and current stresses.

The session with Caleb Dykstra provided valuable insights into his background, challenges, and aspirations. It highlighted the need for continued support, both in terms of career guidance and personal safety.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan picks up the file and reads over it. "I don't know why he is still going to Gotham if there is so much trauma there." she states as she looks over things. "Like...why?" she looks to Sam. "That would be like me going back to Cairo or other places." she frowns. "What do we need to do with security for him?" she asks. "I have the school warded for the most part...but it is the mundane that I'd rather focus on with him." she admits.

"How do we keep him from doing what he does or support him where we can? I held a seminar on hero stuff." she admits.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"His dad still lives there, so that's probably the thing," Sam says thoughtfully as he cuts into his steak, revealing the perfectly cooked, juicy red flesh. He looks up at Morrigan with a satisfied smile. "Looks good!" he exclaims, taking his first bite. "Oh yeah, I still got the touch," he mms lightly, savoring the flavor.

"I want your permission to try to make contact with the Bat Family. It's a Gotham issue. Let's put Gotham on it," he suggests, his tone shifting to one of serious intent. "The police force may not be great, but with the bounty on his head, the Bats might want to look into it. No one earns a million-dollar bounty by being just the bag boy. There's more to his story than he shared, and I want someone experienced in investigations on it." He pauses, the wheels in his mind turning as he strategizes. Delegate, thy name is Sam.

Sam's eyes meet Morrigan's, seeking her approval. He knows the stakes and involving the Bat Family could be a game-changer. "What do you think? Can we bring them in on this?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Oh I thought he had moved here." Morrigan frowns. "Admittedly, I am not the best when it comes to checking in on students. I don't really have a lot of the free time to do so. Honestly I debated stepping down months ago since I felt I wasn't doing good enough." she states.

She listens to Sam as she looks to the steak. He remembered she liked it rare...he was a keeper! "You don't need my permission to contact Batman. Though I do have a contact there." she admits. "If you want to handle this the way you want I am good with that. It's just a level above what we've had to deal with in the past. When Tyler was kidnapped I got permission to retrieve him. Now that they we're separate from groups that can do that sort of thing...I have to be more careful." she sighs.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"We're a team, Mo," Sam responds, his voice steady and reassuring as she mentions him doing it his way. "He lives on campus, but he visits his father on occasion. Not for long, it seems, since Vittorelli has an eye on him." He sighs softly, reaching for a baked potato. His mind drifts for a moment, remembering how she likes her steak. He likes it the same way, after all. Anyone who likes steak well-done is clearly an alien.

"Then let's contact them," he continues, his tone firm and decisive. "Or you can, if you'd prefer, or if it's some Bat secrecy thing. Either way... it involves the school. We do it together."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to him and there is a soft smile, "I'm not used to having a team...well...outside of Richard really." she admits. Because lets face it, Stadler has been there for so much with Happy Harbor.

"Can Vittorelli just...meet with an unhappy accident? Or does that cause a power vacuum you think?" she asks him.

"I'll reach out to my contact, but not sure if I will hear from them." she chuckles. "I just don't want to start something that would put the rest of the school at risk." she points out.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam pauses, his fork hovering over his steak and potato. He looks up at Morrigan, his eyes reflecting a depth of emotion. "...I can see doing this with you for the rest of my life, Mo. Not just playing house, but actually..." He stops himself, feeling a wave of vulnerability. He had just gotten back into her life and didn't want to rush things or scare her off. He knew he was lucky Richard hadn't snagged her up because she was the shiny ruby he had waited his whole life for. Taking a deep breath, he refocuses on the task at hand.

"I don't know. That's why I wanted to talk to them. To see if they'd have any ideas on what would happen. Or how to handle them and cancel the contract on Caleb and his sister." He takes another breath, gathering his thoughts before continuing.

"So, I'll trust you with the contact. And yes, when it comes down to it, the school is far more important," he agrees with her, his voice steady. "There are better ways for him to find protection than hiding within the walls of Happy Harbor."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Trying to plan the murder of a mafia boss?" Morrigan looks at him with a straight face. But she has to chuckle a bit as well. "I think it would be nice." she states. "The living like this, not the murder." she points out.

Then Morrigan has an idea. "What...if I paid off the contract for Caleb and his family?" she asks.

Then there a nod, "I'll get in touch with them asap then." she states. "And if anyone came to the school or the area seeking to hurt Caleb or Shiela I'd fight for them. I just...we shouldn't have to." she sighs.

"I know...I'm an asshole sometimes." she adds.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"No, I've never done special or black ops work," Sam says with an equally straight face, his tone light. He can't help but smile at the charm of her chuckle. "...I mean, we already live like this..." he trails off again, his uncertainty clear. He'll figure it out in time.

"I mean, considering that we don't know what he did-he wouldn't tell me-and that it's a bounty, I think we don't have all the information we need. Another reason to contact outside sources more familiar with things." He takes another bite of his steak, savoring the flavor as he listens to her. Her words, especially the way she uses "we," bring a smile to his face.

"Yeah, maybe," he says, responding to her comment about the asshole with a hint of a grin. "But the ass attached to it is 'nice.' And mine." A cheeky wink at her. "So, shall we put aside the paperwork and work on dinner? And then have a deeper discussion of your prosterior and how it looks in and out of underwear?"