19030/Just A Friendly Chat

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Just A Friendly Chat
Date of Scene: 07 September 2024
Location: Seaside Victorian House
Synopsis: Lucian comes to speak with Sam. No harm is done to either!
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Sam Wilson

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan hadn't been called in for an emergency at the hospital in ages, so she was very apologetic to Sam when she told him she needed to go as they finished dinner.

That left the man in the big old Victorian by himself. Well, Occam was following him around. It was like having a toddler really.

Mo's been gone for about thirty minutes, but the doorbell rings. Were they expecting someone this evening?

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam stood from the couch, having just settled in with a book after dinner, his mind still lingering on Morrigan's apologetic smile as she left. She hadn't been called into the hospital in so long that he almost forgot the weight of her work.

The ring of the doorbell broke through the quiet, and Sam glanced at Occam, who had been trailing him like a shadow. The cat blinked lazily back at him, seemingly unbothered by the disturbance. "Some guard cat you are." comes Sam's comment as he sets a treat down for the cat before be makes his way to the door.

Sam, on the other hand, raised an eyebrow and was cautious. They weren't expecting anyone, and it was a bit late for casual visits.

Making his way to the door, Sam's muscles instinctively tensed, habits from his Avenger days never really left. He opened the door, keeping his expression neutral but ready, just in case.

"Hello? Can I help you?" He asked, his voice steady but carrying a hint of curiosity.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
On the other side of the door is a man that is a little taller than Sam. He turns back towards the opening door when he hears the voice of the Avenger. A smile curls his lips upward, showing a bit of sharp canine.

"I think I should be asking you if you need help." he points out. "You are of course living with my daughter." the man muses in a heavily accented tone.

The man is dressed a bit casually in dark slacks and an black dress shirt that is buttoned under a vest. The black hair of his is pulled back into a sleek ponytail.

"Since you are new to the home, I must ask for your permission to enter as well." he asks with a flourish of a bow.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam's eyes widened slightly, though he kept his composure as the man's words sank in, even if some of the color drained from his face. Morrigan had mentioned her father, but this was? unexpected. He noted the sharp canines, the elegant attire, and the air of someone used to old-world customs. Sam had faced off against world-ending threats, but this? This was a different kind of challenge.

"Her father, huh?" Sam responded, a touch of humor in his voice to mask the surprise. "She didn't exactly mention we'd be having family visits tonight, but you've got my attention."

He leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms but keeping it respectful, his counselor instincts kicking in. This was Morrigan's dad. He needed to handle this with care.

"As for entering," Sam's smile didn't falter, though his tone grew more serious, "It's a great night outside. Let me grab a couple of beers from the fridge, we can sit on the back porch and chew the fat? I'm Sam Wilson. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Lucian sees the color drain from Sam's face and he takes a step back, giving the two of them some more space, "I did not mean to give you a start, Mister Wilson." he states. It's sincere, Sam can tell that much.

"I'm Lucian Blackthorne. And Morrigan does not know I am present at this time." he admits.

When Sam leans against the doorframe there is a flit of mirth in the mans black eyes, "As long as it isn't an IPA I'm amiable to sharing a drink and chatting with you, Sam." he states. "I will wait for you here if that is alright?" he offers.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam let out a breath, the tension easing from his shoulders as Lucian stepped back. The sincerity in the man's voice was clear, and while he hadn't expected a surprise visit from Morrigan's father, Sam could handle it. He'd faced tougher surprises before, though they usually didn't involve future in-laws with sharp canines.

"Hey, no harm done," Sam said with a small smile, pushing off the doorframe and standing a little straighter. "Lucian Blackthorne... got to say, Morrigan's mentioned you, but not quite like this."

The mention of drinks brought a flicker of amusement back to Sam's face. "You've got good taste already. No IPA, I promise," he chuckled. He paused, considering the offer. Lucian didn't seem like he was here for trouble, but Sam wasn't one to leave a man waiting outside if the conversation was civil.

"I'd invite you in, but Mo is pretty stringent about that... y'know, give me a heads-up next time. It's not every day you meet your fiancee's dad unannounced."

