561/Lunch Time!

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Lunch Time!
Date of Scene: 16 March 2020
Location: Kitchen
Synopsis: Jean, Lorna, and Andrea have a lunch break at Xavier's.
Cast of Characters: Lorna Dane, Jean Grey, Andrea Marguiles

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna had been in and out of the school in an increasing amount of time, which was good, after all it meant she was no longer holed up in her room unable to function. But it also meant that a partly unstable magnokinetic was now working through her emotions and trying to handle diplomatic policy for a ruined nation on her own..

Suffice to say, it was a tangled ball of issues and Lorna needed to be checked in on still.

The green haired woman seemed to being an okay day today, she actually came down on her own to start fixing a sandwich after the students and others had trickled down for food and stood there cleaned up and dressed for once. Though, she was still barefoot, and she still wore all black. Perhaps that would linger for a while yet.

Jean Grey has posed:
Since Lorna's been in the mansion, Jean's been keeping a close mental eye on her. Not snooping, but definitely on the watch for any possible trouble. Though considering all the time-lost descendants she's had popping out of the woodwork that is the multiverse, she's actually in a rather chipper mood.

Unusually so, really, considering her public mood has been a bit tense the past few days. But she comes into the kitchen, whistling cheerfully as she's wearing a green shirt with a stylized gold raptor on the front, as well as jeans and thick comfy socks. Spotting Lorna there, she waves over and says, "Hey there." With that, the refrigerator opens and it looks like a wrap starts to assemble itself all on its own.

Andrea Marguiles has posed:
Andrea Marguiles is back to school since it's Monday. Coming in after PE - being 'forced' to do it - she's still in a softball uniform as she comes into the kitchen. Seeing others, she waves. "Good afternoon"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shifted and the knife that she'd been directing with her hand slid into the sandwich on the plate behind her to cut it carefully in two. She glanced up at Jean, and lofted an eyebrow upward. "Hey," She paused, looking at the fridge briefly and turning her focus back to Jean. "How are you? I see you've been busy with all the new redheads that have shown up." She drawled.

Future kids were not an issue that Lorna ever had to deal with. Genocide? Yes. Future kids popping up? No.

A glance followed to Andrea's presence and she nodded to the younger mutant with a distracted air. "Hey."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean rolls her eyes a bit, finishing putting the wrap together as she grins over at Lorna, "Yeah, it's... been a little stressful, I guess. Feeling a lot better now. Just had to get away from the school for the weekend."

She then flashes a smile over towards Andrea, "How was softball? I'm not saying that I used my powers on the sly when I was the pitcher on the team, but I'm not not saying it either."

Andrea Marguiles has posed:
Andrea Marguiles starts setting up her food. Grabbing a plate and loading it with chicken nuggets, the lunch handed out to the student body at large while she was practicing, she smiles to Lorna. "Good afternoon, I hope you are well." Then looking back to Jean, as she gets herself a glass of milk, "Good afternoon Miss Grey. It's... going okay thank you. It's difficult to find the line of how much to use my powers, without using them too much." Then winking.

Lorna Dane has posed:
The knife that cut Lorna's sandwich flew to neatly settle itself in the sink, just as the water began to run on hot to rinse it off. All with a wave of her hand. "Don't play games with Jeanie. She always cheats. Luck ones are okay though. Can't cheat at those." She murmured, her lips twitching. "And don't play pool with me. The balls are all magnetic." She grinned and wiggled her fingers that were stained green with her power.

A glance was spared for her redheaded friend. "It's good to get away when you can. Don't work too hard."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean snickers, "I prefer to think of it as the Professor's advice for us to adapt and overcome. Besides, I was pitching against Hank! That's hardly an even match if I can't use a little bit of telekinesis!" She telekinetically puts things away, keeping the wrap in her greedy little hands as she takes a seat near Lorna.

Then she smiles over at Andrea, "But I can definitely relate to that. Always have to make sure you control the powers, otherwise they end up controlling you." Apparently Jean's a font of Zen when she's in a good mood, go figure.

Andrea Marguiles has posed:
Andrea Marguiles giggels as Lorna sends metal flying around. Too surprised to have any thought of being in any danger, and of course she was in perfect control. Winking at Lorna, she'll respond by just *reaching* the same distance to put a serving spoon away. "Pitching to Dr. McCoy? That'd be scary. He used to play sports too right?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Was Lorna showing off? Possibly. But she had also lived in a palace with Magneto of all people. Any excuse to use her powers was encouraged and applauded.. Now? Eh.. She shrugged lightly as she grinned at Jean over the edge of her half of sandwich. "Pfft, cheat." She teased, her lips twitching lightly. Her gaze swung back to Andrea and she tilted her head.

"Eh.. I forget? Spots aren't really my thing."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean grins, "Oh yeah, as he will no doubt expound on to no end if you ask him about the subject." She chuckles, "The look on his face when he struck out against me was priceless, and worth it." A cheerful look at that, "It's all about finesse, really."

Andrea Marguiles has posed:
Andrea Marguiles smiles, as she finds a safe spot on the counter to push herself up and just sit, as teenagers do. "I don't know if I could get something past him. He could probably hit something at 200 miles per hour or more. I'd have to.. I'd have to go all out." Oops, she left her glass of milk. So, she has to reach a good 10 feet, arm stretching even further this time, to grab it.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged as she glanced at Jean, "You're still a cheat." She teased, and grinned as she bit into her food and fell silent for a moment, listening to the sounds of the school around them. Her thoughts went distant for a minute and she had to mentally shake herself back into the present again. She sighed.

