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The Juice is running
Date of Scene: 06 December 2020
Location: Chinatown - Founder's Island
Synopsis: Remy is playing cards in an underground casino when Batgirl turns up to shut it down... they fight together and both get what they were after.
Cast of Characters: Remy LeBeau, Stephanie Brown

Remy LeBeau has posed:
It will always be surprising to Remy how spectacularly unobservant the most dubious of gangsters can be. Years growing up around thieves, the King of Thieves knows a den of thieves from a mile away... What's more is he knows every single trick they'll employ to dupe clients into owing them thousands, even dozens of thousands, of dollars they'll never be able to pay back.

Remy LeBeau is a pro.

Sitting at a card table with a stack of chips beside him. Absently shifting and adjusting them along red/blue color gradiant with one hand while the other peels the corner of his two down facing cards up from the felt surface in the dingy backroom of an underground casino.

Five hours ago he took out a rather substantial loan on a diamond, which he'd long since gotten back, paid off, and was astronomically in the black against very displeased gangsters who really wanted to turn the cajun over for all the contents of his coin purse.

Red eyes glance up at them, above a five o'clock shadow, through a half curtain of dingy brown hair that just makes him look more mysterious because the sides are shaved... A little lean backwards, arm laying across the back of the chair where he sits at an awkward angle. "So ol'Remy been spankin' you aroun' bettah part six hour now... jus wonder how dem boys gonna feel when I clear out dem vaults, eh? How bout you come make dis interestin'..." Waving his fingers up from his chips at the obvious tough in the all black suit, "Let's make a big wager... don't even wanna see flop on da table... sight unseen bet big as you want."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The questionable decor of the place could best be called 'ghetto Tahitian', with a bamboo shutter over an open window between the back room and the main casino floor. That shutter suddenly explodes into pieces as two bodies come flying through it. Big Carlo Spinelli, the bouncer from the door, is one of them. The other is a much smaller blond, clad in black and purple and with a very noticeable Bat logo on her chest. The pair land together on the ground and the girl deliver's a hard punch to Carlo's face that sends teeth flying.

Ten seconds earlier:
Carlo's hamhock of a fist delivers a hard punch to Batgirl's solar plexus, doubling the blond over and resulting in a malicious grin from the big Italian. "Going to make an example of you, send a message to all the Bats," he says. But Batgirl has other ideas, just having taken the second to gather her breath and then charging forward towards him, knocking Carlo backwards and into some bamboo covering the wall.

Thirty seconds earlier:
No one was at the door when Carlo slid the cover open to peek out through the security window. He was just starting to peer to each side when the shaped charges on the hinges went off and a caped shape rushed out of the dark to hit the door feet first and knock it on Carlo.

Five minutes before that:
<< What, backup? For one little gambling ring? Nah, I got this Oracle. Will have it all cleaned up and be back home in time to do my Econ 101 homework. >> Stephanie Brown finished quietly applying the charges to the hinges and gauged how much run up distance she had. Oh this was going to be fun.

Forty-five minutes before that:
"Ok, ok... it's a casino. Underground one. Just a craps table and a few tables for cards. They run some numbers. No please say that's enough!" the midget says, standing amidst a stack of boxes that seemed to have 'fallen off' of a delivery truck that had paused by an alleyway. Batgirl stands with her arms crossed and glances around at the stolen property. "Alright, get out of here. And don't think I don't recognize a New York accent when I hear it. Gotham is closed to you."

<< Oracle I think I've got a date at a casino... >>

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Two minutes before Batcontact:

The others at the table were getting a little antsy. The place got its share of card sharks to be sure, but most of them played it loose and got the hell out before the thugs who ran the joint realized what was going on. Remy was here to take the whole bank and he wasn't even pretending otherwise. He watched them play for a few hands, then took everyone to the races.

Now they were staring at the pit boss how ran all the loans wondering if the tiny little man who controlled the money would take the Cajuns bet. sight unseen bets were dangerous, afterall... but at this stage in a poker game, there was just as much riding on the house winning as the cards in front of Remy.

It wasn't even skill... it shouldn't be right?

How could Remy know what was going to fall?

thirty two seconds before contact:

"Alright, muty... we'll take that bet.." Using the most derogatory term they could think of to try and get a rise out of him only made it more satisfying for Remy. His smirk never even faultered, his eyes never dropped away from the small man... "Good on you, mon amie.. Glad to see ya tall enough for dat low hangin' fruits."


