19596/Deck The Halls

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Deck The Halls
Date of Scene: 03 December 2024
Location: Second Floor - Ducky's Apartment
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Atrice Duckstein, Kaine Parker

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Kaine might have noticed that the Christmas season is in full swing (pun intended!) and that Atrice was getting the funeral home below decorated slowly but surely. Sadly death was a business that never slowed and funerals were usually happening most days. But Atrice was a professional.

Tonight the woman had started to drag her own decorations for the apartment out of storage and haul them up to the apartment. "Kaine? I ordered Thai, hope that's okay!" she calls as she settles the Christmas tree box down in the living room and then moves to clear out the corner where it is going.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I don't mind," Kaine replies and then the box gets settled down. He raises a brow for a moment. "Do you want me to help?" Seeing Atrice move things out of the corner. A smile pulls at his lips as he watches. Standing up, he stretches. "I can't hang up all the Mistletoe, right? Cause I'd use it to make ungentlemanly passes at you," he admits and shakes his head going to help her. Being able to climb up walls could help with the higher ornaments.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"If you want?" Atrice tells him with a grin. "I think I've got everything up here for the moment and I'll put the storage totes in the closet after we're done." she tells him. "And I mean...you can strategically place the mistletoe so it just looks like a coincidence?" she offers with a wink.

"I wasn't sure if you've ever decorated for Christmas or not." she admits as she opens up the tree box. "Also...don't laugh at my spooky ornaments." she points out with a soft laugh.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I've decorated a little," Kaine admits as she starts to set things up. The bad days weren't all bad. Then he looks at her for a moment. "Careful or I will do it with the mistletoe," he warns her and grins loving that wink. There's a pause and Kaine looks down. He quiets up as an emotion hits him.

Then he just pushes onward going to the ornaments. "I don't mind spooky ornaments," and he tries to go through the box being careful with the ornaments.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
She looks to him as he speaks and there is a smile, "Good, then this won't all be foreign to you." she states with a nod to that. There is a moment taken to dig through the tote closest to them and she comes up with a mistletoe decoration, "Don't threaten you with a good time you said?" she asks him with a grin.

When he looks down there is an immediate sobering on her end and she reaches out to touch his arm gently, "What's wrong?" she asks him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I don't mind a good time," he grins and starts to gather up the ornaments. A smile on his face as he does. Then that sobering touch happens.

"I'm falling for you more. I'm trying not to pressure you or weird you out," anmd he keeps the words honest without saying anything too heavy. Then he looks toward the empty spot where the tree would be. "Why?" he asks seriously. The brown eyes lookingat her intetnly.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Atrice gives a soft laugh at his comment on good times, "Mmm, we'll have to see about showing you one after this." she grins.

She listens to him and there is a softer smile that crosses her pale features, "Why do you think it would weird me out, Kaine?" she asks him.

"And you just stopped for a second like you were thinking on something and then resumed things. I just thought something was wrong." she states.

Kaine Parker has posed:
A pause comes from him. "Because if you freak out...then I lose something special," he says honestly on that front. He tries to focus on the ornaments. "Because the thought of losing you is a scary thought," he looks back at her from time to time and Kaine tries to ready the tree with a few ornaments. "Nope. I just weighed the options and tries to keep my mouth shut."

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Atrice gives a look to him, her mismatched gaze looking him over as he is putting ornaments on the tree. "Losing is always a scary thought dear one." she tells him. "And it is a normal thing to be worried over." she adds as she moves closer to him.

"The good thing here is...I am an adult and I have never been scared of emotions and things of that nature." she tells him. "I'd rather you talked to me, that's good for both of us." she comments in a gentle tone.

Then she holds up the mistletoe, "Wanna kiss?" she asks as she looks to him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Well, it just hit me. Lik realization took a stick to my skull," Kaine says honestly as Atrice comments about talking about it. Everything is sudden and he doesn't have time to do it. He looks at her and then suddenly the mistletoe is held up. Leaning forward, he goes in to kiss his girlfriend. A smile on his face and he goes to take the first kiss of December.

Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Atrice gives a soft smile as he explains what he was thinking. Or what he realized. When he leans in, she moves to meet him, her lips pressing warmly to his. She lowers the mistletoe to wiggle against the top of his head as she lingers there for a few moments.

There is a reluctance as she pulls back, "If it makes you feel any better, I'm falling pretty hard for you too." she whispers to him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kissing her softly, loving the warmth of her lips. He will help hold up that piece of mistletoe. Then he doesn't part the kiss right away. The tongue stays at bay. Breathing out when it ends. "It does," he says softly and blushes a moment later. "I want more," he says softly then he leans in for a second kiss since they're still under it, technically.