2516/Two Wild Kinneys Appear!
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Two Wild Kinneys Appear! | |
Date of Scene: | 19 July 2020 |
Location: | Breakstone Lake |
Synopsis: | James Proudstar runs into Gabby and Laura by the lakeside. Some conversations about about moving into the Mansion and certain ground rules about firearms ensues. |
Cast of Characters: | James Proudstar, Laura Kinney, Gabby Kinney
- James Proudstar has posed:
There are a lot of grounds surrounding the Xavier Mansion in Westchester New York, and while there are a lot of people living here rent-free, there is a general expectation that they will help out around the place. And this is how James Proudstar has come to be one of the groundskeepers here. And tonight, despite it being past dinnertime, he's out by the shore of the lake, taking some time to fuel up the boats and jetskis, as well as performing some basic maintenance to make sure they're safe and ready to use. One of the Jetskis, however, appears to have some serious damage, the cause of which is not immediately known to him, but well...things get broken around here fairly often, and usually not due to any nefarious happenings...overexuberant mutant teenagers sometimes have accidents and all. Or overexuberant mutant adults. Same difference.
In either case, Jimmy lifts the jetski off the shoreline with one arm, hefting it as easily as one might carry a duffel bag (and an empty one at that), and moving it towards a small structure nearby that's dedicated to more intensive maintenance. It won't be up to him to fix it, but he can at least put it in place for the folks who will.
It takes a few moments to get it on the proper rack, and then he's dusting off his hands and stepping away, looking around to see if there's anything else that needs to be done before he returns to the house.
- Laura Kinney has posed:
James' enhanced senses would likely alert him the the presence of something prior to it's arrival. The something, though, is not loud and boisterous or 'clumsy' in the way that most people walk without thinking of being quiet; in older days people of his lineage might have called the aforementioned means of walking about as 'clumsy'. But this is as quiet as a natural animal, and would likely be indistinguishable from such otherwise ... if it weren't for the recently applied oil to the blades.
A small girl emerges through the brush and trail, heading toward the lake. She is dressed simply enough, in ordinary street clothes and it's clear she's not trying to be sneaky, or stealthy. It's just ingrained in her to be the natural way to move. As soundlessly as possible. She is carrying a blade, a dirk as a matter of fact, the sheath on her belt that's hung low over her waist and she is twisting the blade about in her wrist and hand while watching it.
She senses James, smells him and hears the sounds of the jetski being moved about, her brown eyes catching him and she pauses in her motions with the blade, beore sheathing it. "Hello," she greets, simply enough.
- James Proudstar has posed:
There are at least a handful of people around the Mansion that move like that, some of them all the time, some of them only when they want to. Jimmy himself tends to fall into the former category, despite his bulk. He's a tracker, a hunter, and a warrior...or at least these are traditions he was taught, in the ways of his people, plus a little extra once he got to the Mansion here. In any case, it's not cause for undue wariness.
"Hey Laura." He greets in kind, setting aside the rag he's wiped his hand with. He's met the girl a few times in passing, but not much more than that. To his knowledge, she doesn't live on the grounds, though, so the obvious question comes to mind, "Stayin' over tonight? Or just dropping by?" Dark eyes flick to the knife, a bit of curiosity present there, mainly because well...a dirk seems redundant given what he knows of Laura. "New blade?"
- Laura Kinney has posed:
"I am staying, tonight. I am staying permenantely, if I can get leave to do so from Charles, or Scott or Jean," Laura answers with a caual flatness to her tone that doesn't give way to the least of emotions. "Gabby has declared an interest in transferring to the school as soon as possible. I wish to be here as well." The unspoken part is pretty clear; to keep an eye on her, and protect her, no doubt.
At the latter question, she looks to the sheath, briefly. Nods, once. "Lorna took us to something called a 'Ren Faire'. I had something called 'ginger beer' that I am still uncertain if was either good, or bad." She makes a brief face. "As well as turkey legs. I have never had turkey legs before. They are very good." This declaration made with absolute certainty. "They also had a blacksmith. This was the best blade he had." She pulls it from it's sheath, and offers it to James. "Emma gave me money to purchase it. My claws are far better, but for a short blade or long dagger, it will be quite useful."
- James Proudstar has posed:
James reaches to accept the blade, examining it critically while replying, "Ginger Beer is a pretty strong flavor for normal folks, for folks like us even more so. Not a big fan, myself. Ginger Ale's a little smoother, though...but not that fizzy sugar water canned stuff. Gotta find some local brand, probably out of a bottle." Jimmy Proudstar, connoisseur of soft drinks? He nods as he hands the blade back, "You're right, it's decent."
With the blade returned, he glances back towards the massive house and grins a bit, "Well, isn't like we don't have room. Doubt it'll be a problem if you and Gabby want to move in."
- Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura takes the blade back with a nod, sheathes it a final time. She looks up at the very, very tall and well-built man before her for a long moment, looks down then at the ground by his feet, thoughtful. When her eyes move again to raise to meet his, she offers, "I know they wish to support me. To help. But, I do not wish to bring them more difficulty then they already have." Meaning, the Facility. And, of course, with Gabby, Alchemax. "And we have - disagreed - on methods of operation." LIke how killing is wrong. Laura still doesn't agree, and that's unlikely to ever really change.
Why, though, is she confiding this to James? That's the real question. "I do not wish to bring dissent into their home either."
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
There's a wet sloshing from the lake as water ripples from something beneath. Something which is slowly emerging. Long, dark hair floats atop the water as a figure starts to trudge up the sloping bank. The length drips down around her face and shoulders making her seem something out of a horror movie. Indeed it might have been if not for the fact that she was wearing a small rebreather that made it obvious how she was able to just walk up the bank instead of swimming.
Gabby pauses upon seeing Laura and James blinking her green eyes owlishly as she stands half-caught between water and air lugging a waterproof lockbox in both arms. Then slowly... slowly... she tries to start walking backwards hoping she hadn't been seen. Or heard. Fat chance.
- James Proudstar has posed:
"Think there comes a point where adding difficulty is kind of like adding a bucket of water to that lake out there." Jimmy jerks a thumb in the direction of the water. "And I think this place had a lake of troubles a long time before any of us got here." He gives a shrug, "You and her on your own? That's two. Here there are many, and a lot of them are good, strong, and skilled, and they've dealt with a lot of that kind of bad business before."
On the subject of dissent, Jimmy nods, "Can understand why you might feel that way. But there are a lot of different views here, and the stuff that's happened lately has made some of us rethink how we feel about things, too. Either way...you're allowed to think what you want. You follow the rules where you need to. But sometimes we all break them. Sometimes it all just means that we might not go for the first instinct right away, and most of the time it works out we don't have to. When it does...well...folks here got a tendency towards forgiveness."
- Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura listens, intently, to James with a fixation that shows he has her full attention. This is why, perhaps, at least at first, Laura doesn't call out to Gabby. His words seem to provide her a sense of at least a little relief. She nods, once, accepting of his words intially and finding both reason and logic in them. As well as, perhaps, a little comfort. "I will speak with Jean, and Scott," she agrees with vigor.
"Gabby," calls Laura, then. "You missed our trip. Rahne made me go to a Ren Faire with her, and the others. I brought you back a turkey leg. It is in the fridge."
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Aw nuts. Gabby only gets three steps inched back into the water about to duck below again when her name is called out. She'd sigh but her mouth is full. Blepping out the rebreather so it hangs around her neck instead she smacks her lips together. "Oh that sounds good, thanks! I was busy uh..." Her eyes dip down to the box she carries. "Sorting out some storage issues and forgot I left something in one." Lightly clearing her throat she shrugs, and steps out of the water bringing the yellow and black box with her to heft up onto the shore where she flops down sitting ontop of it.
"Did you go too Jimmy?" She asks with a grin seeming quite happy to keep chattering and ignoring the fact that she was storing things in the lake, apparently. Or at least that's surely what it seems like.
- James Proudstar has posed:
"Sounds like a good idea." Jimmy notes to Laura with a faint smile, before, still smiling oh-so-mildly he turns it towards Gabby, looking over her SCUBA gear and cargo. He shakes his head though, at her question, "Nope, been busy around the grounds most of the day. Lucky I didn't find that turkey leg in there, though." Another once over, and he asks oh-so-nonchalantly, "So what's in the box?" Guess he hasn't seen that movie....
- Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura looks interested in what is in the box, too. Not that she was going to ask, but since Jimmy did? She's quite attentive. Still, she mentions, "Tomorrow, Gabby, I am going to ask Scott and Jean to move into the mansion. If you do intend to transfer, you should do so soon."
She pauses, adding, "I met one of your friends, at the Ren Faire, too. She was French. Marie. She seemed nice."
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney stares straight ahead not answering Jimmy immediately as her toe taps against the ground. Tappity tap. Tap. TAPTAPTAP. Which is just kind of a damp muddy slapping as she tries to come up with an answer but thankfully Laura offers a distraction first. "Oh yeah Marie's great isn't she? She's super nice and sweet if a bit shy I think? I mean she usually stays inside her room unless her cards tell her to go out so I'm glad she went and had some fun," she reasons with a nod, and a grin flashed their way. "Glad you did too! Sorry I misssed it." Pause. A deep breath is taken as she reluctantly steps away from the box to turn and start clicking up the latches. "It's my gear. I mean. My old gear. I had it hidden in New York but if I'm gonna be around here more often it made sense to have it closer. But it's not like I could hide it under my bed or something," she adds as the lid is flipped up revealing some tactical gear suiting, ammo clips on the underside of the lid, and of course some guns. Unloaded at the moment. "That'd be irresponsible."
