19076/And then the Spider goes Boom

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And then the Spider goes Boom
Date of Scene: 15 September 2024
Location: Main Floor - Duckstein Mortuary
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Kaine Parker, Atrice Duckstein

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine just shows up at the funeral home. First, he tries to knock. IF Atrice isn't there, he'll try to find a window to slip in. Either way, he's going to do his best to get inside.

News Reports about a hostage situation, and bomb threat, in the subway system do hit the various News Outlets of New York. That's something that's trickling in quite a bit right now. The details are sparse, but it's fresh. So, more and more gets added.

Either way once inside, Kaine will go to Atrice and just hug her tightly, closely. No words.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky wasn't expecting anyone and she's actually closing the doors to the main parlor as all of the viewings were done for the day and bodies had either been moved or were back downstairs in storage for the overnight.

She'd been checking the last of the news, but nothing new had came across SHIELD channels. She'd heard the knock at the front door, but Kaine's in before she can get to it. She smiles brightly at his entrance...only to realize that things are off.

When she's gathered up for a hug she blinks, her brain taking a moment before she wraps her arms around him, "Are you alright?" she asks quietly.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"You were the only one I thought about while defusing a bomb. I don't know what that means, but I hated knowing our next talk might have been spirit to person," he loks at her. "I'm not a bomb expert, but I had to take some educated guesses back there. Twice." And Atrice can see something, Blood got really close to death tonight.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives the man a squeeze, trying to make sure that he knows he's alright. He's whole. "You're fine." she tells him. "What bomb? Why did you have to disarm it?" she asks him.

"Oh that would have been awful to talk to your ghost." she frowns at that. "What can I do to help?" she asks him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I don't know. I'm trying not to freak out," Kaine admits and he breathes out for a moment. "There were hostages, a mob boss and a lot going on. I figured, they had a spare spider," he says and then grabs at his mask. Blood peels it away. Looking at her is a man in his 30s, brown hair and rich chocolate brown eyes. A lean face thanks to a lean muscular body. And a three-o-clock shadow. It's not quite five, but a brief meeting with a razor might be needed soon.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"Just breath." Ducky tells him. Her words are gentle and she loosens her hold on him just in case he feels panicked or has a need to get away. "You are not just a spare spider." she states in a firm voice.

When he takes the mask off there is a moment she looks at his face, seeing him for the first time without the mask. One of her hands move, her fingers reaching to touch his face gently, "How about we get you settled down upstairs? Unless you need to get going?" she asks him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine breathes slowly as he tries to get his bearings. "I feel like I am at times. It's complicated," he says softly and holds her closer to him. "I can go upstairs." He gives a soft smile and nods. "How will we settle me down?" he asks softly, curiously.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives a soft look to him, "Can you tell me why you feel that way? Or is that one of those...if I tell you I have to kill you things?" she asks him. "Because I've had people say that." she adds.

"Warning, the upstairs resembles a Halloween parlor. It's not always everyone's cup of tea." she points out. "I could make you some tea. We could talk. You could take a nice hot shower while I order some dinner. There are a lot of ways. Do you have any normal calming routines?" she asks him as she turns to head for the stairs to the second floor.

"And do you want me to call you Blood or do you have a name out of the suit?" she asks him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine looks at her, "The answers are complicated and I need your trust," Kaine looks at her. "It's not a 'have to kill you thing.' It's crazy heroics," he says knowing that it's crazy being in the world of heroes sometimes.

"I'm happy to just see a friendly face," he admits softly and he follows behind her.

"You might need a place to sit before I tell you."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives an understanding nod to him, "I have met more than a few with 'crazy heroics'." she admits to that. She finishes getting up the stairs and allows him in. "So how about I sit. You talk and we will see where things stand after that?" she asks him.

"Or if you prefer to do things in another order we can do that. "And I give you my trust. Just don't break it." she points out in a soft tone. Meaning she's had people break it before.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kain breahtes out and he nods. "Well. I'm a clone. You can take a guess who the host DNA is," he says and gives her a nod. That's a bit of a bombshell. So, he tries to give her a moment to take this in. Those eyes focus on Atrice seeing how she takes that news because that's not exactly normal, common or anything else.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky finds a seat pretty fast when he tells her he is a clone. Her mismatched gaze shifts around the room for a moment, then back to him. "You're a clone of Spider Man?" she asks him.

