6175/It's Been too Long

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It's Been too Long
Date of Scene: 10 May 2021
Location: 6C - Matt Murdock
Synopsis: Daisy drops in for a much needed reunion.
Cast of Characters: Matthew Murdock, Daisy Johnson

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt was actually home at a reasonable hour this evening after a week of pulling late nights working on the Mutant Town Twelve civil suit he needed a break, so he left the office at closing time and picked up dinner from the Royal Dragon.

Grabbing a beer from the fridge he cracks it open and takes his food to the couch, Boxer padding along in his wake. The cat knew when food was going to be eaten and always wanted to be on hand to claim his share.

Sitting down, Matt scritches Boxer's chin when the cat hops up on his lap, rubbing against his hand a bit before going to sniff the bag of take out.

"Play your cards right, and you might get a little bit of the chicken from the chow mein," Matt tells his furry dinner companion with a smile before he opens the bag and starts taking out the containers inside.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It has been a while since Daisy had been able to meet up with Matt. Tightening measures at SHIELD, the ever-present Hydra threat and even government hunting them down... Still, there was no way that Daisy would be staying away for much longer. Screw danger, and besides they were used to living on that knife's edge already.

So her presence is more felt than heard, landing on the roof. That song was new though? Or what was she doing? Something subsonic?

The door opens and she steps in, making a gesture that she knows Matt will be able to 'feel', of a 'shhhhhh'. There's again a small 'impulse' out of her, she finally closing the door. "Should be safe now.." her familiar voice.

"What kind of game do I need to have to get some of that dinner too?" She asks with a faint grin, going down the stairs to near the couch.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Don't touch," Matt warns Boxer as he gets to his feet. Smiling up at Daisy he greets. "Hey," he moves up the stairs to pull her into a kiss if she'll let him. "Missed you," he confides in her gently before adding with a touch more humour. "Hmm, I'll have to think on that, but I am sure I'll come up with something," he says of the food. "Able to stay for a bit?" he asks hopefully. It had been awhile since they'd been able to see each other like this.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Lets hope so." Daisy says about being able to stay. She returns the kiss of course, grinning afterwards and reaching to squeeze the man's hand before sliding over to the couch..

Boxer is, of course, touching. Little paw over the closed boxes as if to try and topple them to get to the precious food inside. Aaaallllmost done with one until Daisy's hand snatches him up and brings him to eye level. "Hello, handsome." she says, receiving a 'meow' in return.

A teasing look is then given over to Matt, "Think too much on it and I will eat all your food." followed by a wink and she sitting down with a soft sigh, "It's good to .., find you well." some hesitation.

"I saw the newspaper clips." And the Daredevil kills.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt squeezes Daisy's hand in return letting his grip linger before letting her go off towards the couch, his steps following close behind her own. There's a smile as she greets Boxer. "He misses you still," he tells her, before smiling. "He's not the only one."

There's a chuckle for the tease and he slips on past the couch to the kitchen to get them some bowls to split the food into.

He returns shortly, forks and bowls in hand. "Yeah, I haven't been able to catch him yet, but Melvin made me a new suit so when we do find him we'll be ready. Not sure what I can do about my reputation once we do though. Not like I can unmask the doppleganger without giving away my identity. I might have to live with this rap for awhile. Keep my distance from the police."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You should thank me, I am here to help with your diet." Because who knew there'd be a party crasher hoping to get some food too?! Daisy gets Boxer onto her lap, running fingertips over it's fur and whispering to him, "Sooooonnn..." as she sees him oggling the food containers.

She watches Matt going out, then back, expression turning a bit downwards as they speak about the suit and .., the other. "Maybe you can." she says about keeping his reputation. "Though without SHIELD supervising the transition of people back to their dimension I .., am not sure on that is being handled." she gives it a thought. "A recording of the fight could help though." but that could also bring danger to his secret identity.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Returning to the couch Matt gets started on doleing out the food, making sure plenty of Daisy's favourites make it into her bowl and a little bit of chicken gets to Boxer too.

"True," he says about SHIELD handling the return. "Dr. Pym reached out to me about some help with finding my double maybe he has a way to send them back. I don't know him that well, but better to trust one person than risk the whole world know who's behind the Daredevil mask."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The mention of Doc Pym brings some surprise to Daisy's features, "The Avenger..?" then a nod, "Well, he *is* a good one to have on your side, and I might still have a way to reach out to him through Happy Harbor if there's a need to coordinate something." she looks thoughtful, accepting the bowl of food with a, "Thanks. And you know, good thing I came here when you went to get my favorite at the Dragon." happy coincidences!

