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Date of Scene: 13 October 2024
Location: Danger Room
Synopsis: 19285-Orientation continues for the new nurse of the Wellness Center continues..with very interesting topics to boot!
Cast of Characters: Bishop, Aisling Caroll

Bishop has posed:
"What you are about to see does not leave this mansion without permission, understood?"

This is a different man, to some degree, then the one that was concussed on a couch in the wellness office...at least initially. It's all business now. His massive physique is framed by a blue and gold form fitting jump suit. A wide belt sports numerous utility pouches and holsters for firearms and his features are serious, dour and formal as he meets with the young irish woman and begins the process of escorting her to the secret levels of the mansion.

"You are not to be down here without prior clearence though--the point is moot since access through the elevators are managed through an advanced securit sequence... But you know, just in case you fall through a portal or something..."

Was that a joke? Possibly.

For all his seriousness and imposing presence, Bishop does seem...somewhat worn and tired. There might be a rumor that several members of the Institute Staff had been ... 'out' ...so to speak. Whatever happened when during this outing has left him mildly battered looking thoug hironcially still not as bad as he was when he under estimated Logan.

the ride do the sub levels is swift, however, and though the stern and dour man is frank and serious ... once he steps out into the cool hallways of the X-Men base, he steps aside to give Aisling room and to allow her to gawk if she wishes to at the high tech facility.

"Welcome to the X-Men base and sub levels of the mansion. Now...how much has Rogue and Jubilee -actually- told you?"

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Gawk. What a word that, Gawk. To stare openly and stupidly. No, that doesn't quite cut it. Aisling isn't just staring openly, she's got a grin on her face a mile wide. Kid, in a candy store. Wide eye'd and bushy-tailed. Awe and Wander. Etc etc ect and so forth.

    "Not to leave the Mansion" pause, beat, "Got it. Lips sealed. I wont tell a soul." With that, she's bouncing around the hall way like a teenger, "Bishop, BIshop... what's behind here?" she points at the door to danger room. "Oh, what about down there?" and that one is followed by her pointing down the hallway. Some might find this cute, adorable, or down right annoying. Who knows, but she does seem honestly incredibly happy and stuck by all of this.

Bishop has posed:
The Security Enforcer seems more the type to be annoyed by that then bemused but he manages to maintain a good poker face regardless as he follows behind her. Thakfully the doors don't just open up for her as she draws near. Security features and all that.

But it's not like she knwos that so he plays along.

"Doctor McCoy has a lab down here. Be careful. You might open a door right into an explosion. You won't get the smell out of you for at least a week."

His steps continue down the hall, eventually reaching her with his long stride and passing by as he continues on towards another clinical looking high tech hall - at the end of which a massive vault sized door looms.

"Rogue and Jubilee?" he prompts again while glancing over his shoulder towards her once he reaches the wall and begins typing in several key strokes to begin unsealing the door.

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    "Rogue and Jubilee?" Blink, Blink, Blink. "Oh! Nothing realy, just that this danger room thing existed but jubes didn't say anything else about it" she replies rather plainly. She tries to fake some sort of bad american accent from new york, "I dun kno nuffin!" she adds giggling like an idiot. "Like, really, I don't know anything."

Bishop has posed:
"So they really just brought you in here, hired you as the new nurse assistant, blurted out the name of one of hte most advanced pieces of technology in the world and didn't bother to tell you anything else about what's going on here and why?" deadpans Bishop in stark contrast to her excited nature and giggle fits. Truly a double act these two.

"I don't know which is worse." he grumbles before he hits the final button on the key code and the massive vault doors slide open to reveal the cavernous depths of the room beyond.

"Well...somebody has to be responsible..." he adds before gesturing for her to step in, "This is The Danger Room. It's our training facility which we use to hone our mutant abilities, learn their limits and..."

He pauses, trying to find the right words: Plan out battle strategies? Play war games in anticipation of their enemies and the horrible threats out there? Sharpen their skills for battle and emergency threats and engagement?

"..Plan things out."he ends on. "There's some things you should know if you're going to be working at the Institute."

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    "I, well, yes?" A question and respons all rolled in to one. She means it to. "Jubes just, sorta, mentioned it but wouldn't tell me anything about it. No one else has either" she adds sighing rather dejectedly. Though, as she steps in and gets the info dump she is all but awe struck again.

    She wanders around aimlessly as Bishop explains the Danger Room, and the planning and the things she needs to know about. She stops, and turns to face him, "I would never do anything to harm my own kind Bishop" and it's her turn to be all serious buizness. Tho, he might notice a bit of Lorna in that, /my own kind/ statement. "You are all" wait, no, wrong way to go about it. "You all, took me in. I'm a no body. A nothing. An orphan bouncing around foster care homes and living on the street with a set of abilities that lets me be really good at healing people." She steps forward and stares him down, not in a hostile manner, but in a, /please believe me/ manner. "I would never intentionally do anything to harm the people that have given me home, friendship, and purpose. Ever." She stays rock steady, "Just, setting that out there before you move forward with the lessons."

