20164/Alien Sweets

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Alien Sweets
Date of Scene: 01 March 2025
Location: Union Square
Synopsis: Noa meets King Kandy!
Cast of Characters: Longshot, Noa
Tinyplot: Threads

Longshot has posed:
It's very fortunate that in March, some forgotten stores still have expired candy canes tucked in the back of forgotten shelves. Even more fortunate how very ON SALE these boxes tend to be and the fact that Doom Manor has continued the habit of handing it's residents, temporary or permanent, money without much question.

Thus, a man who appears to be in his mid to late 30's, wrapped in red and white spandex and a crown of the illustrious lolis blessed by the Lords of Lindor, stalks across Union Square with an arm full of candy canes. In his wake, march a trio of gingerbread men, hurrying to keep up with the man's stride and avoid puddles or snow. One carries a martini umbrella over one shoulder, another carries a candy cane and the final a lollipop. The odd visual will be punctuated by the man's words.

"Fear not my good men! With these fine peppermint sticks we shall make your brothers and sisters of confectionary weapons by which to defend themselves against the onslaught of rats! The Regency of Knight Cliff Bar shall be terrorized by rodents no longer!!!" At this, he stops on a dime, turning to look down at the animated cookies following him, "I promise you this, I promise you on the mallow heart of my Cadbury Queen, my one true love and life partner! King Kandy's time on Earth and liquorice lariat will be dedicated to winning back your freedom!"

All three cookies salute in response, holding their respective items higher.

Noa has posed:
Noa is in her zero suit with pauldrons, exploring this party of New York City. Which is, as always, one of the prime economic centers of this backward planet.

This man doing his thing gets her attention. She approaches. "The Regency of Knight Cliff Bar?" She asks. "Excuse me, is there some sort of territorial claim on this planet I was unaware of, of this King Kandy and Cadbury Queen?"

Longshot has posed:
King Kandy will shift the boxes of candy canes, putting a hand to his heart and bow deeply to the three gingerbread men, "I know not what has brought me to the land of my birth, I know not what happens back in our home of Candy Land, but I trust the saccharine winds of fate that I am here for a reason! Surely the plight of you and all your biscotti'd brethren, at siege within the Manor of Doom, is a worthy cause! This alliance, temporary as it may be, is necessary in this foreign land! I have fought many before as you know, but even on the fields of peanut brittle and chocolate where the knights of puff pastries tore through my taffy troops like cotton candy, never have I seen such brutality! None so fierce as-"

He stops at the approach of the alien, immediately all three cookies running forward, their items brandished forward like weapons, "Wait! Please, this is not an attack!" And they will all stop, but continue glaring up at Noa, frosting faces scrunched into scowls.

King Kandy looks to Noa and immediately bows again, "Good citizen! I am King Kandy! Ruler of Candy Land by right of marriage to Princess Peep, now my Queen at my side! I currently stay at the Doom Manor under the hospitality of Sir Cliff Bar and am assisting his citizens with an infestation of rats!"

He straightens with a smile, but looking at the odd alien, the stirrings of his unwilling and unwelcome passenger will have him blinking-He is on an IMPORTANT MISSION right now and does not appreciate the push from Longshot. The visual is the man blinking rapidly, then frowning, seemingly inward, "Longshot I'm having a conversation right now! I-HI NOA!"

The boxes of candy canes are dropped and immediately a hand is stuck out, all mannerisms of the man changed to very similar to Longshot's, grin wider- "HI! I missed you! I'm in a crazy guy right now! Weird, right? Everything he says is true! There's a candy land! And it's not just a board game!"

Noa has posed:
Noa has no reason not to take any of this but with the most serious of intents, because all the local candy references are unknown to her. She nods. "King Kandy! I do not believe I have visited your Candy Land yet here, though I have been to several nations on this planet."

But now there's a fight intenrally she is unaware of, and then she is greeted. "Oh. So the people of Candy Land have telepathic powers? You know my name. That is impressive. I thought only rare empowered terrans could do things like that."

