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Meeting the Boltagon
Date of Scene: 07 September 2021
Location: Chief Carter's Office: Triskelion
Synopsis: Chief Carter and King Boltagon talk about the future of Inhumans -- both of Boltagon's and of SHIELD's. The King tests the Chief. The myth of peace is considered.
Cast of Characters: Peggy Carter, Blackagar Boltagon

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy's time is now pretty much equally split between the Triskelion and the Playground, as it means Fury can remain off in space, or whatever he's doing, and she's still here to be Chief for the day-to-day operations. And now that SHIELD is back in swing, there are a *lot* of operations. She's sitting in her office, alone, well into the evening past most people's usual working hours. She's even missed dinner, but that's standard for when she gets over her head in work. Eventually, Daniel will save her from her desk. But now is not that time.

She's in one of her old fashioned suits, with the double breasted jackets and wide legged slacks, but her jacket is off, draped over the back of her chair neatly, and her silk blouse is unbuttoned down to just below the hollow of her throat. She's a little more laid back this time of night. A neglected cup of tea rests next to the tablet on which she's working, going through analyst reports.

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Blackagar has the tendency to come and go as he pleases. He had been a presence around at times within the SHIELD areas since brought back by Daisy, had spent time with the Inhuman presence, but had been adjacent to things due to the internal struggles SHIELD had been having. However, continual conversations with others and after nudging from Jane, he was finally convinced to go and see some of the leadership.

The time he chose, of late evening, was done so intentionally since it would be when less opportunities for interruption would present. So there is a firm knock at the door to Peggy's office, followed by waiting for permission to enter before the tall Inhuman King steps in. Despite his stature and position, he dresses very earth casual. Dark jeans and a linen shirt that looks almost bohemian in design.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Looking up from her tablet, almost thankful for the interruption, Peggy calls to her door immediately. "Come in!" In her clipped British accent. She then stands to greet whomever it is, because she knows it's not Daniel. This time of night? He'd not be knocking, but walking straight in to drag her away. When she sees who it is that crosses her doorstep, a genuinely warm smile crosses her features.

~Welcome. I had hope we could meet.~ She signs smoothly, apparently knowing already that is his preferred way to communicate. Her ASL isn't as fluent as someone who uses it every day, so her statements are a bit more simplistic than someone who uses it day in and day out would be, but she knows it quite well enough to communicate respectfully.

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
The cool gaze from Blackagar is accompanied with a small lofting of a dark eyebrow in the direction of Peggy. Evaluation is in that gaze, measuring the woman in silence. It takes a few moments before his hands rise and fingers move in a slow method. The choppiness of her signing an indicator that he should go slow. ~I am glad that we have this opportunity,~ he replies smoothly before adding, ~Feel free to speak as normal. I will not take offense.~

A small gesture is made around the office with his hand before he continues to sign slowly. ~If I am interrupting anything, we could speak at another time.~ As his hands sign, the cool gaze in his eyes soften just slightly and he allows a faint quirk of a smile to appear on his lips, almost an amusement to the expression.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The woman before him somehow seems both larger than life but not so large at all. Average height for a woman, perhaps a bit on the side of tall in her high heels. Soft brown curls of hair done in an old fashioned way, red lips and red fingernails from a bygone era as well. There's nothing about her that screams world class, 100 year old spy. But maybe that's why she's quite a spy. She offers her hand for a shake, but not pushily, incase he prefers to refrain from touch.

~I could practice, anyway. I rarely get chances. But, if I need, I will speak. Be comfortable. Do you want a drink?~ She offers, still a little stilted, but it's mainly the hiccups of code switching this late in the night when her brain is half fried from the day. ~And no interruption. Well, I lie. A welcome one.~ She smiles.

