19622/A Merry Married Christmas
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A Merry Married Christmas | |
Date of Scene: | 07 December 2024 |
Location: | Seaside Victorian House |
Synopsis: | No description |
Cast of Characters: | Morrigan MacIntyre, Sam Wilson
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's still trying to pinch herself over the fact that she's not spending the holidays alone this year. Thanksgiving had been wonderful and spent with Sam's family. Christmas was shaping up to be another good time.
And Morrigan knew that she could not always follow Sam on missions. She was a consultant of SHIELD. Not an agent. Plus she wasn't an Avenger and she was A-OK with not being one. So when he was on one of those away periods she was keeping herself busy with the schools and tonight she had cooked dinner for herself and Occam before dragging all the totes for Christmas down from the attic and into the living room.
About the only thing that she hadn't done was ventured into the wilderness and cut down a tree. Nope, there was an artificial one standing right in front of the big windows in the living room and there was Morrigan staring at it like she didn't know where to start. She's dressed comfortably for the evening in jeans and one of Sam's sweatshirts...because he'll be fine with the theft of clothing right?
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Avengers. SHIELD. There's many things that call Sam away. And he tries to make sure to maintain contact when he can. When he had to leave right after Thanksgiving, he honestly felt bad about the idea, even if the mission was only going to be a week. But it had been one of those no contact black ops that he had to go looking into, and if Morrigan is paying attention, she'd hear the heavy footfalls of boots outside of the house announcing a visitor as the snow had just started tio fall outside.
The turn of a key says that someone has come home, and when Sam opens the door, he feels the warmth and smells of the place wash over him and he can't help but to smile brightly, his pearly whites on display.
And then he spies Morrigan in the living room and he sets down his duffle bag. "I know, I know, I have to take my boots off!" he calls out to her playfully as he lifts one leg to work on the ties.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Sam should know that Morrigan isn't going to just up and vanish on him. Not in anyway willingly at least. She sees the shadow of something move outside and she backs up to peek around the doorway down towards where the front door is.
Those violet eyes of hers curious as her husband comes into view. There is a bright smile given as she hurries over, but he's trying to get his boots off and she doesn't want to trip him up.
"I wasn't going to be upset if you kept them on." she teases him. Once his boots are indeed off she reaches out to hug him, "You didn't tell me you were heading back, I would have been waiting." she tells him.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Managing to get his boots off just as Morrigan arrived, Sam sweeps her up into a tight embrace. Lifting her off the ground, he presses his mouth to hers in a loving kiss and when he breaks away, amusement shows in his eyes. 'Oh, I can only imagine how you would have been waiting." His tone is flirty and teasing as she squeezes her one more time before he moves to set her down on the floor.
"You can properly welcome me home later." A cheeky wink as he keeps his hands on her hips for the moment and a glance over her shoulder to see the tree. "So I see you went ahead and got the tree up. Figuring out the decorations?" comes the curious question as he finally releases her to reach down and push his boots to the side.
"Back home, we always did an angel down approach, that way we'd know by the time we reached the bottom of the tree if we needed to buy some more decorations."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan laughs when he sweeps her up into a hug and she wraps her arms around his shoulders as she returns his kiss enthusiastically. "It absolutely wouldn't be in the wizard robe." she muses to him as she tickles the back of his neck with the tips of her fingers.
"Oh I intend to." she grins at that. Then she looks back at the tree and there is a soft smile, "Yeah, I didn't know if you wanted a real one or if my old artificial would work. We could always get a real one for the room upstairs that I decorate." she admits.
Then she listens to him and there is a grin, "You want to keep with what you did back home? I don't have a scientific method for tree decorating. I just know that tinsel isn't on the tree given Occam is a menace." she chuckles.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam grins. "But the wizard robe looks so good on you." he comments, his smile growing as she tickles his neck. "I'm missed you like crazy, Mo." he admits as he pulls her into another embrace, now that the boots are out of the way. Once he lets go, he moves to stand beside her to consider the tree. "So tensil is out. It's overrated anyway unless you live in a roll-a-coffin along Bayou LaFouche." There's a small clearing of his throat. "What's you're usual treetopper?" comes his next question.
"Ah, no need to go getting a live one. Just gonna end up as compost. I'm good with a fake one. Plus we'd have to haul it up the stairs and back down again and get all that sap on us."
"Oh, it's totally a science. You have to take the surface area of the tree, treat it like a cone and solve for maximum space between ornaments." Amusement laces his voice and he nods. "It's a total math thing."
But while he's talking, he pulls away from her just for a moment. Reaching into his jacket pocket, he pulls out a small, elongated box that's already been gift-wrapped, and sets it under the tree. "No peeking til Christmas."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a grin to him, "Maybe I'll buy a new one for Christmas." she winks at him. There's a bit of a curious quirk of her eyebrow, "Roll-a-coffin...trailer?" she asks him. She got the joke!
"Yeah I had a live one once and it drove Occam crazy. I was coming home from work late and he'd jump out of the tree." she chuckles. "He's calmed down in his older years though." she grins.
"Bleh. Math." the Doctor makes a face. "Amusingly I don't much like Math, but I have to use it sometimes." she admits. "Well, we have totes and totes of decorations as my mom offloaded the family collection to me. We should by a few of our own as well." she suggests. There is a grin when he goes to put the wrapped box under the tree, "You know you are the greatest gift that I've been given, so other gifts are just a bonus." she tells him.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"Hey, you got it! Yeah. Mobile homes. Don't know why people think they can put them on pier and beam and be okay." Sam responds, his dark eyes twinkling with amusement as she relates another Occam story. Doesn't like live trees, doesn't like tinsel. Mental notes made, as she lays out the task ahead of them. "Then we have our weekend planned out." comes his response to all the totes they will need to go through.
"And awww, you're sweet, but you can unwrap me whenever you want. That one has to wait for the 25th." A cheeky wink at Morrigan as he comes back over to settle against her, hands sliding around her and dipping into her back pockets. "Did you already eat?"
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a bit of a head shake, "I mean, people do the best with what they have." she admits. "But that is something I've never heard them called until today." she chuckles.
"So now that we have weekend plans." she teases him. His comment on her being able to unwrap him whenever she wants makes her grin, "Well I'll keep that in mind." she whispers to him.
She gives his cheek a kiss when he settles against her and then she smiles, "I snacked earlier, but I could eat. Want me to cook or use my trusty assortment of take out menus in the kitchen?" she asks him.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"Take out menus is fine." Sam chuckles. "I don't want to put you out on the cooking front. Not when we have so many other plans in mind." There's a wink offered to her and he leans down to whisper back to her.
"...but I could always make myself a sandwich if it speeds things along." he points out and gives her a little squeeze before pulling away. "Food. Then a shower. I hoped a redeye to get back here and I need to wash off or I'll be on the couch tonight."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a chuckle as he says take out is fine, "I mean, I don't mind cooking at all." she muses. "But that is probably a wise choice for another night." she grins.
"As for the evening. How about I order food, you go take a shower and get all cleaned up and things should be here by the time you get out? Means you'll be nice and clean plus you won't have to wait around while things are delivered." she admits.
She gives him a squeeze in return and a laugh, "No need to rush you feeling settled back at home." she points out to him as she leans in to kiss him. "I'd never make you sleep on the couch. Unless I'm really, really mad." she teases.