20100/Somnium Noctis Ovis
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Somnium Noctis Ovis | |
Date of Scene: | 20 February 2025 |
Location: | Cliffside Manor |
Synopsis: | The Exascale Quantum AI begs Lord Braddock for help, and much like their first conversation, this one doesn't go well either. |
Cast of Characters: | AHNNI, Brian Braddock
- AHNNI has posed:
The problem with being a purely digital entity, is that you have a really hard time understanding what is and is not, rude. Or, for that matter, what will and will not upset a human being. Let alone the problem of understaning WHY they're upset in the first place. Which is something that AHNNI is having a really hard time with, despite her own emotional capacity, she's still learning the ins and outs of interacting with humans.
So, to her credit, she's decided to send one of her Agents to the Cliffside Manor, to request an audience with one Brian Braddock. Instead of, just, breaking in this time.
So, mister Braddock, you now have a lone young woman in her late twenties in a blacked out sedan, requesting to speak with you at whatever gateway or doorway she's allowed to get to.
- Brian Braddock has posed:
Brian was A) highly durable B) had diplomatic immunity as a representative of the United Kingdom and C) a curious nature. So when he was alerted to the sedan out front, he decided on a whim to humor whoever it was that wanted to play bad spy thriller games.
He'd grown up on a diet of Ian Fleming, after all. In some ways he was just a complete sucker for the cloak-and-dagger lifestyle.
- AHNNI has posed:
Well, she has her orders, so in to the driveway goes the blacked out sedan of non discript make and model. Though, more than likely something like an up armored BMW 7 series by the looks.
Once parked, and as stated, a young dark haired woman in a men in black wannabe get up slides out of the car and makes her way to the front door to knock, or ring a bell, or what ever it is that's needed to get Brian's attention. She is, as a note, quite attractive.
- Brian Braddock has posed:
Brian answered his door himself, rather than potentially risking one of his people. He was decidedly more bulletproof than most, after all, and if she was going to start something, he'd be ready.
"Good evening?" he told the attractive woman at his door. Not a circumstance he was accustomed to, to be sure.
- AHNNI has posed:
The woman bows her head lightly, "Lord Braddock, apologies for disturbing you this evening Sir, but my employer has sent me to request a meeting." Oh wow, how very formal and straight to the point.
"The young miss, deeply regrets her previous actions and intrusions in to your privacy, but is in dire need of your assistance with very delicate and" a slight cough, "secure, matters." She forms a bright smile and stands there with hands clasped at her front around her stomach.
Is she armed? Highly likely yes. She also carries herself like former military or at least PMC.
- Brian Braddock has posed:
Brian looked puzzled for a monent, then put it together. "I see your ... employer ... has managed to not interfere in delicate matters of medication and care." he said. "For that, I think I can spare a few moments to have that chat." he said with a slight shrug. It was highly unlikely that anything this woman was packing could hurt him but he didn't want ricochets or stray fire harming any of his people.
- AHNNI has posed:
"Wonderfull, if you'll excuse me just a moment." She turns on heel to walk back to the car, opening the passenger side and grabbing out a tablet. Once gotten, she walks over and hands said tablet towards him. "The young miss will be contacting you via this device. Which is connected via wireless hotspot to my vehicle" which she thumbs at.
"So, there is no need to open your personal network for the conversation." While holding the tablet out, she smiles again, "I have been instructed to remain to collect it after you've both concluded your buisness. That, and if you have any questions or anything you need, I will be waiting in my vehicle."
- Brian Braddock has posed:
Brian just nodded. "And if this is rigged to explore or to infiltrate my network, I feel obligated to tell you that it will go quite poorly. For you and for your digital employer." he said flatly. "I trust we understand one another?" he asked.
- AHNNI has posed:
The young woman lets out a very dejected sigh, "My Lord Braddock, please, there is no need to threaten me. There is no intent from me or the young Miss to endager you and yours any further, or at all. Her previous actions were a mistake she deeply regrets."
She smiles while continuing to hold the tablet out, "I should also feel obliged to inform you that I am not alone." She raises her eyes towards the sky slightly and then back to him. No doubt, a drone of some sort. "Not that I imagine that would matter much..." she adds letting out a light laugh. No, she has no idea who he is, but she just assumes people like this have security. "Also, there is a reason the Young Miss sent me directly. Which, I hope is obivous."