Bishop has posed:
He did catch that but one thing at a time.

"Intention...and reality..can be two very different things Aisling. That's why it's important that you come into this with your eyes wide open and with enough information to make choices that are informed with both knowledge as well as passion.... But I never believed that you ever intended harm or were capable of it."

There is surety in his words just as certain as he's standing there before her. She wouldn't be here if he felt the slightest possiblity that this were not the case and his sense of pragmatism and sterness should imply as much.

But it is not sterness born from lack of empathy or understanding and he ndos his head and says, "Mutants like yourself are why we exist. To help one another, to teach each other and to grow in life together. To find a path forward for co-existence while also protecting ourselves. We use the Danger Room to learn how ot master our powers so that we're not a danger to ourselves, toe ach other, and to the larger world. Students who are allowed access to the room are accompanied by an instructor so we do hold some classes here but it's largely based on individual need and training. It's important you know about it because... the word 'Danger' is not just to sound 'cool'. Injuries are possible though we have safety protcols."

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    "I am well aware" she adds as she stares at him with mistmatched eyes, "but I will not hurt my own kith and kin bishop. Not unless I am given no other choice." She turns her back to him to keep looking around, and mutters something else under her breath about humans.

    "Yes, I understand" she says to everything else as she keeps walking around. "I can handle myself well enough though" she adds as she turns back and smiles. "Healing factor, I'm not worried about injuries. That being said, what all can this place actually do?"

Bishop has posed:
The room suddenly shifts as she turns around, the clinical landscape replaced in a shimmer of hard light constructs that warp the senses and ones very sense of being grounded until a war torn landscape sprawls out in every direction. Mutant Town, blasted and battered into enflamed ruins. AIr is hot. Sparks and embers fly through the air and an enormous Sentinel, some fifty feet in height, looms overhead as it descends from above.

<<MUTANT SIGNATURE DETECTED!>> it intones, suddenly directing its attention towards Aisling as it raises a hand up. Energy begins building up in its outstretched palm. The potential for scorching heat burning into the air.


Aisling Caroll has posed:
    This, this isn't, real. This isn't possible, is it? What is this? What is... Oh Gods be good what is that? She talked a big game, but she's frozen in place. She's heard of these things, but to see one? To hear it? To feel it? Let's just say that blast of pure hate is about to hit her.

Bishop has posed:
The plasma blast fills the field of view. Incinerations seems imminent --

But suddenly, Bishop is there, the blast striking with a sudden backwash of heat and energy that ripples out over the area in every direction save for her own. It's hot. Sparks are flying. The plasma blast was real but Bishop looms overhead, unharmed as the energy is pulled into him by his mutant gift.

"Everything." he finally answers. There's a datapad in one of his hands. His other arm turns and lifts upwards, crackling with the energy that was discharged and rushed into him - and then with a loud *FWHOOOOM* he sends the plasma blast back out, amplified, to punch into and through the body of the enormous robot. Sparks rain down as it's shoved backwards from the force of the assault - slamming into a broken apartment buliding just behind it with a loud roar of concrete shattering and bricks crushing.

<<ERROR!>> it shouts out before collapsing into an inert pile of parts.

"The Danger Room can be programmed to create any scenario one imagines and put you to the test. Like I said: -DANGER- Room."

Did he do that in purpose? Probably. Bishop -knows- overconfidence when he sees it..and when it can ossibly cost someone their life in this world that she's stepping into.

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    She's still just utterly frozen by fear, the shock of this being a great deal more real than she thought it would be, has hit home. To Bishop? Her terror filled eyes scream, /Lesson Learned/. "Ruh... Right..." she manages to stammer out before shaking her head and looking at the Data Pad and then the charred corpose of that, thing. "Wait... these things... are real? The things the humans made to hunt us and kill us? Are actually real?" Yeah, walking in to a world. She heard about Genosha, but no doubt there's still a lot she doesn't know or isn't sure what is rumor and what happened.

    "These, these are the things that destroyed Genosha and killed so many?" Of course though, it was on the news.

Bishop has posed:
"I'm sorry if it scared you." says Bishop, "But not thinking you're going to die - gets you killed. There's a big world out there, Aisling...and -my- job is to keep you alive so you -can- use your abilites in peace."

The plasma discharge continues to crackle around his body before finally dissipating, "Yes it was real, but...there are safety protocols. But there are also difficulty levels and specific programs. If you don't know what you're doing in here you can get seriously injured. Think of going to a gym and trying to use weights heavier then you can manage? Even a mutant with super strength has to know their limits and they can get hurt if they're not prepared. We'll never run a Danger Room scenario beyond something you can handle but you wont' get stronger without being challenged either and facing some risks...."

