4054/Mutants Plundered

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Mutants Plundered
Date of Scene: 07 November 2020
Location: Long Island Warf, Abandoned Warehouse
Synopsis: Noriko Kitty try to make a break for it, Emma gets betrayed, hope fading.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Kitty Pryde, Noriko Ashida

Emma Frost has posed:
    It's been a rather hectic few months for the HellFire Club with the numbers spiking and the reaches of influence reaching levels initially dreamed of by those that started it long ago. It was truly becoming a head or at least a player in the shadow governments of the world with tentacles now in the white house and the kremlin as well as roots forming in China, and Britain. The empires of the world, falling and forming are all keys for the Club, and lately, with an idea of getting into the beginnings of the educational and in the mutant games, certain people have been targetted and captured as a means to advance the plots of the Inner Circle.

    Working directly for Shaw and Selene, Emma, feeling as though she was given proper respect for her position within the club hadn't yet realized how adversarial the Black side of the Circle was, how ruthless their plots have become.

    The kidnappings and potential brain washing's Emma was told of twisted her stomach but she had accomplished a few of these tasks, locking away the personalities, memories and minds of a few kids already before sending them to be re-trained and raised by Shaw and his cronies elsewhere. They were making their own 'Red Room' though the White Queen wasn't quite aware, not yet.

    Recently captured and with their mutant abilities suppressed, Noriko, Kitty and a handful of other young mutants had been moved to, what smells like a warehouse near the sea, but there isn't the sound of crashing waves against the metal walls just out of reach of the cages they've been locked in. Lighting is harsh with bright yellow cones of stabbing light and the smells are horrendous and the sense of fear billows out of the dank cheap cells like a bomb to those empathic enough to feel them.

    There's been a rotation of people coming in and out but being grabbed by men in black that take the victim out only for the person to never come back and eventually the cell is refilled with another young teen mutant.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde's hair is askew, having lost the tie for her ponytail somewhere in the struggle that brought her here. The stab of the tranquilizer dart had come from out of nowhere, beating her self-conditioned instinct drilled into her by the Professor to phase herself when startled. The dart had fallen to the ground after that instinct kicked in, but Kitty had already felt the effects of whatever payload it delivered on her. Faced with the possibility of falling into the ground and suffocating as she lost consciousness, or of unphasing in solid matter, she'd had to unphase then and there while she still had the control.

That didn't mean she hadn't gotten in a few licks as her unknown assailants closed in on her to lock the power suppression collar in place. Resulting in her current state, a few scrapes on her face that leave her appearance about suitable for her mood. Kitty sits in the cage, ever watchful of those coming and going so later after she's rescued or escaped, she can pull up the memories when it will be time to try to identify them.

That's how she thinks of it. When. Not if. For now though she bides her time, giving no more than glares for those figures she can see as she sits in the cage, feet drawn up enough to bend her knees as a platform for her arms to rest on as she observes.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko's speed is only good if she can see what is going on around her.  The last thing she expected was a tranq dart, or that it would take her out like a light as it metabolized so quickly.  Repeated tranqs were required, as adding more just increases likelihood of overdose.  After a brief, pathetic struggle to speed up between unconscious states, Nori let out a defensive surge.  It was instinctual and unfortunately clued in her captors as to how she could be controlled long enough to get a collar on her.

Noriko was dumped into her cell with considerable enough of a charge deficit to make her personality generally more compliant, or maybe just less grating, or maybe this was just a part of whatever they were doing to get at what they wanted with Nori.  Regardless, it might very well have been for added safety and to soothe paranoia.

One question has been dallying in Nori's mind.  'Again?'  
"...At_least_it_doesn't_smell_like_blood," the speed of Nori's speech languishing.  Her cheek is pressed to the floor of her cell, right how she was left.  Her hair is a sweaty mess, some halfway dry and clumpy from lack of washing, sticking out each way it fancies.

"Where_are_my_gauntlets?" Noriko creaks out hoarsely.  She pushes herself up to a seated position and slumps back against the side of her cell.  A hand reaches up to the collar around her neck, her nail polish worn considerably at the edges.

Nori tries to sense the collar's electricity, not quite clear-headed enough to deduce the outcome.

