7112/Caught with Your Pants Down

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Caught with Your Pants Down
Date of Scene: 28 July 2021
Location: The Griffin
Synopsis: When did Catman become the girl here?
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Thomas Blake, Satana Hellstrom

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney had settled into the room she was given enough that she had managed a little nap after hanging up her clothes in the closet. There really wasn't much else to speak of. But having a bed, and a blanket, was pretty good of a start. Sprawled out on the bed she's staring at her phone browsing memes or something. Just a nice relaxing bit of vegging out.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake made eggs, fed the entourage and then returns to Gabby's room. Having a large amount of Denver omelet left over after most departed, he threw together a plate and went up to Gabby's room. There was a brief delay while he checked himself out and second guessing, he grabbed a robe. there, the took care of pants and hid the abs. Suitably attired he knocked and on hearing her response entered.

"Hey. I brought you a little dinner. I hope you like eggs in your pepper. Also Satana spiked this with some of her hot sauce. But your tongue can grow back, right? Kidding. I ate that spiked one. I think she got Drago too. Everything okay?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances up when Thomas enters flashing him a grin in response. She levers herself up from the spot she was sprawled laying on her stomach to swing her legs off the side of the bed so she can sit properly. "I'm all about food and I can handle spicy," she assures at the offering of Denver Omelette that was coming her way. "Thanks. I grabbed a bit of a nap. Been a long day and sometimes naps are good. You get things worked out with Mike?" She knew there was something to do with him and business but didn't have all the deets yet, after all. Almost as an afterthought she adds, "Of course everything's okay."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake comes all the way in and hands her the plate. He sits down on the bed next to her and says, "Does spicy stuff burn your mouth? You aren't able to feel pain. Is that pain?" He shrugs.

"We should talk... before my guardian demon comes in and sees me serious. She might think I'm sick. I think she's fooling with those little gremlins of hers."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney has to pause to contemplate that very interesting question while glancing down at the plate. The fork is plucked up to take a bit onto it while she considers. "I don't know. We weren't really fed anything interesting at the labs, it was all 'balanced nutritional' crap. A lot of oatmeal and vegetables. They weren't so worried about flavor or spice." She shrugs faintly and pops the bite into her mouth to chew. An eyebrow raises at the mention of being serious as she tips her head up toward him. The fact that he'd taken a spot to sit on the bed doesn't seem to phase her--It's not like there was any other furniture in the room yet. "Yeah? What about? Something with the job?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake shakes his head. "I was going to tell you, that thing with the Kitten... I'm not going to go parading like that in front of you. Neither will Terry. Everything kind of happened at once and Nick still had to go over the fucking schedule with me. We'll talk about that tomorrow... I mean I'm not going to walk around naked where you can see me. It doesn't matter to me... I lived wearing very little among the lions. But I mean... I feel almost like I'm... I mean you're like a..."

"Are you going to just let me go on or are you going to snerk or whatever and give me a damn out? Or pretend the spice got to you and run out for water? This is the longest fucking ramble in my life!" He exhales loudly. Well at least Satana is not here to witness this.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney holds up a hand to reach out and lightly pat Thomas' shoulder in a reassuring manner. "I don't know this is kind of amusing." With a lopsided grin she glances back down to her plate just staring at it a moment. An awkward clearing of her throat comes after. "I'm ... You know, I didn't have a normal upbringing by any means. My sisters and I had to change in front of each other a lot so nudity isn't really something I'm like, *ashamed* of or anything, but at the same time we tried to keep the scientists and lab assistants and guards from seeing us when we were, you know?" A little shrug is given. "I always thought I'd be okay with nudity because of that, you know? But I guess it's more being used to nudity among my sisters. Who look like me and me like them so..." Here she pauses to scratch the back of her head. "I feel like I should give you privacy and all, is all."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake spreads his hands out. "Well yeah, I don't exactly look like your sisters. Neither does Terry -though he is kind of pretty. Anyway, you got a door here now so no one is going to see anything you got. And those scientists... we're going to see to them right after we take care of Mr. Drago's demons."

He looks around the room. "Not a bad room. You need some pictures and a plant or two."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Posters, girl!" Satana says from the doorway. "Posters of half-naked, muscular men, oiled up. In gym tights. Smiling at the camera."

She steps into the room.

"Or, of course, if you're inclined that way--you mentioned something about questioning sexuality earlier--half-naked, shapely women. Oiled up. In tights or less. Smiling at the camera."

Satana regards Gabby, tilting her head. "Or if you're still unsure, mix it up. Both. Until you decide. Or until you choose not to decide and have both." She stage-whispers the next as if trying to not let Thomas hear, but saying it loud enough that the imps three doors down having a spat over something currently could hear it. "I recommend not choosing. It's more fun that way!"