She also realizes that he is revealing what Spider Man looks like in this moment.

"Clones aren't unheard of in SHIELD. Just...it can get complicated without the right doctors or the expertise." she admits.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Yeah, but I don't look quite like him. I won't go into details. So, you kinda know what he looks like," he sighs a little bit and shakes his head. "It was like they gave me the tools, but not the instructions to use them," he says and looks at her. "With no thoughts, moral compass, or anythign like that, they left me to my won devices to figure it out." He sighs looking at her, "This is why I see myself as a spare, kind of," there are other reasons, too. Thoes brown eyes watch her intently for a moment.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives a nod to that, "Alright, I won't go staring at all dark haired, dark eyed guys then." she tells him with the hint of a smile. It was a poke at levity in the HEAVY situation.

"Do you know who cloned you?" she asks him.

But she can tell there is something else. And Ducky is not shy, "What else makes you think you're a spare?" she asks him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I was supposed to be model 3.0. What do you do with previous models after an update?" Kaine he looked at her for a moment. He grins at her for a moment. He just lets that comment hang for a moment. that's the answer there. "And thank you for not going all medieval on me."

"BecauseI made a lot of bad choices before I pulled my head out of my ass. And I'm very disconnected from the others. So...," he shrugs a little bit and leaves it at that.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"Well...you aren't dead and you aren't going anywhere anytime soon." she tells him. "I mean...I'm not going to lock you in the apartment, but you know what I mean." she chuckles.

"You're also very good at not answering questions." she points out with a grin. "Why would I go medieval?" she asks him curiously.

"Alright, you've pulled your head out of your ass. Is it too late to connect with these others? Maybe talk to people?" she offers.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I hope not to be," he grins and chuckles. Those brown eyes flick bakc to her, "I would hope if a cute person locks me in an apartment...." his voice trails and he chcukles a little bit. Shaking his head a little bit.

"I've tried. It always feels awkward. I was made to replace someone. So, it may be weird to coincide with that person. For both of us," he gives a sad look. Those brown eyes. watch her as he waits for her to take it in. Like he expects Atrice to run out screaming.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"I would hope you aren't going to just disappear and never come back. I'd be very sad." Ducky admits. Then there's a chuckle, "I don't actually get many chances to lock handsome men in my apartment. This is a first." she teases him.

"Have you replaced him, Verpok?" she asks him. She's using the nickname she gave him. "Does he know that you don't want to replace him?" she adds.

She then rises from the chair she'd sat down in and approaches him, "I take a lot of chances because I don't know when my time will be up. I don't ask others to do what I do. If you feel that speaking to the person you were meant to replace is...awkward, you could write it or maybe have a mediator?" she states.

She is genuinely trying to be helpful in the moment.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine sighs for a moment. "Why would you be sad?" There's genuine emotion there.

And then the jokes come forward. He chuckles, teh levity returning.

"He has the general idea. And I did not," he says honestly of each there. Then she talks about mediation. "He and I need a good drink together. I think we're good sometimes, then other times I don't. I don't know," he runs his hands through his locks and lets out a big sigh. Then he paces a little bit. Just trying to gather everything up in his mind. Trying to figure out the next thing to say.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives a look to him, "Well...if I tell you please don't give me a judgy look." she comments. "I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve and I've sorta developed a tiny crush on you. Before the whole mask coming off situation." she states.

Then she listens about the other guy, "Maybe you just need to let that situation take it's time." she offers. "I've never really dealt with this sort of situation...but now maybe I should try to do more research." she comments.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Well, I got a crush on you too. So, let's tackle that first," Kaine says openly, honestly. His gaze goes to her for a moment as he knows the rest is important. However, this is something they can tackle together. "Like peck on th cheek crush or you intentionaly locked the door," he winks just trying to lean into levity of things.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"Definitely need to talk about that." Ducky gives a nod to that as she smiles at him. His question on how to categorize it makes her laugh, "Umm, I don't generally lock the door up here. If the door opens it's either a ghost or Hydra." she muses.

