19189/A Little Good News

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A Little Good News
Date of Scene: 30 September 2024
Location: Second Floor - Ducky's Apartment
Synopsis: Ducky brings some good news...and paperwork. Lots of paperwork.
Cast of Characters: Atrice Duckstein, Kaine Parker

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky had texted Kaine to let him know she might be a few minutes late getting home as she had an emergency pop up, but she had good news. She wasn't sure if she was expecting him to be at the apartment or out and about, it was a new situation entirely.

But one that she was happy with.

The door to the back stairs is unlocked and she has her bag and a box with files in it as she heads up the stairs, "You home, handsome?" she calls out.

Kaine Parker has posed:
<How Good?> Is Kaine's response. However, he swings back around. The response must have been gooe because he's waiting in costume at her place. Leaning against the wall, he crosses his arms waiting. Those red eyes watchign the door. "We're not pregnant, are we?" that's his attempt at a joke. That has yet to be a possibility. That's impossible. "How good is the news?" he asks trying to lighten the mood up more.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives a double take at his question and there is a laugh, "Umm, no?" she blushes at that. She settles her work down near the couch and then heads over to where he is holding up the wall. "Well, I have a lead on someone that might be able to help with your genetic problem." she tells him. "I didn't want to give them information without discussing it a bit more with you." she points out.

"They'll probably want to meet you and things. Wanted to see how you wanted to go forward with that." she tells him with a smile.

Kaine Parker has posed:
There's a genuine pause from Kaine. He watches her for a while in silence. Then he gestures for him to keep going. To tell him everything. His gaze resting on her for a moment. Looking at her Kaien wants to know everything.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives a smile to him as he seems to want to know more. "As you know I work for SHIELD and we have some of the best minds working for us." she explains.

"Someone gave me the name of Doctor Jemma Simmons, she's an expert in this area and I am going to reach out to her and talk to her." she states. "What I didn't want to do was go and talk to her without knowing what you are comfortable with me sharing. She'll probably need a blood sample and things at some point and she might need to know who they were trying to clone..." she lets that settle in for him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Arguably." he will say about the best minds, but c'est la vi. That's not a Hill he will die on. He knows they're bette rthan him.

"Whatever you need," and he starst tremoving the glove and rolling up the sleeve right there. Kaine wants them to find the cure yesterday. And he's willing to just throw caution to the wind. "I can even take you to work now if you need the lift."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"Do you have super genius on top of spider powers?" Ducky asks him curiously. She hadn't delved into asking him about powers yet. She didn't want to overwhelm him.

When he starts removing his glove and rolling up his sleeve there is a moment taken to reach out and take hold of his hand, "I don't have a blood draw kit and I'd be really worried about messing that up." she states. "Would you be comfortable with me setting up a meeting with yourself and Doctor Simmons?" she asks him as she squeezes his hand gently.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I don't have their resources, and I need more eyes on it," Kaine looks at her for a moement. Then he starts ot put the lgove on. He'l nod. "Whatever we need. Do you need a file on me?" he asks honestly trying to lcear th eair. Whatever he needs to do to make this happen. Kaine will end up doing everything to make sure they have everything they need. He wants his genetics examined with a fine toothed comb. AT the end, he hopes this doesn't turn him into SHIELD's answer to Spider-Man.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
So that was a yes. Ducky was intrigued. It was in her mismatched gaze. Not like she hid anything like that.

"I feel odd having a file on you...but it might be a good thing to have?" she offers. "While I know finding a cure for you is important, I'm not going to stomp on your anonymity or trying to not give all the information to a group you've not really worked with." she admits.

Kaine Parker has posed:
A nod comes from Kaine, "Enhanced Strength, agility, the ability to climb walls, a danger sense for lack of better words. It's a danger radar. It doesn't go off if my instincts don't see it as a threat. I'm not sure if the intelligence is enhanced by the powers," he knows the origin of the web fluid. Well, the allegedly, there's a file on Spide-Man. However, he won't go into details there in case there's something wrong.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives a look over him and then up to his covered eyes, "I'm glad I don't come off as a threat. I'm like...the worst SHIELD agent." she chuckles. "So, what I will do is contact Doctor Simmons and see if I can get a meeting between the three of us, does that sound like a plan?" she asks him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I mean you could, but no. I know it has some limitations, but I haven't figured those out," he admits a little sheepishly. The Then he thinks on it more. "I know there are a few things the powers taught, but I don't think it effected the intelligence really."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"Hopefully I will never be a threat to you, Kaine." Ducky tells him with a soft smile. That would be a rough go of things really!

"Now that we've got the hard part talked on...do you need to run out and do a spider thing or would you like to have dinner?" she asks him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I know you mean that," then he goes to put a hand on her shoulder. His gaze rests on her. "I should, but Id o want to have dinner with you." The he tries to pull out a chair for her. He could spare a few moments at least.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
If Ducky is a danger to him then she's probably a danger to others and that'll be something that would be rare, but nothing is certain in this world!

She lets him pull the chair out and she sits down, "Even if it's just a drink real fast. I know you've got things and I don't want you to change that." she tells him. With that said, she takes what time she does get with him with a grin!