Emma Frost has posed:
    The White Queen has been away for some time from the actual 'meat' of the opperation, as instructed by Shaw but she was getting curious, and with a large ruffled fur cape hugging her shoulders, Emma makes her way to the holding facility to actually get the process to move smoother, or at least that is what she'll claim should she have to, but really she's investigating her own project. "Well Well Well... What a lovely bunch we have today." Emma says softly, a riding crop is slapped against the side of her leg, snapping the room and drawing attention to her. Not that her hard sultry tone isn't chilling and attention drawing enough.

    Emma steps to one cage and looks in, at the person within and for a brief moment a visible worry draws across her featuers and the woman fights it back, this /is/ for the betterment of all. Shaw promised. "Her." She says, pointing at Kitty's cage, and then pointing the crop against the bars, indicating to the men with her that she's going to work on Kitty next. "But first. Show me where you take them after I'm finished." Emma snarls and the padlock on Kitty's cage is dropped with a clang.

    The guard near Noriko's cage kicks at her bars and snarls a hiss to get her to shut up about those stupid gauntlets. "Gone, like you're about t- Yes White Queen." And the guards look at each other before showing her out of the holding reception prison.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The sound of the crop slapping draws Kitty's gaze over. When she spots the familiar face of Emma Frost, her eyes first go wide with surprise, and then narrow with far sharper emotions. Her hands tighten where her arms are folded atop her knees, gripping herself as she studies the woman.

A hard stare is given to Emma as she comes over to Kitty's cage, the nineteen-year-old's only reaction. The padlock is undone and her cage, but she makes no movement still, not until the door to the cage might be opened. Even then she just sits there for a few long moments, glaring at the guard before finally she rises to her feet, taking her time and dusting herself off. The useless gesture giving her time to count adversaries in the room, gauge her chances. And see if she can spot anything on them that might seem a control for her collar.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Horror stories aren't exactly casually swapped at Xavier's, at least not the painful kind that made so many of the students and faculty who they are today.  Still, Noriko should know better, she should be able to imagine than this isn't the end of it.  This isn't where they put mutants when they are 'done' with them.

Slow to stir, Noriko's head lolls toward the guard.

"Fuck_off_lackey...couldn'_get_job_flippn'_burgers?"  It's an effort, easier to cut off her 'g's, but so worth it.  Her eyes list toward the domineering woman while she bears a toothy grin to the guy who is obviously paying more attention to Emma.  Nori studies her, the crop, her outfit.

Nori groans and curls up on her side on the floor of her cell.  She squints, trying to see who the girl she named through her cage.  "LET_ME_OUT!-or_I'll_throw_up_on_you," she threatens no one in particular, quite fiery till she hits a wall energy wise.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "No no. She stays, put her back." Emma says looking over her shoulder at Kitty who had been unlocked and she squints those ice blue eyes at the guard who did that. Emma doesn't want the mutants to get an idea, to go on tour with her. "We'll be back for her in ten minutes, let her wait." Emma says with a motion of the riding crop once again.

    The guard that let Kitty out frowns and motions with a heavy fist and a push to the young girl back towards her bars. "Get back in'ere." He growls, his leather jacket creaking under the movement of his arms as he forces Kitty back, not expecting her to fight back.

    Near the door Emma and the other guards were going, the door opens and a hospital operating table rolls out with a very naked and carelessly strewn pile of corpses lie. Emma looks back and squints at the table, about to turn around and shout. "HEY! WHAT'S THI-"


    The cold metal closes around Emma's bare neck and the woman's eyes go wide at her guard. "No. NO!" She shouts as she reaches back to throw a fist, but she's not a fighter. She never has been. She's always used her mind, and now, she can't even hear her own thoughts... "What have you done?" She demands as she struggles against her own men, as they slap her hard enough to put the woman down and a couple begin to drag her towards one of the empty cages.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty lets herself be shoved, stopping herself at the door to the cage to get her balance as she does the mental math of her chances of taking on the people here and getting Noriko free. Emma's presence has thrown matters for a loop for Kitty. She doesn't have long to process it all, but before she finishes, the guard makes a move on getting a nullifier on Emma herself.

