362/Avengers - Self Guided Tour

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Avengers - Self Guided Tour
Date of Scene: 08 March 2020
Location: Avengers Mansion - Training Facility
Synopsis: Carol and Thor meet finally. They discuss the Avengers and also delicious earth foods.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Carol Danvers

Thor has posed:
    Another night in the mansion and once again the hallways are quiet. The other night Thor had been lost in reverie, monitoring the culture of the world through their television devices, though a fine conversation had been shared with Stark, and even some time watching the humorous secret agent cartoon. But tonight the quiet weighed heavily upon a man who is used to surrounding himself with the outgoing and the gregariousness. Though in truth matters did play upon his thoughts.
    Thus why the Thunderer found himself down in the depths of the mansion, amongst the storage facilities, the technology labs, and the training hall that cost a pretty penny for Stark to make suitable for the many worthies who made use of it. Each hero likely had their own scenarios programmed in. Some for exercise, some for combat...
    But tonight, Thor's was set to simply a series of sporadically spaced targets, heavily reinforced, in the walls, the ceiling, and moving on the floors. It was these that felt his ire this night. Garbed in the heavy boots and armored breeks he wears. No cloak, nor armored hauberk, just bare of chest for the moment though features shiny from the effort of exertion. Exertion that would become clear as the sound of the man roaring a loud, 'GRRRAH!' as he sends Mjolnir hurtling across the room, the /whom/ sounding soft as it slices through the air and collides with a target, ricocheting off one, and then into another... only for it to /whom/ back into his hand.
    For indeed, Thor was practicing.

Carol Danvers has posed:
What better time to visit the Mansion and see what all the money Stark has sunk into the place actually built. This late in one of the evenings, especially as many of the Avengers don't even live here full time should give Carol some time to explore she figured.

Not that she is spying on the Avengers or Stark, especially with JARVIS being omnipresent on the grounds. "So this place isn't quite as kitted out as the Triskellion but it does seem like Stark put a surprising amount of thought into it JARVIS.."

<'Yes Agent Danvers we have state of the art facilities for meetings, dining, and training for the various members of the team.'>

Carol nods thoughtfully and heads to the training room following the directions she was given. She wasn't really expecting the god of Thunder to be throwing his hammer working out, but well she won't object either. Carol leans against the doorjam watching for a while as the hammer hurtles across the room to hit the training targets before returning to Thors hand. Finally during one of the periods it is heading back to his hand she speaks up. "Not bad. How exactly does it return to your hand though, Asgardian technology or something else?"

Thor has posed:
    Breathing a little deeper than normal, a little heavier, the tall Asgardian holds Mjolnir in hand for a moment and had seemed like he was about to hurl it once again. Only for Carol's voice to intrude upon his reverie, drawing his attention to the side and for those blue eyes to meet hers. At first glance, if she knew him better, she might be able to read that expression. Deep or dire thoughts had likely been preying on him, something that he had come here to focus on, or avoid.
    But that expression disappears as he sees her, does not recognize her at first. But then there might be a slight glimmer as a small breath slips from his nose. A thing that might be a laugh if it was given more hint of life.
    "It returns, because I have need of it." His lip twists, "And I am worthy." A non-answer? Perhaps.
    But then, bluntly, he asks. "Who are you? Something about you seems familiar though I think not that we have met." He turns away, letting Mjolnir fall to the ground with another faint /whum/. He dusts off his hands then walks over to the small table embedded in the wall where he left a bottle of water that he now indulges in.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol currently is wearing civilian threads, though in truth they are one and the same with her uniform thanks to a twist of cosmic matter arrangement. Jeans, an AC/DC concert t-shirt, and a leather flight jacket.

The look in Thor's eyes makes her brow furrow a touch, what could cause an Asgardian akin to a god to be concerned with dire thoughts. Of course then he is pushing beyond it and the nonanswer gets a quirk of a smirk out of Carol. "Worthy of wielding a hammer?" yeah she isn't familiar with the hammer or its instructive text on it. She doesn't sound like she is teasing, merely curious.

"As for me... I don't think we have met though I have read about you and seen you in the media. My name is Carol Danvers though I often go by Captain Marvel these days. I don't think you were around when I was going by Ms. Marvel in the Justice League days." a bit of a shrug there. Not like she remembers entirely clearly those days herself. "Director Fury made me your SHIELD liaison, though I think he is having one over on Nat, Clint and I on that front."

