18820/What About Those Plans
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What About Those Plans | |
Date of Scene: | 12 August 2024 |
Location: | Seaside Victorian House |
Synopsis: | No description |
Cast of Characters: | Morrigan MacIntyre, Sam Wilson
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan had heard of the Galactus situation through various pathways. Being a SHIELD consultant meant that was probably where she heard it. Or on the pathways of the mystic community. She had kept a poker face on the worry. Because the last thing she wanted to do was worry Sam with her worry.
It was a vicious cycle!
After dinner, she'd excused herself to go downstairs to her office to dig out wedding stuff. Maybe that would help. She could look at colors and flowers and take her mind off the fact that the world might be trying to end...again.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam had been present for the briefing on Galactus. This sound dire. And he knew that. But if any planet could turn away the world-eater, it would be Earth with it's eclectic mix of super heroes and sundry. So, he focused on what he could. Which was things on Earth - after all, HYDRA was not gonna stop just because there was a 'boogey man' on the way. So, he's not worrying Morrigan either, so they aren't worrying each other.
Round and round they go.
Sam cleaned the kitchen after dinner, putting the dishes aside to dry and came to the stairs to call down. "Sweetheart? Want company?" he asks. "We could put on a movie or something." Though he was careful not to watch anything involving the end of the world.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan heard his voice and there was a smile, then she rolled her way over to the stairway in her chair and looked up to him, "Company is always welcome." she tells him with a smile.
Then she scuttles back into her office in the chair and pulls an extra chair over for him.
"Warning, I'm looking at wedding ideas." she tells him as he comes in the door. "Just...something nice to think about as opposed to other things, you know?" she offers.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Plodding down the stairs. "Oh no, wedding ideas?" Sam asks. "My kryptonite." It's said in playful deadpan as he comes over to lean down and kiss Morrigan on the top of her head and draws in the scent of her shampoo. "Wedding ideas as opposed to... if our plans for a fall wedding are actually going to happen?" he asks her curiously.
They run in the same circles. He can make the assumption.
Squeezing her shoulders gently, he moves to take a seat next to her. "So. What ya got in mind? And I guess since... things with Steve... I should ask Bucky if he wants to be my best man.'
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Be very afraid, yes." Morrigan makes spooky finger wiggles at him. There is a happy sound of content as he kisses her head. "I mean...mentions of a world-eater have worried me that I might die without being married, but that is something that others have done, so it's not really a concern...just...I don't know Sam." she breathes out.
There is a bit of a look to him when he talks on Best Men and things. "Just have them both do it? Steve in Spirit and James there physically?" she suggests. "I have an Honor Attendant, just...no bridesmaids unless I ask some of the students." she admits a bit sheepishly.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"Terrrified." Sam says with a smirk as he squeezes her hand. "You're not going to be alone. Ever." he promises as he draws out a breath. "I mean, we're talking plans admist the rush of the whole thing with Galactus and whatever an Ultimate Nullifier may be." His lips purse together and then he considers her.
"What if we just find a day? And just... Justice of the Peace it?" he asks of her. "We can have a real wedding after this crisis." If they're still around. "But you'll know you're married."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan laughs softly at his smirk and she scoots her chair closer to his. "This is unknown territory for a lot of us. I'm not sure what all can be done about it." she frowns to that.
His question causes her to ponder of things, "I'd not want you to feel rushed on it." she points out. "Though the idea of JP or just the two of us then a big celebration sounds a bit less stressful on top of all of the other things." she admits. "In the end, being with you is what matters. Not some big fluffy ceremony." she states.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"Then lets control what we can control, Mo." Sam says with a chuckle. "Love, we've been at this for what? A bit. And most of that is me. You've been patient and waited." he considers for a moment, then leans back in his chair. "This isn't a fear of missing out thing. Just more... I've left you in the lurch. And that was a regret. I want to make it... I mean, I want to marry you. I asked way before planet on the buffet became an issue." A pause.
"Do you want to wait, then?" he asks. "A JP wedding is fine by me. And a huge party later. But..." his hand gestures to all the things she's chosen so far.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan listens to him intently and there is a nod to what he says, "We can control our relationship, yes." she grins. Then there is a soft sigh, "You didn't leave me in the lurch, Sam. Please don't beat yourself up. We're here now, aren't we?" she asks him.
"Oh about this." she starts, "How about if this Galactus situation is looking very very dire before the Autumn Equinox we get a JP and do it? We can sneakily be Mister and Mrs Wilson until things are taken care of and then we can surprise people after?" she offers.
