19179/Operation Honeymoon: Day 1
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Operation Honeymoon: Day 1 | |
Date of Scene: | 29 September 2024 |
Location: | Iceland |
Synopsis: | No description |
Cast of Characters: | Morrigan MacIntyre, Sam Wilson
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Sam with his magic had planned most of the wedding stuff given his connections and Morrigan had made sure the honeymoon was going to be taken care of by her. It was very late by their standards when the plane landed in Reykjavik. It's one of the places she's never been and it was not a desert place. So she was 100 percent sure nothing bad would happen while they were here.
Or they could dream.
They would be staying at the Hotel Borg while in the city, but Morrigan's got plans for them to be off and seeing things while they have the time to. About all there was energy for at the late hour was a snack and then to curl up with each other and sleep.
On Saturday there was a day of walking and sight seeing, being cooped up in offices and other areas meant that time spent out in the day would be lovely...and Morrigan didn't have to worry about getting set on fire.
One of the first stops was the Saga museum...to see the history of the Vikings, "Wonder if Thor has been here..." she whispers the question to Sam with a grin. "Also...did you want to see Hallgrimskirkja?" she looks to him.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam chuckles softly at Morrigan's whisper, leaning in as they wander through the Saga Museum. The low lighting and life-like displays of Viking history make the place feel almost like stepping back in time, and her playful remark about Thor brings a grin to his face.
"Knowing Thor, he probably crashed through here at some point, left his hammer lying around," he quips back, his voice low and amused. "Probably put his picture up somewhere like, Thor was here, too," he adds with a smirk, imagining the God of Thunder in a place like this.
He glances around at the exhibits, the stories of warriors, gods, and ancient battles stirring a sense of awe. But then Morrigan's next question makes him pause for a moment, looking over at her with a thoughtful expression.
"Hallgrims-Hallgimskirj-," he stumbles over the word, eyebrows furrowing as he tries again, "Hallgrim...skirkja?"
He looks over at Morrigan, his expression a mix of amusement and mild frustration. "You know what, I'm just gonna call it the big church from now on. They should really put some pronunciation guides on these signs, I swear."
He shakes his head with a laugh, reaching for her hand. "Good thing I'm better at flying than I am at pronouncing Icelandic. But hey, I'll get it right eventually. Maybe." Sam comments, his hand gently resting at the small of her back as they walk. "Yeah, I'd love to see it. That place is incredible from the pictures alone. Plus, I've heard the view from the top is worth the climb."
He gives her a sideways glance, his tone softening, "But honestly, wherever you want to go, I'm game. I'm just happy being here with you."
Reykjavik's cool air is refreshing after so much time spent indoors, and he feels a calm settling in after the hectic months of planning, traveling, and everything else they've been through. This honeymoon, this time in Iceland, it's all about the two of them. Sam's been to plenty of places on missions, but this feels different-like a chance to breathe, explore, and enjoy without constantly looking over his shoulder.
There's a lightness in his step, the kind that comes from having no mission but to enjoy the present moment with the woman he loves. "Let's hit Hakunamattata, and then maybe grab some of that Icelandic hot chocolate everyone keeps raving about. Sound good?"
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan looks thoroughly amused when Sam states that Thor probably left his picture here somewhere. "I mean, if he didn't we always could?" she offers in a laugh. "No, that would definitely get my consultant badge revoked." she shakes her head.
She doesn't give him any guff for not being able to pronounce the churches name, "That works for what to call it. And I cheat I guess when it comes to languages. Something that got left over from Macha." she admits.
She bumps her hip against his with a smile, "I didn't really book any tours or anything, just wanted to get out and enjoy things on our own. We can both navigate." she states.
Morrigan laughs when he calls the Church Hakunamattata. "Alright, lets hit that and then we can get some hot chocolate." she nods to him as she reaches out to take hold of one of his hands.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam feels the warmth of Morrigan's hand as she takes his, and he can't help but pause for a moment. The casual joy of the moment-her laugh, the way she playfully bumps against him, and the easy way she talks about their plans-it all grounds him in a way that nothing else does. He lets out a low chuckle at her laugh about his "Hakunamattata" joke, but instead of replying immediately, he gently turns her hand in his, his thumb brushing over her wedding ring.
"Y'know," he begins, his voice softening as he admires the ring, "I'm still getting used to seeing this on your finger." His smile turns a bit more thoughtful as his fingers trace the band. "It feels like I won some kind of cosmic lottery or something."
He glances up, catching her gaze, his expression full of warmth, sincerity and love. "All these places we're gonna see, all these little adventures-" he lifts her hand slightly, giving it a squeeze, "-they all feel a little bit better because I'm doing it with you."
