6256/Only Have Eyes For You

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Only Have Eyes For You
Date of Scene: 17 May 2021
Location: Jubilee and Noriko's Room
Synopsis: Noriko and Jubilation come back to the room after Jubilee's most recent shift at Burger Joint. Jubilee tries to put to rest any feelings of jealousy lingering in Noriko. After all, Jubes only has eyes for Nori.
Cast of Characters: Noriko Ashida, Jubilation Lee

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Scott says don't race through the school, but Nori's never observed the rule.  It's a quick trip back to the mansion and up to their room.

Suddenly, they stop, it's still dark in there, and then half moment later Nori flicks on the lights.  Sluuuuuurp.  The refill of Sprite when no one was 'looking' is now gone too.  She shakes the ice and says nothing.

"Here's your tip.  That Curtis guy wouldn't give it to you obviously."  Nori snags the bill from just inside her waistband and offers it up without any fanfare.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Peeewwww. That's almost the sound made by Jubilee's Burger Joint shirt getting thrown across the room. Now in the tank top previously hidden, Jubes reaches up and yanks at the hair tie keeping it up. She sets her phone down on her bedside table and walks past Noriko on her way to the bathroom. "I'm not taking your money," she replies quietly, even bringing the backside of her hand up to move Nori's out of the way.

    Jubes begins to run a brush through her hair -- slowly, carefully, methodically. Anything to get any last remnants of Burger Joint off of her person. "So when are we going for that pizza and movie?" she calls out from her position in front of the bathroom mirror.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
The run had given Noriko just the little jog she needed to work off her feelings, so can she help it when her eyes follow after Jubilation when she walks past.  Surely she has things to do other than staring at her girlfriend.

Nori's hand drops and she slips the money away, nonplused by the obstacle Jubes presents.  "Huh?"  Then an echo of her earlier feelings rebounds.  "I thought you were the one with the fuller schedule," Noriko comments, eyes half-lidded.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "What do you mean?"

    Brush, brush, brush. Jubilee doesn't sound concerned or even confused, just inquiring. "School's out for the summer -- isn't that amazing -- and we work the same number of days at our salt mines..."

    Brush, brush, brush. "Though, I really think I can make this notary thing work out, so then..."

    Oh. Jubilee's nose wrinkles a little as she gets a glimpse at what Noriko might be implying. Jubilee folds her arms across her chest and leans her shoulder on the bathroom door frame. "Nori...." she says softly.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko turns to go sit on Jubilee's bed.  Nori's bed is full of stuff, as required by the law of the land.  She slumps over a little, looking down at her shoes.

"Yeah, fucking amazing..."  Noriko mumbles back as her brain churns behind that stare.  The notary comment doesn't even register and she only looks up at her name.

"Huh?"  Nori briefly wonders if she let time slide by faster when she sees Jubilee suddenly there at the doorfram, if that's even possible.  The brief thought disarms her, but not long enough to derail her.  Her face is still drawn into that pout that is not so dissimilar from how she looks when she's concentrating.

At Jubilation's softness, Noriko keeps up her stubborn front in the stretching silence.  She finally bursts.

"He was all over you!"  He didn't touch her.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Blink. Blink. Jubilee purses her lips and calls a mental time out. How to best handle this? This is not at all what Jubilation was expecting. Here was Noriko Ashida, the toughest girl at school, sitting on the edge of her bed feeling...

    "...Nori, are you jealous?" She sounds shocked. Jubilee sets the hairbrush down and walks towards the bed. One shoe is kicked off towards the northern wall. The other goes flying to the east.

    "Nori..." Jubilee repeats, her voice just cresting above a whisper.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
They look like little breaths, so rapid, but they aren't.  Noriko's just stewing closer to her natural velocity of being.  Sparse little bolts kick up her arms from the cuffs of her gauntlets, suppressed into stop motion.

"No," Noriko growls.  "...Yes," she admits softly only a beat later.  "But I have every right to be!" she tries to insist indignantly, though it comes off a little weak.  Her expression softens, eyes like burning coals, trying to hide a whole mix of emotions.  She takes a deep breath.  "What?"

