18883/Along Came A Blood Spider

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Along Came A Blood Spider
Date of Scene: 20 August 2024
Location: Main Floor - Duckstein Mortuary
Synopsis: Ducky meets Blood Spider.
Cast of Characters: Atrice Duckstein, Kaine Parker

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
It's a Monday, usually things go very calmly in Ducky's life, but with all the hub-bub about Galactus going across all channels it has left this SHIELD agent a bit exhausted. Plus someone had taken all the parking in front of her building, so she had to park down by the cemetery.

Which meant the ghosts were going to start talking at her.

She had parked and then got out to hurry around to the trunk to fish out her bag and a box of files. Everything was fine until it wasn't. She shut the trunk and the woman closed her mismatched eyes to the world. Trying to focus on finding some sort of calm before she'd have to walk past the cemetery, "You can do it Ducky..." she whispered to herself.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine lands in cemetary he's toward the back. Yelling out, he points at a grave. "I wish this was the right grave. I'd say it's your fault!" it's not the gravestone to the person. It just felt good to picture their name engraved over the actual occupant's.

Breathing out, the man in the red and black shakes his head. "I'm starting to think this hero world, is full of shit. I know you would say otherwise. I've read your file, I know you would," he gives a nod. He sighs, "I would love a conversation with you old man," Kaine scoffs as he picture shimself talking to Uncle Ben.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
When Kaine lands, all the ghosts skitter. It is an eerie calm on the other side. The yell reaches Ducky's ears and the red head debates what to do. So she decides that she's going to be silly. She deposits the box of folders back into her car, locks it and then proceeds to slip her way into the cemetery.

She peeks out from behind one of the taller graves, keeping track of the figure. "That's not Spider-Man..." she whispers to herself. Or maybe he changed suits? Who knew! For now she was just observing!

Kaine Parker has posed:
Leaning against the nearest wall, be it building, or monument. "You would be proud. I just...don't know my place in all of it," Kaine smirks and speaks dryly. "And you're the closest thing I have to a family. You're a ghost. A memory. Hell, you're not even a memory, you're a memory based on an idea. Reality and perception can be different," he sighs and shakes his head for a little bit. "But I'll see you soon enough at this rate..."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky is intrigued. It's not everyday that she comes across someone...well, anyone else having conversations with the dead. But she knows that there isn't a ghost there. So maybe the costume wearing gentleman was just needing to vent?

She doesn't know.

What she does know is that she's going to get a closer look. Which has her crouching low and moving behind one of the bigger headstones. She's not as quiet as she likes to think that she is though! So Kaine might realize that he isn't entirely alone.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine breathes out deep, in almost a sigh. The conversation stops, "Angels often linger in graveyards, but do they normally have ears?" he poses a question. Kaine hasn't seen them, but he heard her. So, Kaine's taking a gamble. Using a comment like that to knock someone off their a-game. Brown eyes watch from behind the red and black mask.

"Does the angel have a name, because I know I'm not insane," he says just addressing the fact that the noises Kaine hears are not in his head.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky realizes that she didn't make a clean spy move. Her SHIELD trainers would weep. She wasn't a spy though. She peeks out from behind the grave she was crouched behind. She has one brown eye and one blue, which makes for a striking contrast with the bright red hair, "I just heard someone talking and got curious." she states as she shows her hands and moves to stand where he can see her.

"I'm Atrice. Everyone just call me Ducky though." she states. "And you are?" she asks him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine listens to the introduction and reasoning. Then he gives a simple nod, "I'm just ducky, thanks for asking," much like Peter before him, Kaine cannot leave a good set up like that. So, he gives her a moment to just react to such words. He expects an eyeroll at minimum.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky looks...unamused for a moment. Then there is a chuckle, "I guess I kind of set that up for you." she admits. "Were you trying to talk to a ghost? I can help with that." she offers to him as she slowly lowers her hands. Not trying to look like she is a threat or going for a weapon. "It's good to know that you're alright though. If you don't need any help I could go." she points over her shoulder.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"You did. You really did, Ducky," Kaine smirks under the mask, it's easily discernable in his voice. Then he looks at her as he stretches a bit. "Sort of. I don't have a family. I kind of do, but sometimes they're not exactly the type you can rant to. Next best thing I have are notes on a dead man, whose name I won't reveal," he looks at her for a moment. Seeing how those hands go downward.