- James Proudstar has posed:
"Yeah, Irresponsible. Way better to drop it in a lake where a fair number of folks who don't need scuba gear to get to the bottom go swimming all the time." Jimmy's tone is mild, more amused than angry, "We've got a place where some guns are stored, down in the sublevels. Scott's gonna want you to give 'em up. Even the grown-ups have to check 'em in."
He looks back to Laura and nods, "Yeah, Marie's a real nice girl."
- Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura looks to Jimmy, then back to Gabby, and asks, pointedly, and bluntly, "What gear were you hiding, Gabby? What is in the box?" Because, well, she can perhaps determine what should be done with it. So it doesn't get confinscated.
In so doing, she reminds Jimmy, "Not all gear is lethal. Much of the gear I took with me on my missions for the Facility was practical. And essential. Both to traversing the area, as well as survival."
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney sighs quietly at that, though she does nod. "I wasn't really thinking of anyone being able to *see* underwater, though," she reasons before admitting she didn't know every students power. Bah. "All right. So long as it's somewhere safe I can get to it if I need it." That part she was unsure about and fidgets a little. Reaching inside she pulls out the object she was intending to retreive to begin with: A smooth white mask with a simplistic face decorating the front. "My old gear. Tactical stuff, mostly. Body armor, boots, the suit. My mask," she adds lifting it up to indicate. "And my Mac-10s but they're not loaded," she assures. "I wanted to wear my mask when I go to help Julian again."
- James Proudstar has posed:
"Pretty sure they're only gonna really care about the guns. The rest you can store in the basement lockers or keep in your room, I think." HE nods to Laura, "Yeah, the rest should be fine. Just the guns are the concern, but on the plus side you'll probably score a couple brownie points with SCott for turning 'em in, even if he'll never tell you as much."
- Laura Kinney has posed:
"I am not turning my guns in. They can be useful for more than just killing people," she tells James with a measure of practicality. "Such as using a sniper rifle with a supresser to shoot out the tires of a vehicle to prevent escape prior to an incursion." She adds, "But I will never bring them to the mansion grounds."
Her attention shifts to Gabby. "Julian is in trouble? Do you need my assistance?" Ready to do anything for her sister.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney flips the lid of the box shut again resealing the latches with a few quick flips. The mask she keeps hold of. "Should be okay for now, we've already got most of it sorted out. Though it might be good to have backup in case we need a rescue," she adds with a solemn nod. "Illyana and some others are helping." A look is cast to James, then back to Laura, as she contemplates this.
"Seems Julian's dad sold his soul to some upper tier demon or something to be rich when he was a baby, and the price tag just came due. We're gonna go to Limbo to try and either barter it back, or..." Here she shrugs. A lot was as yet unknown.
- James Proudstar has posed:
"I don't make the rules, and I don't think they're going to care much or be able to stop you if you've got someplace else to store 'em. Though if you change your mind I'm sure they'll make room for them in the armory. They just don't want some of the uh...less combat ready kids accidentally getting ahold of them, you know?" Jimmy notes to Laura on the subject of not giving up her firearms.
He falls silent at the mention of Julian's predicament, despite being one of those that's assisting in that particular matter. "Illyana will have a plan. We're just gonna have to follow her lead on this." He reassures Gabby.
- Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura's mouth goes flat, firm. She looks to James, then to Gabby, "If you need, or wish, my assistance, Gabby, let me know. I will fight beside you." Still, what little she knows of Illyana, thus far in her tenure, she nods to James with.
"I understand Illyana is capable. I have not met Julian, but I know he is important to Gabby. Therefore, he is also important to me," she declares.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney strides over to offer Laura a hug. A quick one. "I know, thanks. I just know he needs people around him he trusts right now and since he doesn't know you as well as others..." she trails off, only to nod as she releases her from that hug again. "I'll keep it in mind though. Absotlutely." To James she flashes a smile as well, "I trust Illyana, I just know there's a lot of variables and we may have to change our plan on the fly. It's okay, I'm used to uncertainties."
With that she looks over her shoulder again at her box, sighing. "I guess I should find Scott then and talk to him about that. I mean I don't mind if it's safe, just it's weird being unarmed. Takes some getting used to."
- James Proudstar has posed:
"None of us are ever really unarmed." "Us" being more directed to the three in particular here, not a general "us" But Jimmy gives Gabby a smile and a wave, "Seeya around, Gabby."
He then looks to Laura, seeming mildly amused about something, "You sure about that? You might change your mind once you meet him."