7890/Let Sleeping Bats Lie

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Let Sleeping Bats Lie
Date of Scene: 19 September 2021
Location: Level 4 - Kitchen and Dining - The Roost
Synopsis: Cassandra sleeps on top of the refrigerator. Then her and Tim sleep together. There are bat-fangies involved, and it's a huge thing. Except that most of that is untrue.
Cast of Characters: Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass is dozing.

Her right cheek is pressed to the top of the refrigerator, which is fun since there's really not room for that to happen. She climbed onto the counter and got into this weird position, and with a bit of wigging ended up curled up there where she feels it's probably safer than trying to nap on a couch or something silly like that.

Luckily people have been out, or in their rooms, or other things. She's managed to catch a good ten minutes of sleep before she opens an eye to movement.

Oh. Seeing that it's just the cat, she tries to drop off again. She really does look tired. I wonder why. Oh, right. Bomb blew up her home.

Tim Drake has posed:
    What time is it? Who knows. When Tim's in the thick of an investigation, he tends to lose track of things. Like the day-night cycle, and various bodily needs. Like sleeping. And eating. It's that second one that brings him into the kitchen now, because it's closer (and better stocked) than the one in 'his' part of the Roost. He's walking with his phone in front of his face, both thumbs flying as he texts, and navigating mostly by memory and his peripheral vision.

    Which is why Tim doesn't even notice Cassandra on top of the fridge. He's standing at the coffee maker--currently a very basic Mr. Coffee-type model courtesy of Phoebe, since *someone* broke Tim's fancy machine--smiling at his phone.

    Then he looks up.

    Now, to his credit, Tim doesn't scream. Working with Batman does train you to temper your reactions to surprises. But his heart rate and breathing spikes, and he blinks several times rapidly before lifting his hand to wave.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
With her eyes closed, Cassandra feels that it's fair that she heard Tim and assumed that it was still the cat. Tim is pretty quiet, and humans look a lot like cats when your eyes are closed.

It's the celphone that gives him away, and when Cassandra's eyes shoot open and she kicks out, she sends the old analog wall-clock into the sink. Probably good, that thing needed replacing anyway.

With a clear sense of uncertainty, her heart hammering in her chest, Cass starts to climb down. Normally she'd interact for a bit, but this is Tim. He's, like, the least threatening person in all of ever.

Tim Drake has posed:
    Another thing in the Roost gets broken, and Tim just stands there and stares at it, or rather its remains in the sink, for a long moment. "Well, at least I know this time it wasn't the ghost dog," he says to himself. Long story. He doesn't look particularly bothered by it, partially because it's true, it needed replacing, and also because... well. He houses a bunch of teenaged-slash-young-adult superheroes. At best, his body language reads 'amusedly resigned'. Things break all the time.

    His fingers are already flying across his phone's screen, ordering a new clock. "You can, um--" And then he holds up a hand, palm out, before he turns to point towards the elevator. "Sleep in a bed?" He's obviously concerned, brows drawn together and corners of his mouth turned downwards.

    And then his smartwatch buzzes on his wrist. He glances down at his phone and huffs out a breath that's half embarrassed, half amused, and swipes a notification away. Quick text sent, then he puts his phone in his back pocket. "Cass?"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Looking at Tim as he does phoen things, Cass' expression tells that she thinks that phoens are weird. They do things to people and make them distracted when things happen, like when Cass got down onto the counter and hunched there like Bats tend to do when on top of things.

#justbatthings #dontspellcheckme

She decides to sit then, feet dangling, and Tim might be reminded that she's not actually an english speaker. She glances where he's indicating, then back to him. Then she looks up at the refrigerator where she was nesting, and stifles a yawn with effort.

Tim Drake has posed:
    Right. How long has it been since Tim's slept? Way too long. He scrubs his face with both hands and then gives himself a little shake, like he's physically trying to reboot his brain. It doesn't work, not really, but sometimes it shakes something loose.

    He looks at Cass for a long moment, and he may not be able to read body language like she can, but Tim is still fantastically gifted at noticing things. And she looks tired. Plus, Cassandra was just asleep atop the fridge, which is a big clue as far as clues go. So he holds out his hand to her, and tips his head towards the elevator as an indication of where he means to take her.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
What with clues being what they are, a stifled yawn is also pretty telling. Cass glances back up at the top of the refrigerator, wondering idly why she chose the place. Or that's what it looks like, her face screws up a moment with clear confusion and thought.

Then she reaches past Tim's outstretched hand, grabbing his shoulder instead, and starts to walk at the elevator doors. She looks grumpy now, which is ..probably fair. If she could talk she'd give Babs a good lecture about calling ahead, and not blowing up your friends' houses.