"If you're going to shoot me, the night might be a bad one for you. I'll happily end a fight, but I'm not looking to start one," that last sentence firm, with a voice as cold as steel.

"I'm a Spider, which should tell you about capabilities. I know SHIELD has a file on at least one of the three," because Kaine did know a member of SHIELD. She told him enough him. Not everything, but enough for him to get a slight understanding.

"Off the record? I lost my girlfriend. She left. I'm dealing witha bigger personal weight than my contemporaries. And life doing the wrong choices was easier. So, it's hard to not feel frustrated. Doing the right thing and feeling like , you're not getting a reward, or something of a comfort," he sighs and shakes his head.

"That's not why I do it, but it wouldn't be a bad thing if Karma delivered something good, y'know?"

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"Well we seem to have that in common, I don't have a family either. My foster parents didn't even want to adopt me." Ducky muses to that. "But...you can build a chosen family. Don't let the other things stop that." she points out gently.

She raises a pale hand to her chest, in a bit of mock shock, "You think I would just shoot you? That would be the height of rudeness." she explains to him. "Am I still wearing my badge? How did you know I was in SHIELD?" she asks him.

Then she sobers, stopping the levity, "It sounds like you are dealing with a lot. Do you have anyone besides gravestones to speak with, Spider-Dude?" she asks him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I'm still in the building phase," he looks at her for a moment. "I'd offer to adopt you, but it seems you don't need guidance," plus there's the whole lack of paperwork for Kaine' scase.

"Hey, government people can be weird," he says picking up on that shock. "I imagine you're just ensuring I look pretty forever," his attempt at dark humor.

"There's similar signs with the sneaking and all that," plus he might have noticed an identifiying bit.

"I am, but not really. And so are you. You're pale, possibly dying. Or, at best, pushed yourself way too hard. Do you have a family? Like someone youc an trust," he asks honestly. "And it's Blood Spider. Spider Dud was my father," he will quickly add that quip in.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"It's at least a start." Ducky tells him with a smile. "Yeah...I don't need adopting. Figured I got this far in life I can go a little farther and then get a family." she chuckles. There is a bit of an amused look, "I mean, you're wearing a fancy suit. I don't know what you look like." she admits. "And I'm guessing for my safety it is best to stay that way." she points out.

"I was never good at sneaking, really. More for when Ghosts start acting up." she smiles.

When he points out her being pale there is a moment she almost snaps at him, but she doesn't. Cool. Calm. Collected. "I work a lot." she states. "I trust a few of my coworkers and my buddy Lucifer." she nods to that.

"Oh...Blood Spider. That's a cool name." she tells him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I look like America's hotter answer to Noah Centineo. Stick around long enough and you can get me out of the mask," he winks at her. "I know. No way to avoid that sounding worse than it is, take it for what you will," he says just accepting the preception of the comment despite any intent on his part.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky looks really confused on his comparison, "Who is Noah Centineo?" she asks the air around her. Then there is a bit of a head tilt, "Do a lot of people try to get you out of the mask?" she asks him curiously.

"What if I just asked nicely?" she floats the idea.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Sorry. He's kinda like the Mexican equivilant to the Bond Villain from the latest one. I confuse the two. He was in that 'Robot' show for a few years," Kaine is blanking on the name.

"Not as many as you would think," but there are some. He looks at her for the moment. "Why are you trying to see me?" he raises a brow and smirks under the mask. "Heroes that appealing to you?" he grins now.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"Rami Malek. He was the Pharoah in Night At The Museum and Freddy Mercury as well." Ducky points out. She apparently knew the guy he was speaking of.