With that he disappeared inside for a moment and reappeared with a bottle of dark liquid and a pair of highball glasses. "How about we start with bourbon?" A hand gestures to the chairs that he and Mo usually share.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Lucian didn't really have any bad intentions. He'd just wanted to meet Sam. "She probably told you I'm a two hundred year old asshole...or something similar I'm guessing?" the man chuckles to that.

"When you are around long enough and can still taste you start to filter out all the weird stuff that humans start making." he muses to that.

"Morrigan is more like me than she realizes." he nods to that. "So it is good that you do not let me in. I'd not want her to be cross with me." he adds.

"Bourbon is delightful and congratulations on your engagement. When is the wedding?" he asks. "Her first engagement did not go very well and then the men that followed..." he trails off with a wobble of his hand, "Not what I'd want for her." he states as he takes up the other seat.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam stood there, processing Lucian's words, doing his best to keep his expression neutral. Two hundred years old? That certainly explained the sharp canines and old-world charm. Morrigan had mentioned her father before, but not with much detail; definitely no mention of his age. Sam's mind flashed through everything he'd learned about Morrigan's family, trying to piece together what he could.

A faint smile tugged at the corner of his lips at Lucian's chuckle. "She didn't exactly put it like that, but... let's just say, I got the idea you're not the most conventional father figure." Sam took the seat across from him, maintaining his casual demeanor, though his mind was still wrapping itself around the concept of sitting across from someone centuries old.

Lucian's musings about filtering out the weird stuff of humanity got a light chuckle out of Sam. "Yeah, well, I'm not one to pass up a good bourbon either. Guess some things don't change, no matter how old you get."

As Lucian mentioned Morrigan being more like him than she realized, Sam's expression softened. He'd seen parts of Morrigan's darker side, but he also knew how fiercely protective and caring she was. "She's one of a kind, that's for sure. And I'm not in the business of making her cross either," Sam added with a half-smile, though there was a genuine respect in his tone.

At the mention of the wedding, Sam couldn't help but feel the weight of Lucian's gaze. He'd heard about Morrigan's past-at least, what she was willing to share. Sam nodded, accepting the congratulations, though Lucian's wobbling hand and the unspoken history behind it wasn't lost on him. "We haven't set a date yet. We're still working out the details. I want it to be right for her, you know? She deserves that. But I have the ring."

Sam leaned forward slightly, his voice calm but earnest. "I know her past wasn't easy, and I'm not here to replace anything or anyone. I'm just trying to be the man she needs now."

He paused, meeting Lucian's gaze with sincerity. "Whatever happened before, I'm not planning on being one of those guys you'd want to wobble your hand about, and it's right to ask her father for permission, so I should ask you that. Will you let me marry your daughter, Mister Blackstone?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I'm not a father of the year candidate for any year. I did stuff in my past that was violent and when I thought that there was no alternative. I'm trying to mend those wounds." the Romanian man explains.

"At least I don't leave hearts at her door anymore, right?" he offers as he takes a sip of his bourbon. "That's good." he states after swallowing.

"Conventional, no. Hard to be when you are like me." he points out to him. "Though I'm guessing you might see some of my flaws more than others given your line of work when not Avengering." he states as he meets Sam's gaze.

"She would have made an excellent vampire. But I think where she is works for her...and hopefully for you." he comments. "I see Anubis still has her on a goose chase with their relics though. Hopefully that'll get sorted soon." he states as he relaxes back in the chair.

"She's probably planning to elope on motorcycles or something like that." he muses to him. Then he pats his chest, the necklace that he wears under his shirt felt, "I was going to give you the ring I had picked out for her mother...but I find myself unable to part with it, so I'm glad you have a ring." he grins at him.

"I feel that you are a much better man than any she has dated so far. I have high hopes for your relationship." he comments.

"Yes, you have permission to marry her. Not like I was going to tell you no." he admits to that.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam leaned back in his chair, listening carefully to Lucian's words, absorbing the man's candidness. There was something disarming about the way Lucian spoke-his dark humor and brutal honesty weren't qualities Sam expected from Morrigan's father, but there was a strange comfort in it.

