18707/The Wrong Fun Robin and Caleb Dykstra
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The Wrong Fun Robin and Caleb Dykstra | |
Date of Scene: | 30 July 2024 |
Location: | City Deck |
Synopsis: | Falcon and Morrigan go to Gotham to flag down a Bat-Family member. They get Robin (the fun one) and share the file on Caleb Dykstra with them. |
Cast of Characters: | Sam Wilson, Morrigan MacIntyre, Damian Wayne
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Now that he had some info on Caleb, Sam wanted to hand it off to the proper group. In this case, the Mafia group was working out of Gotham. So that means the Bat-Family. It took a few days for Sam to realize for his way to get a Bat's attention...
So he's flying over the docks, in full uniform, making sure that he's easily seen invading the airspace of Gotham. He had asked Morrigan to stay in the shadows in case things went south, but he assumes that he can handle the situation and talk down whoever shows up. Hopefully.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan was good at the shadows stuff. She'd settled herself at city deck and well...thankfully she wasn't afraid of heights. It was the sudden and jarring stop that concerned her. For now the Dean awaits to see who Sam might pull from the shadows elsewhere.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
The 'whoever' this time is probably a worst-case-scenario: Robin, the notoriously irritable one who seems intent on giving everybody a hard time for just about any reason.
When he catches the report of a flying object-- and its peculiar description-- he makes his way over there and swings up to a high vantage point to get a better look.
The lenses of his mask zoom in, painting the target in a layer of informational graphics.
There's a squeal of static as his comms switch over to the channel indicated in the Bat-computer's file, then the harsh young voice so many villains (and not a few heroes) have come to dread: << Did you need something? >>
- Sam Wilson has posed:
The squelch of the comm causes Falcon to wince. But, he got someone's attention. Even if it's Worst-Case-Scenario Robin. Falcon draws in a breath, and taps on his comm in response, to reach out to the young crime fighter - and if Damian is paying attention, he'll know the counselor's voice at Happy Harbor. Not that Sam has ever hidden his identity.
"I wanted to talk to one of the Bat Family about a Gotham problem one of my students is having. You willing to sit and chat about it?"
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
When Morrigan hears that it is Robin on the channel there is a bit of relief. <<I'm not backup or anything, but since it involves a student that's been taking on something for awhile, I'm here.>> Morrigan's voice comes across the channel as well. <<If that is something you're willing to hear out, Robin.>> she adds.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
'Paying attention' has been Damian's whole life. He squints at the sound of the voice while he rolls around all the possible reasons this guy (of all people) is out in Gotham (of all places).
<< Gotham problems often require Gotham solutions. >> Robin replies. << Few of them are solved by sitting and chatting. >>
There's a pause while he listens to Morrigan's assist in this pitch. Finally he answers, << But it's a quiet night, for now. You can have ten minutes. >>
- Sam Wilson has posed:
<< I realize that, Robin. But I figure you'd rather have me sharing the info with you than dealing with it myself? >> Falcon asks as he glides in for a landing in the shadown of one of the large container ships, waiting for the others to join him.
Once they do, Falcon gives Damian a dip of his head. "Ten minutes. Got it. First things first, I am going off his word of mouth, but judging by his record, I believe it needs looking into."
With that, Falcon pulls out a file and offers it to Robin to lead over. "A pair of students, each worth 1 million by the Vittorelli Family of Gotham."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
<<That is most appreciated, thank you.>> Morrigan states over the comms. Then she grows quiet as she waits for everyone to convene at the same place at least. "I'm going to let Falcon handle this on the talking part. He's gotten more information that I did on it." she admits to that.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
<< If you didn't share it, we would only be annoyed when we found it ourselves later. >>
There's a flutter in the air as Robin glides from his perch and lands a distance away on top of one of the stacked containers.
He approaches and takes the documents, offering a skeptical raise of a brow. "Paper. Very retro," he says. "I like it. Even if it is somewhat inefficient."
He nods to Morrigan's comment while he swiftly studies the files. "We can handle it," he assures her.
