6608/Low Volume Look Around!

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Low Volume Look Around!
Date of Scene: 18 June 2021
Location: Location
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Nazo Sarwani, Stefani Houston

Nazo Sarwani has posed:
"Mission? What do you mean?" Nazo stared down at her (ancient, beat-up flip-)phone before putting it up to her ear again. It was the number they said it would be. "Reconnaissance. Warehouse district. Right." She sighed inwardly, getting ready to jot down the details.

Quiet would also have received a similar phone call.

The gist of which were that a dangerous gang had been moving a drug of unknown provenance into the city. The gang had been traced into Chinatown, but from there the trail went quiet. Two assets known for stealth in operations have been activated to find the headquarters so that proper surveillance and later assault can be performed.

Thus it is that Nazo and Quiet find themselves at the primary ingress/egress point meeting for the first time to nail down the final mission parameters before going in to find the perps.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Calls with Quiet tended to be a little more...onesided. Of course, she could make noises of affirmative or negative, but asking questions or making an actual complaint was...a little more difficult for the woman.

Technically this was a recon, not a mission intending on lethal force...but that didn't mean she wasn't armed. This sort of job was more an obligation than a passion and the last thing she needed was to die on something so minor.

When she arrived, Quiet looked more like she were out to engage in a littler exercise rather than tactical espionage, a midriff-baring sports top worn along with a pair of yoga pants. Perhaps she planned to blend in as a civie...but at least it was less eye-catching than a bikini and stockings on the battlefield!

Arriving at the RV point, the woman's eyes swept over the space, assessing her apparent 'partner' and for threats in all.

Nazo Sarwani has posed:
Nazo couldn't be more different. She looks like someone cosplaying as a ninja: all black except for a red sash at her wait, head and face covered. Only ninja don't wear robes. They wear pyjamas (in effect).

In terms of looking unobtrusive ... well, this is New York. There are Muslims. Just ... not usually in Chinatown.

Identification exchanged, Nazo looks over her temporary partner.

"I'm supposed to use my code name. Habub. I infiltrate."

And kill, but that's not being mentioned.

"You are?"

Stefani Houston has posed:
It wasn't the first time that Quiet had worked alongside Muslim fighters, even if her own appearance during her time in Afganistan had probably fueled the rumor that she was some sort of dangerous demon, but faced with Nazo the difference was quite stark.

Introductions offered, Quiet's answer is apptly silence, a tilt of her head for a moment.

Perhaps it would be taken for rudeness, but she simply lifts one hand to her mouth, pressing a single finger to her lips.

The hand lowers now, pointing to her mouth before she offers a shake of her head.

Perhaps they'd understand, perhaps not, but Quiet wasn't exactly holding out hope that a randomly assigned partner was fluent in sign.

Nazo Sarwani has posed:
Well, that explained the ruggedized tablet they gave her.

Nazo produces the tablet from under her abaya, turning it on.

"Can you use this?" She holds it across with its so-called T9 keyboard plus stock phrases and predictive input. "I guess you're supposed to type on this and then I talk verbally? Or do you need me to type too?"

Stefani Houston has posed:
A nod, her hand reaches out to take the tablet. Thankfully the era of smart devices had indeed made things a lot easier for the mute muderess.

Swift taps of her fingers bring up her answer, her eyes lifting to the other woman.

<You can speak aloud. I am mute, not deaf. You can call me 'Quiet'.>

Nazo Sarwani has posed:
"I am, as I said, called Habub. I'm given to understand you're very stealthy. I'm quite good at that myself and can get us into spaces more easily that cracking locks and such would entail. I think between the two of us we should do fine."

She pauses, eyes enigmatic because the rest of the face isn't visible.

"I would be more comfortable with you in charge," she finally says. "Which means you need to know how I work." She gestures to a nearby abandoned, condemned building. "If we step out of public view, I'll demonstrate and you can figure out how to dispatch me."

Stepping into the doorway she stops existing as a person and starts existing as a cloud of sand and dust moving in a whirlwind. The whirlwind bifurcates into two ropy strands of roiling sand which then meet on the other side of a barrier to have her reform. She turns back and watches Quiet's reaction stoicly.

Stefani Houston has posed:
A pause, the silent woman nods and moves to follow, giving a little pause as she watches the sand demonstration. She'd seen similar before, rock more than sand but still similar...but that was another life.

Interesting, but a little shift and she lifts the tablet. <And you use that to go under a door? Unlock it silently? And can you carry equipment with you?>

Often she'd worked alone, or supporting another. Playing the leader was...less common.

Nazo Sarwani has posed:
"I can't carry well, no. I can move some things along, for example, like pushing it as if flowing water. Keys, for example. Or key cards. Nothing that can't stand a bit of grit, though. My silicates are very sharp."

She snorts a bit behind her niqab.

"But yes, under a door, through ventilation. Mouse holes even. If a stream of sand about this thick..." She holds her fingers apart under a centimetre separated. "...can fit through it, then so can I with ease. Smaller than that and it's slow and quite a chore. You've seen how hourglasses work, I presume?"

She looks out the door. "So shall we? I would suggest we stick together and I only head off alone if we need to open something without breaking."

Stefani Houston has posed:
Less stealthy than she's like, not traceless...but neither was picking a lock if she was honest. A nod of her head, Quiet shifts a little.

She was used to travelling light, but the lack of the comfortable rifle pressing against her back had her feeling practically naked.

A hand lifted to beckon, the tablet is tucked into her jacket as best it can and then she points upwards. A rooftop infiltration seems the course of action preferred...and when she simply -leaps- upwards to touch down atop the building? Well it's pretty clear she has a trick or two of her own!