2337/Running Late

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Running Late
Date of Scene: 04 July 2020
Location: Batcave
Synopsis: Tim brings a new problem to the Batclan. Fun will be had by all because the Joker will likely decree it.
Cast of Characters: Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Carrie Kelley, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne

Tim Drake has posed:
After shooting pool at Shooters which had, as usual, devolved into shop talk, the older three boy-Robins had agreed to meet back at the Batcave to look over the evidence Tim had collected and talk out the possibilities with each other, the other Robins/Batgirls/Batbrats, and of course, the boss himself.

Tim was supposed to swing by his place and pick up the defused Rictus gas bomb and the samples of the strange new drug he and Rose had found, and then be right over to the cave.

Right over.

Like, immediately.

Dick had been the first to arrive and summon his younger siblings to the meeting, as he didn't have any pit stops to make like Tim did and Jason might have.

Even giving a reasonable amount of time for traffic over to the theater and then out to Bristol, though... Tim is late. Very late. Like... about two hours later than expected (though there was a 'sorrysorrysorry' text shot to the fam), when Red Robin (in civilian clothes-- red and black leather jacket and matching helmet over jeans and a t-shirt) shoots his motorcycle into the Batcave, bringing it to a way-too-fast halt, practically skittering to a stop and hopping off the bike sheepishly, slinging the backpack he's wearing off as he moves towards his fellow Bats and Batbrats.

"Uh. Sorry I'm... late? But I got the stuff, so let's get to it." He it totally sidestepping his tardiness and brazenly so.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick had hurried back, understanding the mild urgency of the situation. He was still in a t-shirt and jeans, leaning against a wall, playing on his phone when the familiar sound of Tim's motorcycle comes rolling in and coming to a scary stop. There is only one response. A slow clap. "Get lost out there?" Dick asks, "We were worried about you there for a moment." He at least has a bit of humor in his voice, as whatever story Tim had, it was gonna be good.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lived here so it wasn't that hard to BE here... Except of course that as of late she'd been spending an inordinant amount of time in the city at one of the hotels entertaining company. None the less she is here at the call and had waited along with everyone else. Long enough that she'd pulled out her Nintendo Switch to catch up on some Animal Crossing. Damian was so far ahead of her on his island. Sigh.

When Tim arrives an eyebrow shoots up. "And here I thought *I* was going to be late. What happened?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason didn't have stops to make but he was late just on principle, arriving when he felt like it, which was as it turned out a good deal earlier than Tim. So when Tim /finally/ arrives, Jason is reclining in a chair idly picking his nails with a throwing knife he pulled from his jacket.

"Yeah, Timmeh, what kept ya?" he says going off Dick and Carrie's remarks. "You were getting my hopes up something bad had happened to ya."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian had been suiting up in the armory. He had spent a great deal of time away from Gotham, making his haunt Titans Tower for a while.

  He had his uniform on by the time Tim arrived, and was walking down the steps to join the rest. "Speak for yourself, Grayson." He tells the eldest Robin, regarding 'we' being worried about Tim.

  "I for one was relying on Darwinism to finally do its job."

  His mask hadn't been put on, that last piece was in his utility belt, and his hood was down, his face fully shown to the rest of the family. "Unlike the rest of the group, I have things to do; not involving detritus under my nails."

Tim Drake has posed:
"Nothing," Tim's voice actually cracks a slight amount on that second syllable. He coughs, then purposefully gruffens his voice, fighting off a flush. "Nothing. Just took me longer at my place than I thought it would. You know how it is." He drops his backpack on the table, unzipping it and rifling through it, dragging the conversation back to //work//. "Let's see. Here's the bomb Joker's goons left with the money they were gonna pay Falcone. It's disabled, but I still have it in this case..." he carefully pulls out a cushioned case about the size of a small shoebox and places it on the table, going back to rifling through the bag rather clumsily for Tim.