"I wouldn't kick you out of bed for eating crackers if that helps?" she asks him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Careful or I will think you want me in that bed sooner than later," he grins at her and then nods. "So, let me guess th emask needs to go back on?" he asks with a smirk knowing it probably doesn't need to. He wouldn't be surprised if she kept up with the joke though.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky blushes at that, "I mean, I can go with the flow." she admits. Though his joke makes her giggle, "Kinky." she points out. "I also don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of you in a vulnerable moment. I'd be just as happy to curl up and talk or just...be." she points out.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine looks at her, "I was literally faced with death. IT was arguably in my hands. My one sad thought was, 'I really hope she's not pissed at me if I'm a ghost that finds her.' Then I got sad for a second," Kaine sighs and looks at her. "I couldn't spend time thinking about it. I came here because I literally looked at Death twice. It's alarming when it's a bomb," and he looks at her for a moment. "And I'm the one thinking of kissing you right now. Trust me, you're not taking advantage of me. If you are, it's because I want you to," he grins and shakes his head. "If you're a predator, or anything aggressive, I'm clearly that prey that wants to get caught. Y'know, the person saying the most unconvincing 'Oh no!' and then walks away looking back, somehow magically trips," he looks at Ducky making sure she knows, Blood dodesn't feel taken advantage of. "It's Kaine, by the way. My name is Kaine."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky realizes this man has been through a lot more trauma than anyone should be allowed to be through in a day. She moves closer to him and reaches out to take a hold of his hand, "I wouldn't have been pissed, very, very sad, yes. Angry? No." she tells him. "Alright, I take a little of that back. I'd be pissed that you died and I didn't know your real name. Though Blood Spider is pretty cool." she admits.

"You're like the girls in horror movies. Bitches always be tripping." she tells him with a mischevious grin. His name causes her to pause for a moment given she knows a Lucifer. "I do like the name though. Very biblical." she winks.

Then she shuts up as she leans in to kiss him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine knows he's been through trauma. It's easier to be sacrifice when there's children you wish to see the future, or nothing left to lose. For a few moments, Kaine felt like the latter. Then when it came time to do the most delicate, and easily dangerous, part of the defusing process...it gave him pause.

"Careful. Or one day I may call myself a bitch. The next day you," he winks just not denying the fact that Alice's words are amusingly accurate in this case.

"I always wondered if there was an Abel variant planned. And what that plan was. These are details I could nev-" and then Alice goes to kiss him. And he kisses her back. Letting his hips linger, despite no other part of him pushing forward. He's just savoring it.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Atrice gives a small chuckle to his words, "I'd never call you a bitch literally. And if you call me one you're definitely going to be up for a fight." she points out.

The kiss is a gentle thing and doesn't press for anything other than offering warmth and comfort.

She leans back, letting him finish his sentence. "Do you really want to find out?" she asks him quietly.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Noted," never call Atrice that, even in private under very certain circumstances. He looks at her for a moment, "I'd like more of the other thing. And anything else."

"So, Atrice. We're two people with emotions for each other. Tell me where you want to go," Kaine says as he wants ot hear what Atrice wanted out of them.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Atrice gives a chuckle, "I've heard bitch used in fights. I just...don't want to fight." she admits to that. "So more kisses?" she grins at him.

Then she sobers as he speaks and there is a look to him, "I mean...I'd like to see where things might go? Where I might be able to help you?" she offers. "I don't want to push too fast is the thing. You've got a lot going on." she smiles to him.

"What do you want?" she asks him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I've heard it used in the bedroom once or twice," Kaine says honestly and shrugs. "I wasn't going to fight," he says honestly.

"I want us to be comfortable. Whether that's a snail's pace or going as quick as a cheetah. I just want us to be happy with it," he looks at her for a moment. "I just don't know if you want to stay single now," he grins at her as he would not mind giving up his dating status.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Atrice actually blushes at that, "Oh. Well...of course." she chuckles. "People get excited and sometimes talk dirty. Totally a part of some couples routine...or anyone having sex I guess." she explains.

"I'm not seeing anyone currently, no. So I am open to starting a relationship." she tells him. "Are you seeing people?" she asks him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I'd only call you that word in those situations. Or if you know, you try to kill me. That kind of earns me that right," Kaine says honestly as he thinks on it a little bit.

Then he smirks at her question. "I am Atrice. You can see her when you want. Just gotta find a reflective surface and get a good look," and then he just waits for her to put the pices together.. Probably think that's a very cheesy pickup line.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"Do people in NYC just end up in relationships where they try to murder each other? Is that any fun?" Atrice asks him. "It sounds exhausting." she chuckles.

She feels a little sting when he says he is seeing someone. Then she realizes that he means her and she squints before she reaches out to gently swat him, "She's hideous." she tells him with a snicker.