He tucks the datapad away for now but leaves the current scenario running. Overhead, large Sentinels continue to fly as if on patrol but Bishop seems unconcerned. He turns to look to the one that fell, "...As to these things? Yes but...it's more complicated then saying 'The Humans did this' or 'The Humans did that'. Even what happned to Genosha...."

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    "Yeah..." pause, inhale, exhale, "it's, okay." She tries to finally stele her nerves and ready herself for what's coming next. To his statement about keeping her alive so she can use her abilities, she shoots him a nod.

    "I understand" and this time, as she comes down from the fear, she seems to mean it. To all of it, the levels, programs, safety features, all of it. For now, her eyes are moving to be firmly locked on the ones still patrolling. To the near by debris, she walks over and picks up what ever is with in her total limit, which is a ton. With debris in hand, she looks to bishop, "Tell me Bishop" pause beat, "how can, /humans made giant robot monsters to hunt us down and murder us/ be even remotely complicated?" and before she lets him respond, she spins around like a discus thrower and chucks the piece O bot skyhigh. As it leaves her grip, she screams out at the top of her lungs, the fear, now replaced with pure unmittiagted rage.

Bishop has posed:
"Because there is a difference between 'humans and agencies and agendas playing on the potential for fear and hatred for what you don't understand that exists within us all. Because your statement threatens to lump every man, woman and child out there into a single monolithic group think which is exactly what those other extremes what them to think about us. Because mutants -are- humans."

Bishop watches as the debris sails overhead - and slams into one of the patrolling Sentinels.

<<ALERT>> it sounds off, responding as it should and turning its heavy spotlights towards the two of them.

Bisohp grumbles abit and hits a button on the datapad. Everything freezes. Even the environmental effects seem to lock in place. The shi'ar technology freezing the flames in motion, the Sentinels in the air.

"Aisling, you need to undrstand that the mission of The Institute isn't isolation its' integration. The students who go here are being sheltered, traught and trained but ultimately sent out into the world to be part of it. That doesn't mean we're not engaged in a fight to defend our own or to forge a better world.. That doesn't mean we don't need an outlet for our frustration or a need to bring to justice the ones that want to do us harm but yes the matter isnt' as simple as placing blame."

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Aisling sighs and shrugs her shoulders, "Okay" that's really all the reply she gives off on that first statement. She's had these conversations before, about being a lesbian, or an immigrant, or any other group of people that are abused by a larger group of people.

    To the sailing debris though? She's really rather proud of herself all things considered. She's never done that before. To bad it didn't take that one clean out.

    She's smiling when he pauses the room, the smile fades quickly as he goes on causing her to turn and face him with her mistmatched mark one eyeballs. "I can tell, that I won't be allowed to speak freely in regards to this topic." Something she seems to believe entirely, "Not what we came here for, so, I'm just going to say" she pauses, "Just So, and leave it at that."

    The fear, again, has been replaced with nothing but rage.

Bishop has posed:
"What gave you that impression? You asked a question and I answered it. Didn't I say earlier that you needed to know what you were getting into before you committed?" asks Bishop, brusquely now as if offended.

"Do you honestly believe that everyone here sees eye to eye or is in absolute lock step? Of course not. We all have different opinions but I"m just laying out the facts. If you have a point of view you should state your mind and be able to defend your position. The same is true of anyone else. To be expected to just be quiet about it is counter intuitive to the very idea of moving forward."

Bishop does gesture with the datapad to the comically flailing Sentinel as it's frozen in the air, "Good throw, by the way. I'm trying to understand how your ability to heal has given you that level of strength. Some sort of reinforcement of your body I assume?"

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    "Bishop, please, if I told you what I really thought you'd walk me right out of here in a heart beat." The reply she gives is incredibly curt, maybe more than she means it to be. She shakes her head, "No, I don't think that, but I think you all share similiar points of view" she adds as she looks around more. "Also, those that claim that points of view must be defened have to be willing to accept the defense in the first place."

    With that she walks up to him and smiles at the compliment, shrugging shortly after. "Hells if I know" and boy howdy does she mean that. She does not know.

    She raises a hand and starts counting on fingers, "Telepathic and Empathic Abilities. Healing Factor plus I can heal others which I am told is rare." She stops to think a moment and then continues, "I think I'm aging slower than humans" there's the /humans/ part again. "Annnnd... I can lift a ton, run at nearly forty miles an hour at full clip, jump twice my height and take a beating with the best of them." There, that's her whole list.

Bishop has posed:
"You've only just met me. It's probably hard for you to tell me how I'd react to what you really thought short of you telling me you planned to enslave all of humanity or execute everyone." says Bishop, tone mildly exasperated.