His 'siblings' are all trained by The Batman (well, in Damian's case, as good as). It's pretty clear he is jumpy as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs and not hiding it as well as he should be.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Be nice, Damian, Jason," Dick says as they give their commentary. He raises a brow, "Nothing... riiiiiiight," he says with all of the sarcasm he can muster. He watches Tim drag over the bomb. "Well, at least we have something to work with." The former cop walks forward and joins Tim at the table. "Got any idea where they were going to use the bomb?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley flashes a grin over at Damian when he comes out. It was only a little tease, but she offers, "Oh, going on any talkshows tonight then?" It's a simple enough jest that she hopes he doesn't take it wrong. Of course, she had seen the DVR of his game show stint. Even so the more interesting thing at hand was the way Tim was fumbling about. A thoughtful expression creeps over her, and she clears her throat a single time. "Finally hitting puberty there, Tim? If you fumble that bomb ..." Well, disarmed or not she didn't trust the Joker's work.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason chuckles darkly at Damian's remark. "Not bad Squirt firing in all directions, I approve," he says as he pushes out of the chair. "How's the Society of Second Rate Sidekicks doing these days anyhow?"

The knife is put away and Jason prowls over to where Tim is fumbling with the bomb. "Easy there, Timmeh, don't want to piss off Dad by blowing up his man cave," he says before he notices something and his eyes light up like it's Christmas morning. "Are those hickies?" he asks as a grin spreads over his lips and he reaches for Tim's collar. "Did you become a man on us while you were away? I mean that doesn't explain what you were doing for the the other hundred and nineteen minutes you were late but it earns you a pass for that first one."

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"Tim's trained his stamina pretty extensively. I'm sure he lasted at least five minutes, give or take a few seconds." Yes, Bruce Wayne makes a joke as he steps out of the shadows that shroud one of the walkways to another portion of the Cave. Because if he has a mutant power, it's somehow always managing to be stepping out of shadows when he makes dramatic...or not-so-dramatic entrances. "And speaking of second-rate sidekicks, don't crowd the man working with high explosives."

And just like that, the moment of levity disappears, along with that glimmer of a smile that had briefly appeared on his face. "But when you're finished, Tim, I would appreciate your version of what happened at the Warehouse in the Narrows." He doesn't sound...angry...precisely. But there's a tiny hint of disappointment, perhaps.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "No. And I am sure I will not be making any more appearances on television as Robin. I was told there was going to be charity for animals there. I was lied to." He offers up begrudgingly, his eyebrows lowering with frustration. That whole experience was...not as fun as was sold to him.

  Damian gives Jason a decent dose of side-eye before he adds in. "Better than the Justice League." A wry smile appearing on his face before he gags audibly at Bruce's joke. "Drake...procreating..." He doubles over, feigning being sick, enough that he's soon on his knees, doubled over and faking passing out, even twitching his leg every now and again as he lies on the floor and is 'dead' for added reality.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim jerks the collar of his jacket up. There might be a few... marks... there. But a couple of problems: one, Tim wasn't aware of them until this very moment, which has started the absolute mortification; and two: if he had known, it's not like he has a collection of makeup to cover them up.

"I would //direct your attention// to the damned Rictus gas bomb, //Hood//. You know, //important// things." Is there an indignant squeak in this? Yes. Will he acknowledge the indignation OR the squeak?


Then Bruce has arrived and Tim's face falls a bit. He may have been lax with his report. By lax... practically non-existant. Neglectful, even.

Uh... basically Dick and Jason probably know more (officially) than the rest of the Bats, though from Bruce's tone, he probably did get ahold of the GCPD report. So. The nerdBat straightens up, letting the backpack rest on the table and folds his hands behind his back. He cuts a Look at Damian before returning his attention to Bruce.

