20054/Can't Stop The Signal

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Can't Stop The Signal
Date of Scene: 21 February 2025
Location: GCPD Rooftop
Synopsis: The Bats and the Detective Chimp investigate the malfunctioning Bat Signal atop the GCPD HQ. Jim Gordon is there to be very stressed out about it all. It is a shocking ending!
Cast of Characters: Barbara Gordon, Kate Kane, Tim Drake, Detective Chimp, Jason Todd

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The Gotham City Police had employed the Bat signal for a long time now. It had been a rather controversial inclusion, when it had first been unveiled by that of Jim Gordon, but since then, it had become a Gotham City iconic symbol all itself. The merchandise that featured the Bat Signal sold far and wide, across all of the planet. It had been a famous addition to the city's tourism too, though no tourists were ever allowed up here. Needless to say, when it began to mysteriously malfunction, the rumors were flying within the GCPD, as well as outside of it. The city itself could see when the light came on, and was being aimed in seemingly random directions, such as inside windows, or flashing across the facades of nearby buildings.

The police had their techs look in to it, as much as they could, but ultimately it came to the Bat-family, and potential allies, to come and check it out.

On this cold mid February night, Jim Gordon stood atop the HQ roof, a dark trench coat worn over his shoulders, it and his long black tie were gently swaying to the side, as he took a nervous drag on a cigarette. He glanced at the roof's edge, before looking back to the spotlight itself.

It was off right now, it had been off for some time. Truth be told, the GCPD didn't really even need it anymore. Jim had a plethora of ways to reach out to the Bats of Gotham City, such as tonight.

He glanced down at a smart phone, and sent a ? to the shared message channel that he had with Batman, and his people.

"I'm here." Oracle said, standing on the edge of the rooftop, her black and dark gold cape whipping around behind her back. She was hard to see in the dark, but the gold elements of her suit helped her stand out.

"God," Jim exhaled. "Why do you all insist on doing that kind of entrance?" He muttered, as he turned to look at Oracle. He knew damn well who was beneath that mask, and he'd had to force himself to get used to his daughter living this lifestyle.

"Anyone else coming?" Jim asked, as he walked slowly toward his caped crusader daughter, his loafers crunching on the roof's gravel floor.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman says from the opposite end of the roof, "Sorry I'm late, Commissioner." She's talking in her what she calls her 'Kathleen Turner' voice. Because unlike her cousin, she can't exactly do the growly gravelly voice and sound sincere about it. But this works, though Jim might not appreciate it considering she's just popping up out of nowhere opposite him and Oracle.

She does get a bit of an apologetic grin, "Sorry, habit. Got the message and wanted to get here quickly, just in case it might be the Riddler up to something again." Because, well, a random ? on the text chat... it's not an unreasonable assumption!

Tim Drake has posed:
'Anyone else coming?'

What a question. One that's answered almost immediately as boots lightly touch down on the GCPD roof, a cape flowing behind Red Robin as he lands. Arms fully covered, it's cold in February, but otherwise wearing the familiar red, green and black of his uniform, Red Robin immediately studies the Batsignal. "Has anyone tried turning it off and on again? Unplugging it for half a minute?" he asks. They're simple solutions, essentially step one, but that's usually for indoors electronics.

Both Oracle and Batwoman get a familiar wave-and-a-smile from the young man, whereas the Commissioner gets a more professional -look- of acknowledgment. "Why don't we turn the light on for a while, and we'll see if it points anywhere in particular. If it doesn't, 'being a nuisance' fits at least a handful of familiar names in Arkham." he suggests, glancing between the Bats, Jim Gordon, and the Batsignal.

Detective Chimp has posed:
A gust of wind, and the direction in which Batgirl's cape is blowing suddenly shifts. Dramatic as ever, the billowing is always a nice touch. But when it moves, it reveals a figure that is perhaps not as mysterious to the residents of Gotham, but nevertheless far stranger. For the Detective Chimp squats slightly behind her and off to the side, his hairy knuckles pressed against the ground and the lapels of his overcoat turned up against the piercing Gotham winds.

