1960/Dog Days Part Deux: The Barkening

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Dog Days Part Deux: The Barkening
Date of Scene: 04 June 2020
Location: Bronx
Synopsis: Donatello and Vorpal continue talking.
Cast of Characters: Terry O'Neil, Donatello

Terry O'Neil has posed:

It was your regular night on the rooftops of New York. Among the things that have gone on:

-A Cheshire cat decided to parkour on the rooftops
-A canine decided to chase said cat
-Two ninja terrapins found this incredibly amusing
-A pizza delivery has been arranged, the successful outcome of which shall remain a mystery in order to maintain dramatic tension
-Said Cheshire just made a surprise revelation about Donatello's shuriken after everybody else had vacated the premises.
-Raphael: N E R D S ---->

AND NOW, for the nail-biting continuation of our drama!


Donatello has posed:
    There's a competition between Donnie's brain, heart, and probably some glands(?) for what takes hold of his attention. For the moment, the brain wins. Donatello brings a three-fingered hand up to his mouth in a classic thinking sort of gesture.

    "Morphological modifications, huh?" Donnie mutters as he takes a large step to place himself away from the pointy end of Raphael's arrow. "You /were/ there in the sewer that night. You have a human form, don't you?"

    And then Donnie comes to terms with what he did. "I, uh... It's called a shuriken." He glances down and kicks some debris away with his foot.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Vorpal ahs and gives Donatello a long, appraising look. "Bra-vo," he says, taking a few steps that end up with him walking a circle around the turtle, hands clasped behind his back, "As Hercule Poirot would put it, that is a good use of 'ze little grey cells', Donatello." He grins, and then goes back to sit on the cooling unit, lounging back a little. "I do have a human form. That's why you don't remember seeing me, but I remember you."

He peers at the turtle, as if pondering things. His foot dangles as he shakes it from side to side, tail flicking. "So The Handsome One said that I haven't seen you- you keep your existence pretty much on the hush hush, I take it?"

Donatello has posed:
    Look left. Look right. Left again. Donnie watches Vorpal as he circles around, now slightly more suspicious of the Cheshire Cat. "Yeah, well, the world doesn't really seem ready to learn about us, yet..." Donnie explains. He points a finger at the cat -- a gesture, not a threat. "And you...I guess your story is that the Cheshire Cat and the human are two different people?"

    Donnie leans his shell against the wall that Raphael carved and slides down into a seated position. "I guess I broke your mirror, Vorpal," he admits.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Yes... and no. Confusing enough?" He describes some circles in the air with his foot, tapping his knee with a claw, and then says "The long and the short of it is that there can only be one Cheshire Cat at any one time. I am the Cheshire cat. So was my dad. When I was born... as best I understand it, my dad... stopped."

He stands up and walks a couple of steps, and then crouches down on his haunches to face Donatello just a few feet away, elbows on knees and chin on his hands. "I have his memories. Well, the great majority of them. So I am him. But I'm also me."

He sits down, legs crossed under him. "You're observant, too. Nice." He chuckles when Donatello admits he saw the mirror falling, "But it's ok. Any old mirror will do."

A few seconds of silence pass, and then he says "Your secret's safe with me. So I guess it's only fair you get a secret to keep, too." He digs into his running shorts and takes out a cheap hand-held mirror, and offers it to Don. "Let me show you something cool. Open it and hold it up to my face."

Donatello has posed:
    "Vorpal, you've got a better chance selling that to my /other/ brother," Donatello replies with a smirk. "It sounds a lot like reincarnation." That's more of a Leo thing. Donnie deals with hard facts.

    Donatello takes the hand-held mirror in one of his hands and inspects it for a moment. Seems normal enough? Unimpressed, Donnie turns the mirror to face Vorpal...

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The cat grins (which is on-brand) and then looks around. Their location ensures that it is quite unlikely for them to be spied upon, the lower rooftop they're on surrounded by taller ones creates a bit of a valley they are hiding in.

He turns his attention to the mirror, and briefly turns his head this way and that, inspecting the nose- just in case. No swelling. "Man, I look good tonight!" he quips, as if making a callback and making fun of Raphael's overconfidence, "But enough of that!"

He turns to look at the mirror head-on so that he can see his eyes, and says:

"We're All Mad Here."

For half a second, nothing happens. And then, Vorpal's form is suddenly enveloped in multicolored beams of light that emanate from him. His shape becomes indistinct, and when the light dies down a second after, the Cheshire cat is no longer there. In his place, there's a red-headed teenager in jeans and a tank top.