"Well, I had a tip that Falcone was selling some drugs and making the swap at the old furniure warehouse in the Narrows-- you know, the old Oakwood Wholesale? I didn't have good info on the buyer, figured it was just a couple of street level dealers. Falcone's goons showed up in a couple of SUVs-- they've been impounded-- and then two unmarked, windowless white vans registered to the old Ace Chemicals showed up. Bunch of clowns poured out, they started to make the deal, we," he doesn't clarify, "got the drop. Last I heard two of the seven of Falcone's guys didn't make it-- the clowns in suits-- eight total-- were packing heat." He grits his teeth at that. "Both sides were. Two of the clowns got away in one of the vans. I disabled the other. It's also in impound. What's left of it." He grimaces. "Had to use an explosive birdarang. I regret it, because we found the Rictus gas bomb in the backend of the van, amongst a lot of cash. Counterfeit." He does pause for a moment, then pulls out a ziploc baggie with a trio of $20s in it.

"Anyway, also got a couple samples of the drug Falcone's slinging. Weird stuff. Bright, light blue in color, a powder. GCPD has most of it in their impound save what I took to run tests on." Another moment of rifling, much more calm, and then a case with five vials each with a sample of the drug he described it set on the table. "Not really sure how it works... or what it is. The tips I got were very circumspect. But if Joker is interested in it, I don't think it can be good."

See? He can eventually do his job without distractions.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Listen, we aren't going to judge you for whatever you did, just be careful. Actions have consequences," Dick notes. Carrie's comment and Bruce's arrival, however, nearly causes Dick to bust out laughing. He does chuckle though and then raises a brow at Damian's floor rolling, "See, consequences."

The eldest Bat Brat listens as the official report is delivered and says, "Could be worse, then. That counterfeit itself has a decent street value, depending on quality. Twenties are one of the better ones to use." He is unable to examine from where he is standing, but Tim seems to be handling it mostly well.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley blinks several times as she sits up straight, putting her Switch into sleep mode with a quick flick of her thumb over the appropriate button. "Okay, I was kidding about the voice cracking but hickies?" Her eyebrows raise, and then she watches Damian die dramatically. "B+," she gives Damian's preformance before standing from her chair to walk over and examine what was being brought.

She steps carefully over Damian as she passes by.

"I hadn't heard about the drug. I know I've been... distracted lately," she admits as she pauses far enough away to ensure Tim had plenty of room to not mess up a bomb. The vials are regarded with a frown as she admits her lapse in her own work.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason lets go of the collar with a laugh. "Wow, when Bruce is dunking on you, you know it's funny," he says shaking his head. Though as he steps away he does offer a fist to bump down at the 'corpse' of Damian Wayne. "Don't listen to C, Oscar worthy performance, and good shot at the JL too," he grins.

Then he steps back to slouch against one of the railings to watch and listen about the serious bat business.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"I can see Alfred won't be needing to give you much in the way of Drama lessons." Bruce comments drily at Damian's well, dramatics. Beyond that though, he listens impassively to Tim's much-more-complete report, and gives a curt nod. "Let me know what comes up on the chemical analysis for the drug." Counterfeiting and carrying counterfeit cash is fairly common among all the major criminal factions in Gotham, so that doesn't raise any immediate red flags. The bomb, however, has an immediacy to it. Especially if it was being transported intact. No major explosions in the city in the days since Tim's incident, but something to be examined more closely, certainly.

But all this mental exercise is hidden behind stone-faced features. Carrie's admission of distraction gains a brief glance, and a flicker of a frown, but it's more a frown of thought than anything directed specifically at Carrie. He's silent a moment more, a glance taking in Jason briefly, but giving no objection to his presence before he adds:

"I'm the last person who can fault anyone for...distraction...when it comes to certain relationships. But I'm going to need you all at your best in the weeks to come. I'm not quite ready to say more, but if I've seemed distracted myself in these past weeks..."

He clears his throat, obviously having difficulty with any admission of fault in himself, but he manages to get the words out, "Let's just say it was another example of not being able to accept my own limits when it comes to certain things. And if any of you have suffered for that...I am sorry." That last bit might be more difficult for Bruce than trying to win a fistfight with Superman sans-Kryptonite, but this time, at least, he manages.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Robin manages to raise a fist to dap the second Robin as he lay dead. Though Dick's comment only had one way to answer. Damian does a kip-up after Grayson's comment. Approaching Nightwing at a steady clip. He raised a finger, not the one people would normally think. "I will remember that."