She releases Boxer so he can go take care of his little piece of chicken while Daisy lets out a sigh. "Been ages since we could just sit here like this.." a longing tone to her. Clearly it wasn't being easy for the young agent all that was happening. "And things are only getting crazier at SHIELD.." she pulls her legs up to the couch, curling to lean over against Matt while eating.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Anything you could do to help with that would be great," Matt says with an earnest expression of thanks. "And I guess I'll have to keep ordering more of your favourites from the Dragon then, if it'll make you appear."

A grin and a bite of the special Bourbon chicken, not exactly a Chinese dish but still very good.

"Want to talk about it?" he asks her about SHIELD. "Not sure how much I can do to help but I can listen." He shifts to make her more comfortable as she leans against him drinking in the closeness and warmth body tuning to the vibrations of her song.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I am like a djinn, rub the mystic chicken and here I am." Daisy says with a laugh before she winces, "Ugh, and speaking of djinns.., you wouldn't even believe if I told you we had to be dealing with one.." a shake of her head. She takes a bit more of the chicken, plopping it down her gullet.

The question about SHIELD has her ponder a moment, "Where to even start?" which was true, she wasn't even sure about it all. "We are still hunting down most of Hydra, or at least those behind all this, but we are getting progress. No word from my mother as of yet though.." she mutters, reaching up to get her hair behind a ear. She gets more comfortable, letting her song immerse with Matt's as she relaxes further.

"But ..., mmm, had I told you about my trip back to Nepal? Up that mountain I almost had it's snows come down on Afterlife?" a beat, "I found a way to communicate with the past ones that used the song." then she grinning, "It's a mystical bowl, does it go up to the same platform as punching dragons?" poor Danny. Always getting ribbed.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Wait. What?" Matt asks attention fixed on Daisy in that moment, peering into her to make sure she's not messing with him. "So djinn's are real?" he says, bewildered. "Tell me you guys aren't trying to make a deal to fix SHIELD or something?" he asks with a grimace; one soon soothed by his immersion in her song. He'd missed the feel of it and he'd missed her.

"You guys will find her and if she reaches out to me for some reason you'll be my first call after I talk to her."

As for the bowl he shakes his head. "No you didn't mention, and so you can talk to other people who had your gift with it? 'Cause yeah, gotta say Daisy, that's getting into punching dragons territory."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"No ..., Oh no no no." At least Daisy *hoped* noone had thought on trying such a wild thing. "Just something that happened and we got involved in. Yet as with all things involving those, like the stories, there's always a good and a bad side to it. So it's not *all* bad things." a bit more chicken going in after being properly soaked in bourbon. "You know, I hope you don't get this dish too often." she jokes, "... I am already feeling tipsy."

"And yea, it's like they disappeared from the face of the earth. It's not like we have the same kind of resources as before but yea. I just hate the radio silence." She letting out a sigh and leaning up to place a kiss on the man's chin, soon returning to her relaxed posture.

A laugh comes when Matt confirms it's getting into dragon punching turf, "I knew it. And yes, or in this case I can talk to that first master Jiaying spoke about when we were having dinner with her. Fu." she explains. "Or the unstoppable echo.." a pause, "... it's a cool name I must admit.."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Good, I mean I want to see SHIELD back but like you said these things have a cost," Matt says before smiling. "Jess recommended it," Matt explains. "But if you're feeling tipsy already, might be best if you slept over tonight, would hate you to run into trouble because you're drunk," he offers with a grin.

"I bet," Matt says of SHIELD having to run silent. "How is everyone else taking it? May, Bobbi, Jemma?" he asks.

Another grin, "What can I say that's pretty weird, but cool. And it is a good name too, but I do still like Quake. So what's it like talking to Master Fu? Is it like talking to someone over a radio, or do you just hear things he said and can't talk back?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I might just take you on the offer..." Daisy teases with that little grin of hers, finishing up her chicken and setting it aside before stretching. "I will be honest, it will be a good change from sleeping at the base..." a sigh. "... Jemms has just been .., I am not sure she is taking these changes well.." she admits, not hiding some worry on her tone, "I should go talk to her again, but I am just .., something isn't right." if only Daisy knew how much things aren't right!

As for the others, "May is still getting to terms with her new abilities, and being an Inhuman. But she's May, there's not a lot that really gets to her, or that she can't adapt to. And Bobbi has been busy being High Commander in such battle ship." a smile, "I am not even joking. Though she's good, another one fully committed to full-time work."

About talking to Master Fu though she explains, "It's sort of like visions, but there's communication. So ..., sort of like a Jedi Holocron?" of course she'd nerd it up with Star Wars. "So we can talk, but I am still not sure if there may be limited responses or not. Though with it being magic..." she lifts her shoulders.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
There's a smile as he puts a bit more chicken in his mouth swallowing before he remarks, "Boxer will be glad to know you're staying tonight," he grins at her. "And I gueeeess me too," he teases before he frowns to hear about Jemma.