"So... name's Terry. Terry O'Neil," he says with a smile on his freckled face, and he holds out a hand to Donatello by way of introduction.

Donatello has posed:
    As Vorpal delivers his catchphrase, Donatello closes his eyes to create an extended blink. Perhaps the Wonderland gimmick is wearing thin on the young turtle? But then...

    Donatello quickly squints and brings a hand up to shield his eyes from the beams of light pouring from Vorpal's space. Don't look directly into the Vorpal! When the light dies, Donnie opens his eyes and blinks a couple of times, readjusting to the shadows.

    "Woah!" he exclaims. The pragmatic turtle quickly rises to his feet and looks around suddenly. It's almost like a skeptic looking around for the magician's gaffs. Any trap doors? A cat scurrying away on a higher wall? Nope, nothing like that.

    Donnie doesn't take the hand at first. "I mean, we've met already, right?" he wonders. Or are they different people? Curious.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Well, yeah, we have, but you didn't have my /name/." He watches Donnies reaction with some pleasure, "Instead of my moniker or nom de guerre, so to speak. I am Terry O'Neil /and/ the Cheshire Cat. I didn't actually fully turn into the cat until a month or two ago... until then, I'd just been, you know, a regular Joe." He slowly stands up.

"I actually work at the Daily Planet as an intern... for Lois Lane. Journalism sort of runs in the family. My cousin is a nosey pokey herself... I was with her at that underground skate park where I saw you."

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello's brow shifts info a frown. It suggests contemplation, this time, and not annoyance. "So, you were born a human," he begins. "And discovered, through this mutation, that you're actually this Cheshire Cat? Do I have that right?" Donnie looks like he might interrupt with further conjecture but gets suddenly distracted by something.

    "April!" he exclaims. "You're April's cousin." Donnie's eyes widen slightly. "Does she ever, uh, mention me? Donatello...or Donnie...or maybe even Don?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"... you know April?" Terry stares at Donatello, and then slowly shakes his head, "Geez. She gets Harley Quinn as her room-mate and now she's friends with Ninjas. And I thought /I/ was the one leading the exciting life hanging out with the Titans." He chuckles and walks closer to Donnie.

"Don. Don... oh, heh, I have heard her mention you. Not many details, but I guess that she was keeping your secret." He nods slowly. And then, he tilts his head, "Why did you want to know if she mentioned you, though?" he reaches into his jeans to take out his cell and says "I'm going to text her something brief, just to make her go whaaaat. I'll show you before I send it."

He types, and then he shows the screen to Don:

<<Bitch, you are friends with NINJAS and you never told me? You owe me dinner.>>

If Don approves, he'll send it.

Donatello has posed:
    "Sure!" Donatello replies. "We..." Saved her from a gang. Donnie chooses not to say it. Instead, he inhales slowly and lets it out. Donnie glances briefly at his feet before shaking his head.

    "Better not send it, Terry," Donnie decides, not sounding too thrilled with his own choice.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"What's the matter?" He erases the text and looks at the turtle with curiosity. "Cat got your tongue?"

That was bad, so he adds "I mean, I get it that your lives are secret, Raphael already made it clear, but if she knows and I know, is it bad for her to know that I know that she knows and that she knows that I know that she... I'm getting wrapped into knots here, but I think you get my meaning."

He reaches over to put a hand on Donatello's shoulder. "I mean... I'm a Titan. I kind of already know a lot of secrets. And I've been good at keeping them."

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello reaches up and scratches his chin. "Yeah, I suppose you're right. If you both know about us, what's the harm of knowing the other one knows?" He looks up at the moon and sighs. "Terry," he begins. "I gotta go. There's an electronics store a few blocks from here that usually has pretty good garbage. Gotta get there before it's picked clean."

    Donnie reaches back to ensure that his bo staff is secured to his shell under his canvas belt and then moves towards the edge of the building they've been standing on. "Catch ya later, Terry!" With that, Donnie leaps across the alley and onto the adjacent building, moving that way until the electronics store.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry grins, "I knew you'd see my logic, it makes sense-- saywhat?" he stumbles for a bit with the mention of garbage, but he lets it slide, making a note for a question to be posed at a future time- the turtle obviously has places to go, dumpsters to see. "Okay, Don. You go and show that garbage who's boss. You and your cool. Bo. Staff. Your -Bo- staff." The redhead points at Don's staff every time he mentions it, a sort of penance for having called it a stick earlier.

It culd have been worse, he could have called it a switch.

Once Donatello is gone, he takes his phone back out and texts April.

<<Yo, Ape, what do you say of Giorgio's Pizza for dinner? Just you and me.>>