It's especially rough on top of a building with this many stories, after all.

With a large, curved pipe hanging from his mouth, DC leaps down from the rooftop's ledge, and stands up on his legs so that he might waddle in a somewhat more human fashion. With deerstalker cap and a tweed suit, he's actually probably the person on this rooftop who looks the most like an actual detective. Perhaps he might have saved some money on fabric, given his size, but it surely costs extra to tailor a chimpanzee.

Lighting the bowl of his pipe with a match as he strides forward on bare feet, Detective Chimp takes a few puffs before discarding the match behind him. The bowl begins to glow warmly, a welcome beacon amidst all the frosty winds.

"Commissioner, Bat-Persons... I regret to inform you that your mysteriously afflicted lighting system bears three out of the eight hallmarks of the work of Satan."

A long puff from his pipe.

"He really enjoys fiddling with lights."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
With Kate arriving second, Jim's eyes went to her, and with a light huff of an exhale, he spoke. "Ah, good. My two favor---" Then Tim arrived, and a Chimp walked out from behind his daughter's cape. Gordon had a blank expression touch his face at the sight of the Detective Chimp, but with Babs seemingly not registering it as anything being 'off', Jim nodded his head once. He looked to Tim, and nodded at his comment. "First thing I tried, thanks." He dryly said, as he turned toward Oracle.

Batgirl stepped off of the edge of the roof, and down on to the interior floor. She walked toward her father, as he paused, and pointed right at the Chimp. "I know you..." He said. "You helped out with the dump truck investigation the other night... You made a real impression on several of the guys. And gals. Look, we'll take all the help we can get with this."

Jim spoke softly to Barbara for a second, who was already glancing at her wrist mounted computer on her left forearm. "No, I understand." She said to whatever Jim whispered to her.

"Good." He replied, before he turned to walk past Batwoman, and toward the Bat Signal itself, the spotlight lying dormant. "I'm afraid to turn it on. We severed the power from the building, but I didn't want to risk the chance of letting whoever had taken control of it, get the chance to keep doing, whatever it was they had planned..."

"Plug it back in." Babs said, lifting her eyes up from her computer on her wrist. "We need to see what they're doing, in order to get to the bottom of this..." She walked toward the spotlight too, pausing several steps away.

"How many of your people have you had up here, checking this out?"

"Very few, actually." Jim said. "Most are not really a fan of this thing. They feel it cheapens the effectiveness of the Cops in the eyes of the public, to rely on all of... you guys." He said, his eyes going toward tim and Kate for a second, before he looked back to the light itself.

"Call me old fashioned, but I like sending a message to our enemies. A message that is loud, and clear. Of course, it won't do me much good to keep this thing operational, if the mayor catches wind of this, and orders it removed, permanently."

"So you guys are who I called in first, aside from taking the power out." Jim motioned to the back of the spotlight, where a heavy black cord was looped around a metal hook, beside an open hatch, that had a open padlock hanging from it. "Power is there. Pop the plug in, flip the switch, and it should trigger the green light beside the box. Means it is on." He explained.

Babs looked up to Red Robin, and nodded once toward him. "You wanna get that for us?" She asked him, as she swept her eyes between Kate and the Detective with the height disability. "If we're first to look in to this thing, lets see what we can find as far as physical tampering evidence..."

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman nods, "I'll check the physical systems, see if there's anything that was planted on the Signal that might have been missed." She moves carefully towards the Bat-Signal, eyes narrowing as she then taps her cowl, possibly adjusting the optics that she's using as she takes a closer look.

Carefully, she moves along the length of the Signal, looking for anything out of the ordinary that might not belong on there. Particularly things that would possibly be transmitting /to/ the massive device.

Eventually, she whistles, "Red, come here and look at this." She waves Red Robin over, and points to a smartphone-sized device, nestled behind the control panel. "This looks like a transmitter to me, but I figured you're more the expert than I am about this." Indeed, it looks like it has been soldered in and it CLEARLY doesn't match the standard equipment, the circuitry looking fairly unfamiliar.

