19994/She Sees In Colors That Don't Exist
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She Sees In Colors That Don't Exist | |
Date of Scene: | 02 February 2025 |
Location: | Seaside Victorian House |
Synopsis: | Morrigan and Sam discuss a student that has a not so unique problem and how to address it. |
Cast of Characters: | Sam Wilson, Morrigan MacIntyre
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Early evening at the Wilson household has Sam sitting on the couch, looking over a file. He had brought it home from work - it's the standard Happy Harbor school folder. A picture paper-clipped to the front is one of the freshmen class, a girl that was just accepted onto the pep-squad, kind of popular. Not exactly a known person on campus yet, but she's upwardly mobil enough to be one.
The folder is opened, and Sam is looking over her paperwork, a small frown settled on his features as he's jotting notes on a pad. Right now, they are all focused on 'where do you see going with this' and 'have you discussed this with your parents'. Probably worrying questions for anyone not in the loop on what's going on.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan had already gotten started on finishing up dinner. It was still cold out and she'd been wanting beef stew, so that's what she had started before heading back to school from lunch that day.
Her head poked around to see Sam sitting on the couch and reading a file, which was never a good sign, "Penny for your thoughts?" the woman asks him as she moves to crawl onto the couch next to him and settled in.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"Are they worth that much?" Sam asks with a grin as he patted the couch for her to join him. "Student dropped in a couple of days ago for advice. I thought it was something it wasn't at first. She was wearing dark sunglasses, was talking about problems with her boyfriend." He lets out a breath. "Turns out it's a little bit deeper than a jerk of a boyfriend."
Opening his phone, he swipes to a picture of the girl. Glasses off. Still, conventionally pretty - except her eyes. Her eyes are almost like a bug's eyes, multi-faceted, but instead of being organic, they appear to be made of crystal. "She says she can see the auras of people. I assume she means their heat signature. And colors that she said she can't even start to describe." Leaning back on the couch, he blows out a breath. "She hasn't talked to her parents yet. She's a local student."
"I'm not sure how to approach this, Mo." he admits. "I'm used to those that already have powers being on campus, but this is the first time I've seen a student gain powers on campus."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"They are worth more than that." Morrigan tells him as she sits cross-legged next to him. She listens to him though and there is a worried look as he does. When he brings the phone up and sees the girl in question there is a nod to him. "Is she a Mutant? I'm guessing this all came along suddenly?" she asks him.
"We have more than a few mutants on campus and we have ties to the Mutant community. We could always try to call in someone and try to speak with them before asking her if she feels comfortable with speaking to her parents? Maybe we could invite them to speak at the school?" she offers.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"I mean, we both know that puberty seems to be the prevailing factor in activating a mutant power. I guess she was a late bloomer." Sam responds, and gives a nod. "She was sitting in class, and all of the sudden, she felt a headache and could see... as she put it... everything. It almost overwhelmed her."
"She doesn't want to tell her parents. She's scared on how they're going to react to her. She's pushing everyone she was close to away from her. I've seen this in veterans when they get home. They don't think anyone understands them. Or that they are somehow broken."
Sam take a moment before he nods to Morrigan. "That's what I was thinking. Maybe another girl. A mutant if you know one, someone that is where she is - or has been there and been able to adapt to it. I assume it's a very scary time for her. And I think your idea is a good one."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Mutant physiology and things are not foreign to me, but yes, puberty seems to be the most common time for them to develop. It can also develop for any number of reasons. Stress, fear...any of those things can trigger it." she explains.
"Let me see who I can find and then see about getting it set up. Is she staying at home right now? Do we need to make sure that she has a place at the school dorm in case it goes badly?" she looks to him.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"Sorry, you're more of an expert on this than I am." Sam admits a bit ruefully. "I'm used to the 'already have the power, how do I use it' and not the 'I just got my power, please help'. Or the way that they could come about. She did say she had been having arguments with her boyfriend on things recently. Seems to be one of those jock types that has a bit of a complex about being a big fish in the high school pond." he shrugs at that, and scrubs a hand over his face.
"Thanks, babe." he thinks to add after a moment. "I can use the assist. Setting her up a dorm room may be a good idea. Maybe pair her with a roommate that is also powered?" he suggests to her. "The only reason she came to me is because she thought I knew Mighty Woman since she was an Avenger."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a soft smile to her husband, "I'm not an expert, but I started accumulating information as it was going to become important for the school." she states quietly. "And yes, developing powers in front of us is a bit of a panic situation, but we'll get through it." she smiles to him.
"I can make sure we've got her set up with a roommate that is also a mutant or at least powered. I don't want her to feel more uncomfortable in her situation." she nods to him. "I wonder if you could send word to Doctor McCoy? He would be perfect to ask." she points out.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"You're more of one than me. Hotter too." Sam allows a first hint of a tease to show he's not worrying about it so much now that he has support. Setting the papers back down neatly into the folder, he laughs. "Me, I just stole some government tech that I used in service and decided to be a hero. You've got me beat on this - even if you give amazing hickeys."
"Okay. Dorm room, powered roommate, message to Hank. I think we're good on setting this aside at the moment, at least until school starts back up." A small smirk. "So, how do we pass the rest of the evening?"
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a soft laugh and then leans in to press a kiss to his cheek, "We're both very good looking people, my love." she tells him. She then gives a look to him, "You beat yourself up far too much. Stop that." she gives him a soft nudge. "You're brilliant." she tells him.
"Well...we can get dinner and then how does a movie and lounging sound?" she asks him.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"Eh, I got keep myself tender so I can understand the teenage mind." Sam comments dryly, slipping an arm around his wife's waist to give her an affectionate squeeze. Turning to kiss her properly, he considers her proposal, and nods.
"Dinner, movie, lounging, snogging, all great ideas. I'm in!"