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
~You say that now, but you have yet to know what I am here for,~ Blackagar offers in response, a small grin on his lips as he reaches to shake Peggy's hand. His grip is firm, not diluting it because of concepts of weakness in the other. Then stepping back, there's a considering look on his face before a small hesitant smile appears, ~Do you possess any of the Coke-a-cola beverages?~ Ah yes, that hesitant smile grows into a cheeky one as he asks. ~I have found I enjoy the bubbles.~

For a monarch, he definitely does not fit the part at least an overview glance but posture, disposition, it is a man that is not used to being questioned. There is that subtle movement and the way he stands that harkens to the knowledge of who he is, what he is. Despite those things, brilliant blue eyes do shine with some kindness. ~I appreciate what SHIELD has done for my people.~

Peggy Carter has posed:
The ask for coke gets a slightly wider smile from Peggy, ~I think so...~ And she steps back around to the hidden mini-fridge behind her desk. It's often containing beer, milk for tea or coffee, and some lunches, but there's a few old fashioned glass bottles of coke in the back, something she got into the habit of far too many years ago. She slides one across the desk towards him and motions for him to sit.

Then she folds back down into her own tall leather desk chair, crossing her legs in a way that is a bit more relaxed and open than a formal meeting with a king. She's trying to set them both at ease. ~It is what SHIELD does. I am glad we could help, and will continue to do so.~ There is no hesitation on her face about that. She knows they'd all do it again in a heartbeat. ~And, several of your people? Also my people.~

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Accepting the bottle, Blackagar calmly uses a thumbnail to pop the lid off the bottle and he settles in to the offered seat. For a few long moments he drinks from his bottle, considering it from the glass container and eyeing it before setting it down on the small table next to him. Slowly his hands move once more, taking his time to make it easier to follow. ~Which is why I am here. I do not know what you know of my people, the origin of the Inhumans. But, be that as it may, at this time I believe it is best served if our existence remains hidden from the public sphere.~

He considers Peggy for a few moments, weighing the reaction before he continues. ~I have thought about this for some time, but the Pure Inhumans and the Inhumans on Earth are different enough that I do not see an path to unification that would not risk corrupting both. In the past, Sanctuary filled that void, but it is gone.~

Peggy Carter has posed:
There is silence from Peggy for a few moments as she considers his words. She studies his face, the look on her own a mix of worried, protective, and weighing the heavy honesty of the conversation. Peggy sighs quietly through her nose, finally opting to speak just so she can be certain her message gets across clearly, and so he might hear the nuances of tone in her voice.

"Honestly, I don't that it is my decision. I am not an Inhuman, Earth or otherwise. If the Earth Inhumans wish a contact and some sort of relationship with your people, wouldn't it be right for us to try and foster that? Even if it's not in pubic. I don't think we need to go to the evening news about it... But shutting them away from each other just makes things worse. There is a *wide* difference between remaining secret from the public sphere and not even letting our people -- people who share a root, a connection, share struggles and triumphs, have access to each other."

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
~No, it is not your decision.~ Blackagar signs back towards Peggy, doing so after he has set his bottle of coke back down having lifted it for a sip. There was definite intentional movements about him as he is communicating with her. Nothing is rushed, nothing is hastily 'said'. The hands move again, ~The desire would be for there to be a unification. But why would I expose the Inhumans who are in safety to the group you call Hydra? There is already a strong belief within me that somehow there is a coordination happening between Hydra and elements in Attilan attempting to destabilize things. Like a cancer they fester.~

Slowly, Blackagar straightens, settling himself in the chair with a posture that is meticulous. ~The Inhumans of Attilan and the Inhumans of Earth are not the same. The Inhumans here, on earth, are the remnants of the Inhumans left behind long ago when Attilan departed. Their genetics carry the Inhuman gene. The Inhumans of the moon have been genetically guided for millenia. One of my greatest concerns is a view that I have seen of this world to judge cultures that do not fit.~

Peggy Carter has posed:
As he mentions HYDRA, a darkness crosses through Peggy's eyes. It's a flash of hate, exhaustion, someone who is still at war with those people, even if she's mostly won over the last few months. ~HYDRA has been removed from SHIELD. Finally. I would not wish them to be exposed. Or any threatened by HYDRA. Ever. Again.~ Even with her hands, there is a fierceness with which she signs. This is an issue near and dear to her heart, the one thing that wakes up the emotions of the often calm, proper Brit.

