7709/Work Meeting

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Work Meeting
Date of Scene: 06 September 2021
Location: Jungles of Cambodia
Synopsis: While on the job in Cambodia, Ty and Quiet find themselves having a meeting. At least they didn't shoot each other!
Cast of Characters: Tynan Ireton, Stefani Houston

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Its around 5 am in the jungle of Cambodia. Ty is east of a small mercenary group's camp. The woman got a job about a small group that has been acting out of Cambodia, and causing trouble for a number of governments in the area. As Madripor has a few interests in the area, Ty's dad called her to come home, and do a quick quiet job near home.

    Ty settled into a small little cave, just big enough for her to fit in. Earlier in the night she planted several explosives around the camp, watching the guards, before coming back to the cave that she spotted earlier. The woman double checked for animals, just in case. Right now, she's watching the commander do...uncommander like stuff.

    "Stuff like that is why people think mercenaries are so evil.", she mutters with a slight blush. If all the intel is correct, she should be able to handle this small time group. Its only about 10 people. And just in case, the woman does double check the claymore mine she has set up about 5 yards ahead of her. The woman starts to settle her breathing down, and her demeaner changes. Its almost time to get to work.

Stefani Houston has posed:
A deniable operation in a foreign territory that involved the removal of a select group of targets? Well, it was more than a little of familier ground for Quiet. In some ways, perhaps it offered a little nostalgia as much as the funds promised to her bank account.

Moving through a dense jungle at night would be difficult for most, especially with limited gear and support, yet the dark-haired sniper in her revealing 'uniform' seemed to drink up the atmosphere as she moved closer and closer to the camp. Seeing in the dark was effortless with eyes like hers, and now the sniper was scouting at speed to find a suitable perch.

Her path comes to a sudden shift of slow and methodical however as she spots something in the distance, her rifle unslung from her back as she peers closer.

Motion perhaps? Or maybe she'd spotted the mine facing -into- the camp.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty goes over her plan once more in her head. She'll get two snipes before the camp becomes aware that they're under attack. She'll then remote detonate her explosives, causing a very loud and dangerious distraction while she runs through the jungle, switching her rifle for her mp5. Once within striking range of the base, she'll do a quick clearing with several grenades before doing a mop up. Time in combat, 2 to 4 minutes. A lot can happen in that long of a space without decent back up, but Ty feels secure with her gear.

    "Document log. Time is 0503. Beginning operation in 2 minutes. Number of targets confirmed at 10, and one...mildly innocent.", she tells the recorder. "Dark Caliber is the operative in motion.", she states.

    Ty makes a small slashing motion with her fingers, and reaches into a small portal she made to pull out a sniper rifle. This one isn't made for range, but rather for mid range shots, and smaller then standard. The woman sucks in a small breath as she sets up for a shot at the back of the commander's head. "Taking out the Commander, and Closest Guard first.", she states, having marked the guard near the camp enterance.

Stefani Houston has posed:
The commander was indeed her own target, or at least the priority for Quiet. When his face was revealed? Well...it offered a certain degree of opportunity not to be missed. Those inhuman senses swept the scenario in microseconds, drinking in guard positions, surroundings, variables in heat and pressure all in one. The advantage of the silent sniper's enhancements allowed for the usual tactics to be 'sped up' rather quickly.

She knew there was more to the picture, but so far Ty had remained unnoticed...and Quiet wasn't about to let opportunity pass.

With a smoothness born from superhuman abilities and insane amounts of practice, the woman's sights smoothly move to the commander, undisturbed by muscle twitch or respiration...and she squeezes the trigger.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty takes her time setting the shot up. The woman steadys her breathing, and just before she pulls the trigger....The guy has a hole in his head. The woman blinks before quickly adjusting. "Another operative on site. Repeat, second unknown operative on site. Moving in now.", she states. The woman quickly changes to that guard in the front. She fires her shot, before getting up. Her rifle just vanishes as she starts running, pulling out a remote. She hits the switch, and the explosives start to go off.

    Ty is now more clearly seen as her sleeveless long coat seems to flow around her body armor. THe hood is over her head, and secured by a face mask that covers her mouth. Her left arm seems to have a guantlet of some kind on it.

    As the woman runs, its clear she's not modified in anyway, but has trained in parkour as she leaps over a few logs. She makes another slashing motion, spins around, and pulls out an MP5 as she runs towards the camp.

    Guards are likely now confused as all hell, and running around getting their weapons. Ty lobs a grenade towards the center of the camp, hopping to catch a few by surprise as she starts to bring the SMG up to a ready position.

Stefani Houston has posed:
There was no words from Quiet, after all who would expect them? Her report would simply be text sent in encrypted message and a couple of photographs to confirm her success. But even cloaked in literal silence as she was, there was a sudden soft non-verbal explaination of suprise as a second shot fires...and then the explosives detonate.

Clearly, someone else had similar goals and they were making their move.

Consideration crosses her features in those moments that Tynan rushes out, unleashing her grenades and lifting the SMG to bare before Quiet's lips pull to a smirk with her judgement made.

A single shot drops another guard in Ty's path and she adjusts to a next, apparently offering a covering fire to the other woman.

It was just like old times...a soft humming tune even spilling from the sniper as hands smoothly worked the bolt of her gun and continued their task.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    At this point, Ty is in full motion. She notices the guard that was coming towards her drops, so she focuses on settling into a soldier's clearing motion. She hits the camp, and starts to calmly start clearing it, firing in 3 shot bursts. Clearly she isn't just a run of the mill standard trained merc..Calm and professional.