"And you haven't read my mind because I'd know if you were in it." He taps his forhead.

"So go ahead. Speak your mind. As to your powers? That's quite the grab bag. There is such a thing as secondary mutations but there's still a common theme among our primary ones. If you want to learn about your abilities and find out specifics? This is the place. If you're willing, we can even have Dr. McCoy run some tests. He might need a blood sample but that'd be strictly your call. No pressure."

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    "Oh come on" she blurts out, tude all the way front and center, "Of bloody well course not." That, in reply to the comments about enxlaving or executing humanity. "Also, fair point."

    She fodls her arms under her bust and cants a hip to one side shaking her head back and forth. "No, I haven't, because not only would you know, but it's also rude."

    "I'm going to keep it all to myself for now." That seems to be the final point on that. "Yup, I know, I don't seem to have any real coherance what so ever. I think I might have both a secondary and primary mutation, but my powers aren't even a 10th of what some of you are all capable of. As to asking Hank to do that? I'm up for it. I could use some answers in my lfie for a change."

Bishop has posed:
"If you don't' want to speak your mind you don't' have to but you need to understand this.. I've heard many sides and seen...alot....and still there things don't cease to amaze me. I'm always interested in other viewpoints and don't want you to feel as if you have to hold your tongue simply because I might not agree. I won't close my ears to you ...so don't close your ears to others. I've ....seen the alternative. Trust me when I say...it's not a good picture for anyone."

With a flicker of his fingers, the room shifts, changes, and is soon back to its original clinical high tech look.

"Mutant powers come in different classifications of intensity and then there's also the simple fact of...like any muscle...it grows with use and with being tested and pushed. Your powers may not be on the level fo some of whom you met but it's on par with many mutants. I doubt you have a Secondary Mutation. Your psychic abilties might simply be an outgrowth of how your maniuplation of bio-energy has effected your mind. A secondary mutation would be like..." he pauses, considering it and then says, "Being a telepath but then also being able to turn your body into diamond. It is a true -secondary- mutation. The relation to the first is minimal."

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    She's just going to let that all go for now, only shooting him another understanding nod in return. When the room returns back to it's original form, she pouts at him. "Oh, are we done? I wanted to go more..." she adds looking rather defeated.

    THen, there's the rest of it which has her thinking a lot. "I, I don't know" she blurts out looking at him in confusion, though it's directed inward. "Do you think that my bio-energy has possibly altered the rest of me?" To the secondary mutation part, she nods and gets that bit.

Bishop has posed:
Something-something Security Enforcer, Commander from The Future, dystopian dark time, etc, etc. In short - he can read people. Bishop can tell she's not going to open up anymore and to try and pressure her would be a bad move. It's ultimatly, perhaps, not for him to hear. There's others for her to get close enough to to really speak her mind.

"If you have other questions, a good person to talk to might be The Professor." he finally says. "Professor Xavier will never pressure you or expect something unfair from you. No one here will. As to your mutation..."

Bishop inclines his head and then shrugs, "I'm not Doctor McCoy. I'm only speaking from what I know and have been taught but if I were to hazard a -guess- ...your abilities seem to be working together to make you...almost a perfect physical being. It'd make sense. Bio energy manipulation ...it'd have to start on the inside. But..dont' take my word for it. If you want to get tested and have a full analysis done...it can be arranged.."

Bishop then smirks a little and waves the datapad, "We can save a proper test of your abilties for another time. I won't throw a giant Sentinel at you."

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    Aisling nods, "I'll keep that in mind" she replies rather plainly.

    "A, perfect physical being?" she just blurts out in reply. That, that's a bit of a heavy hit there. "I think I have a lot to think about and think on" she adds smiling warmly and holding a hand out.

    "Okay, but I can't come down here alone and just train can I?" she adds.

Bishop has posed:
"No, we'll have to schedule something." says Bishop as he takes her hand into his and shakes it firmly. He doesn't seem concerned regarding her strength from before either. Either trusting her to have the control she's already exhibited..>

Or perhaps hiding abit of such power himself.

Possibly both. "I'll be glad to run you through the ringer. Until then, just consider my suggestions ..including both The Professor and also Doctor McCoy. He may want a blood sample anyawy considering that you're working out of the Wellness Center and knowing the limits of your healing abilties wil be good to know. I might see if we can arrange a talk with Elixir. He's another mutant healer with signifigant power. Sometimes seeing similar powers in action can reveal alot."

He steps aside, to allow her to take the lead for the exit when ready.

Aisling Caroll has posed:
    As she walks out in to the hallway, she stops and turns to face Bishop. "I will, thank you" she adds as she motions with her hands in a wide arc, "For all of this." She means that and it shows, "I'll talk with the Professor and with Hank, and I'll look forward to you and I in here" and she thumbs back at the room, "to see what I can realy do. Thank's Bishop."