331/Step One - Attract Spider...

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Step One - Attract Spider...
Date of Scene: 06 March 2020
Location: Upper West Side
Synopsis: Cackler plots to waylay Spider-Man. It does not go as expected.
Cast of Characters: Cole Cassidy, Peter Parker

Cole Cassidy has posed:
So in theory this plan seemed sound, right? Do something in this Spider-Man's neighborhood to attract his attention, then when he shows up, beat him down until he reveals the location of his loot cave or spider lair or wherever he keeps all his stuff that he undoubtedly has because he's a criminal.

He witnessed some guy who said he was not Spider-Man shoot somebody the other day, and while J. Jonah Jameson's reporting, if one can call it that, is dubious at best, a lot of chatter online has been about this guy being involved in a lot of stuff. A lot of the stuff is nonsense, or conspiricy theories, but enough of it seems solid to the point where Cackler figures that it's worth looking into. After all, if this guy is as prolific as he seems, he probably has a good stash of loot.

Now the hyena doesn't like to put innocents in the line of fire, so figuring out a way to draw out the spider guy without hurting any single moms or anything crazy like that, takes a bit of doing, because this is such a nice neighborhood, but he finds an alleyway, and once he's succesfully hidden himself in the alley, begins to call for help, figuring that (at least hopefully) if Spider-Man is nearby, he'll respond to someone's calls for assistance.

Hopefully it won't be some random bystander who he'll need to scare off. He's making quite the racket, trying to make it sound like one innocent person is being mobbed by multiple attackers.

Peter Parker has posed:
"Oh, she was an acrobat's daughter...she swung from her teeth by a noose..."
Nope. Spider-abilities don't include singing. But he doesn't sound too bad as he swings through the skyscrapers, moving easily over the streetlights.

"...but one fateful day, her bridgework gave way, and she flew through the airrrr like a GOOSE!"

Then the yell for help and Spider-Man retires his singing (to the relief of all concerned) and swings back towards the sound. He senses something odd. Spider-Sense isn't tingling yet, but the night is young yet.
Spider-Man lands on the second-floor fire escape above the alley, looking down to see what the trouble is. At least the Spider-Sense would give him a direction, but it's not helping now. He's hoping that just means no one is at risk. Except for him, but when was that ever a deal-breaker?

Cole Cassidy has posed:
The sound of the thump on the fire escape gets the hyena to look up from where he was banging two trash can lids together, "Oh hey, just the man I wanted to see." He says, tossing the lids away behind him, "Look don't run, okay? I don't want this to be hard. I figure we can make this easy on the both of us."

He steps back away so if Spidey wishes to join him on the ground, he can, "I know we haven't been properly introduced, I'm usually more of the Gotham type, but I've been expanding my opporitunities as of late, and that's why I cam here. Opporitunity."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man peers at the...canine? Not dog, not wolf...nah, ears are different, as is the fur coloration. Hyena?

Well, he could use a laugh right about now.

Spider-Man leans over to look down at Cackler. Not getting close, but not getting away, either. "Well, let's start with introductions and go from there. I'm Spider-Man. I know, the red-and-blue longjohns are a dead giveaway. And now...who the Jim Belushi are you?"

Cole Cassidy has posed:
"Everybody calls me Cackler these days, so that's good enough for now I suppose." He replies, "And yeah, you're Spider-Man. You're famous, all over the news every day for all the various criminal activities. Which I suppose is a good segue into why I'm here. 'cause you see, you apparently ripped off a bunch of jewels recently, and I want 'em."

"So I figure if you wanna do this the easy way, you can tell me where they're stashed, I'll take 'em and haul my fuzzy butt back to Gotham and everybody'll be fine. Or we can do it the hard way and, well, I do have a reputation to uphold for ripping off criminals."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man ROLLED his eyes so hard he almost saw his own brain. That damned article in the Bugle.

"Look...Cackler? Okay, that fits a little. Hyena, right? Anyway, back to the plot. The article didn't specify that those gems were turned into the police. They're probably in an evidence locker by now. Cat knew where they were, but allowed me to leave them for the cops to make sure the other guy got charged with grand theft."

Spider-Man drops to the street, giving Cackler a candid look. "So...that's the whole story, soup to nuts. Sorry to waste your time, but i don't have anything to rip off."