That seems to clinch it for Kitty. She grabs the roof of the cage and swings forward to throw a kick towards the head of the guard who is putting her back in the cage, hoping to knock him out, or at least knock him down to where she can finish him off and grab the keys he used on the padlock and get them over to Noriko.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Nori watches the ensuing altercations...well, she looks in their direction.  She hears Emma and her men at odds, the little details painting the way.  Then she watches Kitty as if she were in slow motion.  Yaaaay Kitty, she thinks, just trying to conserve energy for...

"Oh_heyy_pretty_laady," Noriko grins hazily, head having craned backward along the floor to look toward Emma's cell.

Emma Frost has posed:
    The guard takes a pair of feet to the side of his head and the man is hit hard enough that he's sent falling backwards and landing on the ground a few steps back as he tried to keep his balance but the ground hits almost as hard as Kitty. He's dazed and the mutant girl is all over him and he's barely able to lift his hands to fight back. Kitty gets the keys quick enough, and an adrenaline fuelled toss gets the keys at least into Noriko's cell at about the same time as Emma's is locked shut.

    The keys rattle on the ground at Noriko's feet as Kitty finds a fist meeting her square in the solar plexus with a second hand grabbing her shoulder and pushing her backwards and up off the guard she was on top of.

    A moment passes when a single DEEP gunshot rings in the warehouse room and the concussive chance in the room is deafening, at least temporarily. "Christ I always forget to not do that." The man says as he steps into the warehouse and snarls, tapping the smoking gun against Noriko's and then Emma's cage, "Slide the keys back out girl, or your friend leaves this place, watching the rest of you die first."

    The man with a suit that fits far too well with just enough flow that it's obviously very very expensive and he runs his hand through his hair, keeping it back, but letting it fall freely at the momemnt behind his ears. "It took me a long time to cultivate you lot. You're all very specially chosen mutants, who are going to help me, make this world truly and wholly ours." Sebastian says with a snarl as he points the gun into Noriko's cell. "Give me the keys, help mutants take their rightful place and we'll be sure you are all enshrined as the founding fathers, and mothers, to the next world. Your sacrifices will not be in vain." Shaw says with that billion dollar smile as he puts his hand near the cage, palm up, waiting for Noriko's compliance, and motions for the goons to put Kitty back into the cage.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde grunts at the punch, doubling her over for the moment and making it easier to shove her away from the guard she's downed, and before she can get a weapon from him.

Not that she isn't capable of taking on the guards in a hand to hand fight without a weapon, or her power. Even most of the other X-men don't realize the level of her combat training. The ninjitsu taught to her jointly by Logan and the fragment of the mind of a centuries old psychotic ninja placed in her head that Kitty lives with and keeps suppressed.

Though as the gunshot rings out, she realizes now is not the time to reveal that capability. Let them think her just a girl then, a feisty girl without powers. She eyes Sebastian Shaw, not the first time she's seen him, but not recognizing him from the previous encounter, and slowly backs up towards the cage rather than risk him shooting someone because of her.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Starving.  Starving in two ways.  All Noriko wants to do is curl up further and slip into slumber, but the gnawing pain in her stomach keeps her somewhat lucid and definitely awake.  The resounding gunshot definitely widens her eyes.  She blinks more, trying to keep her eyes open, normal.  All of this attention to nonsense is chewing up what brain cells she has sparking, sucking her into some impenetrable problem.

"It's_a_trap!" Nori realizes aloud, right at the awkward moment when the order to slide the keys over is delivered.  "Oh-/shit/."  The words tumble out of her mouth when she moves to her back, propping up with her elbows when the gun first appears up close and personal like.

"Enshrined?_I_die_both_ways," the blue haired girl nearly spits with venom, eyes narrowed to dark slivers.  She grits her teeth and moves to get the keys.  She's slow.  It's a crawl on all fours, glancing to Emma, then back at the keys before putting her hand on them as if resting.  "One_sec," she breathes heavily and then suddenly /flicks/ the keys toward Emma with rather strangely good aim, then collapses before starting to push up again.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Much like Norkio, Emma has esentially lost a limb with her mutation cut off. The world is quiet for the first time in a long time, plus she's had her bell rung rather hard. The White Queen is suddenly the next in line for the guillotine. The keys soar through the air, just as Shaw was about to close his fist on them, and they land not only in the cell with Emma, but bounce off the neck and collar, before rattling to a motionless mocking glint in the light. Emma frowns at them as she starts to reach but they're pulled away by a quick hand that reaches into the cell and then glowers at the electric woman. "Here ya go boss."

