6854/Can you believe this place

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Can you believe this place
Date of Scene: 09 July 2021
Location: Atlantean Embassy
Synopsis: Arthur shows Kori the new Atlantean Embassy. She breaks something expensive.
Cast of Characters: Arthur Curry, Koriand'r

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur's been a little busy lately, apparently 'official business' has taken over a good portion of his time. Even Princess Koriand'r, hero, fashion model and royal main squeeze hasn't really seen him in a couple weeks.

And so it is that she might be happy when he calls and asks her to meet him in New York, in the Upper West Side of Manhattan. When she arrives he's standing on the sidewalk in front of the entrance to a fairly ornate building guarded by.. Atlantean Royal Guards? Arthur himself is in a suit, of all things, though in deference to his sensibilities it's a black suit over a black shirt with a purple tie. His hair and beard look about the same as usual, however, adding that touch of pirate to what would otherwise be a respectable look.

He's watching the sky for her, easily spotting the trail of flame she leaves behind, and is waving to her even as she descends towards the street. "Kori, hi! I'm so glad you could make it!"

Koriand'r has posed:
Happy? Princess Korianf'r, hero, fashion model and royal main squeeze was ecstatic! Of course she understood duty and 'official business', but it had stretched on and on and she really missed Arthur. So when he called, she dropped everything and went to get ready! It didn't take much work to make herself presentable, with her collection of clothing and hair products that rarely worked, it was a breeze.

Out a window and she was off to the location, flying well above the city to avoid complaints or problems, she only dips down low when she gets close to the location she is headed for.

Spotting Arthur on the sidewalk, she dives in and comes up to quick to land on her feet, take two steps and hug him.

"Arthur!" Is exclaimed with the hug, then she lets go. "Of course I could make it! The only reason I would not have made it is if I was with the Titan's doing hero things, but even then I might consider leaving to come see you!" She giggles profusely at this, then takes his hand. "What is this place, and why are there Atlantean guards?"

Arthur Curry has posed:
Returning the hug with a tight one of his own, Arthur kisses her deeply, as he's missed her at least as badly as she missed him. Once the kiss ends, he smiles at her and gestures to the building, "Welcome to the official Atlantean Embassy, Kori. This is, apparently, where I live and work now. Thus the clothes and all, apparently I'm a little respectable now or something."

He slips an arm around her waist and heads for the entrance, "Let me show you around, it's pretty overdone, if you ask me. Given your upbringing as a princess, it'll probably be less ornate than you're used to, but it's just way too much for me."

The guards come to attention as he passes, and he nods absently at them as he shows her inside.

Koriand'r has posed:
Despite having flown here, Kori is wearing a rather nice silk blouse of creame color, a pencil skirt that hugs down her body, and a pair of heels that adds more height to her already tall form. She slips her arm around Arthur as they walk, her eyes darting from thing to thing to thing, the guards, Arthur, the building, Arthur, the shrubbery, Arthur. "You look very dapper Arthur," she comments, looking him over for the hundredth time. "Very nice and official looking, I dare say you may have even achieved, dare I say... respectable!"

When the guards snap to attention as they pass, she waves at them and offers a perky, "Good job gentlemen! Keep it up, very impressive!" Then says more quietly to Arthur, well her quietly which means they can probably still hear her, "Always good to encourage the guards, let them know they are appreciated."

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur takes her inside, stepping into the entry hall of the Embassy. The colors of the seas surround them, tastefully worked into the decor of the building. It is all very professional, high class, official looking, and completely not Arthur. Paintings of undersea scenes adorn the walls, and other pieces of art from Atlantis are displayed around the room.

Looking around, Arthur sighs and remarks, "It's kind of like living in a museum. I'm afraid to touch anything in case I knock it down and break it. I'm gonna have to think of something mean to do to Namor for making me deal with this."

He shakes his head, "I mean, I want to help my people and all, but look at this place. This is so not me. At least upstairs in my private apartment I can be a little more relaxed, although about half of it is more formal than I like for entertaining when it's not a huge official function." He waves at the dining room off to their right.

Koriand'r has posed:
Once inside Kori is forced to freeze and just stare. This is not at all what she was expecting for Arthur as a place he calls home, or even a place he works from. It was more like a palace than a business, but it made sense over all for an embassy. Slowly she starts to look around the foyer, noting the decor and colors, then finally looks back to Arthur.