  After that, he puts his full attention at the situation at hand. Along with pulling out his Bat-gasmask and affixing it over his mouth and nose. He wasn't going to risk it.

  "Counterfeit bills for a new drug. Probably something he can use to 'improve' Joker toxin. Or worse, something new."

  He takes a look at one of the vials, not that looking at it is going to do much good. He is at least -trying- not to step on everyone's toes and take over. "If it's a power play, would Falcone allow others to find out they got bombed by Joker?" He sure did not think so. Though his eyes flare a bit as Bruce does one thing he had never seen before, apologize for something. Anything. That was a shock that only could be expressed through facial expression.

Tim Drake has posed:
"I ran some preliminary tests at the Roost, but they were inconclusive," Tim admits. He had wanted to bring more solid information before getting the Bats involved. But Bruce... apologizing?

Okay, even Tim stops and stares blankly.

"Carrie, do you know if we can test to see if the Boss is an alien-space-clone?" he finally manages to crack a joke.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
THAT causes Carrie to pause. An apology. Not directed at any one of them in particular, but in general over... Well. Many, many things that had gone on. She pauses, and looks toward him listening with an impassive expression. It's responded to only with a nod of apparent understanding. Then her attention shifts back to Tim.

"He's not an alien space clone," she responds with a roll of her eyes. "There's a plan for it that happens and it would have been enacted already." What? Of COURSE there was a plan. Ftt.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"It's a joke, bro," Dick nods to Damian and then looks to the table some more. "Seems most of you all have been 'distracted,'" Dick notes, for once being one of the few in the family who can make that comment. He does give Bruce a frown. It's not the first time he's heard it, but it is never good.

Dick shakes his head at Tim, "Nah, it's him. Otherwise, it'd be game over already. Things have been off, but we can hopefully get things back on track." He turns to Bruce, "When you need us, we will be ready. Just say the word, and if we can help, we will."

Bruce Wayne has posed:
And now that a once-a-decade apology has been heard from Bruce, he glances at Carrie at her comment and speaks, "Yes, there is a plan for potential doppelgangers of various types." And there are perhaps three people who are "in" on that plan besides Bruce, but he's not here to elaborate on that. "If the Joker is preparing to make a move, it's going to be a very dangerous complication in the midst of other things that are happening. And even further there's still the Brainiac affair to contend with, even if I'm so far only consulting on it." Subject to change? Perhaps, but still likely only Bruce will be directly involved through the JLA, barring the Titans' own involvement.

Bruce moves to where the others have loosely gathered, though careful not to get in the way of Tim's work, "If the analysis comes up inconclusive here, I'll take a look myself, and if it still fails to give us any insight as to its effects and purpose..." Another look to Carrie:

"Well, in that case we happen to have one of us acquainted with one of the world's foremost biochemistry experts. Though if you're not comfortable leveraging that relationship for "work" then we will find alternative means."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian crosses his arms in front of him, his brow furrowing as he is in thought. "It's worth a comparison to known narcotics. But a report from a user would help. If it is a standalone drug."

  After Bruce makes his comment regarding Hank McCoy, Robin gives a nod. "I have worked with Sparrow with him before." He continues to stare off into the distance, deep in thought over the matter. He did enjoy puzzles.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim nods slightly. "I was hoping the more robust systems here might have some better insight." He grimaces. "That's the problem: I don't even have a name for it. The chatter was just 'the drugs'. To be honest, I was kind of expecting more than just one."

