7182/House hunting 101

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House hunting 101
Date of Scene: 01 August 2021
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Bart and Heather discuss apartments in NYC
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Heather Danielson

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has decides he needs to have a place of his own, he may not use it much but a place where those who do not know he is a hero could visit him might be a good thing. He knows a lot of entries online but he wants to have the most info he can, so not only a tablet, but all the papers and free adverts and fliers in the greater New York city area are now resting on the table in the main titans room.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Yes, Heather has been visiting with her costume designer. What? You don't have one? I mean sure, she co-opted the woman from the modeling side of her life. But Grace is singularly talented when it comes to outfit suggestions. Thus, Heather steps off of the elevator in her new duds. All blue and gold. "Like a glove.." she mutters mostly to herself as she admires the way it -feels- on her.

    Either way, she heads for the first first thing... like usual. Once there, she starts assembling a trademark Dagwood Bumsted sandwich.

    While she works at her food construction job, she notices Bart's goings on. "Why not just move in here?" she asks.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over, and says "I got a room here I can use, unless Irie is using it, I aint sure, but I have a room back at the Roost as well. More looking for a place for Bart to live. I figure I might need it, if I have to do a study group for college, or if I want to have someone over who does not know Bart is Impulse. " He looks over and zooms around her grabbing a bag of chips before back to his seat. "Nice costume btw, new design?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Yep!" Heather exclaims, doing the model spin to show it all off. No, it's not a dental floss backside. Nope. Better coverage than that.
    But then she picks up her sandwich and heads over closer. "Guess that makes sense. Never really thought about it like that since.. I can't exactly hide who -I- am from anyone."

    She sidles closer and takes a bite of her monster sandwich. She chews for a moment as she thinks it through, "New York huh? You realize we're in Metropolis here, right? Not that you couldn't commute easily enough."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, a bit and says "Well right now, I live and work in Gotham, but go to school in New York. It is a bit of a commute for a normal person but for me not much. I figured I would look here, cause if I had all this spread out at the Roost, people might thing I am tired of living there, which I aint, I mean my friends and all there, but if I am going to be both Bart and Impulse, I figured Bart needs a place.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "And.. you can -afford- an apartment in New York? The most expensive housing market in the entire US of A?" asks Heather. "I mean, a one bedroom back home in St Louis goes for between four and five hundred a month. The same thing in New York City might be upwards of two grand a month."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over, and says "Well, I might have to do a bit more recycling to get it done. I mean, I don't need something grand, thats why I brought all this in, I figure with all this I can find the best place, and such. My job pays ok not great but ok."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Nodding her head, Heather leans in to study the documents. "Maybe something across the bridge in Jersey? Or maybe you might find someone subletting in Brooklyn or some such." she suggests. Funny that she worries about prices when she has money rolling in like mad. She is one of those rare rich girls who doesn't behave like she doesn't care about cost.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, a bit and says "I thought about that or maybe I can find a place looking for a room mate or something but that might ruin part of the whole having my own place. He flips through one paper, and as the pages are of no use he folds them into origami animals at super speed setting them aside.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Well, any teammates you can think of who might make good roommates?" asks Heather. "Anyone who also maintains a secret ID?"

    She pauses and takes another large bite, chewing thoughtfully as she tries to think of a teammate - roommate idea.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "Well, Rob has his own place, and SB does too I think. Most of the rest of that group hang out in Gotham. Not sure about Laura or Hope, but they seem to have their own lives outside of the Outsiders." He hmms "Phoebe is a gothamite, and a minor...." He hmms and says "Not sure who else might try."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Nodding her head, Heather pauses and asks, "Well, maybe see if Rob or SB want roommates at -their- places? That could be an easy problem solved if that's the case."

    And then she smiles, like she enjoys offering helpful suggestions.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Maybe SB, but I don't think Rob would plus that is in Gotham as well." He hmms and says "I know I can pretty much get the money, but would be breaking into my food funds. I use the recycling idea to pay for the food, I bring in right now." Hs hmmms and goes through more pages looking through them.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Recycling. I mean... you run around and gather recyclables and sell them?" asks Heather, "Or are you running some sort of recycling center? I mean investing in a business like that could actually be better than just doing it yourself. Ever thought about that?" she asks.