    Just as Ty hits her last bullet she drops into a crouch. "Avalon!", she says, and an energy sheild seems to come up from her guantlet. She places the shield between her and the guards that are now starting to organize. Only about 4 left. Ty calmly reloads the MP5, before shifting behind more solid cover, keeping her shield between her and the guards.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet herself couldn't stay in one position forever, basic instinct of soldiers and direction that targets fell would give her away and she had already fired more shots than most would gamble from a single position. Yet as her hiding place was lit up by two of the remaining guards trying to supress her, there was a blur of motion and shape that was impossibly fast, the speed actually seeming to disturb the air with audible noise as she moved between the trees.

Perhaps there would even be a glimpse for the combatants of the scantily clad sniper, but it would be punctuated by the sound of another shot and another man taken off his feet.

Of course, Quiet had een the display of magic, one of the stranger things even to her...but she could ponder it later when work was done.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty takes a moment to adjust her sights, and fires again when the soldiers seem distracted. The woman moves out of cover, and charges, quickly taking down the other two guards. The last one left just blinks a bit, looking at Tynan. "I surrender! I give up!", he yells out. Ty shakes her head, and still takes the shot. Orders were to clear the camp, not take prisoners. Besides, she has another operative on the field that may not be friendly. The woman makes the MP5 disappear, and then makes to smaller portals, pulling out two 1911s. She takes a stance, putting her shield up. THe woman is covering herself high with the shield, while leveling one pistol ground level, and the other slightly higher to cover the higher ground. WHoever it is, they're faster then she is, and a good shot. Ty takes a deep breath, knowing that she's probably going to have hell, if it turns nasty. For now, she's watching, waiting.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Tense silence, consideration...perhaps Tynan could feel she was being watched, she certainly knew Quiet was out there.

Decision made, Quiet's form didn't seem to so much exit the trees as 'reveal itself' while she stepped forwards, like she'd somehow been invisible or at least her form concealed by some other means. Her rifle was slung over her shoulder, but the small handgun that had been strapped to her thigh was drawn and held low. Just in case.

Slowly she walked, almost feline in motion herself as she slowwwly circled toward the form of the commander among the chaos.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty blinks a little bit as she watches the other female appear. Well, when you blend in with everything, clothing must mean little. She keeps her guard up though. One can only guess where she got her training, but its clearly well recieved, as she doesn't let her guard down. Ty gives the other woman plenty of space. The commander was the woman's kill. Had to be since Ty didn't even get to pull the trigger on that one.

    "Mind telling a lass, just who you are, and what you're doing here? I didn't hear about this being an open contract.", she says.

Stefani Houston has posed:
With her noticably limited gear, the small camera pulled from one of the pouches at her hip is lifted and several quick shots taken of the kill and the surroundings. With the explosives used by Tynan, it was certainly a little more of a statement than some of her other operations!

Tucking the device away, she turns back towards Ty...and says nothing, instead giving a little shrug of her bared shoulders and then gesturing to her lips before shaking her head. At least she'd been polite enough to explain her muteness.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty blinks a few times, and then shakes her head. "Alright, so you must have been bio-engineered, and talking is a big no no.", she says, shaking her head. "And aye, I don't see people appear and disappear like that normally.", she says. THe woman makes her pistols disappear. Obviously the woman won't tell people about her powers, or at least it must seem like something else. Either way, for now, Ty feels she's safe.

    "Or am I being crazy with the bio thing?", she asks.

Stefani Houston has posed:
There's a raise of her brow, a expression suggesting she was impressed at Ty's insight before she nods her head and holsters her own weapon. Albeit in a much more mundane way. Making to fold her arms under her bust she gestures with her head to the commander and then lifts one hand to point at the slain goons before the gloved fingers are rubbed together in the universally accepted sign for payment.

Perhaps she'd assumed the other woman couldn't 'Speak' sign, or she simply was accustomed to the game of charades.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty shrugs her shoulders. "I grew up on Madripor. Not uncommon for science projects to lose their voice.", she tells. The woman takes a moment to nod her head. "My job was to clear the camp of hostile forces. I'm guessing that yours was the commander?", she asks. THe woman nods her head a bit.

    "Name's Dark Caliber. Fairly new outside of this area.", she tells. Ty makes a quick portal, and pulls out a piece of paper, and a pen. "Yours? I just want to verify on my end.", she tells. Quiet likely will start to notice that there's a small of cooked meat in the area, and there's a little smoke coming from Ty's hands.

Stefani Houston has posed:
The smell was puzzling perhaps, even if the cooked meet could be taken for something cooking in the camp other than well...their targets. But conversation brings her attention back to Ty and she nods at the first question.

The answer to the second would be trickier, were it not for the offered writing tools which she's happy to make use of.

<<My name is 'Quiet',>> she writes, glancing up at the other woman before writing further beneath that text. <<Are you enhanced? Or a mutant perhaps? That ability is looks quite useful.>>

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty takes a moment to think on how to answer that. She takes a moment. "I rather not answer that one. Professional slash trade secret. I'm not enhanced.", Ty says shaking her head. "Much like I suspect I don't know all your abilities. I'm assuming you know how work goes. Today's ally, tomorrow's possible enemy?", she asks.

Stefani Houston has posed:
A shrug of her shoulders, it was fair enough and Quiet was clearly conveying as such.

Offering the paper back to Tynan, her thumb absently hooks into the sling of her rifle and she turns her head, sweeping the surrounds. Clearly her plans had been slightly altered with the arrival of the other woman, so she was remapping her exfil plans in her mind.