"Do you want to know what you are getting into?" she asks him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I've seen some people do that, tohers stop," he says honestly and agrees with a nod. "Like, either screw or shoot each other. You can't have both," he snickers a little bht.

The swat comes and he smirks, "Sure, but I'll probably say 'you're no longer single' after." and he gestures for Atrice to take the floor. She has the opportunity to speak.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Atrice laughs, "I mean...you can. Just screw first then shoot. Not vice versa." she shakes her head. People were odd. "I mean, you can definitely still say that." she muses.

She takes a deep breath and then lets it out, "I'm dying." she tells him truthfully. "If I don't have some sort of medical breakthrough. It's why I tend to be a non-combatant...even if I am trained to fight." she admits. "We're trying out new treatments. I just...I didn't want you to be surprised." she admits quietly.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Well. Guess whose cells are unstable? They're breaking down at a faster rate," he looks at Atrice. She can see a simialr weight. The weight of someone wanting to rage and fight agaisnt a death that may come a bit too soon. "The suit slows it down," which is why he wears it a lot. "But there's no cure. I'm trying to find people to help...but it hasn't gone well."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Atrice looks like she might tear up, her eyes are shinier than normal. "Well...it looks like we have a lot in common." she tells him gently." as she looks to him.

Then she gives him a soft smile, "Will you let me see if anyone around SHIELD can help or at least let me take a blood sample to them?" she asks him. "I absolutely understand if it's a bad idea, but...there are some of the best doctors out there." she admits.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I'd like that. It was one of my original plans, but I think a mission put them in deep cover," he says honestly knowing this could indebt him to SHIELD. He would be alive though. His gaze goes to her and he waits for a moment. "So, do we go slow or fast?"

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Atrice gives him a warm smile, "Yeah there was something that happened and all of us basically had to go underground or well...I was in the hospital for most of it." she sighs to that. "How about slow for tonight?" she asks him. "You can get a shower, I can cook or order a pizza and we can just have a semblance of a normal night." she offers to him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I'd like that," Kaine admits. Yes, certain parts are saying go fast, but in his mind this option sounds infinitely better. And so he'll happily take it. A soft smile pulls on his face. "I just have this. Do you have something I can wear?" he asks curiously.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Atrice beams a smile at him. She got very bright when she was happy. "Do you wash that on gentle? Lingerie?" she asks him with a grin. "And I think I have something. It's not guys clothing. But I've got some old sweat pants that might be a little short and a big old t-shirt if that works?" she asks him. "Or I've got a black fuzzy robe that is extra big. Your choice." she smiles.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I hand wash it." Then he grins at her, "NNot against people that wear it, I'm sure I'd ruin your lingerie," he grins at her and then he givesa nod. "Old sweat pants and a comfy shirt is fine. Just don't give me a tube top," he grins. Then thinks on it. "Black Robe is always good."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Atrice gives a soft giggle, "I meant the lingerie setting on the washer." she whispers to him. "We'll wash it later. "And I'll go grab clothes while you're getting ready for a shower...or bath. I've got both." she admits. "That way you can choose which you'd feel more comfortable in." she tells him. She was being extra careful in making sure he knew he had choices.

"And how does Thai or Italian sound for dinner?" she asks.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I'll go for the shower," he grins and then stands up. He starst to undo the various bits. His gaze goes to her for a moment. "Thai is a good thing," he says honestly as he looks at her. "Just show me how to keep it hot."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Atrice grins at him as she nods to that, "Thai it is. Any particular food within that or want me to just order and surprise you?" she asks him as she goes to show him to the bathroom. She opens the door and the place is sort of adorable with all the ghost decor. Fluffy white towels and soft carpets. "It's one of the easier ones." she tells him as she bends to start the shower, "And we've got a big water tank. So should be all good." she offers over her shoulder.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Peanut chicken if it's tai," Kaine says and then looks to the bathroom for a bit. He smirks at the ghosts int he bathroom. Those feet isnk into the carpet and he nods approvingly. "I hope my towels feel this good," and then he nods again. The hot water is a nice bonus. "Now are you going to help?" he winks at her, clearly joking. Although he feels so spoiled, he's expecting the water to be minteral or sparkling.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"I think I'll go with Thai then." Ducky grins to that. There is a bit of a laugh as she steps out of the bathroom and back into the living area, "They might!" she teases him.

