19326/Back On Earth

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Back On Earth
Date of Scene: 19 October 2024
Location: Second Floor - Ducky's Apartment
Synopsis: Kaine has found Ducky...who was unceremoniously dropped off by her uncle.
Cast of Characters: Atrice Duckstein, Kaine Parker

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Kaine probably noticed that Ducky simply vanished in the middle of the night. Because nothing is simple in this world. For all intents and purposes she was not on the main plane of existence.

And last Kaine checked Ducky didn't have teleportation powers!

So where did she go?

It's around one in the morning the following day when there is the sound of a loud 'THUD' in the downstairs of the funeral home, followed by the sound of someone trying to scramble up from said thud...

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine just stares for a moment the night she went away. "Only me. right?" he asks softly. His gaze slips about the place. Just seeing she is gone now. He sighs heavily.

Kaine is there before long. The costume is on, he looks about toward the direction. "You picked the wrong funeral home to break into. In a bad mood to boot. Turn around now and I'll forget you were here. Your only out," he says firmly with a little exhaustion in his voice.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"Ow..." comes the voice from the darkness of the funeral home from where the sound came. It's female and most definitely belongs to Ducky, he can tell that much.

The light turns on as she finds the switch and she gives a look to the man standing there in his suit. What she doesn't realize is that her nose was bleeding.

"Don't call the cops." she tells him. "Not sure they could even do anything...and I don't think anyone kidnapped me." she looks perplexed.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"The Hell happened?" his guard is up for a moment. "And tell me something you know about me. Just humor me," she would know that Kaine has the right to hold his guard up. It's strange, even by their standards. He's a close, too. So, that's saying something.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"That's a good question...that I am still trying to figure out." Ducky tells him. His question, while abrupt, doesn't surprise her. "You like girls that you meet in graveyards." she points out. It's a slight poke, but she continues, "You also have expensive taste, but I can't fault you for that." she smiles to that.

"Want me to tell you your blood type? How you sleep in bed?" she asks him as she leans against the wall.

"I have been to literal Hell and Heaven in the last 24 hours. I do not know how...or why. But someone said they were going to fill me in more when they didn't have their own emergency on their hands." she frowns.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine stops for a moment. "True," he says in a tone that's shows the cold in his voice is quickly thawing. By the time he makes it to her, "You alright?" and he will pull off the mask. Genuine concern in his eyes.

"You can tell me those things if you want. I'd rather you talk about the fun stuff," he looks at her for a moment. "How was Heaven?" he is curious because Kaine suspects it exists, but no one has a literal report. "Did it welcome you?" he has a question. Black claw fingers will touch her forehead and tilt the head back.

Brown eyes examine the nose, "We should get a med to look at this because I think you broke this..." he nods to the nose. "Luckily, it'll heal."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky reaches out to touch his arm when he comes closer, it is a slow and gentle thing as she doesn't want to alarm him, "Oh none of it was really fun. I've gotten to touch the ground in Hell once before and it is just..." she shudders. "You don't want to go there." she whispers.

"Heaven was a bit bright." she tells him as she lets him tilt her head back.

It's at the least a busted nose. "I think Uriel dropped me in a hurry as opposed to gently returned." she grumps.

"And Heaven did not welcome me." she states in a very quiet voice. Like it was a painful thing.

Kaine Parker has posed:
He smiles at the gentle touch. Something brief, genuine, which he fights off. Then he focuses again. "Uriel?" Pause. Puase. Ducky can see the gears turning in Kaine's head.

"-The- Uriel?" he asks with confusion and disbelief. "The Hell did you do? Who did you impress? Because don't the heavy hitters just visit people like the Pope? Well, y'know...the good ones that make it there," he's honestly confused. Then thast last part comes out.

"They say other heavens exist. Look into one of them. They'll welcome you openly. It's Heaven's lost. I'm sure the Greek and Norse pantheon would welcome you like a queen amongst mortals."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives a nod to that, "The Uriel, yes. He's the one that got me home. Before Gabriel and Michael could notice I was there." she explains.

"I don't know what I did. I was at the Troll Market with a work friend to pick up a book and...all of the sudden I'm in Hell, dressed like the grim reaper and then got jerked up into Heaven." she looks frustrated at the situation.

"He called me a Nephilim. Those are rare and generally the offspring of an Angel and a Human." she tells him.

His comment about other Heavens and her being a Queen amongst mortals makes her blush, "Thank you, Kaine." she comments with a soft smile. "Have you eaten? I apologize that this all happened." she explains.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I'm more worried about the person that's been to Hell and Back, Nephilim o r not. Either way you were sent in the biggest of Road Trips," he says matter of factly. "What do you want now that you're back on the mortal plane? Well, besides me," he says softly looking to Alice for a moment. "Whatever you want."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"I didn't even get to take snacks with me, it was a very bad road trip." Ducky tells him, trying to use levity to make the tension pass. "I was hoping you didn't think I left you out of nowhere." she admits.

"As for things that I want, you are definitely at the top of the list. Followed by food and a shower." she smiles to him. "Pizza sound good? I know it's a bit of boring thing, but simple is good." she nods to this.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Heaven being all inconsiderate about it," Kaine tries to continue the levity. Then the serious comments come out. "I would only think that if it had been a week or two," Kainea dmits. She does have some benefit of doubt. Also, that's enough time to call, leave a message, something.

"Oh? And how am I at the top?" Kaine grins and then whispers, "I spent the day thinking you were kidnapped or worse. Tell me something you want, I'll just be happy to do it with you." Those brown eyes meet hers. "Whatever you want, you got it," he gives a genuine smile, trying not to hide anything on Alice.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"Right? Like...Angels are apparently dicks about snack time." Ducky gives a little giggle at that. "I was not expecting to ever find any of my family...and now I have a lot of uncles apparently." she muses.

"Well, I'm planning on kissing you as soon as my face isn't bloody." she tells him. She reaches out to squeeze his arm gently, "No, not kidnapped, but I know with everything from the past that it didn't help." she states.

"I would like to order pizza and cuddle with you on the couch if that is a good enough plan for now?" she asks him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Dicks," Kaine chuckles and he gives a nod. His gaze stays on her. Then he offers an arm for Alice to grab.

"Shall we head upstairs to do said cuddling and pizza?" he asks looking toward her curiously for a moment. "I would like to just be with you," he does want to know what could be done. "I think we could use comedy and something that's not biblical," he grins. "Shall we, Bloody Badass?" he assk trying out a new nickname. He's just curious if she would like that name or not.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"I probably shouldn't call them that...but we'll see if they prove otherwise." Ducky shrugs. She reaches out to take Kaine's offered arm and straightens up to her full height, "Alright, maybe a soak in the tub would be good after cuddling." she grins.

"And I think being with you would be my preferred evening, yes." she agrees. "Bloody Badass? That sounds like it's too cool for me." she teases him as she lets him lead the way upstairs. She's not even sure if her cell works, but they'll figure that out when they get to that!