    "Thank you." Shaw says with a smirk before he looks to the guards and then Kitty before his old eyes linger back on Emma. "Lets take her next. Get things ready to go." Shaw says before he moves back towards the door he came in. He's got work to do elsewhere beyond saying good by to the White Queen. Shame, she was a good one.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty glares at Shaw. "What kind of world can you build on the suffering of others?" she says to him. "You're not the first to try this, and all it does is create hatred towards our kind. Can't you see what Magneto has done and how badly it has gone for us because of it?" she asks, trying to engage him in conversation.

She looks towards Emma. "So she's in this with you. Was. How many people do you think are going to stand with you as they watch you treat even your followers like this? How can you possibly think you can take on the world, even with the powers of a few mutants?"

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko glowers at the world when she sees the keys traveling away from them.  She directs that doom gaze to Shaw, zeroing in.  "If I-don't get charge-I'll die-Maybe-starve first," she says in spurts of concerted effort to communicate at a more normal speed.  "Not_viable."  She chuckles bitterly at the thought of screwing over their experiment with her dying breath.

"Guess-what_gooes_around,_comes_around," to more of her own cracked laughter when Emma gets selected first.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "Ta ta mutants." Shaw says, lifting the hand with the large calliber pistol in it as a final farewell before he turns towards the door and slips into the night. With the guards still in the room. He's not going to talk, he has people to do that for him, or better, do their own jobs and not answer for the great Sebastian Shaw.

    The guards look down at the cages, and eyes Emma's with a deviant snarl, then to Kitty and Noriko, then the rest. "Great haul. Should be the last one." One says to the other in the darkness beyond the lights before a hand reaches back out to Kitty's lock and tests it to make sure it's locked. "Hang tight, it's dinner time." He says before banging the padlock against the bars and several pairs of feet can be heard walking away.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty sits back down in her cage as she was before, knees bent and arms resting on her knees. Though now she looks around the room more. Her eyes go to Noriko, and Kitty gives her a reassuring look. There's a confidence in Kitty that they are going to get out of this, and she tries to share it with Noriko without saying too much, not wanting to add to whatever their captors might know about them.

Her eyes do go to Emma though. "So, you were part of this and now you're caught up in it just like us," she says, voice cut with anger. "What is it he's doing to us?" she asks, Kitty's eyes going towards the door through which the cart with dead bodies on it was taken.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Dinner?"  Noriko doesn't really absorb that reassuring look from Kitty.  Her eyes have darted to the rattling of the padlock, like a dinner bell.  Then they dart to Kitty's, more a look of 'What the fuck?'  Too preoccupied with her paranoia, she only vaguely tracks the ensuing conversation in the background as she watches the lock.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma rolls onto her back, sitting on the ground as her mind slowly restores to full consciousness after the double whammy. "That's... not good." The telepath says with a frown, as she puts her back against the bars and looks in Kitty's vague direction. "I was suppos-supposed to erase the minds, but catalogue the powers of the mutants, and they were supposed to reintroduce them back into the world with a new personality that was going to work for Our- his goals." Emma says, lifting a hand to rub at her head and work the pain out of her jaw.

    "But they must be storing the genetics of the mutants and just... killing them." Emma says with a look to Noriko and back to Kitty. "Your friend going to be okay? She looks awful."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty's teeth grind together. "So you're a telepath then," Kitty says with a frown. "Couldn't have seen that one coming then? You know. Read a mind?" she says, though it's mostly an expression of her anger and frustration.

She looks over towards Noriko then at the comment from Emma. "We'll get out of this somehow," she says, the words meant for Noriko, and as Kitty looks around, the comment seems intended for the other mutants locked in the cages. "Keep up your strength as best you can," she tells Noriko, but again meaning it for all of them.

Kitty looks back to Emma. "What can you tell us about the facility? Where is it? How many guards? What kind of security and locks to get through?"

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Her eyes half-closed, Noriko nods, tucking her chin down when she curls up as if to keep warm.  As she listens to the conversation floating around her, she lets her eyes close, carving off little bits here and there for energy conservation.  Every once in awhile she rouses enough to open her eyes and let any concerned eyes know that she's not dead or unconscious.