4199/SHOPPING!!! As Betty Rubble said.. CHAAAARGE IT!

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SHOPPING ! As Betty Rubble said.. CHAAAARGE IT!
Date of Scene: 22 November 2020
Location: East Village
Synopsis: Shopping achieved! Fun had! Money spent!
Cast of Characters: Heather Danielson, Dawn Granger

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Saturdays can be fun or they can go on and on forever. Sometimes both... if you are lucky. Our two lucky Titans have spent this Saturday in the Village. Not just trying on clothing and buying new outfits, but sampling the best variety of food options in the area.
    What? Heather eats enough for three starving models. The fact that she needs the calories for her healing powers to function is even more of a cheater-cheater-head thing that makes most other girls hate her.
    But she's had three lunches so far before catching sight of a blouse in a storefront window and freaking out over it. "Oh-Em-Gee Dawn!" she calls out as she reaches out to clutch her teammate's arm and wrist. "I didn't get to model that one and I didn't even know it was out yet! I HAVE TO GET ONE!" she announces before diving in like it was a burning building and she was looking for survivors.

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn has traveled more than most young women her age thanks to a mother working in the State Department. A mother wise enough not to send her to hermetic American schools where Americans teach English courses, and most students are from the States. You get the drift.

As a result, Dawn has a pretty near perfect fluency in French, passable Swiss-German, and a lilting British accent that she can switch for an American accent when she feels contrary.

Shopping with a fashion model was out of her experience, though. She was along for the ride and loving every minute of it as well as thankful that her bank account was robust enough to stand up to it. "Right behind you!"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    It just so happens that this boutique is the seventh one to have been visited by the blondes today. But as Heather rushes in like a honey haired hurricane, she gets the attention of the manager. In most walks of life, being a model isn't something that'll get a girl recognized instantly. Even if you were on the SI swimsuit cover. But in a high end boutique in the village... a different story altogether.
    "Ms. Danielson!" calls out a woman who strides out from the office in the back. "Would you and your friend like the private changing room?" the woman asked.
    Heather laughs and nods her head, "Danica. This is Dawn. Dawn, this is Danica Seasons, she's an -ancient- model from the same line as my own. She's almost thirty! Like I said, ancient!"
    And Danica shakes her head, laughing along with the joke. Then holds out a hand, "Ma'am." says Danica by way of greeting to Dawn.

Dawn Granger has posed:
"If you are ancient then please let me look like you when I'm your age," Dawn says, unaware of her own beauty, taking her hand. "I can't believe that they do that to women," she give Danica a firm shake. "Private will be fun!"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Oh, it's a long standing joke really. I still do some work here and there. But rather than having to earn my money on the runway or on a photo shoot, I invested in this place." offers Danica as she reaches for a fridge to grab a couple bottles of water that she hands out to to two young women.
    "I bet you are here for the blouse. I couldn't believe they let me display it a week early." Danica admits.
    To which Heather literally squeals, "It's early?! I GOTTA GRAB ONE!" she announces. Then looks to Dawn and adds, "And one for my friend here! Plus... let's see how much I -can- spend here..." she offers as she ducks into the private area.

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn follows in Heather's etherial trail of fashion and style, half expecting to be covered by the fashion glitter that she sheds. Smiling, because she is enjoying herself and has not come close to spending the money from her quarterly trust fund deposit, she ducks into the dressing room with Heather.

"Which blouse?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    With a gesture towards a mannequin, Heather indicates the faux-off-the-shoulder poet's style thing with a few other tweaks her player is loathe to try to make up. Sufficed to say, cute and modernized while still a classic. Fashion. It's crazy.
    She's already stripping down to move over and grab one to try on. She goes for a baby blue variant.

Dawn Granger has posed:
"I like the deep blue one. I mean, we can't be walking around looking like each other, can we? That's just too high school for me." Dawn strips down right next to Heather, assessing her in the mirror. "Girl, you make me look fat!" she says trying to imitate a Brooklyn accent.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Hah! Fat my left butt-cheek!" offers Heather as she slips into the blouse, "And the matching outfit thing is totally avoidable. That's why we coordinate and make sure we take turns. Plus... yeah. I liked high school!" she announces with a smirk.