Remy turns sharply towards the smashing sound as a big Italian and a blonde in armor come sailing through the open doorway. It would be... a lie if he said this was unexpected.

It would be a lie if he hadn't hoped for it too... this /is/ Gotham afterall.

It would be a lie if he said he hadn't slowly been working at getting that vault open, the one he'd seen that small man going for the better part of five hours.. the timing was near perfect. But Remy, as has been established, is a professional.

The whole time organizing his chips with dexterous motions of his left hand laid on the table so there's neat little stacks lined up five tall in a straight line out from his elbow. Each one within quick reach.. Did he know it would happen? Nope, he did not. He knew at some point he was GOING to get in that fault, though...

A thief never looks a gift horse in the mouth.

When everyone's attention jerks towards the commotion that is Batgirl and Carlo.. Remy snatches up a stack of five chips, kinetically charges one of them rolling up between his thumb and exposed index finger, and snaps it across the room like a bottlecap. Glowing a beautiful magenta as it hits the bigger of two guards right in the chest with the force of an Golden Gloves boxer. He's sent flying backwards, even as another zips across the room similarly charged to hit the locking mechanism on the small vault the pit boss was trying to close protectively.

The other hand flips the whole table, cards/chips/and drinks going everywhere to create a screen for the moving cajun.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The back room is in bedlam, the mutant-powered blast stirring in uncertainty and chaos. The people in the game who were just other clients of the underground casino get out of the way, while the men who work there are more eager to get involved in the fighting. But that blast that sends one of the pair crashing into a wall gives the other pause.

The hanging light overhead of the table is swinging back and forth, casting light and shadow. Like a strobe, it illuminates Batgirl and the immense Maggia thug as they wrestle on the floor. The swinging light reveals Carlo trying to pin the smaller woman to the floor, only to have her grab his hand and the sound of bones breaking fills in the gap of silence after the small explosion.

Carlo howls, while Batgirl doesn't delay, driving her knee up towards his family jewels, the light swinging away just before the blow lands. Though Carlo's whimper tells the whole story there.

When the light swings back, Batgirl is back on her feet, and a yellow metal bo staff is telescoping to full size. "Alright boys, time to go all in," she declares. "And I'm referring to the local precinct's lockup when I say that."

Out in the main room, more of the crew that run the place are arriving.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
It is in this chaos that Remy thrives.

He is exceptionally accomplished as a fighter. Agile, quick, and effective, he wades right into the fray with abandon. Almost as if he enjoys it! Which probably isn't far from the truth. Another chip zips across the open area as he leaps across another table with his free hand plant against the felt surface. This chip hits the other of two guards standing around the pit boss, who is backing away rapidly trying to fumble for a handgun in his coat, when a kick out of the over the table leap sends a third goon sliding across the floor.

The whistle of chips flying and the magenta glow of tail give an omenous air to the casino area... Gambit moving like a tiger stalking prey, he leaps into the seat of a chair, pivots on his foot with a hand coming down on the back, and cartwheels over. The kinetically charged furniture hits a massive Maggia thug who found a pump action shotgun just after he'd racked a shell into the chamber. His scream and the sound of him smashing through the makeshift bar fill the backroom.

"Where ya goin', Donnie? Why ya runnin' mm?" And he is running.

Away from the mutant, who would have grabbed him if not for the beefy hands that came down between his shoulders and sent the cajun mutant sliding across the floor. "Umf!"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
As the reinforcement join the fight, Batgirl notes one of the customers is joining on the fight on her side. She thinks to herself, "Damn, that never happened when I was Spoiler!"

The battle is different than it was before as well. Stephanie had always enjoyed a good fight. Giving some bad guys their what for had always had an appeal to her. But, now, after the training from Barbara and the others, it was differently.

Batgirl ducks a punch, pivoting to elbow the man and then throw him into another thug, the motion of which guides her into a punch of still a third man. In some ways it is like a dance. Maybe it always was, but it took her training until Stephanie Brown was able to hear the song. Each man's actions telegraph his intent, and her body flowing into the counter for each almost without thought.

