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Training | |
Date of Scene: | 27 June 2021 |
Location: | Gym in Metropolis |
Synopsis: | Jovian begins training with Quiet, it goes well. |
Cast of Characters: | Jovian Anderson, Stefani Houston
- Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian has been doing everything he can to lessen using his powers. As he gets better at his powers that becomes harder and harder but the price of the memory gaps is unacceptible. He's found that upgrading the tech he uses is a LOT harder than it looks so he's starting with the one thing he can upgrade most, himself. He did some research in the mercinary networks he was already apart of and hired the person who seemed the best fit for what he was seeking. He's waiting at a privately rented gym in a basement in Metropolis.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Work was work and frankly, her obligations to a certain agency isn't going to keep both her time and her bank account filled.
A gym meeting or not, Quiet wasn't exactly going to be turning up in a bikini and tactical gear tonight. Instead a simple pair of workput shorts and a sports bra under a light unzipped hoodie jacket, the dark-haired woman pushes her way through the door.
- Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian is impressed enough by the curved physique but gentleman and professional enough to glance once and only once, and then keep eye contact only. He nods, "Quiet?" He only had a code name to go on and is himself dressed in a t-shirt and sweat pants. There is plenty of gear of course, but the point of renting the gym is to have on hand what he needs and the point of renting the place out himself is so he doesnt show others what he can or cant do. "I selected you because I need to train against meta humans, since I am one, but dont want to use my powers. I need to really up my game, a lot. Call me Bolo."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
A little nod from the woman, her arms are crossed at her chest as she inclines her head. With her senses and sight, the slightest glance was enough to have the room clocked in her mind after all.
No words, much like her namesake, instead she simply nods again and gestures to the space.
- Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian takes her up on it. He didnt hire her for her conversation after all. She can tell from his step he is an experienced combatant, and more experienced in the last year and a half but no heavy. Ergo why he is asking for training after all. He gets into fighting stance and waits for her to attack or gesture for him to approach.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
As tempted as Quiet might usually be to be fast and efficient, maining or killing someone within 5 minutes wasn't going to get her paid. At least, not this time.
Gesturing with a beckoning finger, Quiet moves into a relaxed stance, nothing ornate and seemingly looking like it were out of some military handbook, she was going to start simple and let him set the pace.
Of course, that didn't mean she was just going to -let- him hit her.
- Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian says, "Point of information, if my life is at risk, I will turn into a shadow. Too much of that is not good, why we're training. Make the attack real but do your best curve the force at the last minute to non lethal seeming." He considers and moves around. He would often create bolos here, and she almost sees something form in his hand and then stops as he moves forward and attempts to land a strike. He's fast, but its a fairly predictible angle."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Shadow powers, that was a new one...but not completely so. She'd seen something marginally similar in presentation done with dust controlling visibility.
A nod, the woman's hand slices upwards, a relatively simple but fast defence for such a telegraphed angle. Opening up his guard she lashes out with a single punch, hard enough to bruise the average human but not enough to crack bones straight into his ribs.
She could follow up, but for now she holds back, tilting her head and waiting to see if he still wished to continue.
Her powers might not be quite as mystical as Bolo's, but Quiet could go toe-to-toe with the Star-Spangled man himself if she had to!
- Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian grunts and backs up, immediately learning from the obvious attack. He can tell this is going to be a learning experience. So he decides to try a feint. He hits to one side and then comes in again. He is relentless if nothing else.
There is a PART of him that is also reluctant attacking a woman but that lasts about as long as the first reply hits and he can tell she is more than capable of dishing it out.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Still on the defensive, Quiet seems to be sticking to the approach of retaliating and reacting for the moment. His feint is parried, the sweep of the second is simply avoided by stepping backwards only to spring forwards and checking his shoulder. One heavy kick sweeping at the back of his ankle and it was clear she was going for a throw intended to land him on his back.
A slight quirk of her lips, it seemed the silent, skin-showing merc was enjoying herself.
- Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian smiles back and is relentless if nothing else. He keeps at it, eager to learn despite being thwapped again and again. He is learning but not as fast as he could be. "Let's...try this differently. After you do the counter, can you show me something I should have tried and then I'll try again, maybe with what you show me or maybe or something else?
- Stefani Houston has posed:
A nod, a smile despite herself and Quiet lifts her hands. There was no actual word from the apparent mute, but a soft 'noise' of non-verbal affirmative and she reaches out, slow-miming his own attack and then reaching out to guide him through her own sweep she'd thrown.
As it comes to the part where she would be swept in his place? Quiet turns with the motion, shifting lower and bringing her weight to bring herself facing him once more.
It wasn't strictly how to improve his feint, more a demonstration of how to recover.
- Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian tries attacking two different ways before he uses the recovery but learns it. He is a natural athlete and intelligent enough to pick up on her training. He smiles in turn and seems to be enjoying it but knowing immediately the difference in skill level. That's WHY he keeps pressing himself.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Fighting someone stronger and faster than you was hard, add better training and the difficulty would be far greater than most can deal with.
It was going to take a lot more than one lesson to learn how to fight metahumans, but if nothing else? He'd learn how to recover and keep his feet!
- Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian is relentless. He carefully keeps at it and does seem to learn that which she is teaching. He smiles and nods, paying her the agreed fee with 20% added on. "I appreiate your help. We should do this more if you are able.