"Yeah, hearts at the door... definitely not a good look," Sam replied with a half-smile, swirling the bourbon in his glass. He could imagine the kind of history Lucian had, the kind of choices that came with a life as long as his. Sam had seen plenty of people carrying the weight of violent pasts, trying to make peace with it in their own way. He respected the effort.

Sam met Lucian's gaze, catching the weight of his words. "No one's perfect," he said, his tone steady. "But I know Morrigan sees the good in you. It's not about the mistakes we've made; it's about how we move forward. And that's something I try to live by, too."

Lucian's comment about Morrigan making an excellent vampire got a chuckle out of Sam. "I'm glad she didn't go that route," he said lightly. "But yeah, she's good where she is-and I'm right there with her. We've both got our share of challenges, but I wouldn't want it any other way."

As Lucian mentioned Anubis and the relics, Sam raised an eyebrow. "She's definitely on the move, that's for sure. But she's resourceful, I trust her to handle it. And to ask me when she's overwhelmed." He leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees, bourbon still in hand. The comment about eloping on motorcycles brought a grin to Sam's face. "Motorcycles, huh? Wouldn't put it past her. We're not exactly the most traditional couple."

When Lucian patted his chest and mentioned the ring, Sam's gaze softened. The sentiment behind it wasn't lost on him. "I get it," Sam said quietly. "Some things are hard to let go of. But I'm glad you approve. The ring I picked? It felt right. For her."

Sam's eyes met Lucian's again, and there was a genuine warmth there. "Means a lot to hear you say that. I don't take this lightly, being with Morrigan, that is. She's everything to me. And I'm gonna do right by her, no matter what."

He took a sip of his bourbon, letting the weight of Lucian's words settle in. "I appreciate the permission. Not that I was expecting you to say no," Sam added with a grin, "but it's good to know I've got your support. Means more than you know. Thank you, because all I want if Mo to be happy."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Lucian is a predator at the end of all things. Though he's tonde it down for the visit with Sam. "I mean, if you had a child that wasn't eating you'd leave them what you thought they needed, yes?" he poses the question.

"In my case it was heart's blood." he states calmly.

This man is going to be a grandfather someday!

"I didn't do right by her mother. It is...complicated. I wanted to warn you ahead of time in case she says anything. I'm not proud of things." he frowns. While he might be odd, he did care for Morrigan's mother on some level.

Then he sniffles a bit and throws back the rest of the bourbon, ice and all. He chews on it while Sam speaks. There is a swallow, much like a snake and then he smiles, "If it felt right I am going to guess she will love it." he tells the man.

Then he stands, offering a hand, "You have my support and should you need any assistance please feel free to call on me. I have a way of knowing when I'm needed when I'm being talked on." he grins.

"It was good to meet you, Sam. I wish you luck in this endeavor." he tells him with a genuine smile with no fangs included.

He really did like Sam!

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam took a moment to process Lucian's words. The whole "heart's blood" comment was still unsettling, but he'd grown used to rolling with the unexpected in his line of work. This wasn't the strangest thing he'd ever heard, though it was up there.

As Lucian spoke about Morrigan's mother, Sam could see the weight of regret in his expression. Complicated wasn't even the half of it, Sam figured. The man had clearly made his share of mistakes, but there was something genuine in the way he cared for Morrigan, and that mattered.

Sam stood as Lucian did, taking the offered hand firmly. There was a quiet understanding between them-two men from completely different worlds, both trying to do right by the people they loved.

"I appreciate that, Lucian," Sam said, meeting the man's gaze. "I'll keep it in mind. And? thanks for the support. Means a lot coming from you."

He couldn't help but smile back, a real one this time, despite everything. Lucian might be a predator, a man with a complicated past, but Sam could tell he meant well. At least where Morrigan was concerned. And that was enough.

"Good to meet you too," Sam added, his voice sincere. "I'll take all the luck I can get." With that, he watched as Lucian made his exit, a strange sense of relief and respect settling in.

Lucian really did like him, Sam could tell. And honestly, that was a good start.