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Latest revision as of 09:41, 17 July 2020

Truths and Consequences
Date of Scene: 17 July 2020
Location: Jean's Room
Synopsis: Piotr and Jean come to a lovely understanding and have a delightful night on the town.
Cast of Characters: Piotr Rasputin, Jean Grey

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
It was the night that they had tickets to Hamilton due to a fortuitous bet on Jean's part, the details of which are still unknown to Piotr. But, feeling the need to be a gentleman and polite, as well as simply being ready earlier, Piotr came to knock on Jean's door.

Piotr elected to wear a light grey suit and black tie with a white button up shirt. He admittedly, despite being a fine arts student, was uncertain of what exactly /to/ wear, so he decided to aim moderately high, but not full on tuxedo, and also it was too hot to wear dark colors. It is July.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean's mental voice echoes in Piotr's mind, << Come on in! I'm just finishing up! >> And when Piotr opens the door, he sees Jean in a shimmering forest green dress, the gown leaving a fair portion of her back bare as she's just putting some finishing touches on her hair. With that, she turns in her chair, tilting her head at Piotr, "Wow... you look amazing, Piotr. Very nice." With that, she rises gracefully to her feet, slipping on a very light jacket that matches her dress. Then she twirls a bit, posing for Piotr before she grins, looking at him, "What do you think?"

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr opens the door as bidden and says, "Hello!" And then when he sees Jean just blinks, stunned for a moment. He then gives a nod and smiles warmly and says, "I was going to say the same, but you exceed that." He chuckles to himself and relaxes his posture. "Thank you again for the tickets, I hope you are going to have fun tonight." Admittedly his tone is a bit rushed as he tries to think of what to say without standing there looking like an idiot.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean smiles and walks over towards Piotr, "Good, then we make a good match." She laughs softly, "And you're welcome, Piotr. I think this is going to be quite a good evening." Her eyes seem to almost sparkle like her dress, as she leans up and places a light kiss on Piotr's cheek. "I've really been looking forward to this."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"Da," Piotr says warmly, "I think so, as well." His expression is visibly warm, though he is certainly not known for hiding his emotions, though the redness on his cheeks from the kiss are a dead giveaway. "I have been thinking similarly. Though admittedly, I am not as well versed on Broadway etiquette as I probably should be, but having you here helps."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods, tucking her arm in with Piotr's as she lets him lead the way, "Well, you look perfect for it, and I'm glad to have someone to go with here." She tilts her head up towards Piotr, then adds wryly, "I don't have to be a telepath to understand there's something on your mind. And I promised not to pry, so I'm not going to." Even though the temptation is /definitely/ there.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr nods and gladly takes her arm and he reddens a little more before willing most of it away, "You are not wrong, Jean, I was meaning to ask if I could at least start..." he thinks for a moment to find the right words. While he knows English, idioms are not his strong suit, so he switches to his native tongue, "calling you my kroshka?" The Russian ponders, "I think the appropriate term is girlfriend? Though I thank you for not prying." His tone bears a little embarrassment.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean pauses, "Before I say yes, there's something I should probably tell you, Piotr." She smiles a little, looking at Piotr as she definitely can feel his seriousness and earnestness about being a boyfriend/girlfriend. A couple. And she hmms, "Piotr, I'm... well, I'm polyamorous." She then adds, "Which isn't saying no, so much as I want you to know that going in, Piotr. I'm never going to lie to you. I care about you too much for /that/." And then she braces for the reaction...