His tone turns playful again as he adds, "And let's be real, I'm gonna need your language cheat skills with a name like Hallgrims... you know what, I'm just not even gonna try. Big church it is."
He winks and pulls her a little closer, walking with her toward the church. "But first stop: hot chocolate. Because, as far as I'm concerned, nothing says 'romantic getaway' like drinking hot chocolate with your wife after totally butchering Icelandic names before touring a church."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan walks along easily with Sam. There's no really crowded sidewalks. It's peaceful. New York was always rushed and hectic. Things here seemed different. She liked it here.
She looks down to Sam's thumb that brushes over her wedding band and there is a smile at the gesture, "Well, maybe we both won the cosmic lottery." she tells him. Though his words cause her to smile more brightly, "Well...it could be the opposite. I could annoy you with every breath, so I'll take this." she teases him.
A grin is given, "I am fine cheating when it comes to languages, not like I can turn it off. I can speak everything." she muses to that.
Morrigan then gives a smile and then pronounces the name of the church for him like one of the locals would. It probably doesn't help.
"Hey, I think that it is an adorable and romantic idea." she points out to him.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam grins at Morrigan's teasing, giving her hand a playful squeeze as they walk along the peaceful streets. "Well, if you annoy me with every breath, I must have developed a real strong tolerance," he jokes, nudging her gently. "Maybe that's the real cosmic lottery-being able to love someone through their endless teasing." His voice is light, but there's a softness in his eyes when he looks at her, a warmth that lingers.
When she flawlessly pronounces the church's name, Sam throws his hands up in mock surrender. "Alright, alright, show-off! You're gonna make me sound like I've never seen a map in my life." He laughs, shaking his head. "But, honestly, I'm cool with you being the linguistic genius in this relationship. I'll just stick to flying and keeping up with you."
He pauses for a moment, looking out at the quiet streets of Reykjavik, then back at her. "I gotta say, though," he adds, his tone softening, "this place suits you. The quiet, the peace? New York's always felt like home, but here, it feels like we can just breathe for a while, you know?"
Sam gives her another smile, the kind that's more than just words. "So, yeah. Hot chocolate, weirdly named churches, and cosmic lotteries. Sounds like we're off to a perfect start. At least for the rest of my life."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's smile is easy when she looks to her husband, "I mean, I feel if I didn't tease you then I wouldn't be any fun." she grins at him. "And you know I love you no matter what our situation is." she tells him.
There is a giggle at him, "Want me to cast a spell to let you speak like a local?" she asks him. "Oh my language skills are purely supernatural, not my genius intellect." she admits.
There is a softer smile, "Want to look for houses to buy?" she asks him. "If we need a bit of peace I could just port us here." she offers.
She then leans in to give his cheek a kiss, "I love you, Sam Wilson." she tells him in a soft tone. "Let's go get the rest of our life started." she adds as she squeezes his hand gently.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam grins, the warmth in his eyes matching Morrigan's as she teases him. "Well, if you didn't tease me, I'd probably think something was wrong. It's part of the deal, right?" He gives her a playful nudge with his elbow. "And I love you too, no matter where we are or what's happening."
At her offer to cast a spell, Sam laughs, shaking his head. "I think I'll pass on the spell. I've already got you speaking for the both of us. Plus, it's kind of fun hearing you correct me every time I butcher these names." He winks at her, then adds with a grin, "But if you want to call it supernatural and not genius, fine. We'll save your genius intellect for something else."
When she mentions looking for houses, Sam raises an eyebrow, a soft, thoughtful smile playing on his lips. "You know, I wasn't thinking about buying a place, but... yeah. This place does feel like a spot we could escape to when things get crazy. Maybe one day, when the city life gets to be too much, we'll have a quiet little home here. Just us, a fireplace, and the Northern Lights."
As she leans in to kiss his cheek, Sam's heart swells. He turns his head slightly to meet her gaze, his voice low and full of sincerity. "I love you too, Morrigan. More than you know."
He squeezes her hand back, holding her close for a moment. "Alright, let's go see the rest of the sights. We've got a whole day ahead of us-and the rest of our lives to figure out the rest." His eyes light up with a mischievous glint. "And no, we're definitely not taking over the world. Just rocking it. A little."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan is all too happy in the moment. "You'd be looking for the pod wondering if I was really your wife." she chuckles to that. There is a bit of a smile given, "I'm not going to correct you because I am snooty. It's to help out." she tells him.
"Oh...no, All-Speak is something only the gods and others can do. It is definitely supernatural." she chuckles.
"Hmm, maybe we can see if there is a realtor around? Find some little place?" she asks him. "I've been looking to pick up a house in another country...and if we both like it here..." she states.