Longshot has posed:
"It's a board game here Noa! You can't visit it, but you could Play it! It's got dice and cards and little people! I bet you'd like games, it's like movies but you participate instead of watch!" Because of course movies and games have a lot of similarities if you think about it! Entertainment, better with friends, basically the same thing. The man beams, nodding with a sheer child-like delight, "Oh No, This is Longshot! We've met before! I'm just-King Kandy too at the moment! But not really-He's kinda judgy about some things! He doesn't think movies are like games actually-"

The stream of words stops, the man looking down at the three animated cookies and scoops one up, resulting in the thing dropping it's lollipop in panic and flailing about as it is held up to Noa, the man only slightly more serious, "Did you know cookies could move on their own? Apparently this is normal in the board game that is a place. And CANDY moves on it's own and nothing tastes sweet enough now-everything needs to be sweeter, I'm craving it constantly! I HURT sometimes, for no reason! I didn't know that was something that happened!"

Noa has posed:
Noa snaps her fingers. "Oh yes. Longshot. You're the one who does the stage performances, and thinks I should engage in watching fictional displays of activity. A board game is something like that? I see."

She nods, folding her arms, MILDLY judgy.

"So you are in this body, and are with living candy, that is animated but should not be? Very strange. How did this happen?" She goes to another of the cookies, and squats down to pick it up.

Longshot has posed:
"That's me! You remember!" The delight in this is immediately apparent, Longshot carefully putting the wiggling cookie man down again, only to have the thing scoop up it's weapon and wave it threateningly up at him. This is ignored, full attention back on Noa, the judgement not caught, "Board games are exactly like movies! They are sometimes even for teaching children things as well! Absolutely great to learn about while you're on Earth!"

At the question, the man pauses, looking down at the row of gingerbread men in various stages of upset glaring back up at him. "I don't know, I tried to make a phone call. But the cookies were walking around before that-BY THE LOSS OF SUZY-Q!" The outburst has King Kandy stumbling back away from Noa, hand to his head, his words to the Gingerbread men first, "Forgive me my allies! The man in my head got excited and meant no disrespect to your person!"

Looking up to Noa, King Kandy bows again, "And please forgive me citizen, the babbling of the most uncivilized nature that Longshot, can't keep up his end of the bargain and let me work!-Yes, I am not of this land but yearn to return to the sugar dusted peaks of Big Rock Candy Mountain! Alas, there is a War here, one that has the tummy-ache of crime forever upon me! Do you know of any other confectionaries rising in this world unchecked? I feel deep within my sweet tooth that something is terribly, terribly wrong."

Noa has posed:
Noa looks at the cookie, which is clearly VERY dissatisfied with being picked up. The cookie even trise to smack her with its candy cane. "Better be careful," she laughs at the cookie, before putting it back down.

Looking back to the King, she pauses a moment. "I see. Well. I have a ship. I can reach any sport on this planet in a short time. Doyou know where your Candy Land is? Longshot was saying it's fictional. But maybe you could show me on a map?"

Longshot has posed:
"It is Not of fiction! I stand here as proof! I carry the crown of Lollis of Light upon my brow and the bag of Sweets and Sours at my hip! The Domains of Dessert stretch across the known world from Candy Mountain and the Fizzle Pop Ocean, across the Pancake Plains and Creme Plateaus down the Gushered Gorges And beyond into the Black Pudding Sea where the dreaded pirates of Chips Ahoy roam those bittersweet, uncharted waters!"

Still, the man bows his head, hands out and will go down on one knee before Noa, much to the apparent alarm of the cookies, "But should you be able to find a map-find a way across the dimensional planes of this planet to return me to the heart of my home, I would stand forever in your debt! I swear upon the licorice lariat that has served me from childhood that all the armies of taffy will toil by your side! Taffy Tarkhans will turn for you! Should you have need of us, Candy Land will be of service! Any assistance in getting home to my honeyed queen, the dearest of my heart's work, would be rewarded with all the fondant of BonBon hills that you should desire!"

Noa has posed:
Noa has a lot to take in here. So many names. But she knows what to do. She presses a button on her pauldrons, and a holgraphic projection springs out between herself and the King. "Xara," Noa says to theblue projection, "Check known maps of the planet for Candy Mountain, Domains of Dessert, Fizzle Pop Ocean, and the Kingdom of the Candy Land."

In a flat tone, the holgraph replies "Searching... no such ocean found. No such kingdom found."

Longshot has posed:
Something heavy at those words seems to settle on the great shoulders of King Kandy, his words soft, a venom of bitter disappointment, "Curses of the gelatin cubes, curses of curdled milk and blooming chocolate-"

He fully sinks to his knees, throwing back his head and yelling to the world of New York, "MAY ALL YOUR SYRUP HARDEN INTO UNCARING CRYSTALS! THIS WORLD KEEPS ME FROM MY CONFECTIONARY AND TREACLE TARTS!"