She holds up her hands, "Oh I'm not trying to see anyone. I get that people like their anonymity and that is totally fine." she states. "No, because most of them have egos that won't fit through the door." she states to him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine has not seen those, but he did some Wikipedia sleuthing after seeing him in Bond. Hearing those words, he laughs a little bit. "I had one of those when I was on the wrong side of the tracks. Life has humbled me. While the face may be pretty, I know I'm just someone that won't redeem himself. I'm just hoping to even it out a little. That's the hope anyway," he last part comes out with a little bit of concern in his voice.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"Life does have a way of humbling us...or completely screwing us when we least expect it." Ducky nods to that. "Why won't you redeem yourself?" she asks him curiously.

The she reaches into her pocket and digs around for her card case. One is taken out and she approaches him slowly, "If you'd like to talk, this is my card. Won't even charge." she admits to that.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I might take you up on that, but how am I supposed to flirt with my counselor?" he asks honestly. Taking the card, "Conflict of interest and all that," he asks and then starts to stand up straight. "And you probably have all the masked cuties telling you that."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky blushes at that. Her face flushing at his teasing, "Well...if you are just having a bad time and need someone to talk to, give me a call. Or stop in, I own the mortuary up the street." she points in that direction.

Then she chuckles, "Eh, not a lot of people tell me that. I don't run into a lot of masked men in graveyards. This is a first." she grins to that.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Careful or I will think you're sweet on me," he pockets the card. "Why does a therapist own a mortuary?" he asks curiously and turns his head to face her for a moment.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"I mean, probably safer to have a crush on a guy in a mask. That won't get me hurt." Ducky points out to him.

Then he asks why she owns a mortuary, "That is a good question, my foster parents gave it to me. I do all the running and grief counseling there. Just a natural thing for me." she shrugs. And I see ghosts is the thing she doesn't say.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Chuckles and he shakes his head, "Careful or I will think you actually have a crush," he flips the card over. A glance and then back to her, "Atrice," he inclines his head.

"So, you're a one stop shop on the rough part of life," he asks and then looks outward past the graves. "How do you tell someone to live? I'm single, but still learning to be me. I know things I like, but do I know everything? "he asks looking back to Ducky.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"Oh the horror." Ducky gives a bit of a chuckle to that. "Last time I liked a guy in a mask he ended up dead. I'd hate for the same to happen again." she states to that.

"Yeah, I am the last stop for a lot of people sadly." she frowns. "But it is my path in life." she admits. His question causes her to sober though, "None of know everything. Live for the things that you still want to discover. Everyone lives for something different. Get a small routine going daily. That will help." she tells him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"The job won't kill me, trust me," Kaine has his attention to her then looks away. "Besides I have a danger sense to it. So, it'd take a lot."

"Well, care to meet somewhere that's not littered with tombstones?" he poses since she did mention various things to live a little. Maybe they both could use it. "You won't be the last stop for me."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"I think my danger sense broke. Or well...I know you aren't a demon at least." she admits to him. "Do you not like cemeteries? They are the safest places in the world most times." she smiles to that.

"Where would you like to meet?" she asks him curiously. "I'll extend a little trust, since you've been a gentleman." she dips her head to that.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I don't mind them. I just know people look at you oddly if you're in a mask having a picnic or something," Blood chuckles a little bit. "I mean maybe in smaller towns and not the Bronx."

"Where is good for you? I'll meet you on your ground of choice, to make sure you have the edge, gorgeous?" and he'll bow to her like a gentleman.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"And that is why people should mind their business. It was perfectly normal to spend a Sunday afternoon in a cemetery in the past." Ducky grins to that.

She casts her eyes down for a moment when he calls her gorgeous, but then she straightens, "Why don't we do something simple? We could do Central Park? I don't really get out a lot." she muses.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Chuckling at her words, "New York doesn't afford such luxiries when it comes to privacy," he says as he looks at her. "Central park, but that means I come unmasked or you come out super late," he muses pointing that out. The impasse they would come to.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"That is very true and the ghosts don't help privacy." Ducky points out to that. His pointing out what they'd have to decide makes her pause for a moment, "I won't make you come unmasked and reveal anything too soon until there's been some concrete trust built. And it keeps me from being a pretty corpse too soon." she grins at that.

"So I will come out late. I'm not really a morning person as it is." she chuckles.