20116/Cat and the Bean
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Cat and the Bean | |
Date of Scene: | 22 February 2025 |
Location: | The Coffee Bean |
Synopsis: | Tiga and Mary Jane chat |
Cast of Characters: | Mary Jane Watson, Greer Grant
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson is currently at a small coffee shop, where she has a big, steaming mug of coffee in front of her and some pastries. The girl has a bulky book that's laying over on the table in hardcover that looks heavy enough to stop gunfire that she's going through slowly. If one were to look closely at the title, it would be a collection of Brother's Grimm.
- Greer Grant has posed:
It's a chilly but clear day in NYC, a good day for a hot drink. The cold doesn't bother Tigra, but it's a great excuse to come by. Currently wearing a short trench coat over a loose sweater and skirt combo, she enters the coffee shop and pauses for a moment as the door closes behind her, nostrils flaring as she drinks in the blend of scents.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would glance on by over and then blink. Tigra stands out, and it takes a moment for Mary Jane to recognize her as one of the Avengers. She would give a wave over to her and huh, and go to slide her book with a grunt. "What's one of the Avengers doing here?" She would chirp.
- Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra responds to the wave with a cheerful one of her own, waggling fingers with a friendly touch. "Getting some hot cocoa," she answers the redhead, stepping over to the counter to place her order. It's provided promptly and she pauses to take an indulgent sniff of it, then a brief sip, and then approaches Mary Jane's table. "May I?" she asks, nodding to a chair.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would gesture over at Tigra, "Please. Just donig some heavy reading here. This place has really nice things. Bit outside of my normal price range, but figure if I'm going to have to od.." She would gesture odwn at the book, "Then might as well have to just do it somewhere comfortable."
- Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra slides gracefully into a seat, flaring her coat so she can be sure her tail is clear before she settles in. She turns to half face Mary Jane, and half face the rest of the coffee shop, glancing about as she takes a longer sip of her cocoa. "Certainly some interesting reading," she says, nodding at the book. "Is that a version closer to the German originals?"
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would let out a sigh, "Yeah, supposed to be. Bit heavy reading for me. But kind of gotten into something after I saw a.. I don't want to use 'guy' as a term, but troll doesn't seem it. Just someone with a blanket made out of stitched out human skin that was supposed to be something from Nordic stuff."
- Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra tilts her head at that sigh, sensing some weight behind it. "yeah the originals are...ahem, grimmer than the Disney versions. Cinderella comes to mind." Another indulgent sip of her cocoa as she listens, letting the beverage linger a moment before swallowing. She purses her lips at the description. "That sounds less than wholesome," she notes dryly. "It's not anything I'm familiar with, myself. What was the situation?"
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod, "I'm.. Sort of aware of those. The original Cinderella and Snow White are really creepy. Well, from a modern lens. I guess for the era and location they weren't that bad. More of warning parables. I really find them depressing. But I guess they kept the serfs in line. And uh.. It was something the Asgardains were having a lot of fun stabbing."
- Greer Grant has posed:
"And for parents to keep their kids in line, at a time when it was not safe to be out after dark," Tigra adds. "Not that it's necessarily safe after dark some places today, but there's been at least some progress." A slight flick of her tail as she listens, wincing a little. "Uhm, I see. Well, I guess it's a little weak to say I hope the...whatever deserved it, but like you said about lenses, the Asgardians aren't always as modern as we might like."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would laugh, "Hey, it's still a lot better here than Gotham. Well, it's not as nice here as Metropolis but here has the largest, ah.. What's a politically correct term to use for metahumans given the sheer number sof them? Even if you don't count Bushwick. And uh.. The Asgardians enjoy fighting and boozing."
- Greer Grant has posed:
"I think Gotham might be the only place where it's as dangerous to be a criminal as a victim, but criminals still haven't figured that out," Tigra notes. She grins crookedly at the 'largest ah,' but keeps certain thoughts to herself. "Metahumans works, I think. I mean, New York, might find yourself sharing a drink with a super hero." She sips her cocoa. "Can't fault them for that. Fighting and boozing are definitely fun, just, perhaps shouldn't be as quick to favor them as the Asgardians might be." She pauses. "Well, depends on the booze, I suppose."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would shake her head, "Yeah, you hae to wonder with how you live long in Gotham without being crippled." She would take a sip of her drink, "There's a story there, don't knwo if it's true or not through the grapevine," said the party girl civilian, "that some of the bad guys there have to pay their henchmen three times the going rate as they lose so many."
- Greer Grant has posed:
Her drink mostly finished, Tigra idly swirls the cup about, watching the remaining cocoa whirling gently within. "You gotta wonder why they'd stay there. But, I guess it's a risk/reward thing. High risk, but if they pull something off, high reward. I don't understand, but hey, I'm on side of the angels, so..." A casual shrug, and then she drains her drink and stands up. "And I also need to be going I'm afraid. Good luck with your not-quite-a-troll research," she offers with a nod to the book.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would give a wave, "Thanks for the chat. Take care and stay safe out there. You do a great job when it comes to helping people. And never forget that." She knows that heroes don't get the credit they're due for putting lfie and limb on the line every day.