6385/Gathering the Troops

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Gathering the Troops
Date of Scene: 30 May 2021
Location: Lorna's Balcony Room
Synopsis: Lorna and Clarice discuss the Genosha situation, and how to go forward.
Cast of Characters: Lorna Dane, Clarice Ferguson

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane had quite a lot on her plate as of late due to numerous circumstances. It had left her a bit out of touch with the X-Men, and the school, though she still made occasional trips out here to act as a home away from home when dealing with issues in New York regarding Genosha. Now she had come back once more though she stayed locked in her room using the quiet time alone to do some deep and hard thinking.

There's a laptop set on the table replaying the media coverage of Magneto's remarks regarding Asteroid M and Genosha on loop. It's been playing in the background for quite some time as the once and current Queen-in-question sits drumming her fingers against a notepad resting on her lap. The pen she opted for dipped and swayed in the air in front of her just as idly. It perhaps showed more of her inner aggitation though as it would occasionally dance, slice, and stab as if it were attempting to prove the idiom 'the pen is mightier than the sword.' Not unsurprisingly it often came at the time that Magneto was making certain remarks.

"Fuck." Another stab-slash of the pen in the air occurs just as Lorna drops her head into one upraised palm to rub over her temples. Things had been put off long enough. The hand atop the pad strays to the side to grasp her cellphone. It was already set to a particular number though she hadn't brought herself to push the send button until now. "Clarice, could you come to my room? We have much to discuss."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Strangely, there's the sound of a phone ringing, just outside Lorna's door as Clarice pauses with her hand raised to rap. She answers it on instinct, without the number having registered - and a wide, amused smile grows on her features. The phone clicks off without a word of response - instead the handle on the door turns as the young mutant takes this as sufficient invitation to enter. "You're sure you don't have latent psychic abilities? Have they checked for that lately?" she asks as she steps in, closing the door behind her.
    "...I really need to talk to you, too," she adds - her gaze going for a moment to the video file on loop, then back to her friend, and her //Queen//. "He didn't call you first?" she guesses.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane drops her hand away from her head as the sound of a phone ringing in stereo reaches her awareness. As it's followed immediately after by Clarice entering it earns a bemused smile in response. "At least I needn't worry about having pulled you away from something else. I did intend to ask that first. It's just..." Her hand waves in the air to take in everything from the laptop to the pen to the world in general with one vague gesture.

"Of course he didn't. Not a peep." Though she tries there's an edge of annoyance, perhaps even venom, in her tone. It's hard to tell due to the look of mingled disapointment and even uncertainty she shoots the video on the laptop. "Honestly if I were a latent telepath that might help me figure out what goes through his mind sometimes. Would you like some coffee? It's not the greatest but I do have a Keurig in here," she offers as she recalls to be hospitable to guests.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Should I make two cups?" Clarice asks as she makes her way towards the machine - taking out an old pod and tossing it into the trash as she slots a new one into place. "I just got done talking with Summers," she offers, as she slips a cup into place under the machine. "He made an... interesting request." Was that a little venom of her own creeping into her voice? That he made it, initially, in front of //witnesses// was a real problem. What was he //thinking//?
    Turning around, she leans back against the counter behind her before she adds, "Honestly, I don't think the telepathic powers would help. He's paranoid about Xavier - remember?" she remarks - lifting both of her hands towards her head, and drawing them downwards, as she mimes the shape of the helmet he's ever-so-fond of.

Lorna Dane has posed:
"He's paranoid about *everything*, Clarice. That includes me. Trying to get close to him even as his child is no small feat. One that," Lorna adds with a shake of her head, "I don't think I've managed at all. I try. Then things like *this* happen." Another vague gesture at the laptop is given before she seems to realize that her pen was still swaying in air. It's snagged abruptly to tuck to the side with the notepad. "If you wouldn't mind making another I'd appreciate it."

