19512/Ever Been Sight Seeing Like This
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Ever Been Sight Seeing Like This | |
Date of Scene: | 16 November 2024 |
Location: | Second Floor - Ducky's Apartment |
Synopsis: | Kaine shows Atrice a place that matters to them while they share a heart to heart moment. |
Cast of Characters: | Kaine Parker, Atrice Duckstein
- Kaine Parker has posed:
Scarlet Spider tells Atrice three things: One, wear something you can't be recognized in. Two, wear a blindfold. Three, take the blindfold when you're brave enough. And that's why Scarlet's waiting right now. They're in the Funeral Parlor. His brown eyes hidden behind the black mask with the large red spider eyes. He simply bides his time until Atrice is set. He's holding everything else to the chest tonight. Just a promise of, "The wildest ride you've been on. Well, in this plane at least," and there's a little grin in his voice after he says it.
- Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Atrice doesn't have any reasons to distrust her boyfriend. Nor his masked identity. She comes downstairs, dressed for whatever is about to happen, "Are we doing something illegal?" she asks him as she is dressed in well worn jeans, a sweater and one of her zip-up hoodies.
She pulls the hood up, "Do...I need a mask?" she asks him curiously. Or will the blindfold help?" she adds.
- Kaine Parker has posed:
"Technically. Maybe. There's some gray area," Scarlet admits. "Trust me, no one will be harmed," and that's good enough for him. Also, it's all he will say. "A mask might help," he grins behind the mask. Oh, if she know knew what he's planning.
- Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Atrice gives a look to him and there is a bit of a playful squint to him, "Alright...just a little crime." she tells him. She holds up a finger and then hurries back up to the apartment above the funeral home. There is a few minutes that go by, but soon, she returns and she has a mask with her.
It's a Casper the friendly ghost mask. "It'll do in a pinch!" she smiles to him. Then she's putting it on and then moves to put on the blindfold.
Alright...I trust you." she states to him as she holds out her hands for him to take.
- Kaine Parker has posed:
"Wrap yourself around me," he says and offers his back to Atrice. Once he feels she's wrapped around, Scarlet moves outside. And so it begins?
It starts slow. Scarlet doing a series of "Thwps!" with strong pulls going up and over, with more up than over. To Atrice it feels like going up the first hill on a roller coast. There's just no clicking, clacking or any other noise of the track. Nor is it a as slow. Yes, it's a slow climb. This just feels a little different.
When he's up high enough, Kaine begins a swing downward. This is when the wind picks up. Like a rollercoaster when it firsts starts to pick up speed. When he gets down low, Atrice will hear the sounds of traffic, bits of other noise that go whizzing by.
The wind continues to whip around as there's a quick left turn. He keeps the motion going. A moment later a sharp right. Scarlet tries to find the right spot. And that's when he begins another climb. "If you haven't taken off your blindfold, you might not want to," Scarlet warns. The next trek upward begins. Like before, up and over with more verticality. This climb is higher than before. A push and Atrice feels herself go upside down as Scarlet does a backwards rolls. Then the wind begins. At first it's normal, then it just begins to pick up. And Atrice might realize something: Weightlessness. Whatever pull he's done before, Scarlett has stopped.
If she is watching, Scarlett isn't launching a new web. He's letting them both freefall. Sound builds as they get closer to the ground. Suddenly there's a pull, and jerk as Scarlet webs to the left and swings inthat direction, using momentum. There's no real route. He's just moving all over New York City.
- Atrice Duckstein has posed:
With Kaine turning around and her wearing that mask he can't see the slight red that stains her cheeks for a moment. She hops up to cling to his back though, her legs wrapping around his waist, "Maybe I need to hit the gym a bit more..." she worries.
She tightens her arms around him when she realizes that he is indeed swinging around. She is definitely not death proof.
Her heart races though and there is the rush with knowing that you're just whipping around. "Are we about to run into something?" she asks as she reaches up to take the blindfold off.
The ground rushing up towards them causes the redhead to gasp, but she doesn't freak out. She trusted that he would swing one way or the other.
- Kaine Parker has posed:
Scarlet's swinging aboutnow. A destination in mind. He justmoves in the direction of One Vanderbilt. Moving up and around, almost wrapping the building in webbing, he moves to the top of the building. "No view like this unless you're staring at Atrice Duckstein," he says once they're comfortable on top. They're barely over 1,400 feet in the air. His gaze stays on her. "You forget how chaotic the world can be when you're up here," Scarlet admits. "How are you feeling?"
- Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Atrice has been shot and other things before. She's fought demons. But she's not scared of heights. When they are on the building there is a moment she breathes out. Then he makes her blush again, "You say the sweetest things." she murmurs to him.