There is a moment taken to touch his cheek as he looks to her, "Let's go then. Not like we're going to get some alert from the school since we're on Honeymoon." she tells him with a grin.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam chuckles softly at Morrigan's playful remark. "Yeah, I'd definitely be wondering if you were some kind of clone or something if you ever stopped teasing me. Gotta keep me on my toes, right?" He smirks, giving her a quick wink.
"And don't worry, I know you're not correcting me to show off. It's helpful... and let's be honest, someone's gotta make sure I don't embarrass myself too much in front of the locals."
He nods thoughtfully as she talks about the All-Speak, giving her an appreciative look. "See, that's why I'm lucky. You've got all these supernatural gifts, and me? I just got wings. But hey, it works."
When she brings up the idea of a house, Sam's smile widens, and he gives a little nod. "You know, that doesn't sound too bad. A little place out here in Iceland... we could have a home away from the craziness. If you're serious about it, we could definitely check out a realtor, see what's available. I'm all for it if it means more moments like this."
He leans into her touch, his expression softening as he looks at her. "Yeah, no school alerts, no emergencies. Just you, me, and Iceland for the next few days. I think we deserve it."
He takes out his phone as he walks. "Wonder what rights our children would get if we had them here instead of in the States..."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives him a soft smile as he tells her things are already with correcting him and with the teasing.
"Oh I am serious. My other choice was going to be somewhere in Ireland or London, but I think this might be a better spot." she admits. And not have any baggage attached!
"I think the Trio of Terror was upset that they got left out of the wedding. I told them if we do a reception after everything that they are welcome to come." she explains.
There is a soft smile given over to him, "Or if we adopt we'll have to see how things like that might go." she states.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam listens, his smile growing as Morrigan talks about her ideas for a house. "Ireland, London, Iceland... all solid choices, but yeah, I think Iceland's got its own kind of magic, doesn't it? Plus, no baggage; just a fresh start, somewhere peaceful. I like that."
When she mentions the "Trio of Terror," Sam can't help but laugh, shaking his head. "I'm sure they were upset. Those three always want to be in the middle of things. But hey, a reception after all this craziness? Galactus and everything? That's a good idea. Let them have their moment of fun, and we can celebrate again with everyone."
Her last words catch him a little off guard, but in the best way. His eyes soften, and he looks at her, his grip on her hand tightening just a bit, more out of emotion than anything. "Adoption, huh?" His voice is gentle, thoughtful, as if turning the idea over in his mind. "I remember that we discussed it and liked the idea when we're ready."
He pauses, meeting her gaze with a warm smile. "Whatever comes next, I'm with you. If we adopt, or if it's just you and me for a while longer, I know we'll figure it out together. And maybe someday, we'll have that house... and a family to fill it with."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives him a soft smile, "Maybe a fresh start will be a good thing." she admits to him. "Tyler just wants to see me happy. I sometimes debate adopting him given he literally lost all of his family." she sighs to that.
"And they were some of our first students, so I don't mind them being in stuff." she chuckles.
She gives a look over to him, her body shifting so that she can be close to him, "Adoption has always been on the table. There are so many kids out there that need a good home. And I think you'll be an amazing father whether they are from us biologically or adopted." she tells him.
"I'm not going to make any decisions on children while we're on Honeymoon, but I wanted to tell you that I still want that family with you." she admits with a soft smile.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam listens to Morrigan, his expression softening as she opens up. He wraps an arm around her as she shifts closer, pulling her gently against him. "A fresh start... yeah, maybe that's exactly what we need. And Tyler-he's a good kid. I get why you'd think about adopting him. Losing his whole family... it's hard to even imagine what that's like. But I can see how much you care about him."
He chuckles at her comment about their first students. "Yeah, they've been with us from the beginning. They're like our little chaos crew. But they've got good hearts, and I think they look up to us more than we realize."
When she talks about adoption, Sam grins. He looks down at her, a serious but deeply affectionate expression on his face. "Adoption, whatever path we take, I want that with you, too. A family. I've always seen you as someone who's gonna be an amazing mother, and I'm honored that you think I'd be a good dad." His voice is steady, filled with conviction.
He presses a soft kiss to her temple, his fingers lightly brushing her arm. "And don't worry, we won't make any big decisions here on the honeymoon. But hearing you say that... it means the world to me. Whenever we're ready, we'll figure it out together. Just like we do with everything else. Save the decisions for when we know the world is sorta safe again."
Sam's smile turns a little playful again as he squeezes her hand. "But for now, let's focus on the hot springs and some quality 'us' time. No kids yet, just you and me... and a whole lot of Iceland to explore."