"There's nothing in here about motive," Robin says as he flips back and forth through the pages. "A million dollars isn't motive-- maybe for the operators, but not for the client. What does he know, or what can he do, that is this valuable to them?"
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"That's a good question.. he mentioned that he has destroyed sa few things. I can only assume it was a Vittorelli asset." Falcon moves to stand next to Morrigan, as he considers it. "Nor does it explain why a 12 year old girl has a similar bounty on her." he points out. "Besides them both them being in the same family." he points out casually.
"It's up to Morrigan if you can question them on school grounds. I'd assume it to be a bad idea."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"No one likes surprises in the end." Morrigan states with a bit of amusement. Then she listens to the two of them talk and there is a bit of a look to Robin, "If you want to question them I don't mind if it's on school property." she states. "Caleb spends a lot of time in Gotham from what I hear. Or at least he is over here a lot. He also had a vampire after him that was stationed out of here." she frowns to that.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Robin finishes memorizing the dossier and stuffs it inside his jacket. Surely Sam knew he wasn't getting that back. "Twelve-year-olds have many ways to draw the wrong kind of attention," he says with a smirk. "Mobsters are emotional animals; they are motivated by perceived slights, petty grievances, and greed. This is why their methods have remained stagnant. There is something these two did-- something the Vitorellis *think* they did-- to provoke this response. It could be as simple as the disrespect of escaping from them. Though mob families have been known to attempt *reclamation* of people with specific skill sets. Drug formulas. That sort of thing."
He looks to Morrigan and listens closely. "Vampires, too? Did either of you consider he might be cursed?"
It's so hard to tell when he's joking. Does Damian even *tell* jokes?
"He should limit his time in Gotham until we can learn more about this threat. Make arrangements for me to interview them both. Separately. I will inform the others of the situation; they may have heard something relevant."
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"His father is hiding somewhere. That may explain his visits to Gotham." Falcon points out. "But we'll let him know both ideas - the staying away from Gotham and the interview. Thank you for your help, Robin." he offers as he glances over at Morrigan. 'Really?' he mouths gently and then looks amused for a moment. "I think we have a couple of minutes left. Got a suggestion on where to grab a meal in this town before we head home?"
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I've had the same thought. He seems to just attract trouble no matter where or what. And I'm guessing he's been tangled up with more than just the two situations that have caused us to come here." Morrigan tells Robin.
There is a look to Sam at the 'really', "I mean...they probably already know about the vampire as well." she comments.
"And yes, thank you for speaking with us. It is appreciated." she dips her head to Robin. "If there is something that we can do in return for this please let us know." she adds.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Robin rubs the side of his head. "The father... is hiding. This is the kind of thing that should be in the file." He taps his jacket where he's hidden the document. "There's a motive: the Vitorellis want his father, and your subject is leverage to get him into the open. Well. Anyway. It's one hypothesis. We'll know more once I talk to them."
He squints at Morrigan and nods slowly. "A magnet for trouble. There is an interesting term I used to hear a lot; it roughly translates to 'loathed by the gods' or 'pursued by djinn'. Maybe what you really need is a wizard." There's that smirk again. "In the meantime we will address the more mundane parts of his problems."
Robin tilts his gaze back to Sam, and even through the obscuring lenses it's easy to see the squinting, incredulous expression. "No. We do not offer concierge services." He unclips the grapple gun from his belt and aims it... that-a-way. "We'll be in touch," he says as he sails off into the dark.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
As Robin flies off, Falcon glances over at Mo. "That went well. Don't you think?" he asks his fiancee. "I think that went pretty well. I guess I better set up a meeting. For now... I'm ready to go home. We have leftovers in the fridge, right?"
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Definitely got on the side of the wrong gods somewhere." Morrigan nods in agreement with Robin. "Oh I know a few wizards." she muses. Then Robin is taking off and she waves, "You be safe out there!" she calls. Then she turns to Sam, all smiles, "It did. He flashbang either of us." she admits. "And yeah, we've got leftovers. Or can stop at the burger joint or something. Food is not a problem. Staying sane is." she muses.