20136/What's the Buzz or Maybe I just Strange And Mystifying.

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What's the Buzz or Maybe I just Strange And Mystifying.
Date of Scene: 25 February 2025
Location: Conference Room: Helicarrier
Synopsis: Cinque talkes to Natasha about concerns he is having since absorbing the Brood memories, and tries to pick Natasha's brain about other persona matters. Natasha answers his questions in her Natasha specific way.
Cast of Characters: Cinque Evers, Natasha Romanoff

Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque stands in his S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform, the fabric crisp yet familiar against his skin as he paces the length of the conference room. The steady rhythm of his footsteps does little to quiet the storm of thoughts churning in his mind. To keep himself occupied, he had arranged for coffee and tea to be brought in, a small courtesy that now feels like a distraction rather than a gesture of hospitality. At least the coffee and tea will be there for Natasha when she arrives.

As the minutes drag on, he replays the impending conversation in his head for what feels like the thousandth time. Each iteration chips away at his confidence, leaving him teetering between resolve and doubt. Despite his enhanced intuition and intellect, gifts that have guided him through countless challenges, he can?t shake the feeling that the outcome of this meeting hangs in precarious balance. He figures that the odds are 50/50 in any direction.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha arrives, exactly to the second the meeting is scheduled. It's almost eerie in a way. The way there's almost a blink, a click of the door opening and her suddenly being there over in the seat. She goes to sit down and gestures over at him. "Agent, you requested to see me." Natasha's not one for soft talk and pleasantries, but she's not abrasive either. the man wouldn't ask to see her without a reason. And there's probably a raeson why he's come to her rather than Fury or Hill.

She doesn't particularly do curiousity, but at the very least her interest is somewhat piqued. IT's rather hard to tell from her body language though.

Cinque Evers has posed:
"Yes, Ma'am" Cinque tilts his head towards his right shoulder slightly as he continues, "I have been wondering about my future in SHIELD. " Cinque furrows his brow slightly and lets out a frustrated sigh, "There was some side effects when I asorbed the Brood memories." Cinque rubs the back of his neck some as his gaze shifts to the ground, "In hindsight, I probably should have listened to Agent Stadler, but what done is done." Cinque shakes his head and says, "The main side effect is haven't aged, and my healing has sped up which would not be a problem, but with my other powers..."

Cinque lifts his gaze from the floor and says, "Am I walking security risk, and does that mean my security access will always be curtailed? I am fine if that is the case, but I still would like to know what my future entails.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would fold her hands together, "That's not my decision, agent. That's something that would have to be reviewed with medical, perhaps a therapist. I am not your commanding officer, nor am I a xenobiologist. I have only a few experienees with the Brood and the reports on themt hat have been filed from the Savage Land." SHe would cock her head over to pay attention to him.

"I presume that you've also reported this to them and have an appointment scheduled, or you've already had the examination and are awaiting the report then?"

Cinque Evers has posed:
"They already examined me after the incident, and I?m confident that none of your tests will detect any genetic alterations,"Cinque says, tapping his right foot against the floor in a steady rhythm. He exhales sharply before continuing, "I'm about 99.9999 percent sure that the sheer volume and nature of the Brood data triggered a latent ability in me. That?s why it didn?t show up in the initial examination. But I digress."

Shifting his stance slightly, he meets her gaze with quiet intensity. "I know you?re not my commanding officer, but I?ve been meaning to ask...why are you with S.H.I.E.L.D.? Do you feel like you?re making a greater impact here, or do you still believe that some matters are best handled as the Black Widow?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would go to fold her hands together over, "If you've been examined and cleared, then consider yourself authorized unless you feel a level of emotional wariness, in which case you might be served talking to a therapist. As for your.. Newfound abilities? There are a number of genetic experts in meta-biology that could help. I might suggest Doctor Banner or Agent Simmons."

She would fold her hands together, "THe two are one and the same. I do what is required of me." She is the Black Widow. The only difference in the world now from the Soviet era is who's orders she follows.

Cinque Evers has posed:
"And does what is required of the Black Widow always aligned with Shield?" Cinque tilts his head back to his right shoulder and nods, "But, I will seek out Agent Simmons. I am almost sure that genes have not be changed, but it always good to get a second opinion from somoene who is more verse in a particular subject."

Cinque clasps his hands behind his back as he assumes a parade rest stance, "I know you are busy, ma'am, so I will not take up any more of your time, but do you any advice for someone going on a mission in Madripoor?

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would glance over at Cinque, "Agent, you don't want to know waht I have to do." That part sounds rather sincere. Or at least is implied to be. Natasha is just a monster at the end of the day. Or as another person put it, the change is the one that's holding the gun. And she's the round being fired.

"Blend in and work up your tolerance. The area is nearly anarchic with no centralized authority. I might suggest watching the Maltese Falcon to get somewhat of an idea of it."

Cinque Evers has posed:
There is a slow raises of his right eyebrow as he calmly states, "Interesting,....you have provided me some clarity, and a reason to seek out Agent Simmons. I have always wanted to talk to her." Cinque tilts his head towards his right shoulder again and quickly, "I might speak to Agent Fury or Agent Hill about my defining my role here in SHIELD, but you have helped me defined how I should see, myself."

Before nodding his head in agreement to himself, he runs thousands of scenariors in his head proving the validity of Natasha's statement as it compares to his life and guise, "Thank you, I am forever at your service."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would tip her head, "I'm glad that I could be of some assistance. I'll review your report on your assignment in Madripoor when it's put in the system." Natasha goes to get up, gives Cinque a crisp nod, and then goes to depart as soon as things are over. Things to do, people to kill.