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr internally braces for a moment, hoping for the right answer, but he is surprised by the response, one he did not anticipate by any measure, "Oh." He says, giving it a few moments to think, "I think I understand, and your honesty is appreciated." He still has a warm tone, "I do not have any objections, but I will admit I am not well-versed in this. Or versed at all." The Russian looks down and gives a supportive smile, "I simply wish to know more at this point."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean laughs softly, and suddenly hugs Piotr tight as they walk together towards the garage, "Then yes, you can /definitely/ call me your kroshka." She grins cheerfully, "Well, it's just... I wouldn't mind explaining it, but it's... well, I just don't believe in exclusivity, because it can lead to jealousy. But you also need to be open and honest about the situation, always. Otherwise you do have hurt feelings and... well, yes, all of that."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr takes a moment to process, though the sudden hug causes him to stop thinking for a moment as he hugs Jean back, "Then we shall proceed." He nods, "Is there anyone else, presently?" the Russian inquires, "But perhaps we keep an open line of communication, and if issues arise, we can address them?" Piotr keeps walking with Jean towards the garage, feeling a little warm, "Because I admittedly know little of relationships..."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean smiles, "No, no one else right now." She chuckles, "I mean, there's always possibilities, but I'm rather picky, too." With that, she gives the taller Russian a wink, as he clearly meets her criteria, whatever they might be. "And I'm definitely good with proceeding. And driving, for that matter. We can take my car." Her lips curve a bit, at that, "I know... a fair amount, but I think together we can navigate things without too much of a problem. Honesty and communication, that's all you really need."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr nods, "That certainly is encouraging, knowing I met your standards, and if there is anyone else, we can address that then, da?" he chuckles and kisses Jean on the forehead. When the talk of transportation comes up, he notes, "Da, certainly something more exciting than my own car." Which is just a boring little Civic. The tall Russian ponders deeply as he gets his phone out for the address to the restaurant, "Reservations were easy to get, at least."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean smiles, "Yes, definitely." Of course, Jean's car... is a hybrid HRV, a bright cherry red, but otherwise pretty boring as well. But all-wheel-drive boring. She slips into the drivers seat and grins, "Where are we going to dinner, anyway? You didn't tell me that yet." She looks perfectly impish at that, as she pulls out of the garage to start the drive to New York.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"Definitely more exciting than mine," Piotr chuckles and ten gets in the passenger seat and finds the address, "Kellari Tavern," he chuckles, "Have not had good Mediterranean in a while, also is a bit lighter than something heavy while we sit and watch a musical." He nods.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean smiles, "Very smart, Piotr. Very smart indeed." She tosses Piotr a wry grin, "So, I was talking to Ororo in the garden today... she thinks I'm too tense, and I need to be more contemplative." Her eyes dance a little bit at that, as of course Ororo sensed that. She's more in tune with Jean than anyone else on the X-Men, more than likely.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"You, more contemplative?" Piotr chuckles and gives a smile, he's getting better about that, breaking the old Russian habit. "But more relaxation is good, things have been stressful, da?" He nods and gets comfortable, glad that the car is big enough for him.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean laughs, "Well, with forming up X-Force and being so... on edge, lately. I think Ororo is right, I just need to do something to take the edge off." Her lips quirk in a slightly impish expression, as eventually, they do arrive at the restaurant, Jean allowing the valet to take the car into the lot.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"Understandable," Piotr says as he exits the car and offering Jean an arm as he is ready to lead her into the restaurant, visibly being a little proud at the moment. "And yes, then rest and relaxation is in order, especially once things are set right." Piotr notes kindly and then says, "Though judging by your face, you had something particular in mind."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean smiles, "Maybe... it's something I might intend to be a bit of a surprise, though." She chuckles very softly, "Do you trust me, Piotr?"

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"I would not be here if I did not," Piotr says with a nod. "We've known each other for a while, if I did not trust you, you would know by now. Though I can tell you are up to /something/."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean laughs softly, "Well, you're right, I /am/ up to something. But I assure you, Piotr, it's not anything you'd find nefarious." She smiles and places a light kiss on his cheek again, then slips into the chair at the restaurant, sitting across from him with a rather cheerfully devious expression.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"You, nefarious? Never," Piotr chuckles quietly with his rare sarcasm, though clearly meant in good humor, taking the seat opposite of Jean, clearly pleased with himself. "I hope you like Mediterranean food, I should have asked before."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean laughs softly, "I love it, actually. I think this is going to be a delightful evening. And a harbinger of things to come." She smiles warmly over at Piotr, tilting her head as she regards the Russian with a very fond expression.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"That is reassuring," Piotr notes, "Hummus and pita sounded good, as did some octopus, and it is far better than I could make, even if the former was just me buying a tub of it." He chuckles, clearly in a good mood, not even bothering to hide it.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods, then snickers at the buying of the tub of it, "I was /wondering/ where that went! I was going to try it the other day and it was already gone!" She laughs very softly, amused that Piotr was the dastardly hummus-thief, giving him a wink.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"Firstly, I did not steal it," Piotr chuckles, "Boris did!" He is clearly lying. The Russian chuckles for a little bit after he places his order for octopus, "To be fair, my cooking is likely as good as it is going to get! There is reason I paint and that's about it."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean, meanwhile, has a bit of lamb, because that sounds more appropriate for her right now. She grins, "Boris, right... I might ask him about it later, just to make sure." She gives Piotr a wry look, looking like she's actually relaxed, and enjoying herself. It's been a while since she could do /that/.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr chuckles at the joke, "He is gluttonous cat, but means well. He is a growing boy." A snort as he is also just a ball of warmth at this point, not a single ounce of stress, oddly enough.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean smiles, "Well, since it's going to be fairly late in the evening when the play's over... I made sure to get a hotel." She then flashes a sly look at Piotr, "Just so we could go back in the morning." The smile grows to positively Cheshire Cat proportions.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"That is certainly sensible," Piotr notes as he listens and it takes a few moments before it fully hits him, "Oh!" He internally ponders for a moment and then gives a firm nod, "That would be acceptable." With that, he returns the smile.