20137/An Owlish Surprise!
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An Owlish Surprise! | |
Date of Scene: | 25 February 2025 |
Location: | Maximoff Estate |
Synopsis: | Pietro is introduced to their newest addition to the aviary. His raven. |
Cast of Characters: | Micola Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff
- Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola had called Pietro to let him know that her mother was going to be in to watch the girls for a few hours. Because grandma was awesome!
Plus that would give them some time to spend time together and Micola had a surprise for him!
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
He had explained he'd be home shortly, could change, and they'd have the evening to explore her surprise. Patrols being what they are, Pietro makes quick work of his rounds and flashes back towards their home. He's inside, giving a quick kiss to her cheek.
"How should I dress, Micola?" He wonders, still adorned in his costume.
- Micola Maximoff has posed:
"Something comfortable. Maybe jeans and a sweater? We aren't going very far." Micola tells Pietro when he arrives and asks that question. The kiss makes her smile at him, "Go get changed, I'll wait for you outside." she tells him.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The attire is set, and he dashes upstairs to get dressed. Not far. He wonders, wonders what she has in mind. Once in his comfy sweatshirt and jeans, he makes it back downstairs and outside to find her. "Something near? Another ghostly visitor?" He wonders, his hand sliding to the small of her back as he looks around.
- Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola never has to worry about Pietro taking too long to change. That man changes clothing faster than anything she's ever seen. "We're just going to go check out a few things. I think between everything that's happened the last few months neither of us have had time to enjoy them." she admits as she leans into her husband, "Mind a little walk to the Aviary?" she asks him.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"Not at all, a walk would be nice." It's certainly a change of pace for the speedster. "It's been a while, indeed." Pietro comments as she mentions the aviary. "If we need snacks for the raptors, I can run back to get some." He offers, already starting along the walk with her.
- Micola Maximoff has posed:
"I know going slow tends to make you want to pull your beautiful hair out though." Micola teases him gently at that. "I have some." she wiggles the little cooler she's carrying. "That's not the only thing I want to show you though." she grins at that.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
He offers to take the cooler, if she'd rather. "Slow with you is managable, love. I promise." Pietro grins. "Not the only thing you wanted to show me?" He glances around on the walk. "Should I be concerned?"
- Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gladly hands over the cooler to her husband, because Chivalry isn't dead! Then there is a soft smile given to him, "Thank you my darling." she tells him gently. There is a shake of her head, "No, I had another surprise for you. Or well...for us. Until the twins get older and can wander the grounds and they will inevitable want it to be theirs." she grins at him. "And no, nothing to be concerned about." she laughs softly.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Well, she said it wasn't anything to worry about, and he trusted her. Pietro carried the cooler, happy to be walking along with her to their destination. "So, something besides the raptors..." He grins, eyeing her as they move along. "Keeping a surprise?"
- Micola Maximoff has posed:
"Pietro Maximoff I'm not telling you before we get there." Micola teases her husband as she reaches out to give his hand a squeeze. "It is a surprise for you though, yes." she grins to that.
And soon there is a reason to see that the surprise is fast approaching, while the Owls have their own enclosure that most zoos would be jealous off...there is a new one across from it. "We'll feed the owls first." she tells him quietly.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There's a good-natured huff from Pietro. His patience, while impressive, is not finite. "Fine fine..." He laughs. "I will be patient." He pauses as they approach the enclosures. A blink. "Someone has been busy?" He suggests, quiet as well. He follows her lead, heading towards the owl enclosure.
- Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola did love his patience, especially when he was a girl dad and his wife was /crazy/. "You do look very handsome while you're being patient." she grins. "And...just a little?" she admits on the enclosure. Then there is a moment taken to flip on the enclosure lights to low and she opens the door to let them in. Clotho lets out a HOOT and flies down to land on the perch by the door expectantly. Ruffling her feathers a bit. "I'll take the cooler." Micola tells him with a smile. "Unless you wanna tweazer feed them?" she asks.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"Them?" He wonders, looking to the cooler. "You can feed them, they still favor you more." He laughs to her, quietly. No loud noises around the raptors! "I look handsome when patient? I will take that under advisement. And you look beautiful every moment of the day."
- Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a look to him, "Oh! Did I forget to tell you Lachesis came to join us? I think it was on one of my 'oh my god' I need sleep days." she chuckles. "She was ready to leave the rescue, but she wasn't able to be released. So she is keeping Clotho company." she admits. "My love, you look handsome every second. Don't be silly." she muses to him as she takes the tongs from the cooler and starts to dish out mice for the owls.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A laugh. "You had not told me, no." He winks to her. "They've made friends, right?" As much as they can, of course. He watches as she feeds the preening owl. "She's going to be spoiled."
- Micola Maximoff has posed:
"I feel like that woman that brings home every animal and their poor husband is like...'okay, but just this time!'." she teases him. "And they've made good friends. They lived together at the rescue for a while." she tells him. "Oh Clotho is super spoiled." she muses to that. "Lachesis is the little marshmallow I took you to meet when we were dating." she states.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
He nods. "I recall, yes." He smiles. "Is she happy, then?" A look over to where Lachesis might be perched in the other enclosure. "And I do not mind the animals. They are beautiful, and need help. We would be poor people if we were to deny them such."
- Micola Maximoff has posed:
"She seems to be." Micola states to that. "They can fly through the tunnel up there and go into each others enclosure, so they don't get too lonely." she points it out. She still wasn't pointing to the other enclosures though. Still a big mystery!
Lachesis flies down to sit on the other perch and snaps her beak impatiently at Micola, "Oh she is in a mood this evening." the blue haired woman chuckles. "You want to try feeding her?" she asks him.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Taking up a mouse, he nods. "She is. Feisty. I wonder where she gets that from?" Pietro teases, offering the mouse to Lachesis. The owl is quick in nabbing the mouse with her beak, but Pietro is faster - no bites or injuries for the speedster. "It's good that they have their own spaces, though."
- Micola Maximoff has posed:
"Oh definitely not me." Micola looks completely innocent on that front. "I hope the girls don't pick it up from me. You'll be in so much trouble." she whispers to him. Soon, it is time to pack up the empty container from the owls, "You girls have a good night." she reaches out to scritch Clotho on the top of the head.
"And you my dear, we should go across to see your surprise." she tells him.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A nod. "Of course not you. Must be learned from me." He teases her back. A scritch to each, if they will let him. "Are you sure? Do I need to be quiet?" He wonders, exiting the enclosure and moving towards the other at a normal pace. No racing!
- Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola sticks her tongue out at him, in a sure sign of maturity! Then she sobers and there is a soft smile as she closes up the doors to the enclosure and makes sure that the girls are secure.
"No need to be really quiet." she tells him. The light is enough as she unlocks the next door to the furthest enclosure, "So this is going to be a bit of a learning experience for you...but I feel that it would be fun. Plus with it being warmer it's easier to spend time out here." she smiles. When Micola opens the door there is a shadow that moves followed by the familiar call of a raven that flutters down from the higher perches. "This guy got hit by a car last year and they couldn't release him." she tells him. "And they didn't have room for him at the local sanctuary." she adds.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Oooooh! A gonking raven! Pietro watches as the raven flaps down, watching the irridescent plumed bird. "He's a handsome fellow." He murmurs, eyeing the corvid. "Does he have a name yet? How long has he been here?" He wonders, looking back to Micola.
- Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a soft smile, one that is filled with admiration for her white haired husband. "He is indeed a handsome fellow." she grins. "He does not have a name yet. Or well, a proper name. I was calling him Pibbity." she chuckles. "I...wanted you to name him, since he will be yours." she explains. "And he has been here a few days. I had to call mom to watch the girls when he came in." she admits.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
He blinks, turning to look to Micola. "Mine? Are you sure? You care for them so well, love." He muses, looking back to the raven with a look of wonder. "Pibbity. I shall have to think on the name, then." He grins. "Does he mimic? I have heard some corvids can..."
- Micola Maximoff has posed:
"Yes, I'm sure my love." she tells him. "And just because he is yours doesn't mean that I won't help take care of him." she points out. "I will be teaching you how to care for him and all the falconry things that go along with it." she smiles. "He has mimicked a few things so far. "Do not be nervous with this. I have a ton of books for you and knowledge to learn." she smiles to him. The corvid flutters down further. Landing next to Pietro and reaches out to peck his hand gently. "Oh his treats." she tells him. "Here." she hands him some peanuts.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"I appreciate the gift and the responsibility, Micola." He leans over to kiss her cheek, with a chuckle. "He's very handsome." He mentions, taking the peanuts. No fear from Pietro, he puts a few in his hand and offers them over palm up to the polite bird. "Here you go, feast up."