Batwoman gives Tim a grin, "Figured you should see it before plugging things in."

Tim Drake has posed:
Red Robin grins at Commissioner Gordon's reply of 'First thing I tried'. "I couldn't resist." he admits, but he turns towards the coiled power line to plug it back in. His cape wraps mostly around him, with only the edges of it flapping in the wind.

Quickly, Tim unrolls the power line and drags it over to where the Commissioner indicated. Steadying himself against the spotlight, Tim jams the cord into its intended slot easily, like he's done it a hundred times before. All that's left now is the switch.

"All set." Tim replies as he rejoins the conversation. He checks the positioning of the Batsignal before turning it on, making sure it's pointed at the cloudy sky. It wouldn't do to just point it at the moon and stars, after all. Then there'd be no projected image. "Have we ever considered a Batsignal upgrade to light show drones?" he asks as his inner thoughts spill out through his mouth.

On Batwoman's discovery, Tim unplugs the signal again to check out the transmitter she found. Tapping the side of his mask, Tim gets a technical readout of the device, as well as where it connects to the Batsignal. The wiring around the fresh addition seems to have burnt out from the device outward. Standing out through his readout, clear as day, not at the Batsignal but at the junction box on the other end of the cable, is an extra cable. Sticky with residue, but, as Tim tests by pressing the wire against the steel of the panel door, it no longer sticks the way it's supposed to, and falls uselessly down again, to sway in the breeze. "Wasn't exactly a high-budget job.." he mutters to himself, though loud enough for others to catch.

Detective Chimp has posed:

Puffing quietly on his pipe, the chimpanzee in the the Sherlock Holmes special seems to be an effective listener. It must be quite a boon given what he's chosen to call himself. But though he's listening to Gotham's Police Commissioner, he's also watching the man intently. Almost suspiciously, in fact. Analyzing his face for any microexpressions that might give away signs of duplicity, he takes in the explanation, and then finally closes his eyes for a second, so that he might clear his mind of any distracting energies, particularly any that might be coming from Satan.

He reaches into the breast pocket of his tweed jacket, and produces a leather-bound notebook, which seems to be practically bulging full of bits of paper that have been inserted between many of the pages. As he opens it, a polaroid photograph of him with his arm around a celebrity chef nearly flies away into Gotham night, but his dexterous fingers are too fast for any of his notes to escape.

Removing the cap of his fountain pen, he looks up at the commissioner, and touches the tip of the pen to his tongue.

"It's a really inconvenient location for a random prankster to access, and I'm sure there's a lock on it, right? Secure precinct like this, tight ship and all... Remind me again, Commissioner Gordon... exactly how many people have keys to this roof? And are any of them diabetics who wear a size 13 penny loafer?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Red Hood walks up behind Jim, emerging from the shadows. "I didn't know we were having a party up here?" he states more than actually asks. An upnod to Red Robin, then a proper nod to Batwoman and Batgirl (because Oracle is just a face in a computer to him), then to the Commissioner, "Sir." Sir?

Since when has Red Hood called Jim Gordon, 'Sir'?.

Moving to check around the perimeter of the roof as he scans with his helmet's enhanced optics while leaving the actual light area to Batwoman and Red Robin.

Turning so his back is to the Commish, he gestures with sarcasm toward Batgirl, mimicing an explosion with all of his fingers fanning out and up.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
As the investigation begins, Batgirl / Oracle moves around the spotlight with Kate. She's watching over Kate's shoulder for a moment, before she moves on to glance at what Tim was doing. But she didn't linger long there either. She walked around to the opposite side of the light, and a purple hued light beams out from her forearm computer, toward the housing of the light's internal systems.

