19854/Packing the Holidays Away
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Packing the Holidays Away | |
Date of Scene: | 12 January 2025 |
Location: | Seaside Victorian House |
Synopsis: | No description |
Cast of Characters: | Sam Wilson, Morrigan MacIntyre
- Sam Wilson has posed:
It was time. Twelth night had come and gone. It was time to put away the holiday decorations and return to the normal Wilson household. With the first week of school in the books, the weekend finds Sam hauling out the tree to put on the curb after the last of the boxes are put away. Putting it out, he reaches down, gathering a little ball of snow as he head back towards the house.
Time to go Morrigan hunting.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan had packed away what was left of ornaments and decorations into their respectful totes and then saw them back to their resting spaces until the following Christmas. Occam had been doing is best to 'help' with a random ornament that had rolled away from the rest as well. But she let him have that.
And Sam was taking the tree out.
"Babe, what did you want to do for dinner?" she opens the front door to ask the man as he's heading back in.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
As the door opens, Morrigan may have a second to respond before the snowball that was lobbed her way splats against her. He aimed for a body shot, because he's not that mean. "Snowballs!" he calls back playfully to Morrigan, snickering all the way as he goes to find some more snow to roll into a ball to wait.
Because either Morrigan could come out... or not. He's going to be prepared either way! Especially if she cheats!
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan is smacked with a snowball in the chest and there is a blink before she hears Sam and his playful tone. There is a look down as Occam comes to investigate what has happened. The cat swats at the snow on the porch and looks perfectly content to stay where he is in the warm house.
She gathers up a handful of snow and packs it into a ball before she crouches and tries to sneak to the edge of the porch, waiting to see where he's went and then lobs a snowball in his direction.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Sneak, move, use the vehicle as cover - and to gather snow! As Sam makes another ball, he calls out to his wife. "You should give up now, Mo! I'm a master snowball fighter!" Despite having grown up in the deep south. He's probably just trying to unnerve her.
Just as he comes from around the edge of the car... *PAFF!* the snowball smacks Sam's shoulder and he laughs. "You got me!"
And he flings his back in response, though he's closing the distance between them.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan keeps low, trying to use the porch as a guard as she moves towards the end of it. She could get behind him...probably. "Is this a skill they taught you in the Air Force? I didn't know New Orleans got snow!" she calls out.
"Maybe we should try battleship next." she teases. She does get clobbered by his next hit and there is a moment she debates giving in.
Then she realizes she could definitely cheat...but she doesn't. Instead she slips over the railing and pops out of the bush at him.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"They do, once a blue moon!" Sam fires back as he tries to keep an eye on Morrigan, untll she disappears over the porch. "Crap." he murmurs, as he slows his charge, patting the snowball in his hands as he starts to make his way along. "Come out, come out wherever you are~" he sing-songs as he listens her request. "Why, you want me to sink you?" he asks playfully.
And that as he was walking around the bush... and suddenly there's a Morrigan pouncing at him! A surprised yelp as he catches her and falls backwards, using himself to catch her as he hits the snow covered grown with an oof. "Hi, babe." A quick kiss.
"Games inside sounds good."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's not good at throwing things, but she sometimes has goblin tactics, so pouncing works in these cases. "I mean, you're better at tactics than I am!" she tells him.
When he hits the ground there is a wince from her, "You okay?" she asks him. "Hello love." she whispers with a smile.
"I can order something for dinner and break out some games? I'm not sure we have Battleship though." she chuckles. There is a chirp to signal that Occam is approaching and he comes to stick his face into Sams, "I think he wants to know why we're on the ground in this fluff." she teases.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"I wasn't expecting you to jump me! Not that I'm complaining." Sam responds, chuckling as he lifts his head. "Hello love. There are two of you." He's teasing clearly, as he squeezes her around the waist. "Snow cushioned my fall, I'm good!" he promises, releasing her so she can rise, as Occam shows up to investigate.
"Probably reminding us we have a much more comfortable bed that's warm." he points as he gives Occam a quick ruffle with his hand and sits up. "Delivery and games sounds good."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Gotta keep you on your toes about some things." Morrigan laughs at that. Then there is a worried look when he says there are two of her...but he's kidding. She gives him a playful swat for that as she gets up from where she had him on the ground.
She offers a hand to him to help him up, "A warm bed and food over outside is a good option." she muses to that.
"Lets get in before you catch cold." she teases him.