But then she takes another slow breath and lets a slightly more pleasant smile return to her face. She sits back and takes a sip of her cold tea before starting again. ~I do not ask you to expose them to all. Only to their genetic cousins. To give each of our people a chance to learn.~

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
~Attilan, and the Inhumans, are a people. We are a nation.~ Blackagar begins towards Peggy. ~And while SHIELD has been very kind, very considerate. The truth is, you are not our people. My people are with you. But there will come a day when what is best for Attilan is not what is best for SHIELD.~ His crystal blue eyes remain calm, gazing steadily at Peggy. ~There will come a day when what is best for Attilan, is not what is best for this world. Now please know, I wish no ill on any, but my obligation is to my people. The same as yours is to your people.~

He takes a breath, it is a silent one, everything about him is silence. ~The Inhumans of SHIELD are MY people. But they are also YOUR people.~ He emphasizes the words with a smack of his hands, a way through sign to show the importance. ~When the time comes and lines become drawn there will be conflict in them. I would not wish them that pain. And I would not wish those on Attilan that pain to know that their family, cousins as you put them, have chosen against them.~

Peggy Carter has posed:
There is a touch more frustration upon her features. Peggy is not one to let her emotions rule her, though. That's why she has her tea, her breath, the quiet studying of his features as she looks to see if this is some sort of test, or if he is truly that arrogant. Finally, she leans forward, her hands folded, so she can speak these words as clear, calm, and fully as possible. She doesn't want her stilted ASL to stop her from being fully understood. "King Boltagon. I appreciate your concern for your people -- *all* your people. Yes, I consider SHIELD my... colleages. Friends, comrades. But they aren't my *children*. I don't make decisions for their personal lives, only their professional ones. I trust the Inhuman Agents to be strong enough to make their own decisions, and mature enough to get the chance to meet their cousins should they wish. I won't bank their possible friendship and knowledge now on what ifs of a dark future. They deserve the chance to know their history. And your people deserve a chance to know their cousins. No one is choosing against each other now."

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
A slow eyebrow quirks up, almost Spock like in expression and once more his hands rise slowly, beginning to reply to Peggy with fluid motions. ~Now. But it will happen. I have been on your world for some months now. I see a world that is conflict and chaos.~ A slow smirk, ~I have been attacked, stabbed, mugged, and shot at over a dozen times simply being some place on this world. An alley can be a death for someone.~ He tilts his head, ~Why would I ever wish to expose Attilan to this? To have my people come here where they could be subjected to that? To have others come to Attilan and perhaps bring corruptive concepts?~

He shuffles some, leaning forward, hands moving, ~What if the Inhumans of this world come to Attilan and spread ideas of democracy? We are a caste system you see, what if they spur an uprising?~ Everything seems aggressive, like he is pressing. But Peggy is a pro, she's experienced. It is the last segment that would tip the hand -- he is goading her, attempting to get a reaction of some kind; for some reason. The barest twinkle in his eye tips it.

Peggy Carter has posed:
For all the pressing he does, Peggy doesn't respond. Other than that momentary slip about HYDRA, she's been nothing but calm and respectful for the whole conversation. She even finishes off her cold tea, though that means she has nothing else to occupy her hands now. She sets it aside and leans against her desk, "King... if you had such concerns, then why talk to me about this at all? I cannot drag your people here. I cannot give them that option. I can give mine the knowledge they are not alone -- a knowledge that many find comforting, but I have no space ship to bring them to you even if I wanted. You have the power here. All I have are many people -- many *good* people -- born of your genetics, distant cousins across the stars, who deserve to know they have family. I suspect that's all you have as well."