Gordon, finishing his cigarette, dropped it on the ground and snubbed it out with the tip of his shoe. He looked toward the Chimp, who was questioning him, which had the Commissioner just staring blankly for a second, as his salt and peppered hair blew gently in the cold wind coming over the building. "Ah... the keys are held by upper ranked officers. Sergeants and up. The standard locking is handled by officers assigned to the patrol route up here, that they check every hour, having to use a small wand on those beacons there, to report in when their check is finished. He motioned toward a spot on the side of the double metal doors that lead in to the interior stairwell. "We put the spotlight on this side of the room, in this corner, because it is off cameras. Your boss," Jim said, motioning to the Bats. "He's not a real big fan of being put on camera. Which is another reason why my guys aren't a fan of this thing." He said, indicating the Bat Signal once more.

"I don't think--" Jim is made to shoot out another exhale, as the Red Hood snuck up on him too, which causes him to wave a hand at Jason. "It isn't a bomb. I know a bomb when I see one, and there.." He quiets as things do come up though, and he moves to stand closer to his daughter's left side, as she is investigating what Kate and Tim had found. "Hmm. yeah, that is some kind of an interference device. A slave circuit system, maybe." Her green eyes went back down to her computer display, the blue glow illuminating her half-masked face, and the golden symbol on her chest armor. "I'm picking up repeated, unauthorized remote access attempts and modified command sequences, and over here.." She motioned with her purple light. "Fingerprints. None of them are matching off GCPD personnel in my files." She stated quietly.

Jim frowned at this, and glanced to Batgirl. "You have all my people in your files?" He asked, before exhaling a sigh. "Of course you do..." He turned then, and motioned back to the power switch. "Look, if you found this much, then I'm guessing you can track where it is coming from, right? This, interference?"

"I think so." Babs said, as she glanced over to tim. "Flip it on, will you?" She asked, as she crouched to put the dangling mysterious device back where they had found it.

But before tim could follow through with Oracle's request, the dormant Bat-signal suddenly came on, with a thunderous click of activation, it powered on, and aimed right at Jason's face!

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim walks slowly between the Batsignal and the power switch, his eye lenses glowing white to everyone else, but to him, the thick cord is nearly transparent as he looks for irregularities, marks that stand out, or other evidence of suspicious activity. "The Detective is right in his deductions.." he starts. "Just not so much the conclusion. Someone soldered that device to the Batsignal and it looks like they overloaded it to take control of it away from GCPD." He glances at the Commissioner and shakes his head. "Boss." he repeats with a chuckle at the word. "Not.. exactly." he vaguely explains.

The lack of cameras on the Batsignal had been a decently smart move, because who'd mess with a lamp like this? Still, as Tim glances at the roof access door, he shakes his head. "A flyer, then. Powered or aided by some sort of technology to stay quiet and not draw attention to themselves."

When Batgirl confirms the culprit isn't with GCPD, Tim nods. "See. Someone who'd have to come from above, as I thought." Arriving at a conclusion before evidence supports it is -tight-. "It's still receiving transmissions, I can isolate the frequency and follow it to the source." he notes.

And then the light switches on on its own, leaving Tim standing there with his power cord in his hand, just about to plug it in. "Is there a generator on this thing? Battery?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Well that's unexpected.

While searching along the primeter of the rooftop, the Bat Signal ignites with the powerful sound of the circuit closing and the immense bulb draws enough power to light up a whole city block.

As the powerful beam illuminates Red Hood squqare in the middle, the Bat shadow covers his chest in darkness. As the beam shines past Red Hood to illuminate the wintery clouds above, the Bat symbol has a new head. Across the city eyes look up curiously at this new design.

And just as Red Hood begins to react, a gust of wind hits him from behind, blowing up the collar of his armored jacket so that it now looks like his shadow has bat ears. If only briefly.

In only a moment, the glow of his helmet's optics flicker and go out.

As this all happens in the same instant it is followed by Red Hood tucking and rolling blindly away from the powerful beam.

".... ow." Is about all he has to say as he sits on the rooftop and taps the side of the helmet. It's not a loose wire but he can hope.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman blinks, and shouts, "Hood!" She at least has the presence of mind not to use his real name, but it's a close call for her. She looks at the Signal, "How did that turn on without a /power source/? Oracle, Robin?!?" She moves rapidly towards Red Hood, crouching down by where he's sitting down as she says, "Take it easy, I'm right here, okay?"