Cole Cassidy has posed:
"So you're telling me that you didn't steal them, but instead Black Cat stole them, but only to make sure that some other guy got charged?" He asks, "That just seems like framing someone with extra steps. Anyway look, I didn't come to New York to piss off the cops. Sure, they're corrupt pawns of a flawed system, but there's a lot of them."

"So you don't have anything? No money from a bank robbery or stolen Stark tech or any cool shit? Why do you even do crimes, then?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man shakes his head. "Because, tall, dark and furry, I DON'T do crimes. Regardless of what the Cat did, she didn't steal anything except the emeralds, and all of them went to the cops, okay? And I sorta found out in the middle of it all, but she gave the stones to me, and I gave them to the cops. Savvy?"

Cole Cassidy has posed:
"Man that's disappointing. I come all the way down here in the hopes of finding a score, and it turns out you're actually just a good guy." He shakes his head, "This is why I usually just stick to ripping off bikers. At least when it comes to guns and meth you know what you're getting into."

He puts his hands in his pockets, "Well hell, you know here I was thinking about this whole elaborate plan to trap you and make you take me to your stash..But now you don't even have a stash! Do you even have a lair?" He growls faintly to himself, "This is what I get for reading anything from the Bugule. I knew I should have stuck to the Planet."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey smiles slightly under the mask. "Ahhh, don't sweat it. The BUGLE is actually a decent paper as long as you stay away from JJJ's editorials. The Bugle is donating money to organizations - fully-vetted organizations - that are helping the Genoshan refugees. The paper is pro-mutant. It's just one guy with a burr up his butt about me, and other than the subject of Spider-Man, he's actually a pretty good news editor. Old-school journalism."

He leans against the wall. "Listen...you hungry? I have some ham-and-cheese melts I was going to have for the rest of the night, but I could just go to Big Jake's later on. Want to have a little sit-down and chat? The roof of this building is actually fairly empty."

Cole Cassidy has posed:
"You know what? Sure." He replies. Honestly this is not the way he was expecting this to go at all. Usually these rips don't wind up with having sandwiches and chatting. He makes his way to the fire escape, jumping up to grab the ledge and pulling himself up onto it, before heading up onto the roof proper, "You make a habit of offering food to people who were planning on jumping you a few minutes ago?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man fires a webline to the ledge, then yanks and launches himself upwards to land on the roof, sticking the landing easily. He turns to look at Cackler as he removes the red-and-blue backpack. "If I have to choose between having to fight someone over a misunderstanding or sharing some home cooking with a stranger, sharing beats fighting any day of the week and twice on Sunday."

He takes a small container out of the backpack, then takes out a plastic bottle of a mix of iced tea and lemonade - an 'Arnold Palmer' for those in the know. He hands the container and bottle to Cackler. "I put a small handwarmer slug in the side of the container to keep it warm."

Cole Cassidy has posed:
"That's pretty smart." Cackler replies, as he takes the offered drink, taking a moment to sniff at it before he takes a swig. It's not that he doesn't trust Peter, so far the Spider-Man has given him no reason not to trust the drink and food. It's just habit at this point, he supposes.

"That's fair. Honestly fighting is all I've ever been good at, so I tend to default out to that. Guess it just comes with the life I've lived, though."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods, taking out another container and bottle. He opens the container, and there it is, toasted ham and cheddar cheese on sourdough.
Spidey lifts the mask up to nose level in order to eat, and there are no mandibles or anything. Standard human mouth. Clean teeth. "Well, Cackler, considering how you are dressed, it sounds like you have something of an interesting life."

Cole Cassidy has posed:
"So you totally human under there?" He asks, before taking a bite from the sandwich after getting it opened up, "Mmf. This is good." At the mention of him living an interesting life, he does laugh, which is decidedly a hyena laugh, "Yeah you could say that. Though really it's the last few years that have been the weirdest."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey gives Cackler a sardonic smile he can see before he takes a bite of his own sandwich. "That I can relate to. So, were you born like this, did it manifest at puberty or at adulthood? Or was there some kind of external event?" He sounds intrigued by the concept. Not often you meet a bipedal hyena in body armor.