She sighs, a touch of sadness crossing her eyes. In respect, she goes back to signing, even if it makes her communication a bit more simplistic. ~They did not hurt you, or yours. They are not the blight on this world. Every world has troubles, and heroes. I have good people with me. I know that. I hope you have the same. That is all I need to know.~

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
A small smile creeps on Blackagar's expression and slowly his hands move, ~I must beg your forgiveness. Your reputation proceeds you as a strong person. I suspect I needed to see if beneath that strength lies compassion, and it does. In abundance.~ Blue eyes blink, the soft look remaining. ~I am here because I need to be able to proceed cautiously. Carefully. There is one among you that I believe can serve as a bridge between the Inhumans of Attilan, and the Inhumans of this world. Someone who will be able to join that divide and to serve as a leader for both groups when the time comes.~

The switch in his demeanor, in his presence is quite clear. He is suddenly far more relaxed, far more comfortable. ~Because if both groups are to meet, this will be needed. As will somewhere on Earth for my people to find refuge. The same refuge you have already provided before and I would ask of again.~

Peggy Carter has posed:
Dark eyes give him a slightly pointed look as he admits to the test that her mind already figured was happening. Peggy just smirks, not entirely liking being mucked about with like that, but she's not going to cause a scene about it. She takes a small breathe and turns to put on the electric kettle again -- she certainly needs another cup of tea after all that.

"Yes, well, you don't generally live as long as I do and stand to lead units of people *multiple* times without some care for them. I am not here for the wars. I am here for the hopeful, eventual, peace..." Peggy admits softly. There is something behind her words which is also horribly tired. But she manages to hide that normally. "You have clearly already set yourself up well to meet my people."

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
~They are good people, wise enough to be hesitant, but not jaded enough to not trust,~ Blackagar affirms with a small smile towards her. ~I suspect our ages are not terribly different. The struggle of leadership. I believe it is a song that says heavy is the head that wears the crown?~ A tilt of expression and he reaches down to seize his coke to take a sip of it. ~You may not be here for the war, Agent Peggy Carter. But that is the problem.~

Blackbolt's eyes look a bit sad then, ~Because War is coming. It was settled the day I was born. The when is the only question. But those who created the Inhumans, the Kree, they will return. And with it they will seek to destroy any trace of the Inhuman species.~ He watches her, steadily and gauging, ~I do not wish to pull you, and SHIELD, into the Inhuman conflict that is to come. Please know that.~

Peggy Carter has posed:
A bittersweet smile crosses her lips for a moment, "100 years old. I can't say it feels good." She admits quietly, then she's sinking back deeper into her chair, "And no, I am not *here* for war... but, at the same moment, that is what I have spent 80 years of my life doing. I can't remember a time I have not been at war. It seems a necessary evil for the peace that follows. And I just have to keep hoping, one day... there will be a peace to follow. Rather I see it personally or not."

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Blackbolt sits and nods slowly, ~We have known peace off and on since we left this world over a hundred years ago. But it is never consistent. I believe peace is a dream that everyone shares but we may not even be able to recognize it when it is before us. The more complex things become, the more elusive it seems to be.~ He lifts his coke up in a toast towards Peggy, to the thought. ~With that. I simply ask you to know that if SHIELD continues to choose to want to associate with the Inhumans, it will inevitably be drawn into this conflict when it happens. I do not wish to hide the truth of that reality from you.~

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I am not going to kick good agents, good *people* out of SHIELD because of what is in their blood, nor am I going to ask them to abandon a chance at knowing their family. So, I suppose, this is where we are. The right thing is rarely the easiest." Peggy admits with a bittersweet smile, though she motions for him to wait a second so she can pour out some hot water to start steeping her next round of tea. She doesn't dare toast with an empty cup. Once she has the water in it, she toasts him, and takes a slightly too-hot sip. But it is tradition.