2490/A hunt for a snack.

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A hunt for a snack.
Date of Scene: 17 July 2020
Location: Main Kitchen
Synopsis: Sam and Ororo talk about the future small scale and large.
Cast of Characters: Samuel Guthrie, Ororo Munroe

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie is in the kitchen head in the fridge bent over trying to find something decent to snack on. He is wearing an uniform, but not the superhero one, nope the local delivery joint's uniform. He hmms and says "Ok, what do I want." He talks to himself a bit as he looks there are two pizza boxes on the counter.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
It's summer, and Ororo has been walking the place barefooted; it feels better, grounds her a little more, and has the added benefit of being a touch more stealthy. She's dressed down, the jeans and flowy, light shirt, her white hair bursting out of the french braid that had attempted to contain it. As she pads closer, she pauses, a hand on the counter, and her head cants; a melodic voice rises, a sound filled with affectionate humor,

"Two pizzas aren't enough?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks up and over his shoulder "Hey Ororo, he says seems he is still getting used to not calling them miss and mister but he is trying. "Na, Ah brought the pizzas from work if you want some feel free to have some, I have gotten to the point where Pizza is not the fun food any more." He grins over to her and hmms " He closes the fridge and opens the freezer pulling out one of those frozen fried rice containers.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Shaking her head, the smile remains to keep it from biting too badly in the confidence area. It was sweet of him to offer! Instead, she continues, "There are some fresh vegetables from the student gardens." There's a gentle teasing that comes from the goddess cum teacher, now friend, "You haven't forgotten about them, right?" She knows he comes from farming stock.

"I asked Scott to grill some of the eggplant, and it came out really nice. I can ask him to do more?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and says "No, have not forgotten about them." He smiles and says "I was thinking about maybe some fried okra and squash tomorrow. " He tells her. He will put the food in the microwave "How are you doing this evening?" He will ask, and moves to get a glass "Want some tea, or something?" He asks,

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"But pizza and frozen fries tonight?" Is that a touch of disappointment in those tones? Ororo seems to be on a one-woman crusade for the vegetables. But there are so many ripening! It's lovely!

She takes the step back to get out of the way of the larger young man, and leans on the counter, waiting her turn. Tea! "Yes, please. I'll get it, so you just finish what it is you're doing." There's that ghost of a smile and she shrugs lightly, "As for how I'm doing, I'm well. I'm more concerned about you, and the others." She is actually doing well; the skies haven't opened up in a deluge, there is no lightning, or even a wisp of ill weather on the horizon.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and says "No, I don't plan on the pizza, I brought that for anyone who wanted to grab if they are hungry." He smiles and says "And my fried rice has some veggies in it." He grins over at her "Looking for more just something after work, " He gets himself some iced tea and leaves the pitcher for Ororo if she wants sweet ice tea. "So what ya been doing?

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo does have a little bit of a sweet tooth, so when Sam moves out of the way a little, she has time to get a glass for herself and pour. Once that small task is done, she sets the pitcher back into the refrigerator, and closes the door. Setting that aside for a moment, she reaches for one of the many collected cucumbers and, together with a knife and small cutting board, begins to cut one into slices.

"I have been .. walking the gardens," as evidenced by the harvested summer vegetables. "And considering how to help here. There's been so much work done, and so much stress, and so little chance to breathe. Parties aren't the answer." She shakes her head and turns around again, a sliver of veggie in hand. "So, getting some time in to think. I.. I would love your input there."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmms and nods a bit to this and says "Well parties can recharge our batteries, but yea not a real fix. I have been setting up some things to join the police academy, thinking about trying to get a job in bushwick trying to put some of our training to work in the practical side of life. Also figure might be good to have some folks on the force there who want to be there and care for the people.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"They're distractions, not a solution."

Ororo is going for the 'big fix', not the smaller ones. "But," and the cucumber gives a lovely *crunch* as she takes bites of it. "That actually sounds like a great idea. I think you would do well." There, he can forge himself and be a leader. "I think you need that, and they do," the police force.

"Experience brings understanding. Working side by side should help allay any fears, right?" Her head dips and there's the encouraging smile, "How close are you to that? Any hints at the Academy?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "I have in an application am hoping to start it this fall, had to get a few more college classes in and set up some I can take while doing it." He smiles as his food dings and het gets it from the mircrowave, and yea it has the typical fried rice veggies. He smiles and says "Also been wondering if we need to try to get someone in on the justice League.""

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"We can't be everywhere and do everything," Ororo reminds. "And I'm not entirely certain the Justice League is really ready to look to the outside." Though, it's obvious from her tones that she's not dismissing the idea. It just requires some thought. "There is a great deal of house cleaning that has to be done first before we can look too far outside."

Another cuke chip is taken and munched on before her tea is reclaimed. She's out of the way, and as the microwave *dings*, sure enough, there's //some// vegetables in there. She still believes in her early harvest, however!

"If you need any help with your endeavors with the academy, please.. let me know. My door is always open." It really is... she loves the crossbreeze in the attic space!

Ororo swings back around to the Justice League idea, and she follows that up with, "I'll speak to the Professor about the League, though. We may not have a choice, given the circumstances."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "I was thinking if we can get a mutant who is openly a mutant in the team it would be a good thing. I mean we have had hank in the Avengers. " He hmms and munches leaning against the bar as they talk "Know how to get out of handcuffs? Thought about talking to Remy about that and other locks and such.""

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Storm's eyes narrow slightly, and her head cants before her eyebrows rise slightly, "If coming from here, they'd have to be well versed in the ideals. No killing." She shakes her head quickly, soon after, "There can be no question on that." There's a pause before she asks, "Do you have anyone in mind?"

The talk of handcuffs and lock picking gets a laugh from the weather witch, former street urchin and she lowers her voice again, conspiratorially, "I can teach you."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's brow raises "Really? Figure it would be a good skill set to have, to get me out of trouble or watch for others trying with the police job." At the who would be a good choice he seems to think about it ""Well Any of the originals, most of the second class. Maybe Berto or Dani from my class, would say Rahne, but don't think she would be comfortable with the publicity on it.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"Of course," comes easily, with a great deal of humor. "You don't have to tell me how handy it is." Ororo takes a sip of her tea, leaning on the counter, her manner contemplative as his own list comes forward.

"Well, we should see first what the League looks like. Then, we can speak with the Professor. I'm sure he'll have the same concerns as I about it, but we'll see."

Ororo pushes herself up and away from the counter in prelude to departing the kitchen. "I should leave you to your snack." The cucumber isn't neglected, and she takes the cutting board, the knife and the cuke in the other hand. "I think I'm going to take my own advice and sit outside for a little bit. While the weather holds up."