18909/Going Out Late

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Going Out Late
Date of Scene: 24 August 2024
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Atrice Duckstein, Kaine Parker

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky agreed to go out late to meet Blood Spider. Because she was absolutely silly when it came to things like running into masked men talking to themselves in graveyards. Typical things that sane women did regularly.

So there she is, way past decent hours on a walk through Central Park. She was sure that her Spider Friend could find her given her hair and clothing. She'd stopped on the path towards Belvedere Castle to look at her phone. Just to see if she'd missed anything.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Blood Spider is going to take a chance here. The last time he did wound up with pain. However, he doesn't sense the chaos or turmoil from Atrice. And that's why he gives this a chance.

Swinging off toward the waiting central park. Hopping into a tree, he waits and there's a rustle of branches as he drops down next to Atrice.

"Out of all the parks in the world, she had to walk into mine," he gives a soft smile under the mask and inclines his head slightly in greeting.

"Been ages?" even Kaine is unsure where this quipping comes from. He blames genetics on moments like these.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Thankfully Ducky had left her gun at home, because generally when branches rustle something is going to eat you! But she sees the familiar silhouette of Blood Spider and she calms down.

"Thought I was about to get mugged." she whispers to him. There is a grin at his comment though, "A fan of the old Noir detective genre?" she asks him curiously.

"Feels like ages." she chuckles to that. "What are we going to do, Mister Spider? Are we going to fight some crime tonight?" she asks him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I have small moments of culture," Blood chuckles ans he looks at her cuirously. "Fan of old noir or the classics?" he asks curiously wondering how she heard it. "In worse days, I went days or weeks between work. Rarely, I would binge old movies or things I missed. That was among them."

"We can if you want, but I thought we'd walk. Talk. Maybe enejoy a sandwich?" he asks his gaze moving toward her and he looks to her. He's curious what she's thinking.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"I've spent a lot of time in the hospital and that's what they'd play a lot at night on some channels." she admits. "It's a bit of a meme these days though." she chuckles.

"Sounds like a good way to get by with the time. I know not working can be frustrating." she admits.

"Oh I really don't want to fight crime at the moment. I'm sorta burnt out on fighting all the time." she frowns a bit. "I like the idea of a walk and getting to know you. Food is a bonus." she grins to that. "You got a favorite place to get food around here?" she asks him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Yes, it is," Kaine agrees about the meme as he moves with her thorugh the park. He looks at her for a moment, "It wasn't, but not every black period is without a few bright spots. Same for the inverse. That was a bright spot, in retrospect," Kaine admits as he moves through the park with her.

"Then ignore my attire consider me the same as someone you met ina bar," he says and looks at Atrice. "There's a lot. LAte at night, depends. A good slice of pizza will always go far," he speaks softly on the matter.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky smiles at what he says, "You're right on that." she admits. "Not everything has to be doom and gloom all the time. And if we go through the doom and the gloom there has to be a bright spot eventually." she nods to that.

She walks easily, not really afraid of anything that might be lurking really.

She looks over to him, since they are about the same height, it's easy to keep a level gaze, "Oh I don't mind you guys and your super suits." she points out. "At least yours isn't a metal banana hammock." she adds. "Mmm. Pizza...pizza is bad for my diet, but sounds delicious." she whispers. "You pick. I'll pay?" she offers.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine gives a nod as she smiles tlaking about how things cnanot be doom and gloom. Those hidden brown eyes go to the spot she nods toward. Going toward the lighteed areas.

"I can make my banana hammock show more," Kaine jokes as he knows that wouldn't happen. And then he scans the area. "How about Rays? Good, maybe not the best and it's cheap," he smirks under the mask. "Heroing isn't exactly rich work without the government involved."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Those mismatched eyes of hers glance to Kaine as he talks on the banana hammock and she shakes her head, "Nothing worse than being scantily clad in the middle of a fight. I don't recommend it. It is just distracting." she chuckles to that.

"Rays sounds good. I'm not hurting for cash. So don't worry on that." she tells him. "So do you prefer Blood Spider, Blood or Mister Spider?" she asks him as they walk.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Well, I can blind them with more than science for once," he grins and looks at her. "Was that from experience? Like firsthand?" he asks. "That sounds like there's a story lingering there."