    "I'd be willing to invest some capital into it if you needed a startup fund."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "Well normally, I just run around a city and clean it and then switch cities, make sure I don't hit the same city more than once a year, so I don't take money out of others needs. I don't know anything about running a business. " He hmmms, and says "Grandpa does let places use his likeness for free food hmmm."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "So, you run around and..." Heather shakes her head, "You realize, that there are some very poor folks who collect recycling so that they can eat at all... and poof, suddenly there's nothing there. And.. you don't need to -run- a business if you own it and hire staff to run it for you. That is what delegation is all about." she adds.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and nods "Thats why I only do a city once a year, If I did more it would be a problem, but one days worth I figured is not to harsh. I have tried to make sure any way I might make money does not have any lasting effect on an area. I know Nitro does speedy deliveries, and Wally has done it in the past but thats harder with the whole secret ID.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Nodding her head, Heather ponders for a moment. "I mean sure. But... there's gotta be other ways. Plus... do you report your income and pay taxes on it? If not, and you can afford an apartment, you're going to really throw up some red flags for the IRS. Right?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "Well, I figure My real job would probably be enough for a small place, and if I need to find a way to explain it, I am sure Rob or one of the other smart types around here can find a way to help out. To be honest this is my first year I have to worry about that type of thing."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Nodding her head, Heather says, "I understand that I have been fortunate. My daddy taught me about this when I started modeling. And now I have an agent, a business manager, an investment manager, an accountant, an attorney, and a designer who work for me. It's really kind of scary when you think about it. But.."

    She pauses and inclines her head, "What -is- your real job by the way, if you don't mind me asking?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to her and says "Assistant animal curator at Gotham Zoo. I clean exhibits but also get to help with some of the animals mostly nocturnal ones. Working at Gotham at night, I think I do make a bit more than would at other zoos. Working at night and sometimes alone, I am able to do some of the job at speeds, and then if I am needed elsewhere I have time, or if not I get to spend more time with the animals." He pulls out his phone and brings up some pics of baby cheetah kittens "These guys are about two months old now."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Looking at the pictures, Heather just about melts. I mean come on, baby cheetahs! But then she shakes her head and sobers up a bit. "Okay. As adorable as those guys are, and they are... why not just get a place -in- Gotham? I am sure it is a lot more affordable."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "Well, I already have the base place there, and all, but I am going to school in New york and....." He rubs a hand through his hair and says "If I want to invite someone back to my place, some folks are scared of Gotham." He admits to the girl blushing a bit."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Ah, and now we get to the crux of the matter." offers Heather. "So, you want a bachelor pad. Not just a place to hang your coat." She grins and leans in to plant a gentle kiss on Bart's cheek, "Your secret is safe with me playah." she says.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to her, and says "I don't think I am much of a playah." He admits. I mean I went out with two girls since I been semi out on my own, one lived here for a while, and the other comes here for G.I.R.L. meetings, the first knew I was impulse, the second, well I like to think she does not, but she does know I am a speedster and knowing she comes here and I well, I think thats more fancy thinking. And to be honest she is nice and I like her but we only been out twice, and not in a while.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Well, there you go. Get your own place and you get to play the field. I'm sure there are lots of girls at NYU who would jump at the chance to date Bart." suggests Heather. "Me, I'm trying to avoid the scandal and newsrags trying to parade my life in front of the camera. So I just don't date right now."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles a bit and says "You need a secret Identity as a civilian who aint really you or something. If you ever find someone you want to go out with and want to take them somewhere you might not be recognized let me know I will bring our the impulse shaw

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles a bit and says "You need a secret Identity as a civilian who aint really you or something. If you ever find someone you want to go out with but don't want to be at your normal hang outs let me know. I can take you and them somewhere out of the way in the Impulseshaw."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Shaking her head, Heather snorts, "I somehow doubt I could ever put the genie back in the bottle. But it's my life. I get to help people and I'm not sure if I -can- die. So... win win, right?" She asks.

    "Plus, I Get to go out in outfits like this, and that's a win all on its own!" she says as she steps back and runs her hands down her sides... about three inches from actually touching herself.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen grins a bit and says "It does look nice, and you look nice in it. I am glad I took more the flash look with my own colors scheme recently. It feels a bit less kiddish than the original Impulse costume." He will run into the other room coming out in his original costume letting you see it, and then away and back in his new costume, before off and back in civies.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Nodding her head at Bart's words, Heather lifts a hand as he dashes out. "No need to.." And poof, he's back, "..bother. I've.." and he dashes out... "Seen it." she finishes lamely as he returns. "Okay. I bet you need a sandwich now, huh?" she asks.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen chuckles a bit and says "I would not turn one down, I mean, little bursts like that aren't to bad on me. " He grins and will move to get a drink, and says "Would you like another one?" He offers to make them.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Only if you make them in.. what is for you.. ultra slow motion. I would love to see you -not- superspeed through a task sometime." Heather challenges, "Also, I bet you just can't help yourself, can you?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to her, and says "I can, I have actually been working on it. I even have a daily meditation of watching my pet snails." He tells her. He does get the bread, and says "Ok, it is tempting to at least hunt for everything at speed he admits." He does continue on at normal speed getting things out though.