"Summers? That must have been an interesting conversation. An eyebrow lifts questioningly. "Do you want to share or is it personal? I understand if that's the case. Though I would hope you have better taste than that."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice just //stares// for a moment. "Oh, God. Oh God, Lorna. If you weren't my //Queen// I'd throw this coffee at you!" she protests - before letting out a laugh. "No, nothing like that!" Besides - can you imagine what would be said around the proverbial water cooler on Asteroid M if the rumor that she was dating Scott Summers started going around? That's not even worth thinking about. She gives a little shudder - and pulls the first coffee out of the machine, and sets a second cup to percolate. The first cup is brought over to Lorna and offered without a word.
    "No. Summers, he- He's worried about your father's mental state. He asked me - he asked in front of Kitty, and two //students// - to let him know if your father becomes 'unstable.'" She doesn't bother to disguise the anger that such audacity (and idiocy) invokes in her.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane lets out a small breath of apparent relief at the protestations. Though given her smile it may have been she was just teasing her friend a little bit to lighten the mood. The coffee is received in both hands along with a dip of her head. "I rather thought as much but with the kind of year that has been going on..." Trailing off she grins far more authentically. "Thank you." Just as she's about to sip at the coffee the explanation is given causing her to pause with the cup mere centimeters from her lips.

"At least some things stay the same: Scott Summers is an idiot. Brillaint strategist, mind, but not so much when it comes to dealing with people." A long, lengthy sigh is let out. "That request could certainly have been handled with far more tact, if at all." It's here she pauses to regard Clarice anew. Sitting forward in her seat she places the coffee down on the table in front of her.

"Clarice... Speaking of being Queen... I feel it's obvious that my father intends to retake his role in Genosha after this proclamation of his. I haven't yet had the chance to speak to him of it, of course. What do *you* want to do, though? If I were to insist on remaining Queen, would you continue to support me or would you prefer to follow my father again?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice studies Lorna's features as she talks - and lets out a quiet huff of air. "That's- well. That's the real question, isn't it? It's a mess." How can she serve both her King, and her Queen? She turns back towards the Kuerig to retreive her own cup - her back to Lorna as she asks, "Do you //want// to be Queen? I thought the whole royalty thing..." She gestures vaguely with one hand rather than finishing the sentence. Retrieving her own cup, she doses it with cream and sugar before taking a seat near Lorna, turning to face her with both hands wrapped around the cup.
    "In the grand scheme of things - does it matter what //I// want? I want whatever's best for Genosha. For our people. For establishing and protecting safe, free society for mutant. For keeping that society safe."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"That," Lorna affirms with a soft smile toward her friend, "Is precisely why what you want *does* matter so much." Scooping up her own cup of coffee once more she sits upright properly, one leg draping over the knee of the other. "I'm not entirely fond of being royalty, no. However. It's clear our people, Genosha, needs a leader that they can properly rely upon. After what happened I'm not entirely certain that individual is my father any longer."

"Don't get me wrong; I can see the point of why he did what he did. It's just there are times he can be so... so *stubbornly bullheaded* that he neglects those around him in the process." Pausing she finally takes a sip of the dark coffee letting the warmth and bitterness wash down her throat. Let it burn away anything ruder she might wish to say. Though really, judging by how she looks tired, she likely needed the caffiene in the first place. "Perhaps I should hold an election. I would feel far better being a Queen-Elect than just stepping in because he ran things first. It would also give Genoshians a chance to help choose their own future."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Queen isn't generally... an elected position," Clarice remarks in amusement. Her expression sobers as she adds, "I don't think he was really himself - in that moment. I still don't understand it, really. I mean- he's harsh. He always has been, I have no doubts about that. But his love for his people has always been what motivated him. So why would he...?" She lets out a sigh, staring down at her coffee. It was clear how much the construction of Asteroid M bothered her, as well. And she //lives// on the damned thing.
    ...it's actually pretty nice.
    But that she has such luxury, while many of the people of Genosha are still living in //camps//? While so many still don't have answers to what happened to their loved ones? "Do we even have the infrastructure in place to hold an election? Don't we need more rebuilding first? And- well. It seems a bit premature to discuss the possibilities without at least getting your father in a room..." Though how does one manage that? She mostly sees him when she gets the message that it's time to play chauffer.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane closes her eyes at the obvious things pointed out. "No, of course not. I'm just generally thinking of ways to try to resolve this since talking to him may likely not happen for quite awhile. Right now the main goal, no matter *who* is in charge, is to get that infrastructure in place. We were making such good progress." A disgruntled expression creeps over her face. "With the removal of the metal from Genosha it's put us back to square one. Perhaps even less. We at least had *materials* to work with before. If father has found a source of ore it would be highly beneficial to Genosha. It's something I've been fighting over how to resolve."