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Are you serious?" Her tone isn't aggressive, but rather shocked. She doesn't believe it. "Nori..." Jubilee lowers herself to the bed and sits, her legs dangling over the side.

    "If there's anyone who has no business being jealous... it's you. You are..." Jubilation fails to find the right words. "...you're..." Her face wrinkles up as she searches for the best way to say it.

    "You're my someone." She looks up and smiles at the other girl.

    "I...just... You have no reason to be jealous. Especially not of that guy!"

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Nori's head dips at Jubes' initial question.  She already knew she overreacted.  "I can't help it," she murmurs as she looks at looks down when she feels Jubilee's hand against her's in happenstance, perhaps?  It doesn't matter to Nori.

Noriko looks to Jubilee.  "You're mine too..."  She sighs.

"I don't know what I was thinking."  There is a sliver of saving face in those words, in the shaky confidence and it gets stronger with each word.

"So dinner and a movie?"

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Apparently the deflection isn't enough for Jubilation. She's not buying it. Jubes shifts her weight and draws one leg across Noriko's lap and moves to face her. "Nori..." A hand is brought up to the other girl's cheek.

    "You have no reason to be jealous," she repeats softly. "I mean... I didn't even /realize/ what was going on. That's how far from my mind that guy was. I thought you were asking me on a date -- that's why I said it sounded wonderful."

    Jubilee shifts her weight a little and scooooots forward, closer. "Besides... That happens on the reg. Almost every day," she adds casually.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Jubilation gets Noriko's attention rather quick, jarring the girl out of her thoughts.  Noriko closes her eyes and sighs at a speed halfway between her own and Jubilee's natural rhythms as if she were luxuriating in it, relaxing a little.

"You did?" Nori blinks at the revelation of why Jubilee said yes.  "Oh.  Oops."  Noriko shrugs softly.  As Jubilee moves closer, Nori can't help but give in to wrapping her arms around her girlfriend.  After a brief pause.  "I love you."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
Jubilation smiles and nods. "Yes," she answers. Her smile shifts to one of silent laughter. "Seriously, you think I'd be interested in that Yard Turdson or whatever his name was?" Her own arms move to wrap around Noriko. "With all those 'huns' and 'dahlins' ... I swear, Nori..."

    Jubilee laughs softly and presses herself against Noriko in a hug. "Don't be silly," she whispers. "I love you, too."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Good one."  Noriko holds Jubes in a joyfully tight hug for what feels like a squeezes worth of time to Jubilee.  And then Nori's feeling flip forward.  "Poor guy has no idea what he is doing...or up against," she says with a smirk.

"So.  What kind of food are you in the mood for?"  Of course Nori's thinking about the food.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Perhaps to prove a point, Jubilee doesn't follow Noriko into that familiar stream of false confidence and bravado. "I'm not joking," she whispers. "I can't remember what his name even was. It wasn't Yard Turdson?" She pulls her head back so Noriko can see her smile. "No one can go up againt you, Nori."

    On the subject of food. Jubilee shrugs her shoulders, shifting her weight a little from side to side. "I mean, yeah, I /guess/ we could leave...." More shifting of her weight. "...Buuuut, if we do..."

    "Not burgers."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Okay I get it.  I'm undefeated.  Invincible.  Hungry."  Noriko can't help but beam at Jubilee's smile.  Jubilee has banished any of those murky shadows clouding Nori's mood.

"I could eat a burger and you wouldn't even know it," though Noriko isn't accounting for the skills Jubilation has built up while flipping burgers or whatever they have her do there.  Noriko's usually not paying attention to Jubilation's workplace duties and definitely not how well she does them or doesn't.

Nori lets out a little noise as she feels Jubilee shifting against her.  "Okay no burgers," she concedes before drawing Jubilation into the kiss she'd been obsessing over for how long now?  She doesn't know.  Fingers weave through Jubilation's hair and play at her hairline.