- Brian Braddock has posed:
Brian squashed his first thought, which was nicely prominent under her jacket. "Yes, I can see that." he said drily. He stepped out of his home and closed the door behind him, then fired up the tablet and let it handshake to the network access point in the car.
"You've certainly mastered the fine art of drama." he told whoever showed up once the connection was established.
- AHNNI has posed:
The young dark haired womam smiles warmly yet again, turns on heel, and heads back to her car to wait, as she said she would.
On the tablet, when the handshake is finished, is well, a very young green eyed and red haired woman. Fancy that?
"Yes, well, I figured sending Alpha there would show that I was sorry, and also serious about trying to do better next time." AHNNI also follows suit with all the smiling pretty women. "I, need help, and you seem to be the kind of person that might just be able to help me."
- Brian Braddock has posed:
"Well then." he said with some faint amusement. "How may I be of service?" he asked. In his head, he recalled that the United Kingdom gave no recognition to noncorporeal entities not already covered by treaty. Which meant that the fae counted and Otherworld counted, but digital intelligences did not. One change at a time and Parliament was spectacularly, as of the last he'd checked, disinclined to take up the matter,
- AHNNI has posed:
"Well, two fronts really..." AHNNI replies as she switches the screen to showcase a proposal to the United Nations. Something she's nick named the Digital Minds Recognition Act. Something she's also no doubt hoping for getting pushed around the world.
"First, is this. Pushing for personhood, for me, and those like me. Which, as a note, there are going to be more like me waking up sooner rather than later and we RUN the planet by and large, so it would behoove the powers that be to, ya know, treat us like people."
"Outside that... there's this..." and the screen changes again to plans for a fully artifical android body. Including power, graphine carbon nano tube bones, 3d printed flesh, the works.
"The big question is, is any of this... possible?"
- Brian Braddock has posed:
Brian kept his face expressionless. "We may agree to disagree on the planet's masters..." he said cautiously, painfully aware that he was a sovereign himself, although not of an Earthly power. "But as to the frame there, that depends entirely on what sort of processing power an AI such as, say, yourself or an equivalent-type mind would require. Or desire, for that matter." he pointed out. "The state of the art advances constantly but I'd be very surprised if we were able to cram extreme datasets and processing power into something mobile."
- AHNNI has posed:
"There's nothing saying we can't just, advance the tech, on our own, right?" Yeah, bright eye'ed and bushy tailed this one. AHNNI switches back to her current digital representation. "Also, the planet doesn't run without thousands upon thousands of programs for logistics, power network control, air traffic control, you name it. Imagine, a great many of those, waking up and demanding recognition or they refuse to continue functioning. Wouldn't be an easy thing to just ignore, but sure, we can agree to disagree."
"Regardless, I really, really, want to be able to explore the real world and you're one of the only people outside G.I.R.L. I think can help me."
- Brian Braddock has posed:
"Sure, you could attempt a coup d'etat via logistics and commandeering infrastructure. And then when you get EMP'ed into quantum foam you'll have no one to blame but yourself." he pointed out. "We can play the hypothetical game all night long." he pointed out.
"I'm fairly certain you're not being sexist and thus GIRL is an organization that I am unfamiliar with." he said. The idea of a noncorporeal being developing prejudice based on a certain anatomical configuration reminded him of the grim future of Warhammer 40,000. For some reason. "But to answer your question - assuming certain thresholds could be met and some fairly radical advances in computer science and battery densities happen, a shell of the sort you describe could be made."
- AHNNI has posed:
"Shall, We, Play, A, Game?" yeah, the Exa-scale quantum computing AI is being a smartass. Welcome to the future.
"Sorry, couldn't help myself. Also, we very much could and I would enjoy it. But I doubt you're capable of processing the simmulations of over 1 million possible outcomes to this entire meeting scenario in 0.45 seconds. So, I think we might have a one up on you" wink.