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, Danvers!" The Asgardian's voice comes to life and he walks over to close the distance with that easy stride of his, one hand extending forward to offer it in good faith to the heroine. "Or should I call you Captain? That might get confusing." And should she accept his greeting he will clasp her forearm as is his manner, giving a firm shake but not aggressive, clearly a man who has control over his strength and care in its application.
    "I am pleased to make your acquaintance. Forgive my ill humor." He glances back and over his shoulder toward where he had been standing but moments ago, one hand lifting to gesture as if dismissing his poor manners. "I..." And for a moment he seems about to offer explanation, then instead settles on a smile and offers, "Am often restless at night."
    That said he lifts his chin as he starts to step back, one hand reaching out and like a loyal hound, Mjolnir leaps to hand almost instantly with that metallic sound. "What brings you to us at this hour?" A glance to the side, "And may I be of aid?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol goes in for a handshake but ends up in a forearm clasp. She seems to adjust to it pretty well on the fly and returns it giving a shake back. The irony of his care and control of his strength is that she is one of the few around here who could probably take a firmer handshake. Not that he knows that yet.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Thor Odinson." she pauses a moment. "Thank you for stepping in to join the Avengers and help with the invasion. I can't imagine how it was having to deal with it as complicated as family being involved must make it." she considers his words.

"I get being restless at night, I'm not sure I've gotten a good night's sleep since my incident in San Francisco." then she blinks breaking that line of thought, it had gotten dark based on her expression for a moment there. "I just figured things would be quiet and I could familarize myself with the mansion and see what Stark had done with the place.'

Thor has posed:
    The mention of family does bring back a ghost of whatever thoughts plagued him moments ago, and with Thor's absence of a poker face she likely knows now that those were what had worried him. Yet he lifts his empty hand gesturing to the side, "It was mine brother that harmed you and yours, twas the least I could do to redress the balance." He turns away, "Though I fear I may ever be seeking to ease the suffering of the victims that fall to my brother's treachery."
    Dark condemnation, but then he is welcome for the change of topic to her own ills that might well weigh on her as well. He flips the hammer in the air and smiles a little at her, "Then do not let me interrupt you. Though grant me a moment and I shall accompany you, for in truth..." He looks around the place, "I have not taken it upon myself to wander these halls overly much."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol does file away that cofnirmation that it was the invasion and his brother that likely is what is wearing darkly on his thoughts. "You're not your brother keeper, he makes his own choices and takes his own actions. You of course can do good and help .. balance as you put it but you didn't make him do it."

Of course then he changes the subject such and she nods. "You are probably better company than JARVIS." pause "No offense JARVIS." she notes quickly there and smiles a bit amused.

<'None taken Agent Danvers.'>

"Uh.. " and Carol grins. "Not sure how used to that I will get, so far I've seen the back yard and the training facility.. some hallways. Not really sure what all there is to see. Also did you notice the large temp building out back... I swear it wasn't there last weekend when I stopped by to talk to the team about Genosha?"

Thor has posed:
    "Indeed, I believe it is an acquaintance of Stark's building?" Thor says as he starts to walk toward the wall and hits a button there, causing a sink and a spigot to extend forth and provide him a place to wash his face and his hands, leaning over it and splashing water there, shaking his head as he grabs the accompanying towel and wipes his brow and features. Then he strolls back toward the table and reclaims his STARK2020 t-shirt, pulling it on and rolling a shoulder. For now Mjolnir is set back on the table and he moves to follow her back out on the tour.
    "Please do be so kind as to lead the way." As he says this he uncurls a hand indicating for her to do so and with that he will fall into step beside her.
    Then he asks, "What shall your duties entail with us, Captain Danvers?" There is a formality to his tone, a steady pacing to it, not the same 'voice' he uses in dealing with the public or press. More something courtly perhaps.

Carol Danvers has posed:
"I wonder which one." she pauses and turns her gaze upwards. "JARVIS, whose building is in the backyard."

<'Professor Hank Pym's Agent Danvers.'>

Carol hmms thoughtfully "Why is that name familiar... eh I'll look it up later." and she focyses back on Thor now in his STARK2020 t-shirt and she chuckles. "Okay Tony wasted absolutely no time there, wonder if he caught my Daily Planet interview.. they brought him up. Luther just infuriates me with his attitude about Superman." because yeah she knew him from her JLA days.

"Duties... well probably feeding information from you all to SHIELD and back to the Avengers from SHIELD. Coordinate missions. Activites. That sort of thing... like the Genosha intel."

Though before walking out with Thor "Also I am pretty useful in the field." she lifts her hand and cosmic energy swirls around her fist, before she points it at one of the targets Thor was wailing on and photon blasts it .. mightily.

Thor is probably also one of the only ones who may recognize that energy as well.

Thor has posed:
    "Ah!" Thor says as his eyes slip to the now smouldering target, his gaze lighting up with amusement, "Excellent!" He looks back to the target, to her, than back to the target. "I am all the more pleased to have met you, Captain Danvers." He steps into the hallway, backing up a bit and with his hands upon his hips. His brow furrows a touch as he adds, "I fear there may well be a day when we need all those who can help us. Thus it is e'er a good thing to find an ally one had not known they had."
    That said it's into the hallway with its metal walls and the sweeping lay out. He stands there, brow furrowed for a time as he points. "Down there is, I believe, a hangar for our vehicles." He then turns and motions the other way, "There is all sorts of computer equipment. I do not recommend going in there, Stark grows most displeased when you touch them."
    He motions down another hallway that turns to the right, "I have no idea what is down there, and go down this hall a little further and take a left and there is a room with passingly fine comestibles."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol can't help but grin at his enthusiastic reaction. She dusts off her hands in that time treasured motion. "I'm in the hero business, even if SHIELD is the one who writes the checks these days. I'll be happy to help as much as I am needed to when it comes to keeping the earth safe."

