19355/A Haunted Walk

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A Haunted Walk
Date of Scene: 22 October 2024
Location: Happy Harbor Sight Seeing!
Synopsis: Sam and Morrigan go for a walk around Happy Harbor and talk about different things.
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Sam Wilson

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan might be a little cliche in wanting to walk around and look at the Halloween decorations in Happy Harbor. She also wanted to see who was spending as much as she was on Halloween decorations.

Totally normal things!

She'd dressed down in jeans, t-shirt and her sunglasses were off given the sun was down. "So how do you want to do the holidays this year?" she asks her husband.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"That's a good question!" Sam says, pulling Morrigan closer, so that he tuck her arm around his, a grin as they walk by a house that has a group of four skeletions dressed as Ghostbusters 'firing' strings of LEDs at a twelve foot tall skeleton.

"If you're in it for the food, clearly going back to New Orleans for a Cajun Thanksgiving is the way to go. Fried turkey, boudin dressing, all the fixings. You gonna get stuffed. Especially since you're a Wilson now." he points out with a grin and a wink. "And we can do whatever you want for Christmas?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan grins when he pulls her closer and there is a moment taken to kiss his cheek. It's adorable PDA, but given it was dark she figured it would be fine. "I like that one." she points to the Ghostbusters themed set up.

"Well I mean...I'm in it for the family and the food." she teases him. She then points out a Hocus Pocus type skeleton set up, one of the skeletons are riding a vacuum is the only reason she gets it.

"We could always have some friends and family in for Christmas here?" she offers.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"We could. I know you love decorating for Halloween." Sam feels his cheeks warm as she kisses him. Still has that effect, even if they are marrier.

Especially because they are married. "Wait, is that a vacuum?" he asks, peering a little closer and chuckles at the idea. "Love it." he offers before his other arm cross over, so his hand can cover hers with a little squeeze.

"That said, I am totally good with having friends and family and holding a little shingding ourselves. I ever tell you about the one Christmas I spent in Bekhmala? We raided a half a dozen other units to claim their turkey and gravy MREs. Riley was so instrumental in pulling it off."

His hand tightens on hers for a moment, sobering up at the memory of his lost wingmate, "He'd so flip if he saw me get married, Mo. And probably tell you you could do better."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a laugh, "It is indeed my favorite holiday. My parents celebrate Yule and Christmas, so we'll have plenty of places to go." she muses to that. "They have a wedding present for us as well." she tells him with a smile.

"Yes, that's a vacuum. Have you seen Hocus Pocus?" she asks him curiously. She squeezes his hand in turn as they wander.

When he asks her the question there is a shake of her head and she listens to him recount his time over seas. There is a softer smile given to him, her hand squeezing his reassuringly. "I'd have to reassure him that you can't possibly do better than Sam Wilson." she whispers softly to him.

"I am sad that I didn't get to meet someone that was so important to you." she adds.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"A present?" Well, Sam's distracted for the moment as he turns to face Morrigan. "They already gave me the best present ever, my wizardly wife." he says, gently booping her nose with a finger and a fond smile. "But I'm good with visiting them."

"Never seen it. I mean, I've seen clips and memes, but never really sat down and watched it. I'm more a Great Pumpkin kid." he admits as he prepares to turn to start walking again. Though her whisper brings him pause and he smiles. "He'd really would have liked you, I'm sure. We were thick as thieves in the program, because we were the first team deployed to a combat zone."

He draws in a breath, and shakes his head. "In my head? He's up in Valhalla, flying around and flirting with the valkyries while using all his street cred that he knows Falcon."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Yeah, they were out of town for a conference during the wedding and they feel poorly over it. They run said conference, so not like they could cancel." Morrigan admits to that.

"Well, if you'd like to watch it we can. Maybe do it as a lead up to Halloween? It's pretty cheesy these days." she admits.

"I always had my head in a book or something when I was young. Didn't watch a lot of TV." she comments. "Though the Crow is one of my favorite movies and a good watch around Halloween." she looks to him.

"Hitting on the Valkyria might get him in more trouble than he wants...though it seems that is a trait among some of us." she teases him. "I wish I could bring him back for you." she tells him in a soft whisper.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Well, let me know when we're going, I'll wear my high-neck collar." Sam quips easily as they return to their walking tour. "I'd be good with a movie night with you. It doesn't have to be just Halloween either." he points out as he considers and then there's a toothy grin. "My dear wife, your hair color is totally wrong for breaking out 'This Provencial Life'."

His tone is teasing and warm, clearly still smitten with the redhead at his side. "I'm only spending my time hitting on redhead biters." he points out. "Speaking of... if you ever need to, you can feed on me. I always have trusted you, you know."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives him a curious look, "My adopted parents aren't going to try to eat you. They're doctors, not vampires." she muses to that. "Oh you've never met my parents, just my biological father." she realizes it.

"Did you just Disney quote me?" she giggles. "No, I am not a Belle. I'm more of a Beast." she winks.

Then his last sentence is spoken and she stops for a moment, "I know you trust me. It's just not been needed and I...well...it can get a bit steamy." she chuckles.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Are you holding back on me, Morrigan Wilson?" Sam asks as he considers her. "I did say if it was needed. But now that you're talking about it being steamy, my dear doctor wife and I'm even more curious." he points out to her.

"I'm definetly not a Belle!" he points out to her with a grin, before he shakes head. "I haven't. I'd like to though. They raised an amazing daughter."