But no, this is King Kandy! He defeated the Don of Dark Chocolate and upheld years of prosperity for his people, both sweet and sour alike! This place would not trap him here! In Moments he is collecting his boxes of candy canes, expired and cheap as they are, rising to his feet with a newfound purpose, "Thank you kindly good Kinder Noa! Know your efforts will not be in vain! To know this dimension really does not have my Home, it harkens of defeat! But NO! We will stand tall as the cane and capture hope, though it is spun as fine as only sugar can be-Know your friendship will still have the battalion of bubblegum standing beside you should you have need great or small! Even should this need be playing a game-"

He stops, the last words some influence from Longshot and seems to take some effort to push away again, "Longshot seems to agree that you are a friend of grand and great renown!"

Noa has posed:
Noa laughs, as she thanks Xara, and presses thebutton to send the hologram away. "Well thank you. A hard tofind kingdom would be a great business opportunity. Foods to sell would be popular."

She nods. "So you're from another dimension of some sort? My ship cannot make that kind of travel. But do you know someone who can?"

Longshot has posed:
"That seems to be the case, yes. This is my birthplace, but my Home is the sugar plum trees and Rock Candy Mountain." The boxes are all collected, a check on the gingerbread men and King Kandy's attention returns to Noa, "I do not know anyone with such Grand abilities! Sir Cliff Bar promised both Longshot and I that this great 'Chief' person would know what to do-But such wizardly power of such proportion has manifested itself within the Regency! Just War and Death of the Cookie Crumble!"

"We've been told to be Patient! As if a sugar rush could be stopped! Longshot wishes to murder one in his home of TV Land, truely a baffling thing he doesn't know why he seeks such wonton violence there and my opinions on the matter have not been considered seriously-I, myself, of course must get back to my kingdom! And both of us would like the other to go away and Stop Interrupting Our Lives."

At this the king pauses thoughtfully, "Would you, in your technology of such luscious abilities be able to separate us? He had a body of his own at some point, though brief his existence appears to be."

Noa has posed:
Noa rubs her chin, and thinks a moment. "So there are two of you in one body. Do you... do you know where his body is? Is it maybe in that other dimension you're from? Maybe youre swapped."

Longshot has posed:
"Swapped?! And his body where mine once was?! I was in my home, Kastle Kandy! Nothing of his remains here apart from a knife he was holding-" The Scion of Sweets pulls a thin flat wedge-shaped blade from a pocket, offering it forward to Noa, then stopping, as if his whole body frozen.

It's a few moments of silence as the inner war between the two men rages briefly, finally Kandy sighing, "He doesn't actually want me to give it to you, but it's all of him that is left in this plane. How would we go about swapping back!? Are there any-hmmmm-Evil Phone Booths to be had?"

Noa has posed:
Noa puts her hand up. "If this is his, you should keep it. That way he can hav it back when this is fixed. As for where to swap, I'm not sure. Where is this Cliff Bar person you talk about? Can I Take you to him?"

Longshot has posed:
"Very well, very well-" Noa's words, King Kandy seems to regain full control of his body, a bob of his head and the knife is put away again, "Thank you Kinder Noa-Sir Cliff Bar was watching over Longshot the past month. He has no home on this plane and in his flavorless aimlessness has become a ward of Doom Manor."

He waves down to the waiting gingerbread men, "They too have fought for a place under the Knight's care, to limited success! I trust not a men hiring other men to fight their battles, but Dave fought well! Would you like to accompany us to the chariot of the 'Hyperloop' and onward to Clover-Ten and finally the host we find ourself on the steps of Doom Manor of home of Sir Cliff Bar, Lady Ritz Rita, Lord Larry the Roll and Lady Mary Jane!"

Noa has posed:
Noa purses her lips. "I'm nots ure I know where that is either. But I wish you well. I'm a... very practical engineer. I don't know about that sort of physics."

Longshot has posed:
King Kandy nods, "Of course! Thank you for your insight! The maps of this world have failed us, but we shall forge on through these tremulous, cream waves and break through the wafer victorious!!! We shall not be forever trapped together!"

The king scoops up the three gingerbread men and will give Noa a final bow, "May your heart be filled with caramel drops and sweeten your life for your kindness!"

He turns with a hop and is off to make peppermint spears to arm the animated cookies of Doom Manor.