She whirls, pulling out a batarang to deal with the guy with the shotgun, when she notices Remy's exploding chair take him out. "Wow. You're kind of handy to have around, Mister," she tells him.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy keeps sliding, then rolls, and twists around to face the big guy who hit him. Not really hurt from the attack, persay, at least not if the blonde woman in the costume across the room from him were to ask. He winks one black and red eye, smirks, and leaps over in a one handed cartwheel towards the monster of a man who struck him. When he comes up he's flicking cards. One after another, they don't have the same level of charge as the chips... thinner for starters, but also because their intent isn't to bowl the guy over instantly now that Gambit has an audience.

He can be a bit of a showboat...

Rather he's pushing the big guy backwards. Right arm down in a slash, hurling a card, left arm forward from his hip, hurling a card. Repeating like a kung-fu master swinging a Whip-dart, the guy can only bring his arms up to keep the stinging explosions from hitting him in the face. It gives the lanky, quick moving mutant plenty of time to get in close.. where he drops to a knee, punches the guy right inside his left thigh with his right fist, in his right knee with his left fist and springs up with a shoulder bash to knock the unstable monster of flesh onto his back like a fell oak.

"T'anks ova dere... ya aint lookin' have bad yerself.." Donnie is on the movie, but Remy is too close now.. His hand comes down and grabs him by the scruff of his collar, "AIH, ya no, mon amie... ya gonna open dat cage for ol'Remy now.. I know wha' ya got in dere an' Imma be needin' my half of the profits."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The room is mostly cleared of fleeing clientele now, making it far easier to track down the actual bad guys. Batgirl starts using the staff, clunking a man in the head so he drops immediately. Another man takes a whack to the knee and goes down, where he holds up his hands in surrender.

A bottle flies across the room, hitting her in the back. It would have been a painful blow in her old costume, but it'll barely leave a bruise with the much improved armor of her Batgirl costume. She whirls and throws a batrang, the edges blunted which bounces off the man's head and staggers him backwards into a wall. Two more batarangs follow, these sharper and they cut through his clothing and stick into the wall to help pin him there. A few inches to the side and they'd have stuck in him instead.

Batgirl turns to survey the room, the thugs dealt with, or having fled with their clients. She turns back towards Remy as he mentions the vault. There's a pensive air from her, and she glances back at the table. "Alright, can't let you just clean them out, but you can take your share of the pot I guess," she says.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy is steering Donnie towards the small room that acts as the vault, which is kind of an unfair description really, since it's just a heavily locked side room with a few safes for things like jewelry (watches and the like) taken from clients and the counting room. It's also cleard out, at least of people, when the cajun and the asian enter... Remy glancing over his shoulder at Batgirl when she says he can, at least, take his share..

"Well, I was bout to take them for whole thing in da game when ya came in.. so, fair is fair, ya no?" He says it in just such a way that he could be joking, with the hint of a grin, oozing charm as the pair disapper into the backroom. "Open da safe-" Shoving Donnie towards it with a little jerk of his arm.

"The one wit da watches.." There was one there, one specifically that Remy was after, and once the safe was open he shoved Donnie (who was promising vengence for doublecrossing them) out of the way to get at it..

A Hublot Big Bang Broderie Sugar Skull watch.


Draped across his wrist for a second, it disappears into his brown coat pocket as he steps back out into the main room, tipping two fingers off from his temple in Batgirl's direction. "Thanks for da assist, chere.." Another wink, colar popped up, and unless he's stopped, the Cajun is on his way /out/ before Stephanie realizes she just helped him steal a 50 thousand dollar watch from Maggia gangsters.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown imagines she might hear some complaints from Barbara. The gambling /was/ illegal after all and so everyone there deserved to lose their stakes. But he had stuck around helped her in the fight.

Besides, he had a certain... charm. Yeah that wasn't going to work well in the after action report. Best just stick with rewarding him for helping.

Batgirl goes around, cuffing the men who failed to get away. "Sorry boys, as the old song says, you need to know when to hold them, and definitely know when to fold them. And you should have folded this whole place up. Gotham Five-Oh will be here soon enough to go over the rest of the lyrics with you. Maybe you guys can spend your time working up some harmony for the chorus?" she suggests as she zip-ties the last of them.

<< Ok so I sort of had backup Oracle. I'll tell you about it later. He was kind of cute in a scruffy scoundrel sort of way. >>