"Just find a sports thing you're good at and go with that instead. I mean, there's gotta be something. Right?" She drawled.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean grins, "I improvised!" She chuckles, and nods, "Or well, if you're not good at sports... maybe even something like yoga? You don't //have// to do sports, Andrea. Or hey, so what if you're not good at it? What matters is that you like it."

Andrea Marguiles has posed:
Andrea Marguiles looks to Jean. "I've had a few adults telling me I need to start looking at getting more comfortable with my powers in stressful situations. And sports is good for that. I have no idea what I actually want to do after school though. It's hard to imagine leaving here." She looks to Lorna, who wouldn't know. "I have no memories of anything that happened before. We were in an accident... and I blanked it out."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna pursed her lips together briefly, and glanced down at her food on her plate and reached for a thing of soda. The can popped itself open with a flick of her fingertips and she sighed softly as she took a sip. "I'm sorry." She offered, "Accidents happen, unfortunately. But they're never easy to deal with nor do they make it any better..." She shook her head once and glanced toward Jean briefly.

"What about meditation? It helps with my powers.." She offered, arching a brow. And to be fair, she did try to meditate. Sometimes with more patience and success than other times.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods, "Meditation is pretty useful, I find it very helpful for my own powers." She smiles warmly at Andrea, giving her a sympathetic look, "And, well, a lot of times there's a reason for keeping some stuff buried. I mean, it's possible to pull it out right away, but that can cause more problems than it solves with that kind of brute force approach. Like why you don't use a jackhammer to smooth out porcelain."

Andrea Marguiles has posed:
Andrea Marguiles takes a moment to eat some chicken nuggets as she listens to the suggestions. Then washing them down with milk. "Meditation. Thank you. I'll ask around about that."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged lightly, "It's not for everyone. I wouldn't try to make say, my brother Pietro try it. He's a speedster," She offered to Andrea and smiled as she paused to take a bite. "He'd do it for maybe thirty seconds and be off." She joked lightly and took another sip of her soda. She sighed, glancing to Jean again.

"So, how's the schedule looking for this week? Are you on Spring break yet? I just realized that should be happening soon... right?"

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean hmms, "Spring break starts next week. Midterms are this week, so all the students are in a bit of a tizzy. Then when grading the midterms us faculty will be in the tizzy." She grins wryly, "But thanks... hopefully my students aren't going to be too stressed out from it. I think I get a reputation as an easy teacher because the students' stressing out en masse gives me a headache."

Andrea Marguiles has posed:
Andrea Marguiles continues shoveling chicken into her mouth, nodding to the others. "Spring Break next week, would be very good. Over the weekend I was in the city for pizza and arcade, and I ran into... the King of Wakanda. He told off some guy for badmouthing mutants. It was nice."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna nodded faintly to Jean, falling silent to munch away at her lunch in consideration. For once, thankful again that she was not and would never be a teacher. She shifted her soda can in her grip, and glanced toward Andrea, her eyebrows shooting upward. "Really? Huh. T'Challa certainly has been busy. I spoke with them an this past weekend at the Genoshan refugee camp. I don't know how he does it." She paused, considering as she took another sip of her soda.

"Would've been real nice to have this support before Genosha was attacked."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean sighs, "Yeah, it's always //after// the disaster that things happen, it seems, never before. But I did talk to him at the Embassy a few weeks ago. He was very polite." She smiles faintly, "Even gave me a dress, which was very nice of him to do." A bit of a shrug, at that, as she looks over at Lorna, watching her curiously.

Andrea Marguiles has posed:
Andrea Marguiles nods. "Well, yeah. It's always easy to know what's needed, after it's needed. Before..." She sighs. gobbling up the rest of her nuggets, she downs the rest of her milk. "Well, I'd better get to my next class. It was good to talk. Thank you."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna nodded to Andrea, politely, as the younger mutant downed the rest of her food and made to depart. A smile and her green eyed gaze swung back to Jean with an arching of a green eyebrow. "He gave you a dress? Why did the King of Wakanda give you a //dress//?" Lorna questioned, gesturing with her soda in her grip at Jean.

"Can't you just telepathically make whatever you want?"

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean chuckles, "My telekinesis isn't //that// powerful Lorna. And well, T'Challa knows I'm Marvel Girl... I mean, he IS the Black Panther, and works with the Avengers." She shrugs, "So when I came over to thank him for helping Genosha, he gave me a dress as a gift in return. It was very nice of him, really." And well, if he was flirting with her, she totally missed it. Whoops!

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna laughed softly, and she shrugged. "Oh come on. You so are that powerful." She snorted and rolled her eyes. "Meanwhile the rest of us peons have to sew things ourselves." She tsked and shook her head. Never mind that when she sewed something, it was with her powers. The amazing things one could do with magnetic powers, a pincushion, and a good pair of shears.

"Hmm true, he is everywhere. And he has been very helpful. He told me the refugees can stay in Wakanda for as long as they need or want to be there. I dislike having people remain there.. while I sit here.." She hung her head. "But they don't want to return to the US or their home countries either.." Her good mood evaporated and she hung her head, sighing heavily.