"Water, and electricity are essential. It's the warm season so that is a both a boon and deadly for lack of these facilities. Longer daylight hours mean less need for electricity, but it also means a higher chance of sun stroke and dehydration." Chewing at the inside of her cheek she offers, "I was debating reaching out to Namor to see if we could potentially scavenge metals from the ocean in a way that wouldn't harm his own people."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I honestly believe he means to make things right. That he regrets what happened. He promised the metal, he'll bring it. As long as the people of Genosha are willing to accept it - and I think it'd be foolish to turn it away." Clarice offers a smile as she adds, "And you know you always have my help - whatever's needed. If we can get pallets of water and food donated... building supplies, tents, water purifiers- whatever's needed. There's no need to wait on shipping and send things by air, or boat. I'll get them there. If I could help with finding the donations, I would..." But she was hardly the best face to put on things. And it helped to have a very firm grasp on literacy to pull of such things.

Lorna Dane has posed:
"I know. Water purification seems the best long term solution..." Lorna pauses realizing she's letting all the details get in the way of things again. It could be overwhelming most of the time. So she takes another drink of her coffee to let her gather her thoughts. "I wouldn't turn him away. That again, I would leave to the people, but we would be foolish to turn him away. I more question as to *where* he found this mass of metal for the taking. The last thing we need is to cause some international incident that would bring more ire toward our nation. This is why we need to talk to him."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "But how can we leave it to the people without a means of taking a vote?" Clarice points out. "For now - you're their voice. And even if he didn't reach out to you directly, I think he's acknowledging that. I mean, if he still thought he was King and in charge, he wouldn't have made an //offer// to the people of Genosha. He would have just done what he wished."
    She gives a shrug of her shoulders as she adds, "So, //your Majesty,// - once we figure out where this metal is coming from... We tell him yes. I mean, assuming there's no entanglements."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"That..." Lorna pauses letting those words sink in. The laptop was still looping the video quietly repeating exactly what Clarice had just pointed out. An almost defeated sigh comes as she dips her head down heavily. "You're right. I hadn't considered it from that viewpoint. Thank you, that was precisely what I needed to hear." The coffee is tipped back to drain the final bit in one large gulp before she sets the empty mug down with a clink on the table. The latop is finally reached for to flick it off.

"I suppose all that's left is getting his attention, then."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Amusement flickers across her features at Lorna's reaction, as she lifts her cup to her in response, taking a sip. "Well. That's what I'm here for. To sort out matters of succession. If there's one thing I know, it's the Royal Family," she says with amusement. Given the amount of weight she, at least, puts on that.
    "I told Summers, by the way, that I don't report to the X-Men. But I also told him - in private - that I do report to //my Queen//." She pauses for a moment to let that sink in before she adds, her expression slowly turning solemn - or perhaps even grim. "If I ever have cause to think your father poses a risk to Genosha, or its people, in //any//way..." Then Lorna will hear about it.
    But he would never truly wish to harm his people - when he's in his right mind. So it's not a betrayal. Right? ...right?

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane lets out a soft chuff of laughter at the first. It's the rest which garners her serious consideration once more. "That is all I could ever ask. I do hope it never comes to that, but should it. It should be handled by family first," she reasons with a deep nod. "Thank you once again. You are, and have always been, someone I can trust implicitly."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Always, Your Majesty," Clarice responds with a smile, nodding her head to Lorna. She //knows// Lorna hates it when she uses the title. She usually only does it jokingly - but she's deadly serious in this moment. Because this was a moment that calls for it. Rising to her feet and setting aside what remains of her coffee she adds, "I should head back to the Asteroid, then? I'll see if there's anything I can do on my end to make a meeting happen?" Though what she can accomplish that Lorna can't do herself... "Hell. If it comes down to it, I can give you a ride up. But maybe we save that play for a little bit."