6182/The Town that Wasn't There

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The Town that Wasn't There
Date of Scene: 11 May 2021
Location: Town That Doesnt Exist in Maine
Synopsis: Jovian and Misfit check out a town that does not behave normally. It vanishes.
Cast of Characters: Jovian Anderson, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe
Tinyplot: The Queen in Blue

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian steps out of a door in the middle of nowhere, face looking ashen at what he learned from the Nazca brotherhood. He blinks, disoriented, and looks around. Wait, they returned him DIRECTLY TO THE DAMNED town? He doesnt even have his costume and these mooks want him to use his powers KNOWING what they all know now? Good lord....and he looks around, at the town that time forgot, like some kind of ideal small town from the 1950's with some anachroisms of posts from 2020 for music or books in store windows. Oddly, some of the books and movies look...familiar, but not quite normal. He looks around and heads towards a nearby coffee shop to get the lay of the land, looking around to see what this will reading is supposed to be.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie was intending to pop to Metropolis to pick up hot dogs, from her favorite place. It isn't a fancy place. Truth be told they are dirty water dogs and New Yorks are better than the ones in Centinial Park. Which she could go to just as easily.

These were hot dogs from the carts though that her mom use to take her too on the weekend when they would go to the park and get clean air away from Suicide Slums.

Fond memories.

Comfort Hot Dogs.

Which is why when she aims for an alley she is familiar with by the park and touches down in an unfamiliar alley with a slash of pink and purple smoke she pauses and looks around. "The hecks."

To anyone mystically sensitive there was sort of a sharp >bang< of chaos magic from the alley.

Charlie never one to worry her red head about danger wanders out of the alley "Okay..... where the triscuits is this..." she is wearing very modern normal branded sneakers, jeans, and a wonder woman t-shirt. All relatively new.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson is not at all mystically sensitive, but he himself give off a distinct sense of wrongness. He is just about to enter the coffee shop when he hears a noise and turns to look in an alley and sees the disoriented Charlie. He looks where the white door opened up to spit him here and then faded away and wonders if they sent here. "Did the Nazca send you?"

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Right. Someone talking to her.

Charlie looks over and blinks owlishly.

"Ummm" she looks around slowly then back Jovian. "The whole Nazca thing.. sounds like a thing. For sure. That I am not even remotely familiar with. Who are they?

There is a pause from the teenager. "Also... are you okay. You definitely don't seem okay."

Then another pause, like she can't stop talking though it does not last. "Also ... not to sound like a wierdo.. .but where the hecks is this?"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "I am....mentally tramautized for reasons I'd rather not go into." He considers how to ask this, since his training in law enforcement lets him know when someone doesnt quite ...FIT in the town and Charlie is not in sync with the town. He lowers his voice, "This town wasn't on any map a week ago. Now it is, I've been sent by some guys I work with to check it out. Is there any reason something like that might have brought you here? Name's Jovian by the way."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
There is blink blink "Oh.. I definitely don't want to make someone relive any trauma. That is so not cool...." she considers "I more meant that there is this.. like vibe about you. Totally off sort of vibe check man...."

The next part well that sort of is something she is use to. Conspiratorial whispering. Yup. Check. She knows this game.

She pitches her voice back low. "Okay. That is mega-strange. I was... uuuh.. trying to get somewhere else ..." how does she explain this when she still has no idea who he is. "....aaand well I ended up here and I will admit. I have no idea where here is. This is definitely not where I was going." she looks around. "Looks like some old person TV show though...."


"I'm .. eeh freks... call me Misfit." going on a hunch.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson looks at himself, "Yeah...I still dont know the whole story but my powers are....possibly evil in origin. I try not to kill people or rob banks though for what its worth. It may be a dead doppleganger, maybe something else. I've gotten an ...interesting portent I'm still working out, possibly linked to this town in some way. And the fact that you were diverted here somehow is weird. We're in Maine, on what should be a nature preserve in the middle of nowhere. Little details dont seem quite right. Jovian or Bolo is good.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie nods as she listens to Jovian.

Definitely a good active listener, eye contact. Nodding. Listening.

Once he is done though she mmmms softly. "Okay. That sounds totes like a lot. I'm hearing that you have dopplegangers. Potentially evil powers but are trying to do te right thing with them. Also visions... that is what portents are right... I think it would be inappropriate to google that right now. Portents are like prophecies or visions right." she finally trails off that topic. "Is Jovian or Bolo your call sign...?"