Tim Drake has posed:
    Hand? No. Shoulder it is. Tim's fine with that, and as soon as it's settled, he tucks his hands into the front pocket of his hoodie. Then they're off, and he taps the control panel next to the elevator doors with his elbow. They open immediately, so either they're the only two Outsiders on the prowl within the Roost at the moment, or the people up and about are the type who can take the stairs in the blink of an eye.

    When they step inside, though, Tim makes a deliberate showing of tapping the number 3 on the inner panel, pulling a hand free of his pocket to do so. Then he smiles at Cass. The lift is blessedly free of muzak, because of course that's something Tim would customize himself.

    When the elevator starts to move downwards, Tim's hand withdraws from his pocket again--this time to muffle a yawn behind.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The lack of muzak is appreciated. Cass has literally had to take on the main boss of one mission on an elevator, and the fact that muzak was waiting for her when she entered is still traumatic. She hides it well though, by covering another yawn with her fist.

She's released Tim by this time, and kinda blehs at using elevators. But it's apparently allowed for the moment. She glares at Time for yawning, which got her yawning. Then, obviously, at the door for opening and startling her.

Tim Drake has posed:
    Tim's the type to obsess over tiny details, so the muzak had to go. It's not like the elevator takes that long to go anywhere, though, given there are only four levels of the building and three sublevels. And they're only going down one level, which... is not something Tim usually takes the lift for. Of course, it's not like anyone in the Bat family needs the cardio.

    "Uh, which is..." he murmurs to himself as the elevator comes to a stop and opens to a hallway of doors. Most of them have names or the kind of college dorm-esque decorations on the outside to mark which belongs to who, but there are a handful that don't. Tim leads them to one such door. He holds a hand out, telegraphing the motion of him reaching forward to lay his hand on Cass's shoulder, and then withdraws to tap the door. When he opens it, it's to a mostly bare room: bed, dresser, desk and chair present but otherwise lacking in any decoration or personality.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass' reaction is to look into the room, then look at Tim. Then into the room, then back at Tim. She indicates him, then the room questioningly. This is yours? she asks, commenting on the complete lack of personality previously noted and linking the two.

She then ducks, assuming that he's about to start hitting her with things. Which would be entirely fair.

Tim Drake has posed:
    At first, Tim shakes his head and lifts his hand to repeat his initial gesture. Touch to Cass's shoulder, touch to the door. But then he narrows his eyes and his mouth drops open, obviously catching on to what she's implying. He tutts his tongue, lips pursed, though as he turns away to step into the room his expression cracks and he's smiling.

    The mattress is bare, but he opens another door to reveal a closet. Which is empty, aside for some hangers and a set of bedding on the top shelf that Tim reaches up for. And Cass can stand and watch or help, but either way, Tim is making the bed for her. After a minor struggle with the fitted sheet that has Tim asking, "Who even folds these?" exasperatedly to himself.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass isn't entirely useless during this procedure. She leans against the door frame and closes her eyes, nearly falling asleep in her attempt to make sure that the walls don't fall over. Support is an important role after all, and she's really leaning into it.

Of course she does move as Tim manages the fitted sheet, which is super weird and something that others can handle, and gets a blanket. She just got it, don't ask how or where, and proceeds to...

You konw I'm not really sure what she does, but it ends up with Tim being on the bed too, and Cassandra curling up with some of the space, and her being almost asleep already. She isn't particularly worried about story logic at this point and went straight for the nap. I mean throat.

Tim Drake has posed:
    It's good to know that the walls aren't going to fall down around Tim while he completes the very exacting bed-making-up technique. Once the fitted sheet is in place and his foe vanquished, he stands back up straight and puts his hands on his hips, sighing once before he nods, self-satisfied.

    He doesn't even see Cass coming, nor is he entirely sure how he ends up horizontal, but what matters is they're sharing the blanket and Tim can wriggle a hand into his pocket to pull out his phone. Which he thoughtfully dims the screen on and mutes notifications, so Cass can get some shut-eye.

    Eventually he's going to fall asleep too, phone abandoned on the pillow and his body curled up next to Cass.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
There's a moment when someone comes in. Then another moment when someone nopes the hell out of there, turning straight around and leaving. Because seeing Tim and Cassandra in bed together is exactly the kind of thing that brings things closer, when both of them are in other relationships.

Though really, it's not like that. It's more like, you know. two bats snuggling under a blanket, and trying hard not to kill anyone who dares.

We're scary, damnit. https://i.imgur.com/40YDPCU.jpeg