With that, she hrms, "Oracle, we're going to need to take him back to base. That much light right to the eyes..." She grimaces, making sure to keep her back to the signal as she sounds pretty pissed off.

Heaven have mercy on whoever did this to the signal, because Batwoman certainly isn't!

Detective Chimp has posed:
Dilligently, the Detective Chimp takes notes with his fancy fountain pen. He seems to be writing down quite a bit more than the Commissioner actually said, but it's likely he's adding a few of his own observations.

Any observations will have to wait, as the chimp reflexively pulls a tweed-covered sleeve up to protect his face from the sudden increase in lumens, courtesy of a bat signal that was supposed to be nonoperational. His unprotected eyes don't adjust especially quickly, and he keeps the arm before his face even as he gets safely away from the light. No need to take any risks.

"A device of some sort, receiving transmissions? I have a sneaking suspicion that the source won't be tracked back to Hell. But if it does... my money's still on Satan. It's too mundane for Clock King, and too complicated for Condiment King."

Putting away his notebook, the chimp pulls out his magnifying glass, and looks at the device on the side of the Bat Signal.

"The question that we should be asking is..."

Dramatic pause.

"... have there been any similar sabotage attempts in Gotham?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara was exchanging her green eyed gaze from her wrist computer, up to the spotlight's housing when the thing just suddenly came on. She'd seen a power surge inside the system, a second before it happened, but she'd been unable to say anything. She saw Jason get the brunt of it, as the spotlight had been aimed almost perfectly level with the building's roof. She winced at the sight of it, as Batwoman rushed toward him.

The Commissioner stepped back when the light came on, his long coat flaring out behind him, as he raised his arm not unlike the Chimp Detective to his right. When he lowered it, he peered over his forearm, at the light, as it buzzed loudly. "There is no generator.. It used to have one. Gas powered. But that was pulled out ages ago. It was converted to electric, when we upgraded to this model. This isn't even the original Bat signal, the original was taken apart ages ago, after the Joker managed to get up here and smashed it..." Bad blood, old blood.

Batgirl moved past tim, toward Batwoman and Red Hood, but she stopped. She suddenly stopped in her tracks, and dropped her eyes back to her wrist computer. The screen was glowing brightly, and audio could be heard emitting from her forearm. The audio was muffled, mutated, jarbled and crackling, but with a few quick strokes of her fingers over the holographic keys, Babs fine tuned it.

"A voice..." Oracle announced, just as the sound of someone speaking could be heard, though the words were indecipherable. It was rapid talking, almost like they were broadcasting on some live stream on the internet. But it sounded more frantic than that, more agitated. "I'm dialing it in as best as I can, but it is... so strange." The redhead said, as she turned away from the Bat Signal, and the voice got weaker, instantly causing Oracle to turn back toward the buzzing spotlight. She hesitated a moment, and stepped closer to it, until she was right up against it.

~"You have cut me off!" a static-filled female voice shouted. "Plug the damn thing back in! Do it now, or I'm dead!"

Jason Todd has posed:
"I'm fine, Batwoman. Optics just overloaded. Which doesn't make a lot of sense. I don't make a habit of staring into the signal's beam but my optics are rated for above it's actual candlepower. This was.. more?" He shrugs, "Don't have a way to gauge it at the moment, though." He reaches to the locking mechanism of his helmet and authenticates the unlocking process. As he stands, he removes the damaged helmet - revealing that underneath he has a fabric Red Hood mask on. Always have a backup.

While it doesn't have the same optics as the helmet, the lenses do hide his eyes.

Studying the helmet a moment he gestures to Batgirl, "There's something down there, by the way. Under the mount. Right there" he points.

Detective Chimp has posed:
"Hot damn!"