"Oh .. right... so what was the prophecy?"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson suddenly looks very uncomfortable and almost doesnt answer, but simply says, "If they are to be believed I am going to lead a very dark fate if I keep doing this...kind of thing. Had doppleganger. He is ex post facto," except that he may be alive inside you somehow but hey whats a little dead guys memories between friends. "Portents are...yeah, omens. Hints, shadows, horoscopes with images. It was a movie no one should ever have to see. Jovian is my name, Bolo is the call sign." He is anxious to change the subject and looks around, "The will signing is supposed to be this big event tonight, whole town is supposed to come out for it. Any...vibes besides me? Odd feelings?"

The sun is setting, casting long dark shadows on the town which do seem odd and spindling. The whole time seems to slow a bit and folks stop what they are doing as the clock strikes 6pm and folks stare at the clock on the window.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
"Bolo might be good then. Keep it profesional and all." which Charlie is pleased to think of herself as.

She looks around slowly letting him change the subject.

"Okay.. yeah the vibes here are really really not good I'd say. The whole place feels a bit like you feel. I mean now that I am really focusing on .. well more than you it is everything. All the people. All the buildings. Everything."

She looks past the people and their staring. "The problem is in the townhall.. like that clock and the whole... it is .. uuuuck.. what is the word." she chews on it a moment as the thing tolls "The center... nexus... " she just finally flail points towards the townhall. "Thar she blows."

Okay maybe not very professional.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson chuckles, "Yeah its hard to think of myself as Bolo without my gear, and if you're getting a vibe like what I give off...for the ENTIRE TOWN?" The hairs on the back of his neck stand up. "Misfit, I hate to be 'that guy' but really, this is very very dangerous. My power can check me out if things get too dangerous. I appreciate the sense of the vibe, but this is purely an intelligence gathering mission. I need to go in that building but the scale of this just became a lot larger..." he doesnt even have his guns or gear. He suddenly looks at his hand and sees a shadowy gun....it looks like its made out of slicked oil and shadow but gun it is....and he frowns, putting it away so it isnt obvious he is carrying. He moves forward, looking around as several people from the town also move to the assembly town hall as people stand in two lines, moving at an unnervingly ..orderly pace.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie snap points at the shadow gun that Jovian just materializes into his hand like that. "That is really freaking cool Bolo." she says chipperly.

Yeah despite the whole town having an evil shadowy doom sort of vibe of wrongness going on, the teen is pretty upbeat about the whole situation.

She does listen when he tries to warn her off, but as he starts to walk towards the townhall she, falls in with him. "Creepy. Also don't worry I can bounce out whenever I want... I mean I didn't bring my gear because I thought this was a hot dog run not a fighting horrible evil run.... but I have been trained by some of the best assassins and ninjas in the world. They even say I am getting pretty decent." yup still cheerful. That is another good word for her.

Also say what...?

Jovian Anderson has posed:
"Yeah...I suppose it is at that. Its usually a Bolo." Why even stop at a pistol, why not summon a rocket launcher? He waits a moment...no such rocket launcher appears. Of course. He arches an eyebrow at the positive attitude facing shadowy tentacle horrors, but who knows, maybe tentcles will not be involved this time. He nods, if she can teleport, that works and having a second pair of eyes in a weird town that isnt there that can pass word back is still good. He nods, "Training helps."

He looks at the townies marching two by two into the damn hall and looks at Charlie and...moves right in with them, inviting her to get in the other line. Assuming they enter, a few odd looks at Charlie, but no one seems to look at Jovian twice, a fact that he does not like at all as people sit down in nice little folded chair rows and wait for a large fat man to get up to the podium. Jovian skips several chairs and moves to the back and nods for Charlie to follow. This whole situation creeps him out.

"Welcome folks, normally something like the reading of the will would, as you know take place in the manor house but Colonel Withers really wanted the whole town to hear the good news," Everyone is looking and smiling at each other. The man starts to read out a list of the most mundane items to each member of the town, one at a time; garden sheers, Broadway theater tickets, a bike.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Can she ever teleport, even if something went wrong that landed her here.

Everything will probably be fine right.


Anyhow. "Training has been super helpful. Especially the improv weapon training at this moment..."