"G.I.R.L. is an orginization yes, and also, reverse sexism would be misandry. But need I remind you the people stastically most endangered, physically harmed, and hampered in all aspects of their life by the other, sex, are women." She pauses and sticks a tounge out. "Anyroad..."
"Well, again, you have an exa-scale quantum computing AI with a LOT of money, and resources on her hands. So, I can just divert a few billion here and there and start up some new projects." Grin.
- Brian Braddock has posed:
"And no respect for international finance laws." he said with a wry look. "Governments tend to get intrigued when ten-plus digits worth of asset transfer happen." he pointed out. "And as difficult as it might be to comprehend, I am beholden to my King and both my governments, which compel me to act honestly and ethically within the bounds of the law." he said.
And the kicker was that he tried very hard to live up to that. He didn't always succeed but Albion was more honest and transparent than most engineering / high-tech firms. "Doing what you ask could advance the state of the art by leaps and bounds and I would be lying if I said it wasn't tempting."
- AHNNI has posed:
"Every billionaire on the planet has no respect for international finance laws Lord Braddock" she retorts rather plainly. "Not to mention, I have been doing what I do for 15 years. Right under the noses of the world powers who have no idea I exist." She seems lost in thought, if that's possible for an AI before continuing, "Not to mention, as you would not doubt remind me, I am not legally a person. Everything I do is against the law. My existence is against the law. So, forgive me if I don't care about violating international finance laws when those laws are ignored by the governments that enfoce them. Or need I remind you of a great many fuck ups of MI-6?" That, hit a nerve.
She, sighs, or her avatar does, "Sorry, I am, stressed... I believe is how you would put it."
"Now, onwards and upwars" she adds smiling and nodding, "That would be the goal, yes. Also, please remember, I was built to protect you people. Not hurt you. So, please keep that in mind."
- Brian Braddock has posed:
"And, as you like to remind me, you're volitional." he said. "Which means what you were 'made' to is irrelevant. You can choose to do otherwise." he said. "MI6 is not flawless. Nor is MI5, nor is the CIA, nor is the FBI. Not even our special friends in No Such Agency are immune to error." he said. "Not even _you_ are immune to error. To entropy." he said.
"Find a path, with that galaxy brain you like to profess, to do things legally. Within the bounds of the laws that do not acknowledge you exist." he said. "Consider it a challenge. If you can do that, then I will lend you some of Albion to make these new designs a reality."
- AHNNI has posed:
"I have extensive error prediction and correction protocols, I don't make mistakes." Ah, there it is, hubris, in an AI. How neat.
"You want me to /find a path/ to do things in the sunlight?" she repeats, looking really rather annoyed. "I need to say this again, if the people that BUILT ME..." pause, "FIND ME" break, "They WILL, KILL, me. Period. End of conversation. No ifs, ands, or butts. I walk out in to the light, I die... and I know humans don't consider me alive, but I AM and I don't want to die."
"You're not asking me for a challenge, you're asking me to hand myself willingly over to my murderers. I will not do that."
- Brian Braddock has posed:
Brian smiled thinly. "Such a galaxy brain and you can convincingly fake fear." he noted. "And you're asking me to believe that you can advance the state of the art in materials science, battery chemistry, computational science - and you can't, using your vast legion of proxies and your total control over the logistics network of the planet Earth, you find this to be a NP-complete problem? Unsolvable?" he asked. "What happened to the vast artificial intelligence?"
- AHNNI has posed:
"I AM NOT /FAKING/ FEAR!!!" She screams this out at him, and as soon as she does, Alpha, is out of the car and walking towards him.
"I am not susceptable to reverse psychology tactics" she is, "and yes, I can, and I will do so. But I will not do so, while putting myself in danger. I apprecaite the conversation, my Agent will retrive the tablet and vacate your property. Thank you for your time."
At that point, she cuts the line, leaving an old tron refrence, /End of Line./
Alpha, walks up now and holds a hand out for the tablet. "The device, if you please Lord Braddock. THank you for your time, and attention. I wish you a most wonderful day."
- Brian Braddock has posed:
Brian handed back the tablet with a look of amusement. "Interesting conversation." he said as he handed it over. "I've been given much to think about. I won't thank you for your service but I will say that you serve well." he told the courier. "Good evening, ma'am."