"What's been going on?" he asks her.

"Good thing Foggy actually keeps me up to date on Star Wars stuff, I got that reference," he says, before adding, "And we're //definitely// in dragon punching territory." He flashes a brief smile before asking "What does does Master Fu tell you?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You guess, huh?" This about how much Matt likes Daisy staying tonight. It's followed by a laugh then she reaching down to scoop Boxer up, continuing her scritches in her quest of spoiling this cat into oblivion. It seems quite effective apparently!

Though as for Jemms. "Forgetting things, just acting .., abnormally. I am putting it on stress about being on a new place, but don't know. May picked it up too, along with Peggs.." a beat, "I mean, Chief Peggy." she lets out a sigh, sitting back down on the couch. "But if I am to be honest I have been pretty stressed at the new place too, and all the changes. So can't blame her too much."

A faint smile that isn't exactly too deep, "So yes, it's all one big adventure right now."

The confirmation they are definitely in dragon punchie grounds has her laugh, "Good for you to confirm. Apparently there's a lot more to being Inhuman than I first thought. Jiaying hinted at it when we were with her at Afterlife, but there's a lot more still that she hasn't shared. Master Fu tells me about my gift. He had it before me, so he knows the potentials, and so far it hasn't disappointed. There's a lot I am learning, including putting my roommate's dorm on fire.." a chuckle. "No idea how that happened but ..." she shrugs. "Something to explore still."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"I mean... it could be alright..." Matt continues to tease. "But honestly, Daisy, I'm glad you're staying tonight, I missed you."

He listens to the rest brows raising a little about Jemma's situation. "Sure she's not just stressed because you set her bed on fire?" Another tease before he gets more serious. "I can imagine it's rough for all of you, going from people's shield to wanted fugitives, living wherever it is you guys are and not knowing how long it will be before you can come back," he says before offering a rueful smile. "Annnd I didn't need to dig that all back up, did I? Sorry, anyhow if there's anything I can do for you or Jemma to make things easier, let me know."

Then it's on to Master Fu, "Glad you have a teacher, even if it's weird as hell, and yeah, sounds like it," he says of the room's sudden combustion. "Maybe it's like they taught in science class, and your quakes are moving the molecules in things fast enough to build up friction and ignite. But then I'm a lawyer not a scientist, just pulling theories out of my ass here."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"It didn't burn -that- much.." Daisy complains. Just a tiny bit apparently! But still some. Though she grins and rejoins the couch with Matt, letting Boxer jump out to settle on Matt and circle around the man's lap before floofing bonelessly down, appeased with the food he has been given. And most likely ready to nap it out too! Such lordly lives cats have.

"We will come back though, that much I can guarantee you. All our batteries are pointed towards rooting out Hydra, saving our Agents.." A sigh. "We will get there. But you are right, I think I'd prefer to talk about happier things. Like how much you missed me, mmm?" suggestive! She even arches an eyebrow up in that teasing look of hers.

As for Fu's lessons, she doesn't comment! Not going to nerd it out now with other ideas on her mind.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
An "Uh-huh," skeptically delivered meets Daisy's complaints. "Just like you caused a 'bit' of trouble at St. Agnes?" he says still teasing, He'd missed their banter. Boxer is welcomed into his lap and as the cat melts into a liquid, Matt scritches behind his ear as a good servant should.

"I know you will," Matt nods, no doubt of it in his voice. Then he smiles. "Did I say I missed you?" he asks still teasing. "Are you sure? Do you have any proof of that Agent Johnson?"

He meets that look then, and grins, "So, guess it's time for bed, huh?" .he asks Master Fu completely forgotten.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Woah, you used the St. Agnes card..." Daisy lets out a tsk, "Shame on you, teacher's favorite." yes, she can still tease him about Sister Maggie's apparent like for Matt. For what reasons though? Such mystery...

Daisy leans over afterwards, fingers seeking for some 'weak' points that she can use to tickle him at. Good thing she knows all of those! Merciless, "I am sure we can find some evidence for court." she suggests. "Yet now I am certain it's lawyer jokes month."

Fu is indeed forgotten too, Daisy appearing a lot more relaxed. As for that last question? It certainly seems like that is the case.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Not that again!" Matt complains with a grin and a shake of his head. "I was /so/ not her favourite," he lies. Though he still doesn't know why it was...
5rAny thoughts of the nun are firmly banished when Daisy starts to tickle him and laughing he squirms and Boxer bounds from his lap with a startled and indignant mew before skulking off to sit on the stairs glaring at them both reproachfully.

"Looks like it," he grins about their jokes, then he leans forward to brush a hand against Daisy's cheek before leaning in to claim a kiss that he lets linger before breaking.

He stands hand offered to Daisy as he does, asking "Shall we?" head jerked towards the bedroom.