"I might help after I get dinner ordered." she tells him. And with that she puts in a call for delivery. After that she goes back to the door of the bathroom and leans on the frame, "So do you have a place of your own, Kaine?" she asks him as he showers.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine is enjoying the water when the knock comes to the door. "I do, but it's small. A shithole compared to this," he says honestly as he looks back to the door. "Why?" he just savors the warmth of the water." the eyes close as he enjoys the way the water feels. Oh, that tank is enjoying quiet a bit.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky listens to him and there is a soft look as she does. "My apartment is always open if you like. I can show you where the spare key is even." she offers. "I'm aware that might be an odd offer, but I feel that it's nice to have a stable place to go to when needed." she admits.

"And while there are dead people in the basement sometimes, it's a nice quiet place at least." she muses.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"And here I thought you just wanted your boyfriend close. Often. That sorta thing," he jokes trying to downplay the offer. Then he's quiet, "I appreciate the offer. Really. You need to let me know you want me to have that, I don't wnat you think we're rushing or something," he doesn't thinkt hey are. However, he knows this is a potentially big step. So, he's clearing that air promptly.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"I regularly come home to ghosts, so an actual live person would be a big change." Ducky tells him. "I feel like in the state we're both in that maybe having somewhere stable to go might benefit. And you being my boyfriend might play into that." she muses.

"We've got so much going on with the our own health, the world at large and other things that yes, I'd like you to have a key." she nods.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"At leas tyou're honest about the boyfriend part," he grins and then looks toward the door. Then his face saddens. "I wish you werne't," he says honestly. His gaze goes forward again. "I know we're on the borrowed time, but I hope you find a cure."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives a grin, "I mean, I could say 'other half' if that works better?" she asks him. Then there is a moment she feels sad, "You wish that I wasn't honest about how things are?" she asks him.