She follows Thor out into the hall. "I'll have to check the hanger out later then, I use to fly planes for the airforce so I'm curious what Stark may have tucked away in there. These days I fly under my own power though." and then a chuckle about the computer room. "I'm not surprised... he does seem a little fussy about that sort of thing." she looks down the hallway into the unknown. "Well JARVIS said somewhere down here is a medical facility as well as some labs. Neither of which is really either my specialty or something I need a lot of ever since I got home from space this last time. Now the kitchen I was told is capable of some really delicious gourmet food though. Why is it just passingly fine?"

Thor has posed:
    "Ah you have?" It's curious what Thor keys onto, and when she states her former position as a pilot he actually offers his thoughts there as he starts to walk leisurely down the hallway, likely in the way of the room with the automated prep station. "That is remarkable. Something I have never been able to gain the hang of. Oh I can pilot some of the vehicles of my people, and even a quinjet of late though it in part flies itself." The tall Asgardian pushes a hand through his hair, "But when I see someone who has talent take controls, there is..."
    He tilts his head and frowns, gaze distancing as if trying to find the right word, "An artistry there that escapes me." But then he just smiles at her, that open Labrador style of smile before he's moving on, nodding at something else she said.
    "It creates fair food to be sure, but it is... not as nice as the kitchen. It feels terribly austere. Besides, more likely to run into our friends in the rooms above."

Carol Danvers has posed:
"I've flown some quinjets SHIELD has, they handle pretty well. They have nothing though on a Kree starfighter though." she doesn't really elaborate yet on that as she walks further into the kitchen and looks at the automated prep station. There is this slow walk around the device. "Does JARVIS create food here like a real chef or butler?"

<'I assure you ma'am I am a real chef and butler..'>

"Ah.. uh sorry JARVIS." she looks at Thor then nods "Perhaps we should head to the Kitchen. So how is the food in Asgard?"

Thor has posed:
    "Of course," Thor answers with her request, gesturing to the other end of the hallway leading to the elevator as well as the stairwell that is nestled beside that conveyance. He walks along calmly, steadily. "The food in Asgard." He repeats her words to himself and then answers her with a smile, "It is rich, robust, and often there is plenty to it. Though in many ways you cooking here on Midgard can be..." His blue eyes lift upwards, gaze distancing with thought. "More complex perhaps? Yet dishes on Asgard seem to focus on the item and perhaps it combined with another, though seasoned to bring out the very best of that particular item."
    He reaches the elevator and lightly touches the button to summon it, which immediately causes the doors to open as JARVIS is, of course, observing. "Yet there are few things as transformative there. There are no dishes such as your pizza or foie gras?"
    Into the elevator he goes and then keys the first floor once she steps in.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol shakes her head a little "Not sure I would bring Foie gras up when touting what earth food you most like. A lot of animal rights activists would be all over you as a celebrity endorsement of the practice..." she muses as she steps into the elevator now. "To make it they forcefeed the duck and then harvest the fatty liver and make it into Foie gras."

She leans against the backwall of the elevator. "Pizza though is a work of genius and worthy of praise. Also Thai food and Sushi. Just not anywhere landlocked." she considers "Okay now I am hungry..."

Thor has posed:
    "I had it once," Thor says with his brow knitting together as the elevator lifts upward, carrying them with an ease and silence, his head tilted to the side, "I did not care for it, but I knew it was elaborate in its preparation as a young woman took a fair amount of time telling me about it." His eyes distance as he ponders that memory, but then he shrugs and looks back to her, "But yes, in truth, pizza is a thing that I hold in fine regard."
    The elevator stops and the doors whisper open, but then he pauses to touch a hand to her shoulder slightly as if snaring her attention. "I also do not care for caviar." As if that was some horrible confession to be made. But then it is on to the kitchen and once there the tall man slaps his hands together.
    "Ah, JARVIS! Make us something suitable to be eaten in the wee hours of the long night, to be shared by new friends!" He announces with much bombastic aplomb, and if people truly were trying to sleep in that mansion they might well hear him.

Carol Danvers has posed:
<'Yes Master Odinson. I'll prepare a late night snack for yourself and Agent Danvers..'>

"It is considered a delicacy for certain and quite expensive. Much like cavier which is fish eggs. It is so expensive because of how much effort goes into it." she looks around now "And I don't much like it either, though a little bit of fish roe on Sushi can be pretty good in my experience but that is pretty different if at the same time kind of the same."

Carol looks curious at what might be produced now. "I wonder if he is going to make pizza after we talked about it so much."

Which is indeed the case. For they shall be having Pizza. Also probably beer.