Charlie seems pretty unbothered about the whole odd looks from a few people as she falls into line and meanders inside. Very orderly for once. It is rare. She also takes the hint from Jovian to sit near him. Okay even stranger, reading of a will to the town and everyone seems happy. Way too happy about garden sheers. I mean the tickets are pretty cool sounding. But garden sheers. She looks at the person who got them puzzled.

Then she looks ot Jovian and archs one eyebrow.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Its all, insanely orderly, but the more the two of them look at this, the more...odd it seems. There are no side conversations among the people in the town. They stand and nod when read, and then all of a sudden, the guy reading the will says, "And to Jovian Anderson I leave the local movie theater."

He looks around, curious, and says, "Jovian Anderson?"

Jovian does not rise.

The town official looks ...confused, but looks to someone in the front row, shrugs, nods and keeps reading.

The hairs on Jovian's neck stand out on end. "Run," he whispers quietly, "Teleport out, go, now, fast."

He stretches his arms, and quietly backs out of back doors and a few people look around and the man reading he will shouts, "He's here!" Seeing Jovian's back as he runs out, hopefully with Misfit in tow.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie does that whisper beneath her breath thing. "Movie theater, neat." which despite no side talking is pitched just for Jovian.

Training by Ninjas indeed.

"Uh.. okay." she notes when he says rtun and teleport out. She glances along though as he starts to run for the door and there is a >POP of CHAOS< to anyone attuned to sensing magic and a slash of pinkish purple smoke where Charlei was sitting.

She is standing in the street waiting for Jovian as he runs out. "So time to bail then?" she .. definitely was behind him in the building.

She can either move fast or teleport for sure.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
He is a bit shocked that she is still here, but nods, "Yeah this...none of this feels right. How did they know my name? And a movie theater? That's just like what the brotherhood showed me....this....this isnt right."

As one, people outside begin to stand and move to the doors, quietly, keeping an eye out for the two of them. Meanwhile, the arcane engine down in the basement, furiously pumping to keep this chunk of the Kingdom here is slowed down and the town begins to ...blur. Long shadows become even longer and both Jovian and Misfit can see...things in the shadows just outside of the corner of their eye, winged and tentacled things that find them and the other people emergging from the town very very interesting. And as Jovian runs for the town's edge there are at least two screams behind them.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie jogs along with Jovian. Perhaps too curious for her own good.

She definitely doesn't miss the blurring of the scenary though. Or the tentacles. Head turning this way and that way trying to get a good look at it all. "Bit demonic if you ask me." she does feel a bit of an expert these days.

"So uh... if you can get out fast... why are you running for the border?"

The scream causes her to glance back. "It feels like this may be the right point to teleport and meet up to discuss later sometime?"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "Because my way of bugging out involves becoming a shadow, but the more I do that, the more I have...." he looks around and lowers his voice, "blackouts...." the haze on the towns colors moves to darker and darker shadows. It isnt that the town is an illusion; it is that it is from another reality and forced by tremendous energy and arcane technolgy somewhere it doesnt belong, PROJECTED along with inhabitants against the vastness of the darkness, "Yeah that sounds good." He hands her a card, "Demonic?" He chews the word in his mind and shakes his head, "This is...something else." He fires his pistol into the head of a Biyakee that flys out of the shadows but spots Jovian, and starts to flee until the hole gets put into its head and it dies, "Teleport. We can discuss later. People need to know what happened here."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie glances down at the card and skims it then looks up. "Well.. that looked pretty demonic." about the Biyakee. "Either way.. very wrong.... okay catch you later Bolo."

She salutes with a tap of the card to her forehead and then steps glances around one more time "I need a gun like that or something ... well okay no guns against the rules... but still. Awesome." she then waves.

There is another burst of chaos magic, a slash of pinkurple smoke and the teenager is in Metropolis.

She still wants that hot dog.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson runs for the border as the town dessicates around him, breaking into smaller and smaller pieces, there are several people running after him, but none see his face, especially since while he doesnt become a shadow, he is collecting shadows around him moving as fast as he can. Once he does, he spots a few people looking right AT him before the entire town vanishes into shadow, becoming nothing but trees and a dirt road that it had previously been.

And Jovian is 20 miles from anywhere in the middle of a national park. Swearing, he starts moving down the road.