19814/After Doom Recovery

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After Doom Recovery
Date of Scene: 06 January 2025
Location: Seaside Victorian House
Synopsis: It's the afternoon after a Doom attack and Morrigan is making sure Sam is alright.
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Sam Wilson

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Sam was probably too exhausted to realize that he'd healed fully by the morning. Morrigan had called off of work and had let him sleep to regain his energy. Even with her magics the body would still need to refresh.

It's cold and snowing outside, but everything is warm in the bedroom that they share and Morrigan is dressed comfortably in a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater. Her hair a perfect symphony of chaotic curls that is bundled on top of her head. She works quietly on her laptop while he sleeps.

Occam is protecting the edge of the bed as per the usual.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam had arrives in the pre-dawn hours. He was pretty busted up. His shoulder had been dislocated and he had three broken ribs. He had immediately undressed and collapsed into bed next to Morrigan and didn't even notice when she had healed him and left his side. Finally, around noon, a small groan of still knitting injuries starts to announce his awakening. "...I'm going to send a strongly worded letter about Doom's Doombot quality control." he groans as he turns on his side.

Morrigan is still on her laptop so he leans into her side, kissing her covered shoulder. "You look cozy." he comments dryly, before glancing down at Occam. "Don't worry, I remember which side you let me have."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan settles the laptop onto the chair by the bed and reaches out to touch Sam gently when he stirs, "Did the Doombots rebel or did Doom have something to do with that?" she asks him curiously.

She leans down to kiss his forehead, "And you look a lot better than you did when you came home." she teases him softly. "How are you feeling?" she asks him.

"And I am guessing you'll be starving here in a few minutes." she adds with a soft smile.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"I feel like I got run over by a Doombot." Sam says, and then shakes his head. "No. Doom invaded Symarkia. At least a village in it. I was trying to stop them from attacking by appealing to Doom... but then Stadler dropped artillery on them." And even Morrigan's sweet kiss to his forehead can't soothe those wrinkles in his brow.

"We barely held, and the Doombots retreated. But the Exo was damaged and one of damn things blew up next to me. That hurt." he grunts as he moves to sit up. "Always in such a hurry to run away and get me food. I swear you're fattening me up for the winter. Don't think you can keep me warm enough?" he asks teasingly.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Hopefully that will pass. I know you'll need to rest to regain energy." Morrigan tells him with a bit of a worried look. "Do we need to look over the EXO later?" she asks him. "Sounds a little heavy for Richard to do that, were you guys in a pinch?" she asks him curiously.

Then there is a mock-shocked look to him, "The absolute audacity to think that I want to fatten you up for the Winter." she chuckles to him. "I just wanted to make sure if you were hungry we got that taken care of." she tells him. "And I am positive I can keep you warm enough." she points out.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Yeah, yeah, I don't get to turn you back under the sheets until I'm ready. I'm used to the no-fly zone by now." Sam teases. But he does come back hurt often and does understand her worry as he squeezes her hand. "Let me get on a shirt and some pajama pants. "We weren't really in a pinch. If anything... Stadler kinda shot first. The Doombots hadn't even started marching first and I was still using diplomacy when he fired." A sigh. "Maybe he saw something I didn't."

"Some food would be good, love. But first." Now that he's on his knees, he leans over, greeting Morrigan with a proper kiss. Lingering with her for several moments, he pulls away. "Got SHIELD techs looking at the suit, it's a little damaged beyond my capabilities. I'm going to grab a shower and change, but we are not leaving this bed today."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives him a playful swat, "Because you're in the no-fly zone so often." she rolls her eyes at him. She squeezes his hand and smiles to him, "Thank you for coming home." she tells him. She 'hmms' softly at the news of Stadler shooting first. "Maybe he did." she whispers to him.

She reaches to take his face in her hands when he leans over to kiss her, "I love you. Let me get food while you shower and after that I'll gladly stay in bed with you today." she states as she looks into his eyes.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"You are the best thing to come home to, Mo." Sam responds as he doesn't respond to the Stadler musing. His gorgeous wife is paying attention and care, and he is going to bask in that for the moment.

"Okay okay, food, come back up and hey, if I'm not done with the shower, there is always room for two." he ventures before grinning. "You have that effect on me."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan still gets all red cheeked when he tells her sweet things. She's just a big romantic like that. She gives his side a tickle, "Go shower." she whispers as she slides off the bed.

Then there is a sly look to her phone and then him, "Or I could order lunch and I can join you in the shower now?" she teases him.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Okay, but don't hold it against me if I want to... ahem." A wink over his shoulder at Morrigan as Sam retreats into the bathroom, leaving the door slightly ajar and the sound of the shower starting up as he works on heating the water up.