19452/So...Why Were You Gone

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So...Why Were You Gone
Date of Scene: 08 November 2024
Location: Second Floor - Ducky's Apartment
Synopsis: Kaine asks more questions of Ducky!
Cast of Characters: Atrice Duckstein, Kaine Parker

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Kaine had asked Ducky why she had been gone during the whole Heaven and Hell thing and it left the red head a bit confused.

She still wasn't sure why she had went missing and she wasn't entirely sure she knew why she ushed souls around for a few days.

"So I haven't talked to Uriel yet, so I'm going to try to explain this the best I can, alright?" she offered to Kaine as she took a seat on the couch.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Well, I know you met Uriel, but just replay that. Let me know how you get there," by now the mask is off Kaine. Black clad fingers rub at his eyes as he tries to rub his head around this. Science and math he can handle, even the unsolvable stuff because the question has building blocks based on the subject. These are based around cold, hard, logic. Facts.

Angels, and Demons, are another thing all together. Kaine knows both exist. They get out of their perspective spots often enough. However, those are strays. It's different when someone close to you says they've been to both, and you have their start time to concur the statements.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"Okay, I'll start from the top." Ducky tells him as she pulls her legs under her and gets comfortable. "So I had went to the troll market with Abe. It's a place that has a lot of faery folks and things. I was going for a book that had been found. While I was standing there something felt like it snapped. Some mystical string felt broken." she explains. "Then the next thing I know is that I'm in Hell. Again." she frowns to that.

"And Lucifer wasn't there to give me a helping hand this time." she adds.

"I got to usher a few souls to Hell. I do not recommend that trip at any point." she states to him.

"After that I got jerked up to the Silver City to drop off a soul and I got caught by Uriel who sent me back to Earth so I wouldn't get into more trouble." she tells him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Getting comfortable, Kaine prepares himself to be whisked away. "Troll Market? Fae Realm?" he's trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. "You were in Hell," and then he pauses for a moment. "You met Lucifer? As in, -The- Lucifer," he looks at Kaine for a moment.

"This time or last time did you usher souls in?" she did say -again-. So, Kaine's clarifying.

"What is Silver City?" he asks just keeping track of all things holy, unholy and everything in between.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"It's umm...a secret place that all things can go to. If you'd like to go sometime I can show you?" Ducky offers to him. "I met Lucifer outside of Hell, but yes...I know THE LUCIFER." she states. "And apparently if an angel is my dad...that makes him my Uncle." she realizes that.

"Just this time. Last time I was there it was for a minute or so, fell through a Hellgate when we were trying to close it." she explains.

"The Silver City is another name for Heaven is all." she states.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"How secret of a place?" Kaine refrains from some other obvious questions. "Lucifer gets released from Hell?!" he just pauses in his tracks on that one for a good three minutes. This allows Atrice to finish uninterupted.

"What's it like?" is all Kaine can ask about that last bit. He's not sure, if his brown will ever actually see them. Well, the presumptive brown eyes of his soul.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"It's basically a place that I'd like to keep safe. If someone that wanted to hurt the strange got wind of the location then I'm guessing it would move." Ducky tells him. "I mean...Lucifer wasn't locked in Hell?" she offers with a bit of a look.

"What's Hell like?" she asks him. Then there is a moment she looks a little pale and there is a moment taken to bring the back of her hand to her mouth to stop the nausea.

Then she realizes that he meant Heaven. "It is...very bright." she chuckles. "I didn't get a chance to get a good look at anything. But I don't belong there." she admits.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine pauses listening to everything, "How? How is he not chained up?" Everything about Lucifer just explained locked up.

A pause again as he sees her go pale. Then something else happens. The scariness leaves and it's replaced by something Kaine can't figure out. "What if you're not meant for there right -now-? Later is another thing," he explains.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"I don't think he needs to be chained up? And if you are talking the bible and other things...it's not really accurate." she points out.

She fidgets her hands when he talks on being able to go there later, "So being a Nephilim means that I don't really belong anywhere. Heaven won't accept me and I don't have a place in Hell. Basically I'll be seen as an abomination or a major threat in some cases." she frowns.

"It's sort of par for the course, I've never really belonged anywhere, Kaine." she admits.

Kaine Parker has posed:
A nod comes from Kaine, alright that makes sense to him. There could be the telephone game of book writing. The stories get distorted along the way for years upon years upon years.

Leaning back, Kaine thinks on it for a moment. "What if it was another afterlife? I mean Thor is a thing. That means Val Halla should be real, right? Shoot for another afterlife?" he asks thinking if one place won't take her, maybe another would.

"You belong here," Kaine says softly. "With me," he doesn't add anything about time. He just wants to enjoy the time they have, however long or brief.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"Do you have a problem with Lucifer?" Ducky asks him as she looks to him. Because she was rather fond of him. Then she shrugs at his question, "There are probably a lot of afterlives, Kaine. I'm not worried on where things land in that regard." she admits.

She reaches out to squeeze his hand, "That is the way to look at it." she grins at him.

"Did you have other questions about my disappearance?" she asks him with a soft smile.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"No. It's just, the only real point of reference is out of date," Kaine counters there. Then he looks at her for a moment. "So, I'm going to have questions about this," he looks at Atrice. A smirk pulls at his lips. "I think I would be a little bit."

"I like that," he squeezes her hand back. The gaze resting upon her.

"I did. How is traveling between dimensions? Does it hurt? Does it smell? I'm curious on this one," he thinks on it for a moment. "Can you do it again or is it random?"

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky scoots over to snuggle up against him. "Lucifer doesn't seem to be a very horrible person, Kaine." she tells him. "I'm not sure I'm supposed to be telling everyone that he is the actual Lucifer. Not sure who else got that." she muses.

"I just want to be focused on the present and you." she tells him.

There is a curious look to that, "Well...you don't really notice it at first. I don't think there is a smell or anything like that. It doesn't hurt." she shakes her head.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I might want to meet him," Kaine says honestly. He thinks on it a little bit more and then he looks to her.

"Well, we should do something a bit. Focus on us and I'm a little disappointed it doesn't smell," Kaien admits with some amusement in his voice.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"I'll see if he would be amiable to that." Ducky tells him with a grin. Then there is a smile given to him, "I think focusing on us for a little bit is a good idea." she nods to that. "I still need to catch Jemma for getting you two introduced as well, so we can see if we can get your medical issue under control." she states.