Kaine waves a hand, "But I don't want you going all fancy on me unless you want it," and he would feel bad a little bit.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives a look to him and there is a smile, "A guy that I dated had this bracelet that bonded to him and the armor was...Boris Vallejo levels of fantasy at best. Like...he was built for it, but boy I was concerned when I first saw it in a fight. That and ending up naked is sometimes weird. I had to carry robes and towels so he wasn't all over the place." she muses.

"Big difference on fancy and a good slice of pizza. I don't mind spending a little more on food if it'll be fantastic." she tells him. "Plus splurging isn't bad." she points out with a wink.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Who the heck did you date?" Kaien asks as he wonders what kind of Adonis she found herself stuck to. Both arms will cross and he looks at her fora moment. "Only my personality is magical," he syas referring to the fact that useless armor in dude form will not be bonding to him any time soon.

"I mean, you get what you pay for. I'm just not a luxurious man anymore," he shakes his head and chcukles a little bit.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives a look to him, one of her brows quirking at the question, "He was another SHIELD agent. And due to not wanting to out him I'll just leave it at that. But if he ever reappears I'll introduce the two of you." she offers. "And the guy I dated that is dead was a Navy Seal...so honestly way out of my league on all fronts." she sighs.

"You do have a good personality, Mister Spider." she grins at him. "Anymore? Were you a luxurious man once?" she asks him softly.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Fair enough," Kaine gives a nod. "Well, I'm just a guy that dresses as a spider. I'm probably miles beneath your usual calibre. You deserve the best," he grins.

"And yeah. I was. Althugh, the cost of that wealth was more than I wanted to part with in the end. Eventually, I left that life behind," and tha'ts the truth. WEll, the truth minus a couple of details.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives a look to him and there is a bit of a smile, "Maybe I like Spiders?" she offers to him. "Eh. I will take personality over looks any day of the week. If you've got the emotional depth of a teaspoon then that's a bad sign." she muses.

There is a thoughtful look given to him, "Well, I'm glad that you decided that it wasn't the best life for you." she comments. "Rays is just down this way, yeah?" she points out.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Careful or I will think you like me and are liking me a lot real quick," Kaine nods about personality. "I think I'm a seven in looks, and more than that in the personality department. Some of the earlier bravado is just that.

"Yeah. It is. a few other places are here," he points. "And there," another point. There are three places near the central park at minimum.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky puts on a serious face for a moment, trying to not smile, but it doesn't last. "Okay, I'll chill out on liking people." she nods to that.

"Do you have a favorite pizza?" she wonders. A less invasive question. She didn't want to run him off too quick!

Kaine Parker has posed:
"You can like me all you want. I like your, too. I'm just making sure you know what you're getting into," Kaine's just being honest there. "I like meat lovers, onions and roasted peppers, but I understand not every place will have that combination," he'll usually have to modify an existing pizza.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives him a smile, "I am easy to like." she admits. "Well...you're wearing a costume, so I imagine that you have another identity. So things are going to be fairly complex for a bit while trust is built." she points out.

"Showing someone what's under the mask is sometimes hard, I get that." she comments. "What are your thoughts on pineapple on pizza?" she asks him and looks at him curiously.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Yep. But you didn't say anything to my question." The red spider eyes watch her curiously for a moment. Then he pauses for a moment.

"Seeomg me under the mask will cause a lot of issues. I like pineapple sometimes. I can see why they like it, but I won't cry bloody murder if peopel don't grab them," he's honest there. To him they're okay. Not the worste pizza ever nor the best.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives a look to him, "Oh I didn't know that was a question. Just a given." she admits. "I'm a SHIELD agent. I'm prepared for most things that could happen. Are we talking simple humans or metas or gods?" she asks him.

"I'm stubborn...and don't give up that easily." she points out. "I don't like pineapple on pizza...but won't give anyone shit over it either." she muses.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"What have you prepared for already?" the readiness from Atrice catches him offguard. "What aren't you prepared for?" the quiet part comes out loud. As for the loud part, it still comes out quiet. "Impressive."