"This is your day as well. It's not all about me." she points out as well.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"Come on, Ms. Wizard, humor me." Sam says, spinning in the chair for a moment, and he grins. "Your idea has merit - when do you want to announce the engagement?" he asks her thoughtfully, "Not that I have a complaint with a delay. I'm just trying to keep you from crossing 40 without a ring on your hand." It's a tease, but she's made that point known.
"If it were up to me?" he asks. "Well, my sister would kill me for not telling her... but we could always ask a couple of students if they want extra credit for witenessing our wedding as a civics project." he teases.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Mo gives a look to him and there is a soft smile, "Hon, I don't care what age it is." she tells him. "And my birthday isn't until next St. Patrick's day, so you've got time." she teases him.
Then she listens to him again, "I think Sarah would forgive you if you at least said it was a dire thing...but then she might think other things." she chuckles. "Sam, I don't need a fancy engagement ring. If you want to go pick out wedding bands and go to the JP I am on board with that." she tells him.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"I do have time. But I don't want to waste it anymore, Morrigan." Sam sits up to face her. "I'm ready." he finally admits. "Since the day you asked me to move in with you, I've been ready. I figured you'd realize it by now." There's a grin. "But we're both hung up on the other giving the other all the leeway we never admit to what we really want."
"...so I say, so you know for sure. Let's grab a few students that would be interested and we have a civics lesson on a marriage at the JP level."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan leans in as he talks and she reaches out to brush her fingers over his cheek gently, "I do...I just didn't want to push you into something too fast. I always feel like people find better options than me." she tells him.
"So we are both thinking the same thing. Do a JP ceremony and then we'll go from there. We shouldn't tell the students about what we're doing. See if they catch on." she chuckles.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Reaching up to cover her hand, Sam laughs lightly. "We have the same idea." he agrees with her. "So, the question now is when. And how we present it?" he asks her, before moving his hand to pull her into his lap and wraps his arms around her to hold her. "You're the best option in my life, Morrigan MacIntyre. And I don't want you to be feeling rushed either."
"So when... and how do we present it to our students, my dear wizard?"
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan is pulled easily into his lap and she slips her arms around his shoulder as she relaxes against him. She listens to him and there is a blush, "I've never felt rushed with you, Sam." she tells him softly.
Then she ponders a few moments, "Present it as a field trip to see how legal proceedings or something similar goes?" she offers.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"Oh hey! There's two things we have in common. I've never felt rushed with you." Sam winks as he kisses her neck for a moment to tease her, before considering her words and he chuckles. "Oh, that sounds like fun." he agrees with her. "Alright, let's set a date with the JP. And then we'll put up the field trip. Civics field trip for extra credit?" he asks her, and his smile only grows. "It's a class they need help with anyway."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan was all smiles, "I think we're overly worried about each others feelings, which isn't a bad thing. But it might cause us to be timid sometimes, just promise not to do that." she states to him.
Then there is a smile, "Alright, we'll do that then. and we'll give whoever goes extra credit, yes." she confirms. "Do you want to do sometime in September? Just so we can get some plans together just in case?" she asks him.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
There's a nod from Sam. "We need to get out of each other's head and realize we work well together and in love. A dangerous mix." he points out with amusement. "Now, we just need to work on not tripping over each other." That should settle that, right?
"I'm good with September. We can find the JP... maybe find your dress and have it there for you to change into, if you want?" he asks her. "I can have the judge entertain the students with ... facts or something."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a soft smile, "I'm trying to break old habits. I just fear losing all of this. You." she admits. It was hard for her to admit things, but it was easier when she knew she wasn't going to be judged.
"I promise we won't trip over each other." she tells him.
"What are you thinking of wearing?" she asks him. "And I'll figure something out for a dress. Might get my mom to take a quick trip for one." she grins. "And yeah, should present it as a mock ceremony...until it's not." she muses.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Grinning brightkly, Sam shakes his head. "Way too late. I tripped and fell in love with you." A wink from Sam, before his attenton turns to giving her an affectionate squeeze. "I'm sure you'd not complain if I wore my dress blues?" he asks her with a mote of amusement.
"Which would mean keeping them clean until the ceremony. But I'm good with presenting it as a class project. And to think - it'll also be close to Homecoming."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan grins at that, "Hey, I am definitely not complaining about any of that." she tells him. His mention of dress blues makes her eyes twinkle, "Oh I've never seen you in your dress blues, so that will be a treat." she admits.
"We'll keep them clean, promise." she tells him. "And true, it is." she nods to that. "You wanna get some dessert before we turn in? Think this week is going to be crazy." she admits to that.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"If it's dessert for the whole week? I think I better carry you to our bedroom." Sam says with amusement and a slight husk of a laugh. "If it's just tonight, I think we have everything for strawberry shortcake." he amends. Just in case.
"Well, you never wanted to get married before." he teases lightly. "I don't break them out for just anything, after all."