"It's beautiful." she tells him as she looks out over the city.
Then she looks back to him with a warmth in her eyes, he can see that. "I'm feeling fantastic. How're you feeling?" she asks him.
- Kaine Parker has posed:
"I'm just honest," Scarlet looks over the city. How all the buildings make the landscape look like a sky fille dwith stars despite being so low. The sky clear, blank yet dark. Almost like they're upset down. He breathes out. "Moments like this make me want to live longer. Get another day. Another month. Another year." He leans down, lifts the mask and kisses her head.
- Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Atrice watches him and there is a grin behind her mask. It looks like one of the old plastic ones from Halloween in the 90's. But she loved that thing. There is a look down below them and there is a moment her vision blurs, "That is definitely the number one not to do when up this high." she laughs.
Then she looks back to him, "We'll find a way to get that to happen, Kaine." she tells him. The kiss to her forehead causes her to smile. "I promise we will." she adds.
- Kaine Parker has posed:
"I know. Moments like this make you realize how much you hate the current circumstances, but hope for tomorrow." He looks at her, "And yeah. Don't look over the edge. Hell, I come up here regularly and don't look down. I just look outward," he grins and gives a nod out to a spot ahead of them. "You don't look down," he shakes his head.
- Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"I don't hate all of the current circumstances. Just some of them." Atrice tells him softly. "Still need to get you and the Doctor in the same room sometime." she admits. Then there is a chuckle and she focuses on where he nods, "Alright, we'll stick to looking ahead." she smiles. "Is this one of your favorite places?" she asks him.
- Kaine Parker has posed:
"Well, yes," Kaine says with an amused smirk under the mask. And he nods. "I do like it. Just seeing the world from so high up," he gives a smile and he nods. "The world doesn't seem so big from up here. It seems peaceful, despite the contrary," he kisses her head for a moment and looks back over it all.
- Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"So what are your other favorite spots to hang out like this in New York?" Ducky asks as she looks to him. She doesn't seem to be scared of heights, so that's a good thing in these times.
"It does seem a bit smaller. Instead of the overwhelming monster that it can be sometimes." she admits quietly to that. "Thank you...for showing me this." she adds to that with a smile to him.
- Kaine Parker has posed:
"Well. I like a lot of the big buildings, but it's hard to pick ones that family are drawn to," he shakes his head a little bit. Happy that she is not afraid of heights. Then his gaze rests on her for a moment.
"Well, I guess it depends on company," he looks over the horizon. "Even during the bad times, I liked to look over the city. On balconies and stuff," he breathes out and looks at her. "I was always drawn to a place like this," he nods to her. "You're important and I wanted to show it to you," he gives a soft smile.
- Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"Do you guys have buildings that you've put dibs on?" Ducky teases him gently. "I'm not sure how the Spider hierarchy works...nor do I think I should know how it does." she states with a chuckle. She wasn't a superhero at all.
"We can do this more often if you like. Or we can travel and find you some taller buildings or castles to look out from." she gives a soft smile to that. There's a blush when he tells her she's important, "Thank you, Kaine. You're important to me as well." she admits to him.
- Kaine Parker has posed:
"Sorta?" Kaine says and he looks at her. "I think we have tried to avoid where we would normally go to. So, it develops in to this inadvertant dibs rule," he chuckles and he waves a hand for a moment.
"Well, I just want to go places with you, Atrice. Then eh nods for a moment. Seeing that blush and smile. "Where would you go in the world if we could go anywhere?" he asks softly.
- Atrice Duckstein has posed:
She smiles at Kaine as he explains that, "Honestly it sounds like an adorable sort of sibling rivalry." she admits to that.
"We'll get to where we can do that safely. Or I'll just learn the right magic." she muses to that. His question makes her ponder, "Honestly? I'm a fan of Europe. But I'd like to go to Spain and other places. I'm not really picky." she explains. "Anywhere you'd like to go?" she asks him curiously.
- Kaine Parker has posed:
"It's not a sibling rivalry. I think it's just awkward. We're copies of the same guy and that's just weird. Like running into yourself, literally," Kaine explains. It's awkward being a clone sometimes. Everything about your existence is because someone else existed before you. Literally.
"I've never been to Europe," he stills for a moment and thinks on it. "Maybe Scotland or somewhere far off like that. A place with rich history." The gears turna s he gives that question some genuine thought. "That's just my perspective."
"Well, should we go home soon?" he asks her honestly. The air up here cane be cold. Also, he is afraid she might have a fear of heights. Kaine just has a fear of running out of web fluid when up high.