19077/Marriage Blues

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Marriage Blues
Date of Scene: 15 September 2024
Location: Seaside Victorian House
Synopsis: Sam shows off his dress blues, and he and Morrigan talk when they want to start their future - if Galactus doesn't ruin it for them.
Cast of Characters: Sam Wilson, Morrigan MacIntyre

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam Wilson strides into his home, the door clicking shut behind him as the light from the hallway filters in. With a playful edge to his voice, he calls out, "Morrigan! You coming upstairs?" His voice echoes through the house, the weight of excitement and nerves clear in his tone.

When she makes her way to him in the dining room, he stands, dressed in his Air Force Dress Blues, the sleek, formal uniform fitting him perfectly. Sam is beaming, his grin wide and boyish as he adjusts his sleeves with a deliberate, teasing motion. "They still fit," he says with a slight chuckle, his voice light, but proud.

He gives her a teasing wink, his eyes full of warmth. "I figured you're allowed to see what the groom's wearing, right?" His tone, playful yet sincere, fills the air with a mix of levity and love as he stands there, both proud of his service and excited for the future that awaits them both.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Mo heard the door and she was guessing that it was Sam. She was just getting ready to close things up when she heard his voice. Was there nervousness? "Be right up!" she calls.

Then she peeks her head around the stairs up and then heads up, "Still fit?" she asks as she sees him and she gives the brightest of smiles, "That's hot." she tells him.

Then she crosses over to him, "I mean, I figured the only thing that would have trouble fitting are the muscles." she muses to that. "You look wonderful." she states.

"I'd hug you, but I'm afraid I'll mess them up somehow." she grins. "You feel like the students are going to feel something is up?" she asks him.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Maybe? I was gonna speak with the Justice of the Peace and see if we can bring our clothes beforehand." Sam offers as he moves towards Morrigan, leaning over to give her a kiss as he grins at her. "Fooling them is hard work." he teases them. "But I want to do this. Even if you decide that we do it on our own." he admits to her.

"Your father came over the other night. He wanted to meet the man that was marrying his daughter." he comments to Morrigan as he pulls back, slipping off the jacket - naw, flight requires lean mass, not bulk." A pause.

"...I wanted to invite Steve and Bucky. And..." he shakes his head.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"That's actually not a bad idea." Morrigan admits to that. "Might be easier to get a few minutes for the Judge to talk to them and we can sneak off and change." she admits.

She returns his kiss and there is a soft smile to him, "Do it on our own?" she asks him.

The news that her father visited makes her pause for a moment, "Wait, adopted father or biological?" she asks him. "Either way...there were not any threats about a JP wedding, were there?" she asks with a chuckle.

There's a look over him, "Mhm. Lean mass." she waggles her brows at that.

Then she sobers, "If you would like to invite Steve in spirit we can. And James can have an open invitation to things." she offers. Then she steps in to hug him, "I know everything has been one loss after another this year." she frowns at that.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"The one that has to be invited in. Wanted me to ask him for your hand. So I did, he was for it, so there's that. Maybe that means good tidings?" A pause, and Sam adds. "I didn't invite him in." he makes sure to add. "And yeah... just like... no field trip or the like. Just... get married. I'm nervous. Week away, and I don't want the wheels to fall off." comes his admission.

As she comes in closer, to hug him, Sam chuckles. "We can go upstairs for a more thorough inspection." he teases her, returning the hug and presses a kiss to her forehead.

"We can do that. I just... I don't want to wait anymore, Mo. We've waited this long. And if the world's gonna end, I want the universe to know you were Dr. Morrigan Macintyre-Wilson, or however you plan to spin it." he teases.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Oh, I bet he was on his best behavior." Morrigan chuckles to that. "He's...complicated. He also tried to kill me years and years ago. I've only slightly forgiven him for that." she shakes her head. "He's trying and I can't be too upset." she states.

There is a soft smile to him, "Do you just want to go do things on Monday or Friday before Homecoming? Could just show up in our wedding attire." she giggles to that.

She reaches out to take his hands, giving them a squeeze of reassurance, "Babe, do you know how annoying I'm going to be with the Doctor Wilson introductions?" she teases him. "They're going to know." she grins. "I just want to make sure /you/ aren't stressed or fretting." she admits.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"No stress. No fretting. Just... excitement. A week from now, you will be my wife, Mo." Sam says with a chuckle. And he gets a playful grin. "How eager are you start on a family?" he comments as he reaches up, brushing his fingers into her crimson locks. "He seemed repentant, if that helped? Or realized you were more powerful?"

"Or maybe, he's waiting for a grandchild. I dunno," he admits as he pulls her closer, gently swaying to some song in his head. "We can do the trip. It's fine. I'm just excited and ready to be yours."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"And you will be my husband." Morrigan grins to that. She seems very excited by this! When he asks how eager she is to start on a family there is a bit of a softer smile given to him, "I was hoping we'd get done with fighting Galactus before we started family preparations." she admits.

It's not a bad thing! "Generally I'm not more powerful than a 200 hundred plus year old vampire. But if I take on Anubis' avatar it probably will be true." she admits.

"I know my adopted parents are very excited about the prospect of grandchildren." she explains as she wraps her arm about his shoulders. "I am also excited, I am just not wanting to do plans for children while the threat of death still hangs over us. Marriages can be annulled if anything comes up. Children are a different story." she whispers.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"You're right. And the practical one, as always. I just see you and I get excited for the future... even if I should be focused on Galactus. I just know... I'll be here on Earth, doing what I can to help, because I can't do the fight in space." Sam admits quietly, as he squeezes Mo to him. "...I'm going to support you with that, by the way. Anubis, that is."

"As is my sister, to have a niece of nephew to spoil." he says with a chuckle. But then he draws in a breath. "After Galactus then. When you're ready." he agrees.