"Nothing wrong with a stubborn person in the right situation," he knows there are some situation where cooler heads prevail. Well, in theory anyway. Kaine's pretty stubborn and he will not deny this fact. It's one of those good in theory, bad in practice situations for him.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives a look to the suit wearing man, "I mean...with that sort of question I'm not sure what I /am/ prepared for." she points out. "I just have a lot of training, but I'm still just human." she tells him. "So that's what I'm not prepared for. Things that can swat me across a field." she nods sagely to this.

Then she gives him a big smile, "I'm not stubborn if someone I care for is going to get hurt. Doesn't help in that case." she admits. "So what do you do when you aren't in the suit?" she asks him curiously.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Well, you can't tell me some of the costumed heroes aren't 'just human' as you put it," Kaine knows that statistically speaking that's next to impossible. So, he thinks someone as creepy as Batman, Daredevil, the rumored Blade, someone that's rumored to be more than human is just a huamn. There's not exactly a Superheroes Anonymous Meeting where they discuss work-life balance.

"I know that kind of stubborn well," he chuckles a little bit and gives a knowing nod. A second later he pauses, "Out of the costume...?" he asks curiously. Then smirks, "I'm still learning a lot of that. Part of the life change, learning about the things I really want to do. Old life I could do nearly anything. Now, I have to budget for them. Figure out what's worth the journey and savings," he admits softly. He chuckles harshly. "I wouldn't say I was indulgant, but you tend to forget what truly matter when you can do it all with a snap of a finger."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"Oh I'm sure that a lot of the costumed heroes are not human. Or they are enhanced humans. I mean...even technically I guess my being able to perform magic makes me not just human." she shrugs to that. Sorcerers were everywhere these days!

"Oh I figured you spent time out of the costume." she states. "Well, if I can help with that, please let me know." she offers. When he talks on money there is a bit of a look to the ground, then him, "Well, if things go well I'll refrain from spending too much money." she nods to this.

She is paying attention to details though, "Were you some sorta contractor?" she asks him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I'm sure many are not human, but I think we're overestimating them and underestimating them. Over when it comes to powers, under when it comes to skills," Kaine just isn't sure who is and isn't. That's a mystery that may never be answered. Or answered to only a select for.

"I do. I was making a joke," the truth and lies blur at that answer.

"I...The worst kind. Or one of the worst kind," he admits softly, sadness weaves through his voice. "What I did was out of anger at first. Then a lot of overconfidence, arrogance, instead of reflection," he waves a hand wanting to put it behind. "Not exactly good night walk talking," plus he is afraid of burdening her as a psychologist.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky watches him with a curious gaze for a moment, her head nodding as he talks on overestimating the many that aren't human. "That's a big thing, yes." she tells him.

"You can tell I don't get out much. Or most of the people that I talk to are dead." she muses.

"Everyone deserves a second chance, Mister Blood." she tells him softly. But she doesn't continue on with that line of talk given he's moved them on. "Alright, lets get some pizza. Do you have a favorite spot in the park?" she asks him. @emit Ducky watches him with a curious gaze for a moment, her head nodding as he talks on overestimating the many that aren't human. "That's a big thing, yes." she tells him.

"You can tell I don't get out much. Or most of the people that I talk to are dead." she muses.

"Everyone deserves a second chance, Mister Blood." she tells him softly. But she doesn't continue on with that line of talk given he's moved them on. "Alright, lets get some pizza. Do you have a favorite spot in the park?" she asks him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I try to get out, I mean out of costume in a traditional sense," he admits so Kaine. "No judgement here," he grins under the mask.

Then those words hit him like a truck. "No. They don't. Maybe I will get one, but right now I'm not," he pushes past for a moment. "In the park? Honestly, the treelines. Where it's so opposite of the city. The concrete jungle helps me, but I just like the contrast," he shrugs a little bit. "I think that might sound lame."

"Pizza. Do you want to get it and I hang back because costume?" he knows that not every store owner isd hero friendly, too.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"Maybe someday I'll see you out of it." Ducky states to that. She wasn't pushing for him to reveal things right off the bat. That might be horrible.

When he tells her that not everyone deserves a second chance she doesn't argue with him. He didn't sound like he would budge on that view. So she skips to his favorite spots.