Sidling over to Thomas and slipping a hand over his far shoulder, she leans against him. "So she's moving in with us? I guess I'll be the den mother that checks out all the boyfriends and/or girlfriends." Mischief and malice compete in her eyes. "Mostly for ... grasp of technique, I think."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Well I do usually have cat posters--" Gabby begins before Satana joins in causing her to actually blush. It wasn't something she did often but given the suggestions it was the reaction that comes. "I mean, I don't mind looking don't get me wrong. I just don't want to be pervy about it. Or rude. Or stare too much." The fork is stabbed into the omelette which she just hoists up to her mouth to shove as much inside as possible giving her a nice puffed chipmunk cheek look. It was great for keeping her from saying anything about anything else as she often did tend to ramble on.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake pulls Satana onto his lap and gives her a rough kiss. "Tempting a teenager has got to be low hanging fruit for you. Yeah, Gabrielle, what I said about me keeping it zipped; I make no promises for this little minx." He strokes Satana's temple down to her chin.

"Sorry if I neglected you. Terry bedazzled me... with his magic. Yes. Must be that. And you don't have to torture and damn everyone who gets in a fight with me. That is not why we hooked up. Now if you want to come out after dark and help me get that damned stump pulled up, that is different. Frigging thing is nailed in or something. Gabby can keep an eye on our noisy neighbors. Tell us when they go to watch Matlock or something."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Girls need to learn too, Thomas," Satana says petulantly as she squirms in his lap. "I mean she told us she was confused about her sexuality. I'm giving practical advice!"

And a bit of malicious teasing. But hey, demon. Look it up.

"I told you ages ago, I'm not built for this 'monogamy' ..." She makes it sound like a really filthy word. "... gig. You can have fun with whoever you like. And if they're interested, you can invite them in with both of us. I have my fun too you know!"

Anybody who's seen what she does for fun should be getting a chill right about now.

"Just promise me the giraffe remains our unholy symbol of union. That's me and you and nobody else. Ever."


"So, what did I miss while I was sorting out the foolishness of the imps today? Gabby is moving in, I got that." Beat. Looking across at Gabby, she adds, "Do you need help moving stuff? I can get the imps to clear your room and bring it here. Just ... uh ... I'd recommend you clear your underwear drawer out first and take that yourself."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney holds up a hand to wave off the mention of moving in. Or maybe just the thought of imps in her underwear drawer. "I'm not really moving in, just stashing some changes of outfits here so that if I need to I don't have to keep borrowing clothes," she explains before lifting her chin to nudge to the closet. It was still open and there were some very nice high-end dresses hanging up. "My ex was kind of rich and bought me a bunch of stuff for fancier occasions, but I don't have any use for them at the school. So, I figured here, just in case." Pausing she then adds, "Plus my roommate kind of blows things up on occasion so this might be safer for their continued existence." The topic of figuring things out is ignored as much as she can while stealing glances at the couple snuggling up to each other right next to her on the bed. She'd say get a room but this was technically Thomas' place too. "Thanks for the offer though. And I'll figure things out, just... Uh. Yeah, you're kind of hot, Satana." A solemn nod is given. "Can't blame me for having thoughts in that outfit. Or the lack of outfit Thomas had."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake continues to stroke Satana's face putting a finger across her lips. "I'm not talking about monogamy. I'm talking about neglecting you. There's stuff I do only for you. /Gabby/, take notes, whatever arrangement you have with a guy, if he doesn't live up to it, kick his ass out. And whatever you decide Gabrielle is fine with us. Or without us."

He gets up, lifting Satana as he rises. He nuzzles the demoness' ear, speaking in much the same voice he uses with lions and other predators. "C'mon, help me with the stump or send you minions out. I was at the damned thing for an hour. I'd rather be at you for an hour. Later Gabby... you need anything... Mutant stuff... make a list. I hired on someone who could help you. Oh Satana, I hired a ninja to help us out, work around the house, whacking unimportant people, but she's cool running errands."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"I'll just pull it out. You go make sure the neighbours are looking somewhere else. Do a strip-tease in the middle of the road facing away from us, OK?"

Satana clambers out of Thomas' grasp, kisses him lightly. Well, for her. Which means it takes only about 2 minutes, give or take. "Let me know when your distraction is about to start and I'll yank the stump out. I just hope it wasn't hooked up on some kind of eldritch container meant to hold back a terrible interdimensional being that seeks to destroy the world or something."

She looks across at Gabby. "Don't you hate it when that happens?"

Not waiting for the response she sashays out of the room, apparently heading to the bedroom so she can change into a 'sexy construction worker' outfit.

"I'll be ready in about five, Thomas, so get your ass ready for wiggling for the old folk!"