Cole Cassidy has posed:
"Oh that's easy." He says, "I got doused in some chemicals by The Joker after I ripped him off." He replies, taking another bite of his sandwich, "Wanted to send a message. I think the original plan was that I'd be brainwashed and loyal to him but I guess that part didn't take. So now I'm just a weird hyena guy who still goes around stealing stuff from criminals."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man winces. "The Joker? Jeez, that guy is the ULTIMATE bad penny. I..." He stops, then glances at Cackler. "You're not going the Punisher route, are you? I have issues with that kind of funny business."

Cole Cassidy has posed:
"I don't go out of my way to kill people." He replies, "And I definitely never target civilians. I might do crimes but my targets are always criminals. Even if they happen to be excessively wealthy criminals." He takes a drink from his bottle of lemonade tea and hmms, "So did you make this all yourself? Does being a spider guy also come with cooking powers?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey looks around, then says, "Let's just say I have something of an...informal support network."

Aunt May could be called that. Just not to her face.

"Well, I suppose if needs requiure it..." He regards Cackler. "...not many options available for someone in your situation, I guess." He takes a quick sip.

Cole Cassidy has posed:
"Yeah I can't exactly go to a Starbucks and put on an apron." He says, chuckling a little bit more, "I guess ultimately I try to be a good guy, but you know, a lot of folks in Gotham don't see it that way. I suppose you get that, though, or we wouldn't be sitting here on this roof having this discussion, huh?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods. "If I knew of a place you could stay, I'd offer...but the only places I know are currently taken." He sighs. "Sometimes there are no quick, easy solutions. But...do you have a phone? If you need some help with anything, maybe I can help out."

Cole Cassidy has posed:
"Yeah I got a phone." Cackler replies, before giving Spidey his number, "I'm trusting you to not use this to track me or whatever, but despite the mask you seem like the kinda guy who wouldn't abuse his power. I dunno why that Jameson guy has it out for you, honestly."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods. "Fair enough. You talked about being in Gotham. I tend to stick to New York...patrolling all five boroughs is tiring. But if you need info, or you need something analyzed, let me know. I might be able to provide you with the info you need." He holds up his arm so Cackler can see the web-shooter. "I have a science guy. He designed these for me."

Cole Cassidy has posed:
"Oh so you actually use tech to swing around?" He asks, leaning in to get a closer look at the web shooter, "A lot of folks on the 'net think you just, you know, produce the webs yourself. Like, you know, a real spider." He hrms a little bit. He figures this kid might be a mutant, after all he's seen mutants with weirder powers. Although if the webs aren't part of his powers, maybe it's all tech? He's not sure at this point.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey snorts. "Yeah, I saw one of those. They said that if it was really organic, it would come from natural spinnerets...that are placed on the regular place on the body." He shudders. "Not going to get THAT image out of my skull anytime soon. But yeah, some powers are built in, but I use tech to fill the gaps. I can't produce my own webbing, so this is the next best thing. Intuitive interface, too."

Cole Cassidy has posed:
"Smart thinking." Cackler says, finally finishing off his sandwich, "I admittedly just tend to fill in gaps with violence and firearms." He doesn't actually seem to be joking, "I'll tell you though, I only shoot people as a last resort. Last few times I haven't even had to shoot anybody. Just waving it around and looking like I do will get the job done for most people."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man finishes his sandwich as well, closing the container and sticking it back in his backpack. He takes a sip of his drink before holding out his hand to Cackler for the other container. "Any other questions you might have before I go back on patrol?"

Cole Cassidy has posed:
"Nah. Well I mean...I guess why do you do it?" He asks, handing the container back over, "Like I know why I do what I do. But I've never really had a chance to sit down and chat with someone who does it for non-selfish reasons. So what's the deal? I mean you obviously don't got a death wish or anything." He does seem legitimately curious as to why someone would put themselves out there, especially with the big target on Spidey's back.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man looks to Cackler for a moment.
"Someone once told me that with great power must come great responsibility. I didn't get it until it was too late. Now...I *can* help people...so I *do.* I'm using them the way they should be used. Because standing by and letting bad people get away..."

He falls silent for a moment bfore finishing, "...that can tear your world to pieces."

Cole Cassidy has posed:
"I think I understand." Cackler replies. It might not change his opinion on why he does what he does...But he does get it. He rises back up to his feet, "Welp, I'll let you get back on patrol and I'm not gonna cause any more trouble here in New York. At least not today." He gives Spidey a big grin and then hops back onto the fire escape and vanishes down into the alley.