"It doesn't sound lame." she admits to him. "And I can run in and grab things. Just let me know what you'd like." she looks to him with a smile.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"That sounds more forward than I think you meant," Kaine chuckles. He looks back to her. He grins and pushes forward.

"Well, it's calm. A lot of things are chaotic. Where I fight crime, where I live, parts of my own life. I appreciate the stillness. I appreciate some temples for similar reasons," it doesn't make him a Bhuddist, but he can appreciate their places of worship.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky wasn't thinking of it in that way, he can tell by the way she blushes from embarrassment! "I'm sorry about that. I tend to just...talk." she admits to that. Though it makes her grow quiet for a moment, trying to parse her words more carefully going forward.

"Calm is a nice thing. Sometimes it is a fleeting thing. I'm always used to hearing other voices in most situations, so I've learned to tune things out sometimes." she explains. She then stops and gives a look to him, "Alright, what sort of pizza do you want?" she asks with a smile.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I was flattered," Kaine nudges her playfully. He looks back to her, "A cute girl like you saying, 'Hey, I'm going to get you out of those.'" Then he chuckles to try and break the tension.

"You mean people talking to you, or people chiming in over a walkie?" he's making sure it's not the mental voices.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky can only be quiet for a few moment as he talks on him being flattered. There's a playful waggle of expressive brows to him, "I'll remember that for the future." she teases him.

"I mean ghosts..." she tells him. "I sort of get harassed by them a lot. Not a lot of people can see and hear them. They are one of my specialties." she offers.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Promises promises," he teases back. She can tell his own eyebrows are waggling despite no movement thanks to the mask.

"I remember," his memory is jump started with the reminder. "Does anyone you know approach you? I mean when they cross." he asks. That would be a curious this one. If people would even look for him in the same situation. He knows they probably wouldn't. At least not right now.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives a grin to him when he teases her. Though she sobers when he talks on her being able to see things. And she gives him a thoughtful look at his question.

"I don't hide the fact that I can see ghosts, so a lot of them have approached me once they figured out that I was indeed watching them. Specific people coming to me once they've passed? Only my dead fiance." she admits. "If someone I knew died though I could summon them, but that is a dick move sometimes." she points out.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I'd be scared of the ghosts, but not for reasons you think," he confesses. Then a gaze goes back to her, "Are they in a better place? The fiance." Shrugging, "I wouldn't mind if people summoned me. If people wanted to find me after I cashed out," he knows that not many would. Still, it'd be a weird yet annoying compliment in his mind.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"Why would you be scared?" Ducky asks him.

When he asks about the dead fiance there is a bit of a moment to ponder that question. "He died in combat. Not at home. I don't know what a better place is, but I've Hell before and I don't wish that place on /anyone/." she states. "Well...hopefully you don't die anytime soon and I don't have to look you up in the big afterlife phonebook." she tells him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine doesn't answer the first question. It's unintentional. When Atrice begins speaking about the ex-fiance. Where she has been and there's a pause, "Does purgatory exist?" he asks honestly. There's an open sincerity to it

And he will pivot back to the phonebook comment. "I hope that, too. You never know though." And that's why some heroes don't plan longterm.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky nods to him as he asks the question, "There is. Just as there is a Heaven." she tells him. "There are a lot of different planes of existence." she admits.

"If it makes you feel a little better, I would look you up in the afterlife if I didn't see you again. Just to make sure you were not dead. That is a very literal term of being ghosted." she states with a straight face.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Well, that's both scary and comofrting. I could wind up in a lot of places," he chuckles at the idea. It may be nice to end up in Val Halla. That's an odd comfort he gets to hold.

"I appreciate the sentiment. But I would like to spend a lot more time on this plane first," he nods a bit and gets a straight face. "And I would never intentionally ghost you. Extreme, or mild, flavors, I would not ghost you," he smiles. "Nice joke, too."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"You could. Thankfully I had a friend that pulled me out of Hell...or I'd still be there." Ducky shudders at the thought as she remembers it vividly.

"We will try to keep you on the Earth as long as possible then." she states. There is a softer smile offered, "Thank you for that. I understand that things come up though." she comments. There is a bow of her head, "I try to keep some levity in my overly morbid life." she muses.