"My doctors are good, I just have to keep hoping." she admits. "And I can reach out to people for you in SHIELD." she states. "Maybe we'll both get lucky." she states.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"It's not that I don't want you to be honest. I just hope the first, is not the last. Same goes for the latest, any of it," he knows that's an eventuality. Still, he odesn't want for that. Kaine will look at the doorfor a moment. "I'd rather you look forward to two, three, four, all that."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives a sweet smile as she listens to him, "I do hope for two, three and four, Kaine." she tells him. "Dinner delivery should be here in about ten minutes and I'll just go meet them at the door." she mentions. "I did get your sweats and shirt as well." she points out. "I need to make a quick call, but I will be back up with dinner shortly. Enjoy the shower." she states to him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine waits to hear the footfalls go away. Then he kilsl the water before moving to the door. He'll open it while towelling hismel foff. He will snag the sweats. Right now, he's trying to just get readyt oe njoy dinner. KLaine hates tha tseh has the same fears he does, but that makes her a better shoulder. It's a double edged sword.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Kaine can probably hear the door downstairs when someone knocks and there is a exchange of pleasantries and food given over. Then she's heading back upstairs, "Alright, dinner has arrived." she grins to that. "Did you have a preference for kitchen table or the couch for eating?" she asks him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine Parker says, "Couch," he says wearing those sweats. Brown eyes looking toward her. He rolls his shoulders as he moves toward the living room. "To nearly getting blown up to a nice day of tai food and something on the television. Can't argue with that," he gives a soft smile."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky grabs silverware and things on her way towards the living room, "My foster parents were always strict about eating at the dinner table. Then I decided when I was on my own that it wasn't really a big deal." she admits with a chuckle as she settles things down. "Plus it's nice to just be cozy." she adds. "Do you have a preference on drinks? I've got water, soda, beer and wine." she offers.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Water is good. So is soda," he shakes his head about the wine. "Things like wine, beer, I'm a snob. The high life. I had the top shelf shit. Things like black diner coffee, a lot of wines and a good chunk of beers, I'm not a fan of. I got spoiled," he admits and that's a big advantage to the old life. The finer things and Kaine got really well acquainted. "I didn't have family. I had friends. And I had money. So, I lived in conditions people only dreamed of. But it was empty...sadly, emotionally empty doesn't mean empty for your taste buds or love a good egyptian cotton set of blankets."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky heads back towards the fridge to grab drinks for them both. A bottle of water and soda for each of them. Then there is a chuckle as she settles in next to him, "Nothing wrong with having a taste for the finer things in life." she tells him. "I mean, I don't really want for anything. Just stuff that money can't buy most times." she admits. "So what do you want to watch? Any preference in genres?" she asks.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Yes, but I mean...like the expensive stuff. The stuff that makes me scream now," he knows what it's like to have a much smaller budget these days. "It's a very....juxtaposed way of life," he admits and then shrugs about shows. "I'm still learning about myself. See, I don't have the memories of my sourse, but I have his tastes. It's a little odd. I may like the same thing for different reasons, but the same spark pushed it," he knows nurture will kick in at some point causing deviation or so he hopes.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives a soft look to him, "So let me know what makes you scream now and I will try to avoid it." she tells him. "Like...girlfriends buying you stuff." she points out. There is a bit of a hmm given to his tastes. "Well...how about we just do something random and we'll go from there. I tend to like horror and things, but I think we've had enough of that for the day." she states in a gentle tone.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"It's the high paying stuff I can't afford like I did," he grins and he looks at her. "I thought girlfriends tried to make their boyfriends scream." Then he looks at her, "Mindless comedy when this get heavy if you don't mind it," he offers a compromise seeing if that would tickle her fancy any.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives a look over to him as she looks amused, "I mean...I've never tried to make any of my boyfriends scream in a bad way." she chuckles to that. "Moan, yes. Scream...no." she adds. "Mindless comedy it is then." she nods to that. She scrolls through one of the streaming apps to put on a comedy. "I'm about to ask a very boring question, but do you have any sort of ID or are you totally off grid?" she asks.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I meant scream in the fun way. The line blurs with moans," he grins and then shakes his head. Those questions get serious and he nods. "You can't be off the grid if you were never put on the grid," and so yes, he's off grid techinically. His gaze looks at her. "And the rest of the questions?" the voice serious now.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"Oh, well...then yes." Ducky chuckles. There is a moment taken to listen to his reply and she offers a bit of a apologetic look, "I didn't mean to offend if I did. I'm trying to figure out what might help you in the long run, Kaine." she tells him in a gentle tone.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"No. You did not offend me, but I was never registered with anything. It forced me to a life of underneath the table jobs and things tha tare less than legal," he looks at ehr for a moment. That's his past. It did force him into a corner, kind of.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky settles her food down and turns a little to look at him, "I want you to know that if I ask questions it is to see how we can make going forward a bit easier on you given the past that you have." she tells him. "It's never to dig just to dig." she adds.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I know. I know it's not. Just...it's hard not to avoid it. But yeah. I don't have an identity of my own. I'm a blank sheet. A ghost in the sense of ID," he says softly and shakes his head. "You still have a thing for ghosts even now."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives a soft look to him, "I keep trying to make sure that you know I'm not trying to do something shady, maybe I'm being way too cautious." she admits. His quip though causes her to laugh, "You seem pretty solid for a ghost, Kaine." she teases him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I know you're not," he grins at her and shakes his head. "I do have a bounty on me. But I know you don't know how to cash it unless a really pissed off ghost follow me...then y'know talks to you," he looks at her with concern. A brow raises as he waonders if she can see that.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"You have a bounty on you?" Ducky asks him. "Like...the mob or another group?" she asks him. Then there is a bit of a look to him, "I can see ghosts that are around at all times. It never shuts off. If you had one following you I'd see it." she tells him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"The under world, yes. I....I didn't do the impossible John Wick tasks, but you just don't do a clean break with groups like that," he says softly looking toward her for a moment. Then he gives a nod. "didn't piss peopel off -that- much." Oh, he imagiens some upset faces, but nothing to the extreme to cause ripples with Atrice.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives a bit of a nod to that information, "So that's something that won't go away until it is made right or until you're cashed in?" she asks him. "I wouldn't turn you into a under world group anyways. I just need to know so I can take safeguards to protect things." she explains.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Well, I think it's more of a...when will they consider it a waste of resources to keep going after me?" he poses and shrugs. "I've got a few groups that have lost weapons, things like that. Then they won't didn't work for a while. Basically I got to bleed them dry financially,"he says honestly looking at her intently then he looks up.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives a look over to him, "I mean...they might do that." she states. "But we can worry about that later. Lets eat before things get cold. Because cold food is gross." she admits to that with a bit of a smile. She'd put looking into Underworld contacts into her list of things to do this week!