Sliding the vials aside, he pops the case with the Rictus bomb in it open. "This was in one of the briefcases with the cash. Obviously, Joker wasn't intending to play nice with others. Shocker. Once he got what he wanted, everyone else is expendable." The collapsible vial with the actual Rictus chemical is separate from the explosive device itself, both neatly packaged. "I took the liberty of removing the poison. It seemed like a good idea. Anyways, feel free to look the bomb over and see if there's anything I missed."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Yeah, I don't recall anything new on the Bludhaven side before I left, besides an uptick in ODs, which could have something to do with the weather or just a new product hitting the streets, sometimes they'll sell a stronger product to steal market share," Dick notes. He frowns at the McCoy suggestion, "Just be careful. Perhaps we should see if Babs could find something else out? Odds are a new product will have people talking at least /somewhere/, people are stupid, and will not be discrete. Especially with all the other problems going about."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley pauses at the suggestion offered of the work and relationship issue. A deep breath is drawn, and she lets it out slowly. It was time to break her own news that she hadn't yet told the others. "He knows," is all she says finally with a sideways glance toward Bruce at that. Perhaps he knew, too.

"About me at least. During the Grodd and Sauron affair, when I brought samples to him to help develop a cure for Tim and Jason being turned into gorillas, he ... found out." Lightly, awkwardly clearing her throat, she admits, "In my haste I forgot to take into accout his enhanced senses. I've not informed him of any of you, of course, and he himself has devised a spray to help enable us to hide from those with exemplary senses of smell in the future which he's given me. I don't think he would be at all upset to help if I asked."

With all of that offered she goes quiet knowing she just admitted a mess up on the level that Tim himself has had recently. "

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"If this intended for street use I don't think it's been widely distributed yet, or if it has it closely mimics existing drugs. There haven't been any signs of new drugs in case reports or toxicology results in the past few weeks." Because of course Batman reviews these sorts of things regularly. "And as Damian suggested, this may be intended more as part of a cocktail than a standalone product." Bruce nods to his son at that, perhaps the barest glimmer of a proud smile touching his face for a moment.

At Carrie's admission, there's a frown from Bruce, and he's silent through her explanation. And then a few more moments before he nods, "Courteous of him. We'll look into including that in our nightly prep." He takes in a breath, and lets it out slowly, "Not ideal that he knows, but nothing we can do about it. At least it'll make it easier to call on his expertise should we ever need it."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim nods, looking relieved that the topic of his own flubs and lateness are off the table for the moment. He looks to Bruce and agrees. "That may explain a few of the weird results I got from my original scans. I'm not a biochemist, though, admittedly."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Well, an asset is an asset," Dick says and nods to Bruce, "That tracks with Bludhaven and whatever trends we were seeing." He frowns and rubs his chin, "Though smell is definitely a factor we need to deal with in the field, all these people with enhanced senses out there."

Dick then rests his hands on the table, "What do we do, now?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lets out a slow breath when it's taken in stride. There was no undoing it now after all. "I've already produced a suitable amount of what he's provided. I'll get more out to you all as well." At least that part was taken care of. Thank goodness Hank understood the importance of a secret identity.

Turning back toward Tim and Dick she rolls her shoulders in a simple shrug. "Now? We do our job. Let's start anazlying the drug, and work up some computer models on how it would interact with the gas in the bombs, if that was their intent. And start looking for Falcone and the Joker to see what they're up to." A grin is cracked as she adds, "You know, the basics."

Looking Damian's way she does nod as well. "It would also help, as Robin says, if we were to find some users of this drug to find out what it does from their perspective. If it's out on the streets at all at this point."

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"It seems Carrie summed it up well enough. We find out what this compound is and if necessary find out how we can counter it. The Joker is unlikely to be found until he wants to be, but if we can get the borders of the puzzle built the heart of the matter will hopefully be less difficult when it's time to fill in the pieces." Bruce concludes after Carrie speaks, "So continue your work. Feed the results into our databank, and we'll go from there." Bruce turns to head towards the elevators back to the manor and adds, "I've got some daylight affairs to attend to this afternoon, should be back just after nightfall." He glances over his shoulder and adds, "Be sure to come upstairs and say hello to Alfred before you go, if you haven't already." Or he hasn't come down to the cave while they're working, of course. But with that, Bruce is back up to attend to his other life for a while, however reluctantly.