The little things can come as a surprise to even the most hardened of supernatural investigators. A giant flashlight haunted by a disembodied Karen wasn't on Detective Chimp's list of possibilities. Looking up and over his shoulder, DC watches Batgirl as the Mysterious Voice emits from her arm. With one fist on the ground, and finger scratching at his forehead, he looks very much like a classic chimp. This thing just took a turn toward the strange, but the World's Strangest Detective doesn't seem to have any viable theories on hand just this second.

"Assuming for a moment that it isn't Satan, we'd probably better plug her back in... I can't really get sued again for wrongful death, the chimp detective's union has TERRIBLE insurance."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Oracle stayed close to the spotlight as she was keeping her wrist computer up, her eyes upon the signal as she was keeping the voice able to speak, by manually aligning the frequency. She heard Jason call out, and glanced at him, before she looked at her booted feet. "Check it out, Bob?" She asked the Chimp, before she went back to the computer on her forearm, casting strange colors, as Babs was trying to build an image of what the static was displaying.

"What is our play here?" Gordon asked, stepping closer to his daughter in her fancy Bat-attire, a set of armor that worried him even more every time he saw it, about how safe she needs to be to do this damn job she adores so much.

"Plug it in." Oracle said, as Jim turned and rushed toward the line. He took it from Tim's offered hand, and moved to push the ajar service panel away, before he leaned in, adjusted his glasses over his nose, and jammed the cord in its place, then primed it with a push of the button he had spoken of earlier.

The power indicator came online, as the Commissioner stepped back, and just as he stepped back, a burst of electrical discharge shot from the service panel, and spread aross the floor of the roof. It sizzled, sparked, and licked at almost every available source of metal, though it stayed away from the people's feet. It crackled, and sizzled, before it coalesced on the roof floor before the spotlight, and became a large glowing ball of shock lightning!

Babs watched, her sensor scanner taking readings, as she catalogued all of this in to her computer system.

When the ball of lightning finally began to subside, a smokey haze was left upon the floor of the GCPD HQ, still in the un-monitored section here in the Bat-signal corner of the roof.

Where the ball lightning had been, now hunkered a black haired woman, completely naked, her legs pulled up to her chest, and her forehead down upon her knees.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman, after seeing that Red Hood is okay, turns around to see a... woman, materialize out of unmonitored area of the Bat-Signal. She blinked a bit in surprise, then took off her cape, moving over towards the woman.

Then she draped her cape over the woman, affording her a bit of modesty as she says, "Hello there." She's not flirting with the strange woman that was somehow trapped in the Bat-Signal. Honest.

Well, not intentionally anyway. But she /is/ curious as to how the woman wound up in there.

Jason Todd has posed:
Red Hood (now actually in something more resembling a hood), still holding his helmet in one hand, steps aside as the seeming electrical surge erupts and moves across the rooftop. He isn't worried about being shocked in the moment, just trying not to be where that ball of lightning erupts.

Then there's a woman there. "Didn't see that coming either."

His free hand drops to hover around the handle of his pistol. Just in case.

Detective Chimp has posed:
While the other primates are plugging in the faulty goth Christmas tree, their closest living cousin is checking the area near the light, his attention taken by something that caught his eye. A creature of instinct, he follows this hunch with the sort of professional detachment that makes his services so valuable, though so rarely adequately compensated.

"Huh... why would someone fold up clothes and leave them on the roof?"

With his pipe clenched between his teeth, Detective Chimp finds a set of clothing, apparently belonging to a woman, but folded neatly as if the owner intended to wear them again, rather than having simply discarded them in some sort of escape attempt or during an ill-advised tryst with one of the GCPD's many fine officers. Or one of the GCPD's many horribly corrupt officers, who are allegedly more generous lovers.

As the ball of lightning flashes, DC doesn't have time to raise an arm to protect his face, so he merely closes his eyes and turns his head. But when he looks back, he's greeted by...

A naked lady. Nice.

No wait, she's giving vague Samara from The Ring vibes at the moment. Not so nice.

He's picky for a chimp in a cheap suit.

"Holy Wizard of Oz Trapdoor, Batgirl! I've never seen someone use a smoke bomb to just chill out in a squatting fetal position before..."

He doesn't seem especially concerned, which might mean that his talents as a detective have been slightly exaggerated, but after looking down to the clothes in his hairy hands, and then back to the woman, he starts walking toward her in the slightly awkward upright posture that his closest living relatives seem to prefer.

"Here you go, Toots. Got a feeling you might enjoy wearing these more than I would."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Batwoman got to the woman in the fetal position first. The dark cape was a welcomed relief for the girl, who was in the process of waking up, her body already chilled by the below freezing temperatures tonight. Her eyes fluttered opened, as strands of black hair crossed over her face, and she turned her head. Ice blue eyes looked up at Batwoman first, then to the Red Hood next. She stared at him for a second, before she suddenly shot up, causing Kate's cape to fall down around her hips, as her arms went up to cover her modesty, pressing over her chest in a criss-cross pattern, as she now looked between all of the people gathered around her.

Lastly, her eyes fell upon the Chimp, offering her the clothing. A Chimp.

"Who the Hell are you people?" The girl asked, as she snatched one hand out to grab the hoodie and shirt off of the top of the pile, leaving her bedazzled jeans to rest in the Detective's hands. She quickly began to sort the garments out, before she went to pull the tshirt on over her head, and down over her chest.

"We have similar questions for you, Miss." Jim Gordon chimed in, as he looked away from the girl to give her her decency to get dressed. "Just what on Earth was all of this about?" He asked, casting his hand toward the Bat Signal, before he saw she was pulling her hoodie on, and he looked back to her again.

"I'm... I'm a Mutant." She announced. "If I don't ... if I don't recharge, I'll die. I had to find the best power suppply I could get to, without breaking in to anyone's house. I saw this thing on..." She upnodded her chin toward the giant light. "It felt like the best option, and kind of an iconic story to tell my friends, when I catch back up with them. Of course, that was until you unplugged it.." She stated, her gravelly voice sounding filled with contempt.

Another glance was given to Kate, as the girl peeled the cape off of her lap, and she reached for her jeans from the Detective's offering hands.

She pulled her jeans on, rolling them up her legs, as she kept her knees as close together as possible. "Look, I know I shouldn't have done it, but I had no choice. I elected NOT to break in to anyone's house, and instead just use this thing... That is a good choice to have made, right?" She asked, as she sat up and pulled her jeans up over her hips.

"Mutants..." Jim quietly said, exhaling the weight of the world on his shoulders. "As if I don't have enough to deal with already." He paced to the east, before he looked back to the girl. "Look, come inside, we'll talk this through. I'm not going to charge you with anything, but I do need to get you registered in our Mutant database. It's not anything that is going to bring you heat, I promise. We just need to know about you, when shit like this happens." He said, as he once more motioned to the light.

Meanwhile, Batgirl stepped around the others, and ended up between Jason and Kate. "I think that about wraps up our involvement..." She muttered quietly, keeping her voice low now that there was a stranger here, and her modulator was not active.

The girl stood up, and offered Kate her cape back, along with a smile. "Thanks, uh, Lady Bat." She said, as she pushed her black hair behind her ears, and regarded the Chimp. "Did you see any shoes around here?" She asked him, while Gordon stepped toward the stairwell doors, and pulled one open with a squeaking shrill noise.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman hrms softly, taking the cap back, "Batwoman, actually." She considers a bit, looking thoughtful, "There's not a lot of mutants in Gotham, admittedly, but here." With that, she reaches into her utility belt, and offers the girl a card, "There's a number on there, when you get done with the Commissioner. Call them, and they can help you get situated if you need it." With that, she gives the girl a friendly smile, then turns around, letting her and Jim go down into the GCPD building proper as she glances at Oracle.

"Think we might need to expand our network a bit, and I think I have a candidate in mind for that, if more mutants start coming to Gotham." She gets a bit of a thoughtful expression beneath the cowl, "I'll do some checking and get back to you on it." What that means, she doesn't exactly elaborate on, just yet. But she will eventually, no doubt.

She's reliable like that.