"Everything in this place scream Atlantis, it is very beautiful, but it is not at all you." She walks over to some random trinket on a table, it look all bright, shiney and expensive.

Just like a cat, she looks at it, look at Arthur with a grin, then moves her hand toward it. "Afraid to break things in your own home?" Her hand inches closer. "But it is your home, and accidents happen, and everything in here is just things that can be replaced." And with that she knocks the little trinket thing onto the floor and it shatters. "If it was important, it should not have been out where that could happen. You should not worry so much about it Arthur, as you can see, I most certainly do not."

Point made she bounces back over to Arthur and hugs him, then he is given a kiss that could curl toes. When she steps back she offers a cute little, "I will help you plot against Namor."

Arthur Curry has posed:
Nodding in agreement, he relies, "Yeah, it's completely Atlantis based, which you know, makes sense since it's the embassy and all, but yeah, I don't really fit in here. I was raised in a lighthouse in Maine, not a palace in Atlantis. When I see this stuff, I think of the rooms I see any time I have to go talk to Namor, this is his kind of thing. Maybe if I had grown up in Atlantis I'd be used to this, but for now, I feel like I'm in someone else's house."

He watches her tease at knocking down the little statue, then blinks and reaches out as if to catch it, but it's too far and hits the floor, breaking as it does. "Oh my god, I don't believe you did that" is his first reaction, then he starts laughing, "Trust you to do something like that." With a grin, he asks, "But Kori, do you really worry about anything? You always stay positive and look at the best of everything, I can't even imagine what worried Kori looks like."

After the kiss and offer, he grins and says, "We'll have to think about it. Come on, I'll show you the rest of the place." He takes her hand as they wander through the dining room, the sitting room, and then out to the gardens, which are in bloom at this time of year with flowers and plants designed to give the impression of an underwater garden. "There's a lot of skill put into the place, but I mean, I'm a beer and pizza kind of guy, you know that."

Koriand'r has posed:
"There are things I worry about Arthur," she says at the tour begins. "I merely do not let them get me down. Everything in this place is meant to make others be impressed, it is like a peacock's tail. It is required to give the impression of things."

Kori is really in heaven with all this, she gets it, she understands the point, but he's right, this is a nightmare for him. Each room is studied for what it is, a dining room, sitting room, they are exactly what they are supposed to be, but so boring. The gardens however, now that has her attention. Each flower getting a sniff, at least in the beginning, there are just too many flowers and she's rather be by Arthur.

"This place may not be your style, but it serves its purpose," she offers as she takes his hand again. "You do realize you can ask for some changes, right? You are allowed to be comfortable. Perhaps not quite so much pomp?"

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur nods as she speaks, answering "Oh, I know, and the ambassador's living quarters aren't as bad - well, aren't all as bad. The office and dining room are somewhat formal for when I'm entertaining, like I said, but a couple of the rooms are mine to do with as I please. So I've got my actually stuff up there in the bedroom and living room, which is where I'll spend most of my time when I'm not being the ambassador."

He leads her back inside and up the stairs, heading into the living quarters. As he said, the first couple rooms are pretty formal, not as bad as the downstairs, but still not really him. Then he leads her through another door to the living room, and this is where Arthur fits. The walls have band posters and weapons hanging on them, and there's a large, comfortable looking couch sitting in front of a big screen TV. There's even a mini-fridge by the couch, which, if examined, would prove to be keeping beer cold.

"See? I told you some of the place was me, it's just kind of hidden behind all the official business I have to do, kind of like me in this suit."

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori phews softly, "Okay, this is much better for you. This is..." she turns in a circle and giggles. "... man cave perfect for you. Are those bands still performing?" And then she's off to look at everything in his personal space, however here... she touches nothing. She wants to mind you, she wants to pick up the t-shirts and fold them or put them in a hamper, she wants to examine the fridge and check out his closets, but she doesn't.

"You do realize we can casual your official a little, right? You can still look the part and be comfortable. When it comes to fashion, I have most certainly got you covered... in fact," she zooms back over to him and using